all her vows , 04_NUM_30:04 And her father hear her vow, and her bond wherewith she hath bound her soul, and her father shall hold his peace at her: then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand. , all her vows , 04_NUM_30:11 And her husband heard [it], and held his peace at her, [and] disallowed her not: then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she bound her soul shall stand. , pay my vows , 19_PSA_106_045 And he remembered for them his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercies. , pay my vows , 19_PSA_069_035 For God will save Zion, and will build the cities of Judah: that they may dwell there, and have it in possession. , pay thy vows , 18_JOB_22:27 Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows. , pay thy vows , 19_PSA_127_003 Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward. , then all her vows , 04_NUM_30:04 And her father hear her vow, and her bond wherewith she hath bound her soul, and her father shall hold his peace at her: then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand. , then all her vows , 04_NUM_30:11 And her husband heard [it], and held his peace at her, [and] disallowed her not: then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she bound her soul shall stand. , will pay my vows , 19_PSA_106_045 And he remembered for them his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercies. , will pay my vows , 19_PSA_069_035 For God will save Zion, and will build the cities of Judah: that they may dwell there, and have it in possession. ,