an east wind shall come east wind brought east wind carrieth him away east wind dried up her fruit east wind hath broken thee east wind shall be seven years east wind sprung up after them east wind toucheth it east wind upon full wind from those great whirlwind shall be raised up from great wind from great wind into lord brought an east wind upon north wind driveth away rain south wind south wind blew south wind blew softly south wind blow stormy wind stormy wind stormy wind fulfilling his word stormy wind shall rend strong east wind all strong wind strong wind rent <1KI19 -:11 > tarshish with an east wind thou didst blow with thy wind we have as it were brought forth wind whirlwind among all whirlwind came out whirlwind into heaven <2KI2 -:11 > whirlwind out whirlwind passeth whirlwind shall scatter them whirlwind shall take them away as stubble will scatter them as with an east wind before will scatter toward every wind all wind at her pleasure wind bloweth where it listeth wind boisterous wind carried them away wind ceased wind ceased wind ceased wind driveth away wind from wind goeth toward wind hath bound her up wind like dragons wind not suffering us wind on wind out wind out wind out wind passeth wind passeth over it wind returneth again according wind shall carry them all away wind shall carry them away wind shall eat up all thy pastors wind shall not sow wind should not blow on wind was contrary wind was contrary unto them wind without rain with his mighty wind shall he shake his hand over