Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0468 + and a recompence +/ . antapodoma {an-tap-od'-om-ah}; from 0467 + again + we render + recompense + I will repay + to recompense + unto him again + thee for thou shalt be recompensed + to him and it shall be recompensed + belongeth unto me I will recompense +/ ; a requital (properly, the thing): --recompense .

0489 + that recompence + for a recompence +/ . antimisthia {an-tee-mis-thee'-ah}; from a compound of 0473 + in the room +/ and 3408 + reward 3408- reward 3408- wages + reward + the hire + a reward + the wages + the reward + his reward + for reward + of his hire + is my reward + their reward + of his reward + is the reward + and my reward + them their hire + with the reward +/ ; requital, correspondence: --recompense .

1220 + pence + pennyworth + me a penny + for a penny + man a penny + unto him a penny + with me for a penny +/ . denarion {day-nar'-ee-on}; of Latin origin; a denarius (or ten asses): --pence, penny[-worth] .

2410 + Jericho + of Jericho + to Jericho + from Jericho + unto Jericho + out of Jericho +/ . Hiericho {hee-er-ee-kho'}; of Hebrew origin [ 3405 + of reward + recompence + of the reward + unto the recompence +/ ]; Jericho, a place in Palestine: --Jericho .

3405 + of reward + recompence + of the reward + unto the recompence +/ . misthapodosia {mis-thap-od-os-ee'-ah}; from 3406 + that he is and that he is a rewarder +/ ; requital (good or bad): --recompence of reward .