because he justified himself rather than god but go rather but go ye rather but judge this rather but let it rather be healed but rather <1CO14 -:1 > but rather division but rather do <1TI6 -:2 > but rather fear him which is able but rather give alms but rather giving but rather grew worse but rather let him labour but rather rejoice but rather reprove but rather seek ye death rather than my life death shall be chosen rather than life by all for this hast thou chosen rather than affliction had rather be had rather speak five words with my understanding <1CO14 -:19 > have not rather mourned <1CO5 -:2 > he should rather release barabbas unto them how much rather then <2KI5 -:13 > knowledge rather than choice gold loving favour rather than silver lying rather than men loved darkness rather than light obey god rather than men or rather are known rather beseech rather glory <2CO12 -:9 > rather than rather than godly edifying which is <1TI1 -:3 > rather than having two eyes rather than having two hands or two feet shall we not much rather be spirit be rather glorious <2CO3 -:8 > unto me have fallen out rather unto why do ye not rather <1CO6 -:7 > why do ye not rather take wrong <1CO6 -:7 > will not rather say unto him willing rather <2CO5 -:8 >