unto those that , 17_EST_09:05 Thus the Jews smote all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, and slaughter, and destruction, and did what they would unto those that hated them. , unto those that , 19_PSA_78:25 Man did eat angels' food: he sent them meat to the full. , unto those that , 20_PRO_04:22 For they [are] life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. , unto those that , 20_PRO_31:06 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. , unto those that , 38_ZEC_03:04 And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment. , unto those that , 61_2PE_02:06 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned [them] with an overthrow, making [them] an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; ,