Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies
Bible Translation Phrase lists
tarried ......... after this tarried 4357 -prosmeno->
tarried ......... And after they had tarried 4160 -poieo->
tarried ......... And as we tarried 1961 -epimeno->
tarried ......... and tarried 3306 -meno->
tarried ......... And when he had tarried 1304 -diatribo->
tarried ......... he tarried 1304 -diatribo->
tarried ......... tarried 3306 -meno->
tarried ......... tarried 5278 -hupomeno->
tarried ......... tarried 5549 -chronizo->
tarried ......... that he tarried 5549 -chronizo->
tarried ......... that ye have tarried 4328 -prosdokao->
tarried ......... to pass , that he tarried 3306 -meno->
tarried ......... we tarried 1961 -epimeno->