Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
1508 + save + except + Except + saving + in save + him save + you save + me except + And except + thing save + with them more +/ . ei me {i may}; from 1487 + If 1487- If 1487- If + if + If + I if + as if + he if + and if + man if + But if + but if + And if + for if + For if + him If + him if + you if + that if + Whether + that if + whether + What if + is it if + it me if + you ; if + thing if + Forasmuch + of you if + things If + me whether + us whether + For though + himself if + unto him If + well and if + you that if + him whether + not whether + with him if + unto her If + him whether + For if there + unto them If + of you whether + they are . For if + unto him Although + unto them Whether + again unto you . If + unto you There shall no + out from us but they were not of us ; for if +/ and 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ ; if not: --but, except (that), if not, more than, save (only) that, saving, till .
1509 + except + is in you except +/ . ei me ti {i may tee}; from 1508 + save + except + Except + saving + in save + him save + you save + me except + And except + thing save + with them more +/ and the neuter of 5100 + no + One + any + one + Who + man + who + man + some + Some + every + whose + ought + Whose + a man + man s + ye any + divers + of one + of any + is any + to any + in one + by any + Is any + nothing + and one + And one + by some + as some + was any + But one + to some + certain + a man s + of some + you one + And some + with one + and some + are some + with any + Somebody + upon one + but what + but some + for some + unto any + that one + But some + somewhat + For some + for what + that any + man some + was some + that none + were some + something + with some + a certain + that some + A certain + shall any + it to any + there any + while some + whomsoever + we as some + thee ought + that a man + ye as some + for divers + do nothing + as certain + not in any + up certain + and of one + whatsoever + for a man s + and certain + And as some + And of some + and as some + And certain + man will one + men as every + in a certain + as were some + unto certain + there up one + of a certain + say that one + not that any + that nothing + And when one + Not that any + that certain + of you by any + there be some + For a certain + with them one + was there any + and a certain + unto you some + to that a man + And a certain + But a certain + him a certain + And whatsoever + to be somebody + to him certain + not ; for some + him . And some + unto a certain + upon a certain + down a certain + to be somewhat + for what a man + there be in any + Howbeit certain + that whatsoever + things a certain + I have taken any + unto him certain + Lest there be any + but there be some + unto them certain + Who for a certain + and with a certain + But there are some + There is a certain + of them that ought + that there are some + there was a certain + There was a certain + And there were some + or there are certain + For there is nothing + For there are certain + he unto him A certain + unto them ; and whose + with them and certain + unto you There be some + And there were certain + But there were certain + himself to be something + But there was a certain + And there was a certain + that we should be a kind + unto you That there be some +/ ; if not somewhat: --except .
3924 + saving + things that are without +/ . parektos {par-ek-tos'}; from 3844 + at + more + nigh + side + than + above + among + it at + before + down at + against + contrary + them before + that she had + them down at + stripes save + in the sight + unto you than + of himself more + when she was past + And when his friends + that which is against + unto him and he was nigh + such things as they give +/ and 1622 + other + is without + unto you unless + that he is excepted +/ ; near outside, i .e . besides: --except, saving, without .
4047 + a peculiar + possession + to the saving + but to obtain + of the purchased + to the obtaining +/ . peripoiesis {per-ee-poy'-ay-sis}; from 4046 + purchase + he hath purchased +/ ; acquisition (the act or the thing); by extension, preservation: --obtain(-ing), peculiar, purchased, possession, saving .
4991 + health + salvation + Salvation + of salvation + to salvation + is salvation + to the saving + and salvation + the salvation + for salvation + unto salvation + to my salvation + is our salvation + even the salvation + of their salvation + is there salvation + but to you of salvation + That we should be saved + is that they might be saved + that thou shouldest be for salvation +/ . soteria {so-tay-ree'-ah}; feminine of a derivative of 4990 + a Saviour + my Saviour + the Saviour + and Saviour + our Saviour + and a Saviour + is the Saviour + of our Saviour + for the Saviour + and our Saviour + to be the Saviour + and he is the saviour +/ as (properly, abstract) noun; rescue or safety (physically or morally): --deliver, health, salvation, save, saving .
4992 + salvation + of salvation + the salvation + thy salvation + that bringeth + unto you that the salvation +/ . soterion {so-tay'-ree-on}; neuter of the same as 4991 + health + salvation + Salvation + of salvation + to salvation + is salvation + to the saving + and salvation + the salvation + for salvation + unto salvation + to my salvation + is our salvation + even the salvation + of their salvation + is there salvation + but to you of salvation + That we should be saved + is that they might be saved + that thou shouldest be for salvation +/ as (properly, concretely) noun; defender or (by implication) defence: --salvation .