precept 4687 ## mitsvah {mits-vaw'}; from 6680; a command, whether human or divine (collectively, the Law): -- (which was) commanded(-ment), law, ordinance, {precept}.[ql precept 6490 ## piqquwd {pik-kood'}; or piqqud {pik-kood'}; from 6485; properly, appointed, i.e. a mandate (of God; plural only, collectively, for the Law): -- commandment, {precept}, statute. [ql precept 6673 ## tsav {tsav}; or tsav {tsawv}; from 6680; an injunction: -- commandment, {precept}.[ql precept 1785 # entole {en-tol-ay'}; from 1781; injunction, i.e. an authoritative prescription: -- commandment, {precept}.[ql