plenty Joe_02_26 /^{plenty /and be satisfied , and praise the name of the LORD your God , that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed . plenty Pro_03_10 /^{plenty /and thy presses shall burst out with new wine . plenty 2Ch_31_10 /^{plenty /for the LORD hath blessed his people ; and that which is left is this great store . plenty 1Ki_10_11 /^{plenty /of almug trees , and precious stones . plenty Pro_28_19 /^{plenty /of bread : but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough . plenty Gen_27_28 /^{plenty /of corn and wine : plenty Job_37_23 /^{plenty /of justice : he will not afflict . plenty Job_22_25 /^{plenty /of silver . plenty Jer_44_17 /^{plenty /of victuals , and were well , and saw no evil . plenty Lev_11_36 /^{plenty /of water , shall be clean : but that which toucheth their carcase shall be unclean . plenty Gen_41_30 /^{plenty /shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt ; and the famine shall consume the land ; plenty Gen_41_31 /^{plenty /shall not be known in the land by reason of that famine following ; for it shall be very grievous . plenty Gen_41_29 /^{plenty /throughout all the land of Egypt :