Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

1352 + cause + Wherefore + wherefore + For which + Therefore + and therefore + him wherefore + And therefore + thee therefore +/ . dio {dee-o'}; from 1223 + after + in at + cause + though + because + through + Through + Because + to avoid + ye in at + by reason + throughout + is through + we through + up because + me through + in because + and within + you through + of me among + and because + not because + And because + him because + and through + not because + him because + man because + one because + day through + For through + but through + but because + men through + And through + for because + that through + them because + away because + who by reason + but by reason + For I through + And by reason + might through + season because + that by reason + for us through + not in because + him in because + but by occasion + that we through + unto him through + And that because + with him through + unto them Because + unto them because + him ; but because + of them who through + For of him and through + that is in them because + up after that he through +/ and 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ; through which thing, i .e . consequently: --for which cause, therefore, wherefore .

2129 + bounty + blessing + Blessing + and fair + speeches + blessings + a blessing + bountifully + of blessing + and blessing + the blessing + of the blessing + That the blessing + as a matter of bounty +/ . eulogia {yoo-log-ee'-ah}; from the same as 2127 + Bless + bless + blessed + Blessed + we bless + is blessed + he blessed + ye blessed + and blessed + and praised + are blessed + and blessed + him to bless + hath blessed + and blessing + I will bless + and he blessed + thou shalt bless + is with thee blessed + upon them and blessed + of Abraham 11 and blessed +/ ; fine speaking, i .e . elegance of language; commendation ("eulogy"), i .e . (reverentially) adoration; religiously, benediction; by implication, consecration; by extension benefit or largess: --blessing (a matter of) bounty (X -tifully), fair speech .

2229 + Surely +/ . e {ay}; an adverb of confirmation; perhaps intensive of 2228 + or + Or + nor + yea + than + What + we or + in or + Either + before + either + Except + me nor + man or + man or + rather + not or + thee or + meat or + thou or + Neither + neither + only or + days or + thee or + thing or + not save + not ; or + of him or + more than + of you or + to you or + things or + thee ; or + unto us or + but rather + for you or + for either + thee in or + person nor + but either + me to be or + of thee nor + rather than + man neither + unto thee or + to you either + out from you or + as an evildoer or + of that sheep than + things unto you than + was not to Abraham 11 or + is he that is in you than +/ ; used only (in the N .T .) before 3303 + So + one + One + some + then + truly + Truly + verily + indeed + Partly + and one + The one + I indeed + And truly + For to one + For indeed + Who verily + To the one + And verily + And unto one + For I verily + unto you even + And we indeed + things indeed + their ways one + And they truly + For thou verily + for that indeed + for they indeed + For they verily + For there is verily + unto them Ye shall indeed + things to you to me indeed +/ ; assuredly: --surely . *** . he . See 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ . *** . he . See 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ . *** . ei . See 5600 + may appear +/ .

2505 . katha {kath-ah'}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and the neuter plural of 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ; according to which things, i .e . just as: --as .

2526 + inasmuch + inasmuch + according + according + and not according + and not according +/ . katho {kath-o'}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ; according to which thing, i .e . precisely as, in proportion as: --according to that, (inasmuch) as .

2530 + because + forsomuch + man according +/ . kathoti {kath-ot'-ee}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ ; and 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 5100 + no + One + any + one + Who + man + who + man + some + Some + every + whose + ought + Whose + a man + man s + ye any + divers + of one + of any + is any + to any + in one + by any + Is any + nothing + and one + And one + by some + as some + was any + But one + to some + certain + a man s + of some + you one + And some + with one + and some + are some + with any + Somebody + upon one + but what + but some + for some + unto any + that one + But some + somewhat + For some + for what + that any + man some + was some + that none + were some + something + with some + a certain + that some + A certain + shall any + it to any + there any + while some + whomsoever + we as some + thee ought + that a man + ye as some + for divers + do nothing + as certain + not in any + up certain + and of one + whatsoever + for a man s + and certain + And as some + And of some + and as some + And certain + man will one + men as every + in a certain + as were some + unto certain + there up one + of a certain + say that one + not that any + that nothing + And when one + Not that any + that certain + of you by any + there be some + For a certain + with them one + was there any + and a certain + unto you some + to that a man + And a certain + But a certain + him a certain + And whatsoever + to be somebody + to him certain + not ; for some + him . And some + unto a certain + upon a certain + down a certain + to be somewhat + for what a man + there be in any + Howbeit certain + that whatsoever + things a certain + I have taken any + unto him certain + Lest there be any + but there be some + unto them certain + Who for a certain + and with a certain + But there are some + There is a certain + of them that ought + that there are some + there was a certain + There was a certain + And there were some + or there are certain + For there is nothing + For there are certain + he unto him A certain + unto them ; and whose + with them and certain + unto you There be some + And there were certain + But there were certain + himself to be something + But there was a certain + And there was a certain + that we should be a kind + unto you That there be some +/ ; according to which certain thing, i .e . as far (or inasmuch) as: --(according, forasmuch) as, because (that) .

3603 . ho esti {ho es-tee'}; from the neuter of 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and the third person singular present ind . of 1510 + you Am + am + had + make + I am + fear + used + I am + And am + and am + as I am + that am + man had + for I am + For I am + but I am + was I am + which had + ye belong + belongeth + that I am + For he had + not ; I am + while I am + state I am + for so I am + And she had + and yet I am + And they had + him for I am + unto me I am + unto thee am + but they had + but that I am + unto him I am + meat but I am + unto her I am + unto you I am + not that I am + unto them I am + thee that I am + as long as I am + of me ; for I am + should not stand + that he belonged + from me ; for I am + thou do it not I am + unto him Have I been + not thyself for I am + thou do it not for I am +/ ; which is: --called, which is (make), that is (to say) .

3606 + where + whence + whereby + wherefore + Wherefore + Whereupon + from whence + And from thence +/ . hothen {hoth'-en}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ with the directive enclitic of source; from which place or source or cause (adverb or conjunction): --from thence, (from) whence, where(-by, -fore, -upon) .

3697 + what + sort + manner + of what + of us what +/ . hopoios {hop-oy'-os}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 4169 + what + which + manner + of what + by what + in what + By what + not what + you what + For what + with what + for which + him Which + us by what + to you what + you by what + I you by what + unto him Which + unto them What + up and with what + unto him By what +/ ; of what kind that, i .e . how (as) great (excellent) (specifically, as an indefinite correlative to the definite antecedent 5108 + such + in such + to such + of such + of like + Of such + And such + For such + with such + that such + from such + us that such + not for with such + them that are such + unto me for of such + that he that is such + them not for of such + ye them that are such + For they that are such +/ of quality): --what manner (sort) of, such as whatsoever .

3698 + when +/ . hopote {hop-ot'-eh}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 4218 + at + any + time + ever + when + once + some + When + he at + length + us when + in time + And when + not when + the last + but when + in times + sometimes + not in old + in the old + us in times + not and when + were sometimes + Which sometime + For as ye in times + him that aforetime + For ye were sometimes + that ye being in time + And you that were sometime +/ ; what(-ever) then, i .e . (of time) as soon as: --when .

3699 + where + place + Where + Whither + Whereas + whither + up where + in where + and where + not where + you where + For where + not where + that where + even where + for whereas + him Whither + And whither + me and where + ground where + thee whither + places where + me ; and where + unto them In what + me be with me where + unto them Wheresoever +/ . hopou {hop'-oo}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 4225 + in a certain + when he was about +/ ; what(-ever) where, i .e . at whichever spot: --in what place, where(-as, -soever), whither (+ soever) .

3704 + so + how + because + him how + And how + out when +/ . hopos {hop'-oce}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 4459 + How + how + what + after + means + us how + and how + man how + And how + but how + not how + But how + him how + else how + them how + of us how + and see how + But by what + them by what + unto him How + for then how + unto them How + unto them how + with ; and how + he to thee how + to him and how + things ; and how + unto you and how + they unto him How + of compassion from him how +/ ; what(-ever) how, i .e . in the manner that (as adverb or conjunction of coincidence, intentional or actual): --because, how, (so) that, to, when .

3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ . hos {hos}; including feminine he {hay}; and neuter ho {ho}; probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ ); the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that: --one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc . See also 3757 + Till + till + Where + where + whereby + Wherein + whither + wherein + wherein + For where + for where + But where + and where + for wherein + man wherein + and wherein + that wherein + is it wherein + from the place where +/ .

3740 + as often + ye as oft + For as often +/ . hosakis {hos-ak'-is}; multiple adverb from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ; how (i .e . with 0302 + which + soever + And whoso + Whosoever + whosoever + But whoso + Whomsoever + whatsoever + Whatsoever + whomsoever + But whosoever + but whosoever + And whosoever + things soever + us whatsoever + and whosoever + for whosoever + For whosoever + whithersoever + And whatsoever + but whatsoever + that whatsoever + And wheresoever + it but whosoever + it and whosoever + her in whatsoever + things whatsoever + him but whosoever + And whithersoever + things whatsoever + unto you Whosoever + thee whithersoever + it ; but whosoever + unto you Whatsoever + unto you Wheresoever + Howbeit whereinsoever + unto you That whosoever + of him ; and whatsoever +/ , so) many times as: --as oft(-en) as .

3745 + all + how + How + what + much + many + great + which + by how + For all + him how + as many + as much + As many + him all + them who + inasmuch + of those + and what + them how + that ever + that what + wherewith + and in how + and of all + whatsoever + Let as many + and as many + For as many + But as many + him as many + And as many + him as many + for as many + things which + And inasmuch + even as many + that as many + but the more + not but what + unto you What + For whatsoever + ye not that so + and for as many + things that ever + off even as many + things whatsoever + unto you Inasmuch + unto him whatsoever +/ . hosos {hos'-os}; by reduplication from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ; as (much, great, long, etc .) as: --all (that), as (long, many, much) (as), how great (many, much), [in-]asmuch as, so many as, that (ever), the more, those things, what (great, -soever), wheresoever, wherewithsoever, which, X while, who(-soever) .

3746 + whomsoever +/ . hosper {hos'-per}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 4007; who especially: --whomsoever .

3753 + When + when + while + after + is when + we when + but when + day when + And when + But when + For when + and when + And after + But after + bread when + and as soon + But as soon + to pass when + it . And when + unto them When + unto thee When + them . And when + to pass that when + the things which make + was not with them when + that was with him when +/ . hote {hot'-eh}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 5037 + or + also + both + Then + and so + whether + as both + men both + for even + For both + For whether + and whether + things both + with me both + unto me both + were offered both +/ ; at which (thing) too, i .e . when: --after (that), as soon as, that, when, while . ho, te (ho,t'-eh); also feminine he, te (hay'-teh); and neuter to, te (tot'-eh); simply the article 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ followed by 5037 + or + also + both + Then + and so + whether + as both + men both + for even + For both + For whether + and whether + things both + with me both + unto me both + were offered both +/ ; so written (in some editions) to distinguish them from 3752 + till + When + when + me when + as when + he when + As long + as soon + ye when + but when + And when + For when + for when + and when + But when + him When + For while + that when + that when + but as soon + are ye when + for her when + Howbeit when + But thou when + unto you when + sake for when + in him . When + and whensoever + unto them When + unto them when + he is but when + to pass that when + in him ; that when + will there be when +/ and 5119 + then + Then + up then + and then + And then + but then + For then + that then + that time + But as then + man and then + things . Then + unto him then + with him then + From that time + And from that time + from them and then +/ .

3757 + Till + till + Where + where + whereby + Wherein + whither + wherein + wherein + For where + for where + But where + and where + for wherein + man wherein + and wherein + that wherein + is it wherein + from the place where +/ . hou {hoo}; genitive case of 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ as adverb; at which place, i .e . where: --where(-in), whither([-soever]) .

5118 + so + long + much + many + great + By so + these + for so + with so + is as large + should we have so + one another and so + There are it may be so + and for all there were so +/ . tosoutos {tos-oo'-tos}; from tosos (so much; apparently from 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ) and 3778 + This 3778- this 3778- this 3778- This 3778- who + this + THIS + same + such + hese + This + which + these + These + hereof + as this + is this + fashion + by This + Is this + the same + for this + And this + do these + but this + For this + The same + man this + But this + not this + you this + and this + was this + But these + but these + doth this + and these + that this + For these + are these + hath this + And these + for these + that these + shall this + might this + me of this + me is this + have these + Cometh this + me but this + shall these + namely this + Of the same + Is not this + of the same + we for this + to me These + is not this + him the same + and the same + age and this + unto you This + them the same + thing is this + And let these + and that this + ye that these + unto me These + a man is this + thee and these + else let these + of man is this + purpose is this + places the same + unto them These + to them for this + is it which these + us for as for this + us for as for this + unto you That this + unto you that this + in me and I in him the same +/ (including its variations); so vast as this, i .e . such (in quantity, amount, number of space): --as large, so great (long, many, much), these many .

5613 + so + So + How + how + like + even + Even + when + When + about + while + After + To wit + and how + not how + And how + And when + was like + But when + and like + of about + us while + and while + According + And after + And while + And about + were about + It is like + him and how + to pass when + man according + And as I may so + is it ago since + they were about + And it was about + for it was about + every stone about + to pass that when + to pass that after +/ . hos {hoce}; probably adverb of comparative from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ; which how, i .e . in that manner (very variously used, as follows): --about, after (that), (according) as (it had been, it were), as soon (as), even as (like), for, how (greatly), like (as, unto), since, so (that), that, to wit, unto, when([-soever]), while, X with all speed .