And they were offended , 40_MAT_13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house. , And they were offended , 41_MAR_06:03 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him. , have I offended , 01_GEN_20:09 Then Abimelech called Abraham, and said unto him, What hast thou done unto us? and what have I offended thee, that thou hast brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin? thou hast done deeds unto me that ought not to be done. , have I offended , 24_JER_37:18 Moreover Jeremiah said unto king Zedekiah, What have I offended against thee, or against thy servants, or against this people, that ye have put me in prison? , not be offended , 40_MAT_11:06 And blessed is [he], whosoever shall not be offended in me. , not be offended , 42_LUK_07:23 And blessed is [he], whosoever shall not be offended in me. , shall be offended , 40_MAT_26:31 Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad. , shall be offended , 40_MAT_26:33 Peter answered and said unto him, Though all [men] shall be offended because of thee, [yet] will I never be offended. , shall be offended , 41_MAR_14:29 But Peter said unto him, Although all shall be offended, yet [will] not I. , ,, shall not be offended , 40_MAT_11:06 And blessed is [he], whosoever shall not be offended in me. , shall not be offended , 42_LUK_07:23 And blessed is [he], whosoever shall not be offended in me. , they were offended , 40_MAT_13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house. , they were offended , 41_MAR_06:03 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him. , what have I offended , 01_GEN_20:09 Then Abimelech called Abraham, and said unto him, What hast thou done unto us? and what have I offended thee, that thou hast brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin? thou hast done deeds unto me that ought not to be done. , what have I offended , 24_JER_37:18 Moreover Jeremiah said unto king Zedekiah, What have I offended against thee, or against thy servants, or against this people, that ye have put me in prison? , ye shall be offended , 40_MAT_26:31 Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad. , ye shall be offended , 41_MAR_14:27 And Jesus saith unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered. ,