Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

4394 + prophecy + of prophecy + the prophecy + by prophesying + of the prophecy + thee by prophecy + For the prophecy + not prophesyings + of their prophecy + to the prophecies + there be prophecies + not but prophesying + the gift of prophecy +/ . propheteia {prof-ay-ti'-ah}; from 4396 + prophet + prophets + A prophet + a prophet + of prophets + the prophet + the prophets + that prophet + as a prophet + and prophets + his prophets + thy prophets + them prophets + was a prophet + by the prophet + is the Prophet + even a prophet + of the prophet + that a prophet + than a prophet + of the prophets + He is a prophet + in the prophets + to the prophets + by his prophets + by the prophets + him as a prophet + and the prophets + Let the prophets + he were a prophet + unto you prophets + be that a prophet + him for a prophet + they the prophets + unto the prophets + thou that prophet + that the prophets + of by the prophet + thou the prophets + of in the prophets + unto them A prophet + and in the prophets + and of the prophets + neither that prophet + That it is a prophet + apostles and prophets + that he was a prophet + himself to be a prophet + and out of the prophets +/ ("prophecy"); prediction (scriptural or other): --prophecy, prophesying .

4395 + prophesy + Prophesy + prophesied + prophesying + prophesieth + to prophesy + he prophesied + and prophesied + shall prophesy + and we prophesy + unto him Prophesy + that ye prophesied + which did prophesy + that ye may prophesy + have we not prophesied + is he that prophesieth + but he that prophesieth + But he that prophesieth + and they shall prophesy +/ . propheteuo {prof-ate-yoo'-o}; from 4396 + prophet + prophets + A prophet + a prophet + of prophets + the prophet + the prophets + that prophet + as a prophet + and prophets + his prophets + thy prophets + them prophets + was a prophet + by the prophet + is the Prophet + even a prophet + of the prophet + that a prophet + than a prophet + of the prophets + He is a prophet + in the prophets + to the prophets + by his prophets + by the prophets + him as a prophet + and the prophets + Let the prophets + he were a prophet + unto you prophets + be that a prophet + him for a prophet + they the prophets + unto the prophets + thou that prophet + that the prophets + of by the prophet + thou the prophets + of in the prophets + unto them A prophet + and in the prophets + and of the prophets + neither that prophet + That it is a prophet + apostles and prophets + that he was a prophet + himself to be a prophet + and out of the prophets +/ ; to foretell events, divine, speak under inspiration, exercise the prophetic office: --prophesy .

4396 + prophet + prophets + A prophet + a prophet + of prophets + the prophet + the prophets + that prophet + as a prophet + and prophets + his prophets + thy prophets + them prophets + was a prophet + by the prophet + is the Prophet + even a prophet + of the prophet + that a prophet + than a prophet + of the prophets + He is a prophet + in the prophets + to the prophets + by his prophets + by the prophets + him as a prophet + and the prophets + Let the prophets + he were a prophet + unto you prophets + be that a prophet + him for a prophet + they the prophets + unto the prophets + thou that prophet + that the prophets + of by the prophet + thou the prophets + of in the prophets + unto them A prophet + and in the prophets + and of the prophets + neither that prophet + That it is a prophet + apostles and prophets + that he was a prophet + himself to be a prophet + and out of the prophets +/ . prophetes {prof-ay'-tace}; from a compound of 4253 + ago + ever + above + before + us before + And above + of before + But above + me before + you before + was before + But before + For before + were before + which before + him and we or + him for before + unto him Before + with you before + And he is before + us in him before + with thee before + that were before +/ and 5346 + say + said + I say + saith + affirm + He said + he said + And said + and said + thee said + And he said + fellow said + But he said + him and said + and he saith + him and said + unto him and said + them out and said + unto thee . And he saith +/ ; a foreteller ("prophet"); by analogy, an inspired speaker; by extension, a poet: --prophet .

4397 + of prophecy + of the prophets +/ . prophetikos {prof-ay-tik-os'}; from 4396 + prophet + prophets + A prophet + a prophet + of prophets + the prophet + the prophets + that prophet + as a prophet + and prophets + his prophets + thy prophets + them prophets + was a prophet + by the prophet + is the Prophet + even a prophet + of the prophet + that a prophet + than a prophet + of the prophets + He is a prophet + in the prophets + to the prophets + by his prophets + by the prophets + him as a prophet + and the prophets + Let the prophets + he were a prophet + unto you prophets + be that a prophet + him for a prophet + they the prophets + unto the prophets + thou that prophet + that the prophets + of by the prophet + thou the prophets + of in the prophets + unto them A prophet + and in the prophets + and of the prophets + neither that prophet + That it is a prophet + apostles and prophets + that he was a prophet + himself to be a prophet + and out of the prophets +/ ; pertaining to a foreteller ("prophetic"): --of prophecy, of the prophets .

4398 + a prophetess +/ . prophetis {prof-ay'-tis}; feminine of 4396 + prophet + prophets + A prophet + a prophet + of prophets + the prophet + the prophets + that prophet + as a prophet + and prophets + his prophets + thy prophets + them prophets + was a prophet + by the prophet + is the Prophet + even a prophet + of the prophet + that a prophet + than a prophet + of the prophets + He is a prophet + in the prophets + to the prophets + by his prophets + by the prophets + him as a prophet + and the prophets + Let the prophets + he were a prophet + unto you prophets + be that a prophet + him for a prophet + they the prophets + unto the prophets + thou that prophet + that the prophets + of by the prophet + thou the prophets + of in the prophets + unto them A prophet + and in the prophets + and of the prophets + neither that prophet + That it is a prophet + apostles and prophets + that he was a prophet + himself to be a prophet + and out of the prophets +/ ; a female foreteller or an inspired woman: --prophetess .

5578 + false + prophet + a false + of false + prophets + and false + of the false + to the false + and the false + But there were false + and with him the false +/ . pseudoprophetes {psyoo-dop-rof-ay'-tace}; from 5571 + liars + up false + them liars +/ and 4396 + prophet + prophets + A prophet + a prophet + of prophets + the prophet + the prophets + that prophet + as a prophet + and prophets + his prophets + thy prophets + them prophets + was a prophet + by the prophet + is the Prophet + even a prophet + of the prophet + that a prophet + than a prophet + of the prophets + He is a prophet + in the prophets + to the prophets + by his prophets + by the prophets + him as a prophet + and the prophets + Let the prophets + he were a prophet + unto you prophets + be that a prophet + him for a prophet + they the prophets + unto the prophets + thou that prophet + that the prophets + of by the prophet + thou the prophets + of in the prophets + unto them A prophet + and in the prophets + and of the prophets + neither that prophet + That it is a prophet + apostles and prophets + that he was a prophet + himself to be a prophet + and out of the prophets +/ ; a spurious prophet, i .e . pretended foreteller or religious impostor: --false prophet .