Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
3096 + used + sorcery +/ . mageuo {mag-yoo'-o}; from 3097 + wise + the wise + sorcerer + of the wise + the sorcerer +/ ; to practice magic: --use sorcery .
3097 + wise + the wise + sorcerer + of the wise + the sorcerer +/ . magos {mag'-os}; of foreign origin [7248]; a Magian, i .e . Oriental scientist; by implication a magician: --sorcerer, wise man .
5333 + and sorcerers +/ . pharmakos {far-mak-os'}; the same as 5332 + lack + and sorcerers +/ : --sorcerer .