because by them their portion but ye have no portion by this means thou shalt have no portion on this side certain portion should be for did eat their portion which pharaoh gave them his daily portion for their service <2CH31 -:16 > his portion with my portion for ever portion for portion for portion for portion for portion for portion for portion for portion for ever portion for foxes portion is heard portion shall be portion shall be portion until portion which <1SA9 -:23 > take his portion thee one portion above thy brethren their portion their portion their portion their portion is cursed they have made my pleasant portion they have trodden my portion under foot this was my portion thou shalt take one portion thy portion thy portion what portion have we <1KI12 -:16 > what portion have we <2CH10 -:16 > will appoint him his portion with worthy portion <1SA1 -:5 > yet any portion or inheritance for us