all places where all places where they have been scattered all places whither all places whither they were driven all places whither thou goest ancient high places are ours be places for besieged places <2KI19 -:24 > besieged places broad places thereof crooked places straight decayed places thereof deckedst thy high places with divers colours desolate places as dead filled their places with <2KI23 -:14 > from all places whence ye shall return unto us high places also high places came not up <2KI23 -:9 > high places shall be desolate high places were not removed <1KI15 -:14 > high places were not removed <2KI15 -:4 > high places were not removed <2KI15 -:35 > high places were not taken away <1KI22 -:43 > high places were not taken away <2KI12 -:3 > high places were not taken away <2KI14 -:4 > high places were not taken away <2CH20 -:33 > high places were not taken away out <2CH15 -:17 > high places where <2KI23 -:8 > high places which <1KI13 -:32 > high places which <2KI17 -:29 > high places which hezekiah his father had destroyed <2KI21 -:3 > high places which hezekiah his father had broken down <2CH33 -: 3 > holy places made with hands lower places behind lurking places where he hideth himself <1SA23 -:23 > made with boiling places under miry places thereof places about jerusalem places about jerusalem places about jerusalem places are <2CH8 -:11 > places desolate places for places for places for places for places round about jerusalem <2KI23 -:5 > places round about my hill places where david himself <1SA30 -:31 > places wherein he built high places <2CH33 -:19 > places whither places whither rough places plain same hezekiah taken away his high places <2CH32 -:12 > secret places doth he murder secret places for slippery places some fell upon stony places spoilers are come upon all high places through stony places their close places <2SA22 -:46 > their close places their desolate places their dwelling places their dwelling places throughout their castles <1CH6 -:54 > their holy places shall be defiled their places their places their places their places these places they built them high places <2KI17 -:9 > they have burned her dwellingplaces they shall be for places for thine high places <2SA1 -:25 > thou shalt tread upon their high places thy desolate places thy high places for sin thy holy places walk upon mine high places waste places which built desolate places for themselves whose high places <2KI18 -:22 > whose high places will destroy your high places will destroy your high places will give thee places