Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

avowal 08426 ## towdah {to-daw'} ; from 03034 ; properly , an extension of the hand , i . e . (by implication) {avowal} , or (usually) adoration ; specifically , a choir of worshippers : -- confession , (sacrifice of) praise , thanks (- giving , offering) .

avown 05771 ## ` avon {aw-vone'} ; or` {avown} (2 Kings 7 : 9 ; Psalm 51 : 5 [7 ]) {aw-vone'} ; from 05753 ; perversity , i . e . (moral) evil : -- fault , iniquity , mischeif , punishment (of iniquity) , sin .

Chavvowth 02334 ## {Chavvowth} Ya` iyr {khav-vothe'yaw-eer'} ; from the plural of 02333 and a modification of 03265 ; hamlets of Jair , a region of Palestine : -- [Bashan-] Havoth-jair .

disavow 0720 - arneomai {ar-neh'-om-ahee}; perhaps from 0001 (as a negative particle) and the middle voice of 4483; to contradict, i.e. {disavow}, reject, abnegate: -- deny, refuse.

vow 00632 ## 'ecar {es-sawr'} ; or'iccar {is-sawr'} ; from 00631 ; an obligation or {vow} (of abstinence) : -- binding , bond .

vow 04008 ## mibta` {mib-taw'} ; from 00981 ; a rash utterance (hasty {vow}) : -- (that which . . .) uttered (out of) .

vow 05087 ## nadar {naw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to promise (pos . , to do or give something to God) : -- (make a) {vow} .

vow 05088 ## neder {neh'- der} ; or neder {nay'- der} ; from 05087 ; a promise (to God) ; also (concretely) a thing promised : -- {vow} ([-ed ]) .

vow 0332 - anathematizo {an-ath-em-at-id'-zo}; from 0331; to declare or {vow} under penalty of execration: -- (bind under a) curse, bind with an oath.

vow 2171 - euche {yoo-khay'}; from 2172; properly, a wish, expressed as a petition to God, or in votive obligation: -- prayer, {vow}.

vowel 0001 - a {al'-fah}; of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet; figuratively, only (from its use as a numeral) the first: -- Alpha. Often used (usually an, before a {vowel}) also in composition (as a contraction from 0427) in the sense of privation; so, in many words, beginning with this letter; occasionally in the sense of union (as a contraction of 0260).

vowel 3756 - ou {oo}; also (before a {vowel}) ouk {ook}; and (before an aspirate) ouch {ookh}; a primary word; the absolute negative [compare 3361] adverb; no or not: -- + long, nay, neither, never, no (X man), none, [can-]not, + nothing, + special, un( [-worthy]), when, + without, + yet but. See also 3364, 3372.

vowel} 3779 - houto {hoo'-to}; or (before a {vowel}} houtos {hoo'-toce}; adverb from 3778; in this way (referring to what precedes or follows): -- after that, after (in) this manner, as, even (so), for all that, like(-wise), no more, on this fashion(-wise), so (in like manner), thus, what.