Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
0856 + the draught +/ . aphedron {af-ed-rone'}; from a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ ; a place of sitting apart, i .e . a privy: --draught .
1475 + unto the ground +/ . edaphos {ed'-af-os}; from the base of 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ ; a basis (bottom), i .e . the soil: --ground .
1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ . hedraios {hed-rah'-yos}; from a derivative of hezomai (to sit); sedentary, i .e . (by implication) immovable: --settled, stedfast .
1477 + if + For if + and ground +/ . hedraioma {hed-rah'-yo-mah}; from a derivative of 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ ; a support, i .e . (figuratively) basis: --ground .
1747 + wait + of their lying in wait +/ . enedra {en-ed'-rah}; feminine from 1722 + at + On + on + At + over + used + into + sake + Among + us at + is at + me at + among + after + out at + having + him at + and on + yet at + Not on + toward + are at + And at + not at + within + namely + by way + was at + against + through + they on + were at + That at + because + up into + between + them on + Through + be about + I say at + ye among + in among + you into + up among + as among + man among + fields on + things on + for us at + him among + and is on + and ye on + and among + to pass on + that is at + throughout + him out on + us through + unto me at + them under + things into + thing among + And through + them before + that was at + for them at + unto you at + there is at + But that on + not accused + which are at + wilt thou at + them through + himself into + they were at + that were at + there was at + which were at + And it was at + to thee among + of throughout + that it was at + unto you Among + things through + shall it be at + let us wait on + and throughout + esteemed among + there is among + ye and believe + thyself wholly + art thou among + which is among + he which among + in you through + unto us through + to pass that on + with us through + which are among + sake . And be at + unto you through + man that is among + to you that are at + not for him and at + of men we were among + And when they were at + shall it not be among + to them who are under + that whilst we are at + for you and for them at +/ and the base of 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ ; an ambuscade, i .e . (figuratively) murderous purpose: --lay wait . See also 1749 + ye shall put +/ .
2250 + day + age + days + time + daily + while + a day + my day + by day + to day + us day + not day + a day s + and day + the day + of days + one day + thy day + God day + him day + judgment + The days + the time + in years + from day + in a day + that day + the days + it is day + And daily + and a day + not daily + some days + that time + him a day + in the day + In the day + it was day + is the day + of the day + I was daily + In that day + and the day + as in a day + not the day + in the days + be the days + of the days + But the day + for the day + in that day + that the day + And that day + But the days + For the days + unto the day + be in his day + that that day + as in the day + from that day + as it was day + unto the days + upon me daily + are of the day + and in the day + ye in that day + with you alway + And in the day + not in the days + But in the days + But as the days + But of that day + And in that day + and so that day + to pass the day + And when the day + When I was daily + But the same day + to me in that day + And from the days + man from that day + with him that day + unto that same day + For as in the days + Then were the days + And when it was day + with me in the days + as it was in the days + There was in the days + how that a good while + shall it be in the day + And as it was in the days + is with them but the days + And as soon as it was day + as from us as that the day + to pass that as soon as the days +/ . hemera {hay-mer'-ah}; feminine (with 5610 + hour + time + hours + an hour + his hour + The hour + her hour + and hour + the time + the hour + at an hour + at the time + for an hour + me the hour + but the time + But the hour + the eventide + and the time + In that hour + for a season + for the hour + for the time + and that hour + that his hour + from that hour + in that instant + for in one hour + it is high time + And when the day + unto you The hour + no not for an hour + And from that hour + thee from the hour + he of them the hour + for in such an hour + from you for a short + on him ; for his hour + to him ; for the hour + it were but for a season + not for him and in an hour +/ implied) of a derivative of hemai (to sit; akin to the base of 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ ) meaning tame, i .e . gentle; day, i .e . (literally) the time space between dawn and dark, or the whole 24 hours (but several days were usually reckoned by the Jews as inclusive of the parts of both extremes); figuratively, a period (always defined more or less clearly by the context): --age, + alway, (mid-)day (by day, [-ly]), + for ever, judgment, (day) time, while, years .
2272 + and quiet + and peaceable +/ . hesuchios {hay-soo'-khee-os}; a prolonged form of a compound probably of a derivative of the base of 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ and perhaps 2192 + hath 2192- hath 2192- we had 2192- we had 2192- Having 2192- Having 2192- he hath 2192- he hath 2192- had + hold + Hold + have + hath + Have + hast + Hast + Hath + lieth + I had + count + he had + having + as had + ye had + Having + it had + I have + he hath + they do + to have + man had + him had + and had + ye have + as have + But had + me hath + it hath + me hath + Holding + He hath + me have + he have + it Have + We have + we have + And had + and hold + And have + will eat + man have + may have + but have + but hath + she hath + the next + and hast + man hath + that had + and hath + may fear + and have + he could + that had + they had + he began + Which had + she could + Which had + that have + thee have + as having + We having + thou hast + they held + as he had + in we had + which had + to retain + it lacked + possessed + Thou hast + they took + they have + but having + which hast + which have + which hath + and I must + and he had + As we have + And having + shall have + might have + as ye have + for he had + woman have + parts have + And he had + not having + But I have + and having + off having + But we had + thou count + and having + For I have + And ye have + things have + with me had + men counted + I have kept + tongue hath + but to have + him We have + let us have + tongue hath + that he had + that I have + should have + them having + we may have + for he hath + For ye have + For we have + But we have + And he hath + And to have + But ye have + he that had + that she had + he that hath + And they had + him that had + covenant had + hope we have + And they had + that ye have + they counted + that we have + as they have + him may have + that he hath + I might have + He that hath + such as have + and the next + and they had + ye might have + and not using + had conceived + thee and have + they that had + man that hath + And she being + of you having + I should have + he which hath + For thou hast + things having + we might have + and they have + one that hath + ye shall have + them that had + shall he have + for they have + uncircumcised + myself to have + For as we have + she which hath + unto them Have + that they have + seeing we have + not that I had + that thou hast + they that have + things ye have + ye should have + but shall have + them that have + them which had + but me ye have + for they cannot + to him that had + unto you having + unto him having + him But we have + is he that hath + to that he hath + one of you hath + there thou hast + that I may have + for thee to have + unto him We have + they had not had + and he that hath + For he that hath + to me and I have + and that ye have + us not then have + that he had been + it for thou hast + that ye may have + that he may have + to him that hath + unto them I have + that we may have + And when they had + ye not and having + of you shall have + me unto thee hath + in him not having + that I might have + unto them Ye have + unto him Thou art + Let him that hath + and ye shall have + is that thou hast + that were diseased + Thou couldest have + it down and I have + that ye might have + unto thee who hath + that which he hath + unto him They have + And they that have + thee not thou hast + is it that ye have + them as one having + but such as I have + and to let him have + and thou shalt have + out they might have + that ye may be able + that were possessed + it to him that hath + shall they that have + and that ye may have + that they might have + with them they could + thou not that I have + them as one that had + and the day following + be as though they had + it out . He that hath + it unto him which hath + but from him that hath + and from him that hath + But that which ye have + unto them He that hath + which are with him have + But forasmuch as he had + him that they might have + and that they might have + to me that ye might have + those things that we have + out of that which ye have + with you ; but me ye have + unto them they had not had + unto you that in me ye might have + but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath + things of you and things that accompany +/ ; properly, keeping one's seat (sedentary), i .e . (by implication) still (undisturbed, undisturbing): --peaceable, quiet .
2515 + seat + and the seats +/ . kathedra {kath-ed'-rah}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and the same as 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ ; a bench (literally or figuratively): --seat .
2516 + sat + sitting + that sat + me I sat +/ . kathezomai {kath-ed'-zom-ahee}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and the base of 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ ; to sit down: --sit .
2521 + sit + sat + Sit + down + I sit + he sat + one sat + man sat + sitteth + and sat + sitting + that sat + in and sat + and one sat + And sitting + men sitting + for sittest + he that sat + and sitting + him that sat + unto him Sit + that sitteth + And as he sat + him as he sat + And there sat + and he that sat + to him that sat + And he that sat + them that dwell + of him that sat + When he was set + to them that sit + and him that sat + they were sitting + and them that sat + of him that sitteth + and he that sitteth + and of them that sit + hand of him that sat + and by him that sitteth + be unto him that sitteth +/ . kathemai {kath'-ay-mahee}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ ; and hemai (to sit; akin to the base of 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ ); to sit down; figuratively, to remain, reside: --dwell, sit (by, down) .
4332 + and they which wait +/ . prosedreuo {pros-ed-ryoo'-o}; from a compound of 4314 + at + nigh + among + toward + within + because + whereby + against + between + me among + as about + not among + according + himself at + concerning + conditions + not against + but against + things before + but not before + they had against + of speech toward + is he that condemneth + with us for it is toward +/ and the base of 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ ; to sit near, i .e . attend as a servant: --wait at .
4892 + council + a council + For I know + the council + their council + in the council + of the council + out in the council + out of the council + him to the council + ye with the council +/ . sunedrion {soon-ed'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of a compound of 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and the base of 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ ; a joint session, i .e . (specifically) the Jewish Sanhedrin; by analogy, a subordinate tribunal: --council .