Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.
Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.
Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary
ampelourgos 0289 - {ampelourgos} {am-pel-oor-gos'}; from 0288 and 2041; a vine-worker, i.e. pruner: -- vine-dresser.
armour 02185 ## zonowth {zo-noth'} ; regarded by some as if from 02109 or an unused root , and applied to military equipments ; but evidently the feminine plural active participle of 02181 ; harlots : -- {armour} .
armour 02290 ## chagowr {khag-ore'} ; or chagor {khag-ore'} ; and (feminine) chagowrah {khag-o-raw'} ; or chagorah {khag-o-raw'} ; from 02296 ; a belt (for the waist) : -- apron , {armour} , gird (- le) .
armour 03627 ## k@liy {kel-ee'} ; from 03615 ; something prepared , i . e . any apparatus (as an implement , utensil , dress , vessel or weapon) : -- {armour} ([-bearer ]) , artillery , bag , carriage , + furnish , furniture , instrument , jewel , that is made of , X one from another , that which pertaineth , pot , + psaltery , sack , stuff , thing , tool , vessel , ware , weapon , + whatsoever
armour 04055 ## mad {mad} ; or med {made} ; from 04058 ; properly , extent , i . e . height ; also a measure ; by implication , a vesture (as measured) ; also a carpet : -- {armour} , clothes , garment , judgment , measure , raiment , stature .
armour 05402 ## nesheq {neh'- shek} ; or nesheq {nay'- shek} ; from 05401 ; military equipment , i . e . (collectively) arms (offensive or defensive) , or (concretely) an arsenal : -- armed men , {armour} (- y) , battle , harness , weapon .
armour 3696 - hoplon {hop'-lon}; probably from a primary hepo (to be busy about); an implement or utensil or tool (literally or figuratively, especially offensive for war): -- {armour}, instrument, weapon.
armour 3833 - panoplia {pan-op-lee'-ah}; from a compound of 3956 and 3696; full armor ( " panoply " ): -- all (whole) {armour}.
armoury 08530 ## talpiyah {tal-pee-yaw'} ; feminine from an unused root meaning to tower ; something tall , i . e . (plural collective) slenderness : -- {armoury} .
behaviour 02940 ## ta` am {tah'- am} ; from 02938 ; properly , a taste , i . e . (figuratively) perception ; by implication , intelligence ; transitively , a mandate : -- advice , {behaviour} , decree , discretion , judgment , reason , taste , understanding .
behaviour 2688 - katastema {kat-as'-tay-mah}; from 2525; properly, a position or condition, i.e. (subjectively) demeanor: -- {behaviour}.
behaviour 2887 - kosmios {kos'-mee-os}; from 2889 (in its primary sense); orderly, i.e. decorous: -- of good {behaviour}, modest.
clamour 2906 - krauge {krow-gay'}; from 2896; an outcry (in notification, tumult or grief): -- {clamour}, cry(-ing).
colour 05869 ## ` ayin {ah'- yin} ; probably a primitive word ; an eye (literally or figuratively) ; by analogy , a fountain (as the eye of the landscape) : -- affliction , outward appearance , + before , + think best , {colour} , conceit , + be content , countenance , + displease , eye ([-brow ] , [-d ] ,-sight) , face , + favour , fountain , furrow [from the margin ] , X him , + humble , knowledge , look , (+ well) , X me , open (- ly) , + (not) please , presence , + regard , resemblance , sight , X thee , X them , + think , X us , well , X you (- rselves) .
colour 2847 - kokkinos {kok'-kee-nos}; from 2848 (from the kernel-shape of the insect); crimson-colored: -- scarlet ({colour}, coloured).
colour 4392 - prophasis {prof'-as-is}; from a compound of 4253 and 5316; an outward showing, i.e. pretext: -- cloke, {colour}, pretence, show.
coloured 2847 - kokkinos {kok'-kee-nos}; from 2848 (from the kernel-shape of the insect); crimson-colored: -- scarlet (colour, {coloured}).
colours 02921 ## tala'{taw-law'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to cover with pieces ; i . e . (by implication) to spot or variegate (as tapestry) : -- clouted , with divers {colours} , spotted .
colours 06320 ## puwk {pook} ; from an unused root meaning to paint ; dye (specifically , stibium for the eyes) : -- fair {colours} , glistering , paint [-ed ] (- ing) .
colours 06446 ## pac {pas} ; from 06461 ; properly , the palm (of the hand) or sole (of the foot) [compare 06447 ] ; by implication (plural) a long and sleeved tunic (perhaps simply a wide one ; from the original sense of the root , i . e . of many breadths) : -- (divers) {colours} .
colours 06648 ## tseba` {tseh'- bah} ; from an unused root meaning to dip (into coloring fluid) ; a dye : -- divers , {colours} .
colours 07553 ## riqmah {rik-maw'} ; from 07551 ; variegation of color ; specifically , embroidery : -- broidered (work) , divers {colours} , (raiment of) needlework (on both sides) .
concourse 01993 ## hamah {haw-maw'} ; a primitive root [compare 01949 ] ; to make a loud sound like Engl . " hum ") ; by implication , to be in great commotion or tumult , to rage , war , moan , clamor : -- clamorous , {concourse} , cry aloud , be disquieted , loud , mourn , be moved , make a noise , rage , roar , sound , be troubled , make in tumult , tumultuous , be in an uproar .
concourse 05712 ## ` edah {ay-daw'} ; feminine of 05707 in the original sense of fixture ; a stated assemblage (specifically , a {concourse} , or generally , a family or crowd) : -- assembly , company , congregation , multitude , people , swarm . Compare 05713 .
concourse 1999 - episustasis {ep-ee-soo'-stas-is}; from the middle voice of a compound of 1909 and 4921; a conspiraicy, i.e. {concourse} (riotous or friendly): -- that which cometh upon, + raising up.
concourse 4890 - sundrome {soon-drom-ay'}; from (the alternate of) 4936; a running together, i.e. (riotous) {concourse}: -- run together.
concourse 4963 - sustrophe {soos-trof-ay'}; from 4962; a twisting together, i.e. (figuratively) a secret coalition, riotous crowd: -- + band together, {concourse}.
courag 03820 ## leb {labe} ; a form of 03824 ; the heart ; also used (figuratively) very widely for the feelings , the will and even the intellect ; likewise for the centre of anything : -- + care for , comfortably , consent , X considered , {courag} [-eous ] , friend [-ly ] , ([broken-] , [hard-] , [merry-] , [stiff-] , [stout-] , double) heart ([-ed ]) , X heed , X I , kindly , midst , mind (- ed) , X regard ([-ed) ] , X themselves , X unawares , understanding , X well , willingly , wisdom .
courage 00553 ## 'amats {aw-mats'} ; a primitive root ; to be alert , physically (on foot) or mentally (in {courage}) : -- confirm , be courageous (of good courage , stedfastly minded , strong , stronger) , establish , fortify , harden , increase , prevail , strengthen (self) , make strong (obstinate , speed) .
courage 02388 ## chazaq {khaw-zak'} ; a primitive root ; to fasten upon ; hence , to seize , be strong (figuratively , courageous , causatively strengthen , cure , help , repair , fortify) , obstinate ; to bind , restrain , conquer : -- aid , amend , X calker , catch , cleave , confirm , be constant , constrain , continue , be of good (take) {courage} (- ous ,-- ly) , encourage (self) , be established , fasten , force , fortify , make hard , harden , help , (lay) hold (fast) , lean , maintain , play the man , mend , become (wax) mighty , prevail , be recovered , repair , retain , seize , be (wax) sore , strengthen (self) , be stout , be (make , shew , wax) strong (- er) , be sure , take (hold) , be urgent , behave self valiantly , withstand .
courage 03824 ## lebab {lay-bawb'} ; from 03823 ; the heart (as the most interior organ) ; used also like 03820 : -- + bethink themselves , breast , comfortably , {courage} , ([faint ] , [tender-] heart ([-ed ]) , midst , mind , X unawares , understanding .
courage 07307 ## ruwach {roo'- akh} ; from 07306 ; wind ; by resemblance breath , i . e . a sensible (or even violent) exhalation ; figuratively , life , anger , unsubstantiality ; by extension , a region of the sky ; by resemblance spirit , but only of a rational being (including its expression and functions) : -- air , anger , blast , breath , X cool , {courage} , mind , X quarter , X side , spirit ([-ual ]) , tempest , X vain , ([whirl-]) wind (- y) .
courage 2292 - tharrheo {thar-hreh'-o}; another form for 2293; to exercise {courage}: -- be bold, X boldly, have confidence, be confident. Compare 5111.
courage 2293 - tharseo {thar-seh'-o}; from 2294; to have {courage}: -- be of good cheer (comfort). Compare 2292.
courageous 00533 ## 'ammiyts {am-meets'} ; or (shortened)'ammits {am-meets'} ; from 00553 ; strong or (abstractly) strength : -- {courageous} , mighty , strong (one) .
courageous 00553 ## 'amats {aw-mats'} ; a primitive root ; to be alert , physically (on foot) or mentally (in courage) : -- confirm , be {courageous} (of good courage , stedfastly minded , strong , stronger) , establish , fortify , harden , increase , prevail , strengthen (self) , make strong (obstinate , speed) .
courageous 02388 ## chazaq {khaw-zak'} ; a primitive root ; to fasten upon ; hence , to seize , be strong (figuratively , {courageous} , causatively strengthen , cure , help , repair , fortify) , obstinate ; to bind , restrain , conquer : -- aid , amend , X calker , catch , cleave , confirm , be constant , constrain , continue , be of good (take) courage (- ous ,-- ly) , encourage (self) , be established , fasten , force , fortify , make hard , harden , help , (lay) hold (fast) , lean , maintain , play the man , mend , become (wax) mighty , prevail , be recovered , repair , retain , seize , be (wax) sore , strengthen (self) , be stout , be (make , shew , wax) strong (- er) , be sure , take (hold) , be urgent , behave self valiantly , withstand .
courageous 5111 - tolmao {tol-mah'-o}; from tolma (boldness; probably itself from the base of 5056 through the idea of extreme conduct); to venture (objectively or in act; while 2292 is rather subjective or in feeling); by implication, to be {courageous}: -- be bold, boldly, dare, durst.
courier 00104 ## 'igg@ra'(Aramaic) {ig-er-aw'} ; of Persian origin ; an epistle (as carried by a state {courier} or postman) : -- letter .
courier 00326 ## 'achashtariy {akh-ash-taw-ree'} ; probably of Persian derivation ; an achastarite (i . e . {courier}) ; the designation (rather than name) of an Israelite : -- Haakashtari [includ . the article ] .
courier 06432 ## P@lethiy {pel-ay-thee'} ; from the same form as 06431 ; a {courier} (collectively) or official messenger : -- Pelethites .
courier 0029 - aggareuo {ang-ar-yew'-o}; of foreign origin [compare 0104]; properly, to be a {courier}, i.e. (by implication) to press into public service: -- compel (to go).
course 01870 ## derek {deh'- rek} ; from 01869 ; a road (as trodden) ; figuratively , a {course} of life or mode of action , often adverb : -- along , away , because of , + by , conversation , custom , [east-] ward , journey , manner , passenger , through , toward , [high-] [path-] way [-side ] , whither [-soever ] .
course 02988 ## yabal {yaw-bawl'} ; from 02986 ; a stream : -- [water-] {course} , stream .
course 04131 ## mowt {mote} ; a primitive root ; to waver ; by implication , to slip , shake , fall : -- be carried , cast , be out of {course} , be fallen in decay , X exceedingly , fall (- ing down) , be (re-) moved , be ready , shake , slide , slip .
course 04161 ## mowtsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; or motsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; from 03318 ; a going forth , i . e . (the act) an egress , or (the place) an exit ; hence , a source or product ; specifically , dawn , the rising of the sun (the East) , exportation , utterance , a gate , a fountain , a mine , a meadow (as producing grass) : -- brought out , bud , that which came out , east , going forth , goings out , that which (thing that) is gone out , outgoing , proceeded out , spring , vein , [water-] {course} [springs ] .
course 04255 ## machl@qah (Aramaic) {makh-lek-aw'} ; corresponding to 04256 ; a section (of the Levites) : -- {course} .
course 04256 ## machaloqeth {makh-al-o'- keth} ; from 02505 ; a section (of Levites , people or soldiers) : -- company , {course} , division , portion . See also 05555 .
course 04325 ## mayim {mah'- yim} ; dual of a primitive noun (but used in a singular sense) ; water ; figuratively , juice ; by euphemism , urine , semen : -- + piss , wasting , water (- ing , [{-course} ,-flood ,-spring ]) .
course 04546 ## m@cillah {mes-il-law'} ; from 05549 ; a thoroughfare (as turnpiked) , literally or figuratively ; specifically a viaduct , a staircase : -- causeway , {course} , highway , path , terrace .
course 04794 ## m@ruwtsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; or m@rutsah {mer-oo-tsaw'} ; feminine of 04793 ; a race (the act) , whether the manner or the progress : -- {course} , running . Compare 04835 .
course 06030 ## ` anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to eye or (generally) to heed , i . e . pay attention ; by implication , to respond ; by extens . to begin to speak ; specifically to sing , shout , testify , announce : -- give account , afflict [by mistake for 06031 ] , (cause to , give) answer , bring low [by mistake for 06031 ] , cry , hear , Leannoth , lift up , say , X scholar , (give a) shout , sing (together by {course}) , speak , testify , utter , (bear) witness . See also 01042 , 01043 .
course 08264 ## shaqaq {shaw-kak'} ; a primitive root ; to {course} (like a beast of prey) ; by implication , to seek greedily : -- have appetite , justle one against another , long , range , run (to and fro) .
course 08622 ## t@quwphah {tek-oo-faw'} ; or t@quphah {tek-oo-faw'} ; from 05362 ; a revolution , i . e . (of the sun) {course} , (of time) lapse : -- circuit , come about , end .
course 0165 - aion {ahee-ohn'}; from the same as 0104; properly, an age; by extension, perpetuity (also past); by implication, the world; specially (Jewish) a Messianic period (present or future): -- age, {course}, eternal, (for) ever(-more), [n-]ever, (beginning of the , while the) world (began, without end). Compare 5550.
course 1408 - dromos {drom'-os}; from the alternate of 5143; a race, i.e. (figuratively) career: -- {course}.
course 1601 - ekpipto {ek-pip'-to}; from 1537 and 4098; to drop away; specially, be driven out of one's {course}; figuratively, to lose, become inefficient: -- be cast, fail, fall (away, off), take none effect.
course 2113 - euthudromeo {yoo-thoo-drom-eh'-o}; from 2117 and 1408; to lay a straight course, i.e. sail direct: -- (come) with a straight {course}.
course 2113 - euthudromeo {yoo-thoo-drom-eh'-o}; from 2117 and 1408; to lay a straight {course}, i.e. sail direct: -- (come) with a straight course.
course 2183 - ephemeria {ef-ay-mer-ee'-ah}; from 2184; diurnality, i.e. (specially) the quotidian rotation or class of the Jewish priests' service at the Temple, as distributed by families: -- {course}.
course 3313 - meros {mer'-os}; from an obsolete but more primary form of meiromai (to get as a section or allotment); a division or share (literally or figuratively, in a wide application): -- behalf, {course}, coast, craft, particular (+ -ly), part (+ -ly), piece, portion, respect, side, some sort(-what).
course 3867 - paraineo {par-ahee-neh'-o}; from 3844 and 0134; to mispraise, i.e. recommend or advise (a different {course}): -- admonish, exhort.
course 3881 - paralegomai {par-al-eg'-om-ahee}; from 3844 and the middle voice of 3004 (in its original sense); (specifically) to lay one's {course} near, i.e. sail past: -- pass, sail by.
course 4144 - ploos {plo'-os}; from 4126; a sail, i.e. navigation: -- {course}, sailing, voyage.
course 5143 - trecho {trekh'-o}; apparently a primary verb (properly, threcho; compare 2359); which uses dremo {drem'-o} (the base of 1408) as alternate in certain tenses; to run or walk hastily (literally or figuratively): -- have {course}, run.
course 5163 - trochia {trokh-ee-ah'}; from 5164; a track (as a wheel-rut), i.e. (figuratively) a {course} of conduct: -- path.
course 5164 - trochos {trokh-os'}; from 5143; a wheel (as a runner), i.e. (figuratively) a circuit of physical effects: -- {course}.
courser 07409 ## rekesh {reh'- kesh} ; from 07408 ; a relay of animals on a post-route (as stored up for that purpose) ; by implication , a {courser} : -- dromedary , mule , swift beast .
court 01004 ## bayith {bah'- yith} ; probably from 01129 abbreviated ; a house (in the greatest variation of applications , especially family , etc .) : -- {court} , daughter , door , + dungeon , family , + forth of , X great as would contain , hangings , home [born ] , [winter ] house (- hold) , inside (- ward) , palace , place , + prison , + steward , + tablet , temple , web , + within (- out) .
court 02681 ## chatsiyr {khaw-tseer'} ; a collateral form of 02691 ; a court or abode : -- {court} .
court 02681 ## chatsiyr {khaw-tseer'} ; a collateral form of 02691 ; a {court} or abode : -- court .
court 02691 ## chatser {khaw-tsare'} (masculine and feminine) ; from 02690 in its original sense ; a yard (as inclosed by a fence) ; also a hamlet (as similarly surrounded with walls) : -- {court} , tower , village .
court 04453 ## meltsar {mel-tsawr'} ; of Persian derivation ; the butler or other officer in the Babylonian {court} : -- Melzar .
court 04928 ## mishma` ath {mish-mah'- ath} ; fem . of 04926 ; audience , i . e . the royal {court} ; also obedience , i . e . (concr .) a subject : -- bidding , guard , obey .
court 05835 ## ` azarah {az-aw-raw'} ; from 05826 in its original meaning of surrounding ; an inclosure ; also a border : -- {court} , settle .
court 05892 ## ` iyr {eer} ; or (in the plural)` ar {awr} ; or` ayar (Judges 10 : 4) {aw-yar'} ; from 05782 a city (a place guarded by waking or a watch) in the widest sense (even of a mere encampment or post) : -- Ai [from margin ] , city , {court} [from margin ] , town .
court 0698 - Areopagites {ar-eh-op-ag-ee'-tace}; from 0697; an Areopagite or member of the {court} held on Mars' Hill: -- Areopagite.
court 0833 - aule {ow-lay'}; from the same as 0109; a yard (as open to the wind); by implication, a mansion: -- {court}, ( [sheep-])fold, hall, palace.
court 0933 - basileion {bas-il'-i-on}; neuter of 0934; a palace: -- king's {court}.
court 1049 - gazophulakion {gad-zof-oo-lak'-ee-on}; from 1047 and 5438; a treasure-house, i.e. a {court} in the temple for the collection-boxes: -- treasury.
court 5528 - chortos {khor'-tos}; apparently a primary word; a " {court} " or " garden " , i.e. (by implication, of pasture) herbage or vegetation: -- blade, grass, hay.
court-room 4232 - praitorion {prahee-to'-ree-on}; of Latin origin; the praetorium or governor's {court-room} (sometimes including the whole edifice and camp): -- (common, judgment) hall (of judgment), palace, praetorium.
court-yard 02696 ## Chetsrown {khets-rone'} ; from 0269l ; {court-yard} ; Chetsron , the name of a place in Palestine ; also of two Israelites : -- Hezron .
courteous 5391 - philophron {fil-of'-rone}; from 5384 and 5424; friendly of mind, i.e. kind: -- {courteous}.
courteously 5364 - philanthropos {fil-an-thro'-poce}; adverb from a compound of 5384 and 0444; fondly to man ( " philanthropically " ), i.e. humanely: -- {courteously}.
courteously 5390 - philophronos {fil-of-ron'-oce}; adverb from 5391; with friendliness of mind, i.e. kindly: -- {courteously}.
courtesy 02616 ## chacad {khaw-sad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , perhaps to bow (the neck only [compare 02603 ] in {courtesy} to an equal) , i . e . to be kind ; also (by euphem . [compare l288 ] , but rarely) to reprove : -- shew self merciful , put to shame .
courtesy 03548 ## kohen {ko-hane'} ; active participle of 03547 ; literally , one officiating , a priest ; also (by {courtesy}) an acting priest (although a layman) : -- chief ruler , X own , priest , prince , principal officer .
courtesy 04521 ## m@nath {men-awth'} ; from 04487 ; an allotment (by {courtesy} , law or providence) : -- portion .
courtier 03771 ## Karsh@na'{kar-shen-aw'} ; of foreign origin ; Karshena , a {courtier} of Xerxes : -- Carshena .
courtier 0937 - basilikos {bas-il-ee-kos'}; from 0935; regal (in relation), i.e. (literally) belonging to (or befitting) the sovereign (as land, dress, or a {courtier}), or (figuratively) preeminent: -- king's, nobleman, royal.
courts 04264 ## machaneh {makh-an-eh'} ; from 02583 ; an encampment (of travellers or troops) ; hence , an army , whether literal (of soldiers) or figurative (of dancers , angels , cattle , locusts , stars ; or even the sacred {courts}) : -- army , band , battle , camp , company , drove , host , tents .
courtyard 02682 ## chatsiyr {khaw-tseer'} ; perhaps originally the same as 02681 , from the greenness of a {courtyard} ; grass ; also a leek (collectively) : -- grass , hay , herb , leek .
demiourgos 1217 - {demiourgos} {day-me-oor-gos'}; from 1218 and 2041; a worker for the people, i.e. mechanic (spoken of the Creator): -- maker.
devour 00398 ## 'akal {aw-kal'} ; a primitive root ; to eat (literally or figuratively) : -- X at all , burn up , consume , {devour} (- er , up) , dine , eat (- er , up) , feed (with) , food , X freely , X in . . . wise (- deed , plenty) , (lay) meat , X quite .
devour 01104 ## bala` {beh'- lah} ; a primitive root ; to make away with (spec . by swallowing) ; generally to destroy : -- cover , destroy , {devour} , eat up , be at end , spend up , swallow down (up) .
devour 01501 ## gazam {gaw-zawm'} ; from an unused root meaning to {devour} ; a kind of locust : -- palmer-worm .
devour 03216 ## yala` {yaw-lah'} ; a primitive root ; to blurt or utter inconsiderately : -- {devour} .
devour 03898 ## lacham {law-kham'} ; a primitive root ; to feed on ; figuratively , to consume ; by implication , to battle (as destruction) : -- {devour} , eat , X ever , fight (- ing) , overcome , prevail , (make) war (- ring) .
devour 07462 ## ra` ah {raw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tend a flock ; i . e . pasture it ; intransitively , to graze (literally or figuratively) ; generally to rule ; by extension , to associate with (as a friend) : -- X break , companion , keep company with , {devour} , eat up , evil entreat , feed , use as a friend , make friendship with , herdman , keep [sheep ] (- er) , pastor , + shearing house , shepherd , wander , waste .
devour 07602 ## sha'aph {shaw-af'} ; a primitive root ; to inhale eagerly ; figuratively , to cover ; by implication , to be angry ; also to hasten : -- desire (earnestly) , {devour} , haste , pant , snuff up , swallow up .
devour 2068 - esthio {es-thee'-o}; strengthened for a primary edo (to eat); used only in certain tenses, the rest being supplied by 5315; to eat (usually literal): -- {devour}, eat, live.
devour 2666 - katapino {kat-ap-ee'-no}; from 2596 and 4095; to drink down, i.e. gulp entire (literally or figuratively): -- {devour}, drown, swallow (up). [ knowledge.
devour 2719 - katesthio {kat-es-thee'-o}; from 2596 and 2068 (including its alternate); to eat down, i.e. devour (literally or figuratively): -- {devour}.
devoured 00401 ## 'Ukal {oo-kawl'} ; or'Ukkal {ook-kawl'} ; apparently from 00398 ; {devoured} ; Ucal , a fancy name : -- Ucal .
devoured 02966 ## t@rephah {ter-ay-faw'} ; feminine (collectively) of 02964 ; prey , i . e . flocks {devoured} by animals : -- ravin , (that which was) torn (of beasts , in pieces) .
devourer 01502 ## Gazzam {gaz-zawm'} ; from the same as 01501 ; {devourer} :-Gazzam , one of the Nethinim : -- Gazzam .
devourer 03218 ## yekeq {yeh'- lek} ; from an unused root meaning to lick up ; a {devourer} ; specifically , the young locust : -- cankerworm , caterpillar .
devouring 01105 ## bela` {beh-lah} ; from 01104 ; a gulp ; figuratively destruction : -- {devouring} , that which he hath swallowed up .
devouring 02991 ## Yibl@` am {yib-leh-awm'} ; from 01104 and 05971 ; {devouring} people ; Jibleam , a place in Palestine : -- Ibleam .
devouring 04682 ## matstsah {mats-tsaw'} ; from 04711 in the sense of greedily {devouring} for sweetness ; properly , sweetness ; concretely , sweet (i . e . not soured or bittered with yeast) ; specifically , an unfermented cake or loaf , or (elliptically) the festival of Passover (because no leaven was then used) : -- unleaved (bread , cake) , without leaven .
Dioskouroi 1359 - {Dioskouroi} {dee-os'-koo-roy}; from the alternate of 2203 and a form of the base of 2877; sons of Jupiter, i.e. the twins Dioscuri: -- Castor and Pollux.
discourage 02865 ## chathath {khaw-thath'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to prostrate ; hence , to break down , either (literally) by violence , or (figuratively) by confusion and fear : -- abolish , affright , be (make) afraid , amaze , beat down , {discourage} , (cause to) dismay , go down , scare , terrify .
discourage 04549 ## macac {maw-sas'} ; a primitive root ; to liquefy ; figuratively , to waste (with disease) , to faint (with fatigue , fear or grief) : -- {discourage} , faint , be loosed , melt (away) , refuse , X utterly .
discourage 05106 ## nuw'{noo} ; a primitive root ; to refuse , forbid , dissuade , or neutralize : -- break , disallow , {discourage} , make of none effect .
discourage 07533 ## ratsats {raw-tsats'} ; a primitive root ; to crack in pieces , literally or figuratively : -- break , bruise , crush , {discourage} , oppress , struggle together .
discouraged 07114 ## qatsar {kaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to dock off , i . e . curtail (transitive or intransitive , literal or figurative) ; especially to harvest (grass or grain) : -- X at all , cut down , much {discouraged} , grieve , harvestman , lothe , mourn , reap (- er) , (be , wax) short (- en ,-er) , straiten , trouble , vex .
discourse 04405 ## millah {mil-law'} ; from 04448 (plural masculine as if from milleh {mil-leh'} ; a word ; collectively , a {discourse} ; figuratively , a topic : -- + answer , by-word , matter , any thing (what) to say , to speak (- ing) , speak , talking , word .
discourse 04406 ## millah (Aramaic) {mil-law'} ; corresponding to 04405 ; a word , command , {discourse} , or subject : -- commandment , matter , thing . word .
discourse 04912 ## mashal {maw-shawl'} ; apparently from 04910 in some original sense of superiority in mental action ; properly , a pithy maxim , usually of metaphorical nature ; hence , a simile (as an adage , poem , {discourse}) : -- byword , like , parable , proverb .
discourse 05012 ## naba'{naw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to prophesy , i . e . speak (or sing) by inspiration (in prediction or simple {discourse}) : -- prophesy (- ing) , make self a prophet .
discourse 1258 - dialektos {dee-al'-ek-tos}; from 1256; a (mode of) {discourse}, i.e. " dialect " : -- language, tongue.
discourse 3004 - lego {leg'-o}; a primary verb; properly, to " lay " forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words [usually of systematic or set {discourse}; whereas 2036 and 5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly, to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue]); by implication, to mean: -- ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter.
discourse 3056 - logos {log'-os}; from 3004; something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of {discourse}), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension, a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (i.e. Christ): -- account, cause, communication, X concerning, doctrine, fame, X have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove, say(-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work.
discourse 5274 - hupolambano {hoop-ol-am-ban'-o}; from 5259 and 2983; to take from below, i.e. carry upward; figuratively, to take up, i.e. continue a {discourse} or topic; mentally, to assume (presume): -- answer, receive, suppose.
dishonour 0818 - atimazo {at-im-ad'-zo}; from 0820; to render infamous, i.e. (by implication) contemn or maltreat: -- despise, {dishonour}, suffer shame, entreat shamefully.
dishonour 0819 - atimia {at-ee-mee'-ah}; from 0820; infamy, i.e. (subjectively) comparative indignity, (objectively) disgrace: -- {dishonour}, reproach, shame, vile.
dishonour 2617 - kataischuno {kat-ahee-skhoo'-no}; from 2596 and 0153; to shame down, i.e. disgrace or (by implication) put to the blush: -- confound, {dishonour}, (be a-, make a-)shame(-d).
dishonoured 0820 - atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively) {dishonoured}: -- despised, without honour, less honourable [comparative degree].
dishounour 05034 ## nabel {naw-bale'} ; a primitive root ; to wilt ; generally , to fall away , fail , faint ; figuratively , to be foolish or (morally) wicked ; causatively , to despise , disgrace : -- disgrace , {dishounour} , lightly esteem , fade (away ,-ing) , fall (down ,-ling , off) , do foolishly , come to nought , X surely , make vile , wither .
encourage 02388 ## chazaq {khaw-zak'} ; a primitive root ; to fasten upon ; hence , to seize , be strong (figuratively , courageous , causatively strengthen , cure , help , repair , fortify) , obstinate ; to bind , restrain , conquer : -- aid , amend , X calker , catch , cleave , confirm , be constant , constrain , continue , be of good (take) courage (- ous ,-- ly) , {encourage} (self) , be established , fasten , force , fortify , make hard , harden , help , (lay) hold (fast) , lean , maintain , play the man , mend , become (wax) mighty , prevail , be recovered , repair , retain , seize , be (wax) sore , strengthen (self) , be stout , be (make , shew , wax) strong (- er) , be sure , take (hold) , be urgent , behave self valiantly , withstand .
encourage 3888 - paramutheomai {par-am-oo-theh'-om-ahee}; from 3844 and the middle voice of a derivative of 3454; to relate near, i.e. (by implication) {encourage}, console: -- comfort.
encourage 4389 - protrepomai {prot-rep'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 4253 and the base of 5157; to turn forward for oneself, i.e. {encourage}: -- exhort.
encouraged 2174 - eupsucheo {yoo-psoo-kheh'-o}; from a compound of 2095 and 5590; to be in good spirits, i.e. feel {encouraged}: -- be of good comfort.
endeavour 04611 ## ma` alal {mah-al-awl'} ; from 05953 ; an act (good or bad) : -- doing , {endeavour} , invention , work .
endeavour 2212 - zeteo {dzay-teh'-o}; of uncertain affinity; to seek (literally or figuratively); specially, (by Hebraism) to worship (God), or (in a bad sense) to plot (against life): -- be (go) about, desire, {endeavour}, enquire (for), require, (X will) seek (after, for, means). Compare 4441.
endeavour 4704 - spoudazo {spoo-dad'-zo}; from 4710; to use speed, i.e. to make effort, be prompt or earnest: -- do (give) diligence, be diligent (forward), {endeavour}, labour, study.
Epikoureios 1946 - {Epikoureios} {ep-ee-koo'-ri-os}; from Epikouros [compare 1947] (a noted philosopher); an Epicurean or follower of Epicurus: -- Epicurean.
epikouria 1947 - {epikouria} {ep-ee-koo-ree'-ah}; from a compound of 1909 and a (prolonged) form of the base of 2877 (in the sense of servant); assistance: -- help.
Epikouros 1946 - Epikoureios {ep-ee-koo'-ri-os}; from {Epikouros} [compare 1947] (a noted philosopher); an Epicurean or follower of Epicurus: -- Epicurean.
epouranios 2032 - {epouranios} {ep-oo-ran'-ee-os}; from 1909 and 3772; above the sky: -- celestial, (in) heaven(-ly), high.
favour 02580 ## chen {khane} ; from 02603 ; graciousness , i . e . subjective (kindness , favor) or objective (beauty) : -- {favour} , grace (- ious) , pleasant , precious , [well-] favoured .
favour 02603 ## chanan {khaw-nan'} ; a primitive root [compare 02583 ] ; properly , to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior ; to favor , bestow ; causatively to implore (i . e . move to favor by petition) : -- beseech , X fair , (be , find , shew) {favour} (- able) , be (deal , give , grant (gracious (- ly) , intreat , (be) merciful , have (shew) mercy (on , upon) , have pity upon , pray , make supplication , X very .
favour 02654 ## chaphets {khaw-fates'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to incline to ; by implication (literally but rarely) to bend ; figuratively , to be pleased with , desire : -- X any at all , (have , take) delight , desire , {favour} , like , move , be (well) pleased , have pleasure , will , would .
favour 02655 ## chaphets {khaw-fates'} ; from 02654 ; pleased with : -- delight in , desire , {favour} , please , have pleasure , whosoever would , willing , wish .
favour 02896 ## towb {tobe} ; from 02895 ; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense ; used likewise as a noun , both in the masculine and the feminine , the singular and the plural (good , a good or good thing , a good man or woman ; the good , goods or good things , good men or women) , also as an adverb (well) : -- beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful , at ease , X fair (word) , (be in) {favour} , fine , glad , good (deed ,-lier ,-liest ,-ly ,-ness ,-s) , graciously , joyful , kindly , kindness , liketh (best) , loving , merry , X most , pleasant , + pleaseth , pleasure , precious , prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , (be) well ([-favoured ]) .
favour 03190 ## yatab {yaw-tab'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causative) make well , literally (sound , beautiful) or figuratively (happy , successful , right) : -- be accepted , amend , use aright , benefit , be (make) better , seem best , make cheerful , be comely , + be content , diligent (- ly) , dress , earnestly , find {favour} , give , be glad , do (be , make) good ([-ness ]) , be (make) merry , please (+ well) , shew more [kindness ] , skilfully , X very small , surely , make sweet , thoroughly , tire , trim , very , be (can , deal , entreat , go , have) well [said , seen ] .
favour 05869 ## ` ayin {ah'- yin} ; probably a primitive word ; an eye (literally or figuratively) ; by analogy , a fountain (as the eye of the landscape) : -- affliction , outward appearance , + before , + think best , colour , conceit , + be content , countenance , + displease , eye ([-brow ] , [-d ] ,-sight) , face , + {favour} , fountain , furrow [from the margin ] , X him , + humble , knowledge , look , (+ well) , X me , open (- ly) , + (not) please , presence , + regard , resemblance , sight , X thee , X them , + think , X us , well , X you (- rselves) .
favour 06440 ## paniym {paw-neem'} ; plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'} ; from 06437 ] ; the face (as the part that turns) ; used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively) ; also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before , etc .) : -- + accept , a-(be-) fore (- time) , against , anger , X as (long as) , at , + battle , + because (of) , + beseech , countenance , edge , + employ , endure , + enquire , face , {favour} , fear of , for , forefront (- part) , form (- er time ,-ward) , from , front , heaviness , X him (- self) , + honourable , + impudent , + in , it , look [-eth ] (- s) , X me , + meet , X more than , mouth , of , off , (of) old (time) , X on , open , + out of , over against , the partial , person , + please , presence , propect , was purposed , by reason of , + regard , right forth , + serve , X shewbread , sight , state , straight , + street , X thee , X them (- selves) , through (+-out) , till , time (- s) past , (un-) to (- ward) , + upon , upside (+ down) , with (- in , +-stand) , X ye , X you .
favour 07521 ## ratsah {raw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; to be pleased with ; specifically , to satisfy a debt : -- (be) accept (- able) , accomplish , set affection , approve , consent with , delight (self) , enjoy , (be , have a) {favour} (- able) , like , observe , pardon , (be , have , take) please (- ure) , reconcile self .
favour 07522 ## ratsown {raw-tsone'} ; or ratson {raw-tsone'} ; from 07521 ; delight (especially as shown) : -- (be) acceptable (- ance ,-ed) , delight , desire , {favour} , (good) pleasure , (own , self , voluntary) will , as . . . (what) would .
favour 07965 ## shalowm {shaw-lome'} ; or shalom {shaw-lome'} ; from 07999 ; safe , i . e . (figuratively) well , happy , friendly ; also (abstractly) welfare , i . e . health , prosperity , peace : -- X do , familiar , X fare , {favour} , + friend , X great , (good) health , (X perfect , such as be at) peace (- able ,-ably) , prosper (- ity ,-ous) , rest , safe (- ty) , salute , welfare , (X all is , be) well , X wholly .
favour 5485 - charis {khar'-ece}; from 5463; graciousness (as gratifying), of manner or act (abstract or concrete; literal, figurative or spiritual; especially the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude): -- acceptable, benefit, {favour}, gift, grace(-ious), joy, liberality, pleasure, thank(-s, -worthy).
favoured 02580 ## chen {khane} ; from 02603 ; graciousness , i . e . subjective (kindness , favor) or objective (beauty) : -- favour , grace (- ious) , pleasant , precious , [well-] {favoured} .
favoured 02896 ## towb {tobe} ; from 02895 ; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense ; used likewise as a noun , both in the masculine and the feminine , the singular and the plural (good , a good or good thing , a good man or woman ; the good , goods or good things , good men or women) , also as an adverb (well) : -- beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful , at ease , X fair (word) , (be in) favour , fine , glad , good (deed ,-lier ,-liest ,-ly ,-ness ,-s) , graciously , joyful , kindly , kindness , liketh (best) , loving , merry , X most , pleasant , + pleaseth , pleasure , precious , prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , (be) well ([{-favoured} ]) .
favoured 04758 ## mar'eh {mar-eh'} ; from 07200 ; a view (the act of seeing) ; also an appearance (the thing seen) , whether (real) a shape (especially if handsome , comeliness ; often plural the looks) , or (mental) a vision : -- X apparently , appearance (- reth) , X as soon as beautiful (- ly) , countenance , fair , {favoured} , form , goodly , to look (up) on (to) , look [-eth ] , pattern , to see , seem , sight , visage , vision .
favoured 07451 ## ra` {rah} ; from 07489 ; bad or (as noun) evil (natural or moral) : -- adversity , affliction , bad , calamity , + displease (- ure) , distress , evil ([-favouredness ] , man , thing) , + exceedingly , X great , grief (- vous) , harm , heavy , hurt (- ful) , ill ({favoured}) , + mark , mischief (- vous) , misery , naught (- ty) , noisome , + not please , sad (- ly) , sore , sorrow , trouble , vex , wicked (- ly ,-ness , one) , worse (- st) , wretchedness , wrong . [Incl . feminine ra` ah ; as adjective or noun . ] .
favoured 08389 ## to'ar {to'- ar} ; from 08388 ; outline , i . e . figure or appearance : -- + beautiful , X comely , countenance , + fair , X {favoured} , form , X goodly , X resemble , visage .
favoured 5487 - charitoo {khar-ee-to'-o}; from 5485; to grace, i.e. indue with special honor: -- make accepted, be highly {favoured}.
favoured- 01697 ## dabar {daw-baw'} ; from 01696 ; a word ; by implication , a matter (as spoken of) or thing ; adverbially , a cause : -- act , advice , affair , answer , X any such (thing) , because of , book , business , care , case , cause , certain rate , + chronicles , commandment , X commune (- ication) , + concern [-ing ] , + confer , counsel , + dearth , decree , deed , X disease , due , duty , effect , + eloquent , errand , [evil {favoured-}] ness , + glory , + harm , hurt , + iniquity , + judgment , language , + lying , manner , matter , message , [no ] thing , oracle , X ought , X parts , + pertaining , + please , portion , + power , promise , provision , purpose , question , rate , reason , report , request , X (as hast) said , sake , saying , sentence , + sign , + so , some [uncleanness ] , somewhat to say , + song , speech , X spoken , talk , task , + that , X there done , thing (concerning) , thought , + thus , tidings , what [-soever ] , + wherewith , which , word , work .
favouredness 07451 ## ra` {rah} ; from 07489 ; bad or (as noun) evil (natural or moral) : -- adversity , affliction , bad , calamity , + displease (- ure) , distress , evil ([{-favouredness} ] , man , thing) , + exceedingly , X great , grief (- vous) , harm , heavy , hurt (- ful) , ill (favoured) , + mark , mischief (- vous) , misery , naught (- ty) , noisome , + not please , sad (- ly) , sore , sorrow , trouble , vex , wicked (- ly ,-ness , one) , worse (- st) , wretchedness , wrong . [Incl . feminine ra` ah ; as adjective or noun . ] .
flour 01217 ## batseq {baw-tsake'} ; from 01216 ; dough (as swelling by fermentation) : -- dough , {flour} .
flour 05560 ## coleth {so'- leth} ; from an unused root meaning to strip ; flour (as chipped off) : -- (fine) {flour} , meal .
flour 05560 ## coleth {so'- leth} ; from an unused root meaning to strip ; {flour} (as chipped off) : -- (fine) flour , meal .
flour 07058 ## qemach {keh'- makh} ; from an unused root probably meaning to grind ; flour : -- {flour} , meal .
flour 07058 ## qemach {keh'- makh} ; from an unused root probably meaning to grind ; {flour} : -- flour , meal .
flour 4585 - semidalis {sem-id'-al-is}; probably of foreign origin; fine wheaten flour: -- fine {flour}.
flour 4585 - semidalis {sem-id'-al-is}; probably of foreign origin; fine wheaten {flour}: -- fine flour.
flourish 05006 ## na'ats {naw-ats'} ; a primitive root ; to scorn ; or (Ecclesiastes 12 : 5) by interchange for 05132 , to bloom : -- abhor , (give occasion to) blaspheme , contemn , despise , {flourish} , X great , provoke .
flourish 05107 ## nuwb {noob} ; a primitive root ; to germinate , i . e . (figuratively) to (causatively , make) {flourish} ; also (of words) , to utter : -- bring forth (fruit) , make cheerful , increase .
flourish 06524 ## parach {paw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; to break forth as a bud , i . e . bloom ; generally , to spread ; specifically , to fly (as extending the wings) ; figuratively , to {flourish} : -- X abroad , X abundantly , blossom , break forth (out) , bud , flourish , make fly , grow , spread , spring (up) .
flourish 06692 ## tsuwts {tsoots} ; a primitive root ; to twinkle , i . e . glance ; by analogy , to blossom (figuratively , flourish) : -- bloom , blossom , {flourish} , shew self .
flourish 0330 - anathallo {an-ath-al'-lo}; from 0303 and thallo (to flourish); to revive: -- {flourish} again.
flourish 0330 - anathallo {an-ath-al'-lo}; from 0303 and thallo (to {flourish}); to revive: -- flourish again.
flourishing 07487 ## ra` anan (Aramaic) {rah-aw-nan'} ; corresponding to 07488 ; green , i . e . (figuratively) prosperous ;-- {flourishing} .
flourishing 07488 ## ra` anan {rah-an-awn'} ; from an unused root meaning to be green ; verdant ; by analogy , new ; figuratively , prosperous : -- green , {flourishing} .
flourishing 5611 - horaios {ho-rah'-yos}; from 5610; belonging to the right hour or season (timely), i.e. (by implication) {flourishing} (beauteous [figuratively]): -- beautiful.
forecourt 4259 - proaulion {pro-ow'-lee-on}; neuter of a presumed compound of 4253 and 0833; a {forecourt}, i.e. vestibule (alley-way): -- porch.
four 00041 ## 'Abiynadab {ab-ee-naw-dawb'} ; from 00001 and 05068 ; father of generosity (i . e . liberal) ; Abinadab , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Abinadab .
four 00387 ## 'Eythan {ay-thawn'} ; the same as 00386 ; permanent ; Ethan , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Ethan .
four 00425 ## 'Elah {ay-law'} ; the same as 00424 ; Elah , the name of an Edomite , of {four} Israelites , and also of a place in Palestine : -- Elah .
four 00471 ## 'Elyaqiym'{el-yaw-keem'} ; from 00410 and 06965 ; God of raising ; Eljakim , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Eliakim .
four 00494 ## 'Elnathan {el-naw-thawn'} ; from 00410 and 05414 ; God (is the) giver ; Elnathan , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Elnathan .
four 00501 ## 'El` asah {el-aw-saw'} ; from 00410 and 06213 ; God has made ; Elasah , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Elasah , Eleasah .
four 00558 ## 'Amatsyah {am-ats-yaw'} ; or'Amatsyahuw {am-ats-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00553 and 03050 ; strength of Jah ; Amatsjah , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Amaziah .
four 00702 ## 'arba` {ar-bah'} ; masculine'arba` ah {ar-baw-aw'} ; from 07251 ; four : -- {four} .
four 00702 ## 'arba` {ar-bah'} ; masculine'arba` ah {ar-baw-aw'} ; from 07251 ; {four} : -- four .
four 00703 ## 'arba` (Aramaic) {ar-bah'} ; corresponding to 00702 : -- {four} .
four 01195 ## Ba` ana'{bah-an-aw'} ; the same as 01196 ; Banana , the name of {four} Israelite : -- Baana , Baanah .
four 01196 ## Ba` anah {bah-an-aw'} ; from a derivative of 06031 with prepositional prefix ; in affliction :-Baanah , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Baanah .
four 01283 ## B@riy` ah {ber-ee'- aw} ; apparently from the feminine of 07451 with a prepositional prefix ; in trouble ; Beriah , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Beriah .
four 01647 ## Ger@shom {gay-resh-ome'} ; for 01648 ; Gereshom , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Gershom .
four 02067 ## Zabdiy {zab-dee'} ; from 02065 ; giving ; Zabdi , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Zabdi .
four 02354 ## Chuwr {khoor} ; the same as 02353 or 02352 ; Chur , the name of {four} Israelites and one Midianite : -- Hur .
four 02407 ## Chattuwsh {khat-toosh'} ; from an unused root of uncertain signification ; Chattush , the name of {four} or five Israelites : -- Hattush .
four 02970 ## Ya'azanyah {yah-az-an-yaw'} ; or Ya'azanyahuw {yah-az-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from 00238 and 03050 ; heard of Jah ; Jaazanjah , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Jaazaniah . Compare 03153 .
four 02971 ## Ya'iyr {yaw-ere'} ; from 00215 ; enlightener ; Jair , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Jair .
four 03083 ## Y@hownathan {yeh-ho-naw-thawn'} ; from 03068 and 05414 ; Jehovah-given ; Jehonathan , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Jonathan . Compare 03129 .
four 03098 ## Yow'ach {yo-awkh'} ; from 03068 and 00251 ; Jehovah-brothered ; Joach , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Joah .
four 03114 ## Yowyariyb {yo-yaw-reeb'} ; a form of 03080 ; Jojarib , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Joiarib .
four 03189 ## Yachath {yakh'- ath} ; from 03161 ; unity ; Jachath , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Jahath .
four 03262 ## Y@` uw'el {yeh-oo-ale'} ; from 03261 and 00410 ; carried away of God ; Jeuel , the name of {four} Israelites ;-- Jehiel , Jeiel , Jeuel . Compare 03273 .
four 03266 ## Y@` uwsh {yeh-oosh'} ; from 05789 ; hasty ; Jeush , the name of an Edomite and of {four} Israelites : -- Jehush , Jeush . Compare 03274 .
four 03469 ## Yish` iy {yish-ee'} ; from 03467 ; saving ; Jishi , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Ishi .
four 04601 ## Ma` akah {mah-ak-aw'} ; or Ma` akath (Josh . 13 : 13) {mah-ak-awth'} ; from 04600 ; depression ; Maakah (or Maakath) , the name of a place in Syria , also of a Mesopotamian , of three Israelites , and of {four} Israelitesses and one Syrian woman : -- Maachah , Maachathites . See also 01038 .
four 04993 ## Mattithyah {mat-tith-yaw'} ; or Mattithyahuw {mat-tith-yaw'- hoo} ; from 04991 and 03050 ; gift of Jah ; Mattithjah , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Mattithiah .
four 05070 ## Nadab {naw-dawb'} ; from 05068 ; liberal ; Nadab , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Nadab .
four 05418 ## N@thanyah {neth-an-yaw'} ; or N@thanyahuw {neth-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from 05414 and 03050 ; given of Jah ; Nethanjah , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Nethaniah .
four 05658 ## ` Abdown {ab-dohn'} ; from 05647 ; servitude ; Abdon , the name of a place in Palestine and of {four} Israelites : -- Abdon . Compare 05683 .
four 05677 ## ` Eber {ay'- ber} ; the same as 05676 ; Eber , the name of two patriarchs and {four} Israelites : -- Eber , Heber .
four 05829 ## ` Ezer {ay'- zer} ; the same as 05828 ; Ezer , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Ezer . Compare 05827 .
four 05840 ## ` Azriyqam {az-ree-kawm'} ; from 05828 and active participle of 06965 ; help of an enemy ; Azrikam , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Azrikam .
four 05988 ## ` Ammiy'el {am-mee-ale'} ; from 05971 and 00410 ; people of God ; Ammiel , the name of three or {four} Israelites : -- Ammiel .
four 05992 ## ` Ammiynadab {am-mee-naw-dawb'} ; from 05971 and 05068 ; people of liberality ; Amminadab , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Amminadab .
four 06214 ## ` Asah'el {as-aw-ale'} ; from 06213 and 00410 ; God has made ; Asahel , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Asahel .
four 06222 ## ` Asayah {aw-saw-yaw'} ; from 06213 and 03050 ; Jah has made ; Asajah , the name of three or {four} Israelites : -- Asaiah .
four 06410 ## P@latyah {pel-at-yaw'} ; or P@latyahuw {pel-at-yaw'- hoo} ; from 06403 and 03050 ; Jah has delivered ; Pelatjah , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Pelatiah .
four 06583 ## Pashchuwr {pash-khoor'} ; probably from 06582 ; liberation ; Pashchur , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Pashur .
four 06611 ## P@thachyah {peth-akh-yaw'} ; from 06605 and 03050 ; Jah has opened ; Pethachjah , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Pethakiah .
four 06846 ## Ts@phanyah {tsef-an-yaw'} ; or Ts@phanyahuw {tsef-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from 06845 and 03050 ; Jah has secreted ; Tsephanjah , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Zephaniah .
four 06943 ## Qedesh {keh'- desh} ; from 06942 ; a sanctum ; Kedesh , the name of {four} places in Palestine : -- Kedesh .
four 07153 ## Qiryath` Arba` {keer-yath'ar-bah'} ; or (with the article interposed) Qiryath ha-'Arba` (Neh . 11 : 25) {keer-yath'haw-ar-bah'} ; from 07151 and 00704 or 00702 ; city of Arba , or city of the {four} (giants) ; Kirjath-Arba or Kirjath-ha-Arba , a place in Palestine : -- Kirjath-arba .
four 07251 ## raba` {raw-bah'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 07250 through the idea of sprawling " at all fours " (or possibly the reverse is the order of deriv .) ; compare 00702 ] ; properly , to be {four} (sided) ; used only as denominative of 07253 ; to be quadrate : -- (four-) square (- d) .
four 07257 ## rabats {raw-bats'} ; a primitive root ; to crouch (on all {four} legs folded , like a recumbent animal) ; be implication , to recline , repose , brood , lurk , imbed : -- crouch (down) , fall down , make a fold , lay , (cause to , make to) lie (down) , make to rest , sit .
four 07414 ## Ramah {raw-maw'} ; the same as 07413 ; Ramah , the name of {four} places in Palestine : -- Ramah .
four 07645 ## Sh@banyah {sheb-an-yaw'} ; or Sh@banyahuw {sheb-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from the same as 07644 and 03050 ; Jah has grown (i . e . prospered) ; Shebanjah , the name of three or {four} Israelites : -- Shebaniah .
four 08048 ## Shammah {sham-maw'} ; the same as 08047 ; Shammah , the name of an Edomite and {four} Israelites : -- Shammah .
four 08051 ## Shammuwa` {sham-moo'- ah} ; from 08074 ; renowned ; Shammua , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Shammua , Shammuah .
four 08087 ## Shema` {sheh'- mah} ; for the same as 08088 ; Shema , the name of a place in Palestine and of {four} Israelites : -- Shema .
four 08092 ## Shim` a'{shim-aw'} ; for 08093 ; Shima , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Shimea , Shimei , Shamma .
four 08113 ## Shimriy {shim-ree'} ; from 08105 in its original sense ; watchful ; Shimri , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Shimri .
four 08114 ## Sh@maryah {shem-ar-yaw'} ; or Sh@maryahuw {shem-ar-yaw'- hoo} ; from 08104 and 03050 ; Jah has guarded ; Shemarjah , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Shamariah , Shemariah .
four 08202 ## Shaphat {shaw-fawt'} ; from 08199 ; judge ; Shaphat , the name of {four} Israelites : -- Shaphat .
four 0417 - anemos {an'-em-os}; from the base of 0109; wind; (plural) by implication (the {four}) quarters (of the earth): -- wind.
four 1180 - dekatessares {dek-at-es'-sar-es}; from 1176 and 5064; ten and {four}, i.e. fourteen: -- fourteen.
four 2264 - Herodes {hay-ro'-dace}; compound of heros (a " hero " ) and 1491; heroic; Herod, the name of {four} Jewish kings: -- Herod.
four 2491 - Ioannes {ee-o-an'-nace}; of Hebrew origin [3110]; Joannes (i.e. Jochanan), the name of {four} Israelites: -- John.
four 5064 - tessares {tes'-sar-es}; neuter tessara {tes'-sar-ah}; a plural number; four: -- {four}.
four 5064 - tessares {tes'-sar-es}; neuter tessara {tes'-sar-ah}; a plural number; {four}: -- four.
four 5066 - tetartaios {tet-ar-tah'-yos}; from 5064; pertaining to the fourth day: -- {four} days.
four 5067 - tetartos {tet'-ar-tos}; ord. from 5064; fourth: -- {four}(-th).
four 5069 - tetradion {tet-rad'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of tetras (a tetrad; from 5064); a quaternion or squad (picket) of {four} Roman soldiers: -- quaternion.
four 5070 - tetrakischilioi {tet-rak-is-khil'-ee-oy}; from the multiplicative adverb of 5064 and 5507; four times a thousand: -- {four} thousand.
four 5070 - tetrakischilioi {tet-rak-is-khil'-ee-oy}; from the multiplicative adverb of 5064 and 5507; {four} times a thousand: -- four thousand.
four 5071 - tetrakosioi {tet-rak-os'-ee-oy}; neuter tetrakosia {tet-rak-os'-ee-ah}; plural from 5064 and 1540; four hundred: -- {four} hundred.
four 5071 - tetrakosioi {tet-rak-os'-ee-oy}; neuter tetrakosia {tet-rak-os'-ee-ah}; plural from 5064 and 1540; {four} hundred: -- four hundred.
four 5072 - tetramenon {tet-ram'-ay-non}; neuter of a compound of 5064 and 3376; a four months' space: -- {four} months.
four 5072 - tetramenon {tet-ram'-ay-non}; neuter of a compound of 5064 and 3376; a {four} months' space: -- four months.
four 5376 - Philippos {fil'-ip-pos}; from 5384 and 2462; fond of horses; Philippus, the name of {four} Israelites: -- Philip.
four- 06240 ## ` asar {aw-sawr'} ; for 06235 ; ten (only in combination) , i . e .-teen ; also (ordinal)-teenth : -- [eigh-, fif-, {four-}, nine-, seven-, six-, thir-] teen (- th) , + eleven (- th) , + sixscore thousand , + twelve (- th) .
four- 07251 ## raba` {raw-bah'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 07250 through the idea of sprawling " at all fours " (or possibly the reverse is the order of deriv .) ; compare 00702 ] ; properly , to be four (sided) ; used only as denominative of 07253 ; to be quadrate : -- ({four-}) square (- d) .
four-cornered 5068 - tetragonos {tet-rag'-o-nos}; from 5064 and 1137; {four-cornered}, i.e. square: -- foursquare.
four-legged 5132 - trapeza {trap'-ed-zah}; probably contracted from 5064 and 3979; a table or stool (as being {four-legged}), usually for food (figuratively, a meal); also a counter for money (figuratively, a broker's office for loans at interest): -- bank, meat, table.
four-wheeled 4480 - rheda {hred'-ah}; of Latin origin; a rheda, i.e. {four-wheeled} carriage (wagon for riding): -- chariot.
fourfold 5073 - tetraploos {tet-rap-lo'-os}; from 5064 and a derivative of the base of 4118; quadruple: -- {fourfold}.
fourfooted 5074 - tetrapous {tet-rap'-ooce}; from 5064 and 4228; a quadruped: -- {fourfooted} beast.
fours 07251 ## raba` {raw-bah'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 07250 through the idea of sprawling " at all {fours} " (or possibly the reverse is the order of deriv .) ; compare 00702 ] ; properly , to be four (sided) ; used only as denominative of 07253 ; to be quadrate : -- (four-) square (- d) .
fourscore 08084 ## sh@moniym {shem-o-neem'} ; or sh@mowniym {shem-o-neem'} ; mult . from 08083 ; eighty , also eightieth : -- eighty (- ieth) , {fourscore} .
fourscore 3589 - ogdoekonta {og-do-ay'-kon-tah}; from 3590; ten times eight: -- {fourscore}.
foursquare 07243 ## r@biy` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; or r@bi` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; from 07251 ; fourth ; also (fractionally) a fourth : -- {foursquare} , fourth (part) .
foursquare 5068 - tetragonos {tet-rag'-o-nos}; from 5064 and 1137; four-cornered, i.e. square: -- {foursquare}.
fourteen 07967 ## Shalluwm {shal-loom'} ; or (shorter) Shallum {shal-loom'} ; the same as 07966 ; Shallum , the name of {fourteen} Israelites : -- Shallum .
fourteen 1180 - dekatessares {dek-at-es'-sar-es}; from 1176 and 5064; ten and four, i.e. {fourteen}: -- fourteen.
fourteenth 5065 - tessareskaidekatos {tes-sar-es-kahee-dek'-at-os}; from 5064 and 2532 and 1182; fourteenth: -- {fourteenth}.
fourteenth 5065 - tessareskaidekatos {tes-sar-es-kahee-dek'-at-os}; from 5064 and 2532 and 1182; {fourteenth}: -- fourteenth.
fourth 07243 ## r@biy` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; or r@bi` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; from 07251 ; fourth ; also (fractionally) a fourth : -- foursquare , {fourth} (part) .
fourth 07243 ## r@biy` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; or r@bi` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; from 07251 ; fourth ; also (fractionally) a {fourth} : -- foursquare , fourth (part) .
fourth 07243 ## r@biy` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; or r@bi` iy {reb-ee-ee'} ; from 07251 ; {fourth} ; also (fractionally) a fourth : -- foursquare , fourth (part) .
fourth 07244 ## r@biy` ay (Aramaic) {reb-ee-ah'- ee} ; corresponding to 07243-- {fourth} .
fourth 07253 ## reba` {reh'- bah} ; from 07251 ; a fourth (part or side) : -- {fourth} part , side , square .
fourth 07253 ## reba` {reh'- bah} ; from 07251 ; a {fourth} (part or side) : -- fourth part , side , square .
fourth 07255 ## roba` {ro'- bah} ; from 07251 ; a quarter : -- {fourth} participle
fourth 07256 ## ribbea` {rib-bay'- ah} ; from 07251 ; a descendant of the fourth generation , i . e . great great grandchild : -- {fourth} .
fourth 07256 ## ribbea` {rib-bay'- ah} ; from 07251 ; a descendant of the {fourth} generation , i . e . great great grandchild : -- fourth .
fourth 2835 - kodrantes {kod-ran'-tace}; of Latin origin; a quadrans, i.e. the {fourth} part of an as: -- farthing.
fourth 2890 - Kouartos {koo'-ar-tos}; of Latin origin ({fourth}); Quartus, a Christian: -- Quartus.
fourth 5066 - tetartaios {tet-ar-tah'-yos}; from 5064; pertaining to the {fourth} day: -- four days.
fourth 5076 - tetrarches {tet-rar'-khace}; from 5064 and 0757; the ruler of a {fourth} part of a country ( " tetrarch " ): -- tetrarch. ***. teucho. See 5177.
gourd 06498 ## paqqu` ah {pak-koo-aw'} ; from the same as 06497 ; the wild cucumber (from splitting open to shed its seeds) : -- {gourd} .
gourd 07021 ## qiyqayown {kee-kaw-yone'} ; perhaps from 07006 ; the gourd (as nauseous) : -- {gourd} .
gourd 07021 ## qiyqayown {kee-kaw-yone'} ; perhaps from 07006 ; the {gourd} (as nauseous) : -- gourd .
gourmand 1064 - gaster {gas-tare'}; of uncertain derivation; the stomach; by analogy, the matrix; figuratively, a {gourmand}: -- belly, + with child, womb.
half-hour 2256 - hemiorion {hay-mee-o'-ree-on}; from the base of 2255 and 5610; a {half-hour}: -- half an hour.
hierourgeo 2418 - {hierourgeo} {hee-er-oorg-eh'-o}; from a compound of 2411 and the base of 2041; to be a temple-worker, i.e. officiate as a priest (figuratively): -- minister.
honour 01921 ## hadar {haw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to swell up (literally or figuratively , active or passive) ; by implication , to favor or honour , be high or proud : -- countenance , crooked place , glorious , {honour} , put forth .
honour 01922 ## hadar (Aramaic) {had-ar'} ; corresponding to 01921 ; to magnify (figuratively) : -- glorify , {honour} .
honour 03513 ## kabad {kaw-bad'} ; or kabed {kaw-bade'} ; a primitive root ; to be heavy , i . e . in a bad sense (burdensome , severe , dull) or in a good sense (numerous , rich , honorable ; causatively , to make weighty (in the same two senses) : -- abounding with , more grievously afflict , boast , be chargeable , X be dim , glorify , be (make) glorious (things) , glory , (very) great , be grievous , harden , be (make) heavy , be heavier , lay heavily , (bring to , come to , do , get , be had in) honour (self) , (be) honourable (man) , lade , X more be laid , make self many , nobles , prevail , promote (to {honour}) , be rich , be (go) sore , stop .
honour 03519 ## kabowd {kaw-bode'} ; rarely kabod {kaw-bode'} ; from 03513 ; properly , weight , but only figuratively in a good sense , splendor or copiousness : -- glorious (- ly) , glory , {honour} (- able) .
honour 0820 - atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively) dishonoured: -- despised, without {honour}, less honourable [comparative degree].
honour 1391 - doxa {dox'-ah}; from the base of 1380; glory (as very apparent), in a wide application (literal or figurative, objective or subjective): -- dignity, glory(-ious), {honour}, praise, worship.
honour 1392 - doxazo {dox-ad'-zo}; from 1391; to render (or esteem) glorious (in a wide application): -- (make) glorify(-ious), full of (have) glory, {honour}, magnify.
honour 5091 - timao {tim-ah'-o}; from 5093; to prize, i.e. fix a valuation upon; by implication, to revere: -- {honour}, value.
honour 5092 - time {tee-may'}; from 5099; a value, i.e. money paid, or (concretely and collectively) valuables; by analogy, esteem (especially of the highest degree), or the dignity itself: -- {honour}, precious, price, some.
honourable 00142 ## 'adar {aw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to expand , i . e . be great or (figuratively) magnificent : -- (become) glorious , {honourable} .
honourable 03513 ## kabad {kaw-bad'} ; or kabed {kaw-bade'} ; a primitive root ; to be heavy , i . e . in a bad sense (burdensome , severe , dull) or in a good sense (numerous , rich , honorable ; causatively , to make weighty (in the same two senses) : -- abounding with , more grievously afflict , boast , be chargeable , X be dim , glorify , be (make) glorious (things) , glory , (very) great , be grievous , harden , be (make) heavy , be heavier , lay heavily , (bring to , come to , do , get , be had in) honour (self) , (be) {honourable} (man) , lade , X more be laid , make self many , nobles , prevail , promote (to honour) , be rich , be (go) sore , stop .
honourable 06440 ## paniym {paw-neem'} ; plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'} ; from 06437 ] ; the face (as the part that turns) ; used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively) ; also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before , etc .) : -- + accept , a-(be-) fore (- time) , against , anger , X as (long as) , at , + battle , + because (of) , + beseech , countenance , edge , + employ , endure , + enquire , face , favour , fear of , for , forefront (- part) , form (- er time ,-ward) , from , front , heaviness , X him (- self) , + {honourable} , + impudent , + in , it , look [-eth ] (- s) , X me , + meet , X more than , mouth , of , off , (of) old (time) , X on , open , + out of , over against , the partial , person , + please , presence , propect , was purposed , by reason of , + regard , right forth , + serve , X shewbread , sight , state , straight , + street , X thee , X them (- selves) , through (+-out) , till , time (- s) past , (un-) to (- ward) , + upon , upside (+ down) , with (- in , +-stand) , X ye , X you .
honourable 0820 - atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5092; (negatively) unhonoured or (positively) dishonoured: -- despised, without honour, less {honourable} [comparative degree].
honourable 1741 - endoxos {en'-dox-os}; from 1722 and 1391; in glory, i.e. splendid, (figuratively) noble: -- glorious, gorgeous [-ly], {honourable}.
honourable 1784 - entimos {en'-tee-mos}; from 1722 and 5092; valued (figuratively): -- dear, more {honourable}, precious, in reputation.
honourable 2158 - euschemon {yoo-skhay'-mone}; from 2095 and 4976; well-formed, i.e. (figuratively) decorous, noble (in rank): -- comely, {honourable}.
honourable 5093 - timios {tim'-ee-os}; including the comparative timioteros {tim-ee-o'-ter-os}; and the superlative timiotatos {tim-ee-o'-tat-os}; from 5092; valuable, i.e. (objectively) costly, or (subjectively) honored, esteemed, or (figuratively) beloved: -- dear, {honourable}, (more, most) precious, had in reputation.
hour 08160 ## sha` ah (Aramaic) {shaw-aw'} ; from a root corresponding to 08159 ; properly , a look , i . e . a moment : -- {hour} .
hour 0737 - arti {ar'-tee}; adverb from a derivative of 0142 (compare 0740) through the idea of suspension; just now: -- this day ({hour}), hence [-forth], here [-after], hither [-to], (even) now, (this) present.
hour 1824 - exautes {ex-ow'-tace}; from 1537 and the genitive case singular feminine of 0846 (5610 being understood); from that {hour}, i.e. instantly: -- by and by, immediately, presently, straightway.
hour 2256 - hemiorion {hay-mee-o'-ree-on}; from the base of 2255 and 5610; a half-hour: -- half an {hour}.
hour 5610 - hora {ho'-rah}; apparently a primary word; an " hour " (literally or figuratively): -- day, {hour}, instant, season, X short, [even-]tide, (high) time.
hour 5610 - hora {ho'-rah}; apparently a primary word; an " {hour} " (literally or figuratively): -- day, hour, instant, season, X short, [even-]tide, (high) time.
hour 5611 - horaios {ho-rah'-yos}; from 5610; belonging to the right {hour} or season (timely), i.e. (by implication) flourishing (beauteous [figuratively]): -- beautiful.
hours 03117 ## yowm {yome} ; from an unused root meaning to be hot ; a day (as the warm {hours}) , whether literal (from sunrise to sunset , or from one sunset to the next) , or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term) , [often used adverb ] : -- age , + always , + chronicals , continually (- ance) , daily , ([birth-] , each , to) day , (now a , two) days (agone) , + elder , X end , + evening , + (for) ever (- lasting ,-- more) , X full , life , as (so) long as (. . live) , (even) now , + old , + outlived , + perpetually , presently , + remaineth , X required , season , X since , space , then , (process of) time , + as at other times , + in trouble , weather , (as) when , (a , the , within a) while (that) , X whole (+ age) , (full) year (- ly) , + younger .
hours 2250 - hemera {hay-mer'-ah}; feminine (with 5610 implied) of a derivative of hemai (to sit; akin to the base of 1476) meaning tame, i.e. gentle; day, i.e. (literally) the time space between dawn and dark, or the whole 24 {hours} (but several days were usually reckoned by the Jews as inclusive of the parts of both extremes); figuratively, a period (always defined more or less clearly by the context): -- age, + alway, (mid-)day (by day, [-ly]), + for ever, judgment, (day) time, while, years.
hours 3574 - nuchthemeron {nookh-thay'-mer-on}; from 3571 and 2250; a day-and-night, i.e. full day of twenty-four {hours}: -- night and day.
intercourse 04904 ## mishkab {mish-kawb'} ; from 07901 ; a bed (figuratively , a bier) ; abstractly , sleep ; by euphemism , carnal {intercourse} : -- bed ([-chamber ]) , couch , lieth (lying) with .
intercourse 0642 - aporphanizo {ap-or-fan-id'-zo}; from 0575 and a derivative of 3737; to bereave wholly, i.e. (figuratively) separate (from {intercourse}): -- take.
intercourse 2842 - koinonia {koy-nohn-ee'-ah}; from 2844; partnership, i.e. (literally) participation, or (social) {intercourse}, or (pecuniary) benefaction: -- (to) communicate(-ation), communion, (contri-)distribution, fellowship.
intercourse 3352 - metoche {met-okh-ay'}; from 3348; participation, i.e. {intercourse}: -- fellowship.
intercourse 3657 - homilia {hom-il-ee'-ah}; from 3658; companionship ( " homily " ), i.e. (by implication) {intercourse}: -- communication.
intercourse 4327 - prosdechomai {pros-dekh'-om-ahee}; from 4314 and 1209; to admit (to {intercourse}, hospitality, credence, or [figuratively] endurance); by implication, to await (with confidence or patience): -- accept, allow, look (wait) for, take.
intercourse 4798 - sugchraomai {soong-khrah'-om-ahee}; from 4862 and 5530; to use jointly, i.e. (by implication) to hold {intercourse} in common: -- have dealings with.
intercourse 5540 - chresis {khray'-sis}; from 5530; employment, i.e. (specifically) sexual {intercourse} (as an occupation of the body): -- use.
iour 03467 ## yasha` {yaw-shah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be open , wide or free , i . e . (by implication) to be safe ; causatively , to free or succor : -- X at all , avenging , defend , deliver (- er) , help , preserve , rescue , be safe , bring (having) salvation , save (- {iour}) , get victory .
Itouraia 2484 - {Itouraia} {ee-too-rah'-yah}; of Hebrew origin [3195]; Ituraea (i.e. Jetur), a region of Palestine: -- Ituraea.
journey 01870 ## derek {deh'- rek} ; from 01869 ; a road (as trodden) ; figuratively , a course of life or mode of action , often adverb : -- along , away , because of , + by , conversation , custom , [east-] ward , {journey} , manner , passenger , through , toward , [high-] [path-] way [-side ] , whither [-soever ] .
journey 01982 ## helek {hay'- lek} ; from 01980 ; properly , a {journey} , i . e . (by implication) a wayfarer ; also a flowing : -- X dropped , traveller .
journey 01983 ## halak (Aramaic) {hal-awk'} ; from 01981 ; properly , a {journey} , i . e . (by implication) toll on goods at a road : -- custom .
journey 03212 ## yalak {yaw-lak'} ; a primitive root [compare 01980 ] ; to walk (literally or figuratively) ; causatively , to carry (in various senses) : -- X again , away , bear , bring , carry (away) , come (away) , depart , flow , + follow (- ing) , get (away , hence , him) , (cause to , made) go (away ,-- ing ,-- ne , one's way , out) , grow , lead (forth) , let down , march , prosper , + pursue , cause to run , spread , take away ([{-journey} ]) , vanish , (cause to) walk (- ing) , wax , X be weak .
journey 03922 ## lekah {lay-kaw'} ; from 032l2 ; a {journey} ; Lekah , a place in Palestine : -- Lecah .
journey 04109 ## mahalak {mah-hal-awk'} ; from 01980 ; a walk , i . e . a passage or a distance : -- {journey} , walk .
journey 04550 ## macca` {mas-sah'} ; from 05265 ; a departure (from striking the tents) , i . e . march (not necessarily a single day's travel) ; by implication , a station (or point of departure) : -- {journey} (- ing) .
journey 04609 ## ma` alah {mah-al-aw'} ; feminine of 04608 ; elevation , i . e . the act (literally , a {journey} to a higher place , figuratively , a thought arising) , or (concretely) the condition (literally , a step or grade-mark , figuratively , a superiority of station) ; specifically a climactic progression (in certain Psalms) : -- things that come up , (high) degree , deal , go up , stair , step , story .
journey 05265 ## naca` {naw-sah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pull up , especially the tent-pins , i . e . start on a journey : -- cause to blow , bring , get , (make to) go (away , forth , forward , onward , out) , (take) {journey} , march , remove , set aside (forward) , X still , be on his (go their) way .
journey 06213 ## ` asah {aw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to do or make , in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows) : -- accomplish , advance , appoint , apt , be at , become , bear , bestow , bring forth , bruise , be busy , X certainly , have the charge of , commit , deal (with) , deck , + displease , do , (ready) dress (- ed) , (put in) execute (- ion) , exercise , fashion , + feast , [fight-] ing man , + finish , fit , fly , follow , fulfill , furnish , gather , get , go about , govern , grant , great , + hinder , hold ([a feast ]) , X indeed , + be industrious , + {journey} , keep , labour , maintain , make , be meet , observe , be occupied , offer , + officer , pare , bring (come) to pass , perform , pracise , prepare , procure , provide , put , requite , X sacrifice , serve , set , shew , X sin , spend , X surely , take , X thoroughly , trim , X very , + vex , be [warr-] ior , work (- man) , yield , use .
journey 06679 ## tsuwd {tsood} ; a primitive root ; to lie alongside (i . e . in wait) ; by implication , to catch an animal (figuratively , men) ; (denominative from 06718) to victual (for a {journey}) : -- chase , hunt , sore , take (provision) .
journey 06718 ## tsayid {tsah'- yid} ; from a form of 06679 and meaning the same ; the chase ; also game (thus taken) ; (generally) lunch (especially for a {journey}) : -- X catcheth , food , X hunter , (that which he took in) hunting , venison , victuals .
journey 07272 ## regel {reh'- gel} ; from 07270 ; a foot (as used in walking) ; by implication , a step ; by euphem . the pudenda : -- X be able to endure , X according as , X after , X coming , X follow , ([broken-]) foot ([-ed ,-stool ]) , X great toe , X haunt , X {journey} , leg , + piss , + possession , time .
journey 07353 ## rachel {raw-kale'} ; from an unused root meaning to {journey} ; a ewe [the females being the predominant element of a flock ] (as a good traveller) : -- ewe , sheep .
journey 0589 - apodemeo {ap-od-ay-meh'-o}; from 0590; to go abroad, i.e. visit a foreign land: -- go (travel) into a far country, {journey}.
journey 0590 - apodemos {ap-od'-ay-mos}; from 0575 and 1218; absent from one's own people, i.e. a foreign traveller: -- taking a far {journey}.
journey 1279 - diaporeuomai {dee-ap-or-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 1223 and 4198; to travel through: -- go through, {journey} in, pass by.
journey 1975 - epiporeuomai {ep-ee-por-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 1909 and 4198; to {journey} further, i.e. travel on (reach): -- come.
journey 2137 - euodoo {yoo-od-o'-o}; from a compound of 2095 and 3598; to help on the road, i.e. (passively) succeed in reaching; figuratively, to succeed in business affairs: -- (have a) prosper(-ous {journey}).
journey 2646 - kataluma {kat-al'-oo-mah}; from 2647; properly, a dissolution (breaking up of a {journey}), i.e. (by implication) a lodging-place: -- guestchamber, inn.
journey 3593 - hodeuo {hod-yoo'-o}; from 3598; to travel: -- {journey}.
journey 3596 - hodoiporeo {hod-oy-por-eh'-o}; from a compound of 3598 and 4198; to be a wayfarer, i.e. travel: -- go on a {journey}.
journey 3597 - hodoiporia {hod-oy-por-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3596; travel: -- {journey}(-ing).
journey 3598 - hodos {hod-os'}; apparently a primary word; a road; by implication a progress (the route, act or distance); figuratively, a mode or means: -- {journey}, (high-)way.
journey 3978 - pezeuo {ped-zyoo'-o}; from the same as 3979; to foot a {journey}, i.e. travel by land: -- go afoot.
journey 4197 - poreia {por-i'-ah}; from 4198; travel (by land); figuratively (plural) proceedings, i.e. career: -- {journey} [-ing], ways.
journey 4198 - poreuomai {por-yoo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from a derivative of the same as 3984; to traverse, i.e. travel (literally or figuratively; especially to remove [figuratively, die], live, etc.); -- depart, go (away, forth, one's way, up), (make a, take a) {journey}, walk.
journey 4311 - propempo {prop-em'-po}; from 4253 and 3992; to send forward, i.e. escort or aid in travel: -- accompany, bring (forward) on {journey} (way), conduct forth.
journey 4365 - prosporeuomai {pros-por-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 4314 and 4198; to {journey} towards, i.e. approach [not the same as 4313]: -- go before.
journey 4848 - sumporeuomai {soom-por-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 4862 and 4198; to {journey} together; by implication, to assemble: -- go with, resort.
journey 4922 - sunodeuo {soon-od-yoo'-o}; from 4862 and 3593; to travel in company with: -- {journey} with.
journey 4923 - sunodia {soon-od-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 4862 and 3598 ( " synod " ); companionship on a {journey}, i.e. (by implication) a caravan: -- company.
journeying 4160 - poieo {poy-eh'-o}; apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application, more or less direct): -- abide, + agree, appoint, X avenge, + band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast out, cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without any delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have, hold, X {journeying}, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship, make, X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain, perform, provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure, shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law, work, yield. Compare 4238.
Jove-nourished 1361 - Diotrephes {dee-ot-ref-ace'}; from the alternate of 2203 and 5142; {Jove-nourished}; Diotrephes, an opponent of Christianity: -- Diotrephes.
kakourgos 2557 - {kakourgos} {kak-oor'-gos}; from 2556 and the base of 2041; a wrong-doer, i.e. criminal: -- evil-doer, malefactor.
kepouros 2780 - {kepouros} {kay-poo-ros'}; from 2779 and ouros (a warden); a garden-keeper, i.e. gardener: -- gardener.
kollourion 2854 - {kollourion} {kol-loo'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of kollura (a cake; prob akin to the base of 2853); properly, a poultice (as made of or in the form of crackers), i.e. (by analogy) a plaster: -- eyesalve.
labour 01934 ## hava'(Aramaic) {hav-aw'} ; orhavah (Aramaic) {hav-aw'} ; corresponding to 01933 ; to exist ; used in a great variety of applications (especially in connection with other words) : -- be , become , + behold , + came (to pass) , + cease , + cleave , + consider , + do , + give , + have , + judge , + keep , + {labour} , + mingle (self) , + put , + see , + seek , + set , + slay , + take heed , tremble , + walk , + would .
labour 03018 ## y@giya` {yeg-ee'- ah} ; from 03021 ; toil ; hence , a work , produce , property (as the result of labor) : -- {labour} , work .
labour 03021 ## yaga` {yaw-gah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to gasp ; hence , to be exhausted , to tire , to toil : -- faint , (make to) {labour} , (be) weary .
labour 03023 ## yagea` {yaw-gay'- ah} ; from 03021 ; tired ; hence (transitive) tiresome : -- full of {labour} , weary .
labour 03027 ## yad {yawd} ; a primitive word ; a hand (the open one [indicating power , means , direction , etc . ] , in distinction from 03709 , the closed one) ; used (as noun , adverb , etc .) in a great variety of applications , both literally and figuratively , both proximate and remote [as follows ] : -- (+ be) able , X about , + armholes , at , axletree , because of , beside , border , X bounty , + broad , [broken-] handed , X by , charge , coast , + consecrate , + creditor , custody , debt , dominion , X enough , + fellowship , force , X from , hand [-staves ,-- y work ] , X he , himself , X in , {labour} , + large , ledge , [left-] handed , means , X mine , ministry , near , X of , X order , ordinance , X our , parts , pain , power , X presumptuously , service , side , sore , state , stay , draw with strength , stroke , + swear , terror , X thee , X by them , X themselves , X thine own , X thou , through , X throwing , + thumb , times , X to , X under , X us , X wait on , [way-] side , where , + wide , X with (him , me , you) , work , + yield , X yourselves
labour 03205 ## yalad {yaw-lad'} ; a primitive root ; to bear young ; causatively , to beget ; medically , to act as midwife ; specifically , to show lineage : -- bear , beget , birth ([-day ]) , born , (make to) bring forth (children , young) , bring up , calve , child , come , be delivered (of a child) , time of delivery , gender , hatch , {labour} , (do the office of a) midwife , declare pedigrees , be the son of , (woman in , woman that) travail (- eth ,-- ing woman) .
labour 05445 ## cabal {saw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; to carry (literally or figuratively) , or (reflexively) be burdensome ; specifically , to be gravid : -- bear , be a burden , carry , strong to {labour} .
labour 05647 ## ` abad {aw-bad'} ; a primitive root ; to work (in any sense) ; by implication , to serve , till , (causatively) enslave , etc . : -- X be , keep in bondage , be bondmen , bond-service , compel , do , dress , ear , execute , + husbandman , keep , {labour} (- ing man , bring to pass , (cause to , make to) serve (- ing , self) , (be , become) servant (- s) , do (use) service , till (- er) , transgress [from margin ] , (set a) work , be wrought , worshipper ,
labour 05656 ## ` abodah {ab-o-daw'} ; or` abowdah {ab-o-daw'} ; from 05647 ; work of any kind : -- act , bondage , + bondservant , effect , {labour} , ministering (- try) , office , service (- ile ,-itude) , tillage , use , work , X wrought .
labour 05998 ## ` amal {aw-mal'} ; a primitive root ; to toil , i . e . work severely and with irksomeness : -- [take ] {labour} (in) .
labour 05999 ## ` amal {aw-mawl'} ; from 05998 ; toil , i . e . wearing effort ; hence , worry , wheth . of body or mind : -- grievance (- vousness) , iniquity , {labour} , mischief , miserable (- sery) , pain (- ful) , perverseness , sorrow , toil , travail , trouble , wearisome , wickedness .
labour 06001 ## ` amel {aw-male'} ; from 05998 ; toiling ; concretely , a laborer ; figuratively , sorrowful : -- that laboureth , that is a misery , had taken [{labour} ] , wicked , workman .
labour 06092 ## ` atseb {aw-tsabe'} ; from 06087 ; a (hired) workman : -- {labour} .
labour 06213 ## ` asah {aw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to do or make , in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows) : -- accomplish , advance , appoint , apt , be at , become , bear , bestow , bring forth , bruise , be busy , X certainly , have the charge of , commit , deal (with) , deck , + displease , do , (ready) dress (- ed) , (put in) execute (- ion) , exercise , fashion , + feast , [fight-] ing man , + finish , fit , fly , follow , fulfill , furnish , gather , get , go about , govern , grant , great , + hinder , hold ([a feast ]) , X indeed , + be industrious , + journey , keep , {labour} , maintain , make , be meet , observe , be occupied , offer , + officer , pare , bring (come) to pass , perform , pracise , prepare , procure , provide , put , requite , X sacrifice , serve , set , shew , X sin , spend , X surely , take , X thoroughly , trim , X very , + vex , be [warr-] ior , work (- man) , yield , use .
labour 06468 ## p@` ullah {peh-ool-law'} ; feminine passive participle of 06466 ; (abstractly) work : -- {labour} , reward , wages , work .
labour 07185 ## qashah {kaw-shaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be dense , i . e . tough or severe (in various applications) : -- be cruel , be fiercer , make grievous , be ([ask a ] , be in , have , seem , would) hard (- en , [{labour} ] ,-ly , thing) , be sore , (be , make) stiff (- en , [-necked ]) .
labour 07712 ## sh@dar (Aramaic) {shed-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to endeavor : -- {labour} .
labour 2041 - ergon {er'-gon}; from a primary (but obsolete) ergo (to work); toil (as an effort or occupation); by implication, an act: -- deed, doing, {labour}, work.
labour 2872 - kopiao {kop-ee-ah'-o}; from a derivative of 2873; to feel fatigue; by implication, to work hard: -- (bestow) {labour}, toil, be wearied.
labour 2873 - kopos {kop'-os}; from 2875; a cut, i.e. (by analogy) toil (as reducing the strength), literally or figuratively; by implication, pains: -- {labour}, + trouble, weariness.
labour 4704 - spoudazo {spoo-dad'-zo}; from 4710; to use speed, i.e. to make effort, be prompt or earnest: -- do (give) diligence, be diligent (forward), endeavour, {labour}, study.
labour 4866 - sunathleo {soon-ath-leh'-o}; from 4862 and 0118; to wrestle in company with, i.e. (figuratively) to seek jointly: -- {labour} with, strive together for.
labour 4904 - sunergos {soon-er-gos'}; from a presumed compound of 4862 and the base of 2041; a co-laborer, i.e. coadjutor: -- companion in {labour}, (fellow-)helper(-labourer, -worker), labourer together with, workfellow.
labour 5389 - philotimeomai {fil-ot-im-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from a compound of 5384 and 5092; to be fond of honor, i.e. emulous (eager or earnest to do something): -- {labour}, strive, study.
laboured 03022 ## yaga` {yaw-gaw'} ; from 03021 ; earnings (as the product of toil) ;-- that which he {laboured} for .
labourer 2040 - ergates {er-gat'-ace}; from 2041; a toiler; figuratively, a teacher: -- {labourer}, worker(-men).
labourer 4904 - sunergos {soon-er-gos'}; from a presumed compound of 4862 and the base of 2041; a co-laborer, i.e. coadjutor: -- companion in labour, (fellow-)helper(-labourer, -worker), {labourer} together with, workfellow.
laboureth 06001 ## ` amel {aw-male'} ; from 05998 ; toiling ; concretely , a laborer ; figuratively , sorrowful : -- that {laboureth} , that is a misery , had taken [labour ] , wicked , workman .
lay-court 4824 - sumboulion {soom-boo'-lee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4825; advisement; specifically, a deliberative body, i.e. the provincial assessors or {lay-court}: -- consultation, counsel, council.
leitourgeo 3008 - {leitourgeo} {li-toorg-eh'-o}; from 3011; to be a public servant, i.e. (by analogy) to perform religious or charitable functions (worship, obey, relieve): -- minister.
leitourgia 3009 - {leitourgia} {li-toorg-ee'-ah}; from 3008; public function (as priest [ " liturgy " ] or almsgiver): -- ministration(-try), service.
leitourgikos 3010 - {leitourgikos} {li-toorg-ik-os'}; from the same as 3008; functional publicly ( " liturgic " ); i.e. beneficient: -- ministering.
leitourgos 3011 - {leitourgos} {li-toorg-os'}; from a derivative of 2992 and 2041; a public servant, i.e. a functionary in the Temple or Gospel, or (genitive case) a worshipper (of God) or benefactor (of man): -- minister(-ed).
man-courting 0441 - anthropareskos {anth-ro-par'-es-kos}; from 0444 and 0700; {man-courting}, i.e. fawning: -- men-pleaser.
mesouranema 3321 - {mesouranema} {mes-oo-ran'-ay-mah}; from a presumed compound of 3319 and 3772; mid-sky: -- midst of heaven.
mourn 00056 ## 'abal {aw-bal'} ; a primitive root ; to bewail : -- lament , {mourn} .
mourn 00057 ## 'abel {aw-bale'} ; from 00056 ; lamenting : -- {mourn} (- er ,-ing) .
mourn 00535 ## 'amal {aw-mal'} ; a primitive root ; to droop ; by implication to be sick , to {mourn} : -- languish , be weak , wax feeble .
mourn 00578 ## 'anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to groan : -- lament , {mourn} .
mourn 00584 ## 'anach {aw-nakh'} ; a primitive root ; to sigh : -- groan , {mourn} , sigh .
mourn 00596 ## 'anan {aw-nan'} ; a primitive root ; to {mourn} , i . e . complain : -- complain .
mourn 01058 ## bakah {baw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to weep ; generally to bemoan : -- X at all , bewail , complain , make lamentation , X more , {mourn} , X sore , X with tears , weep .
mourn 01669 ## da'ab {daw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to pine : -- {mourn} , sorrow (- ful) .
mourn 01897 ## hagah {daw-gaw'} ; a primitive root [compare 01901 ] ; to murmur (in pleasure or anger) ; by implication , to ponder : -- imagine , meditate , {mourn} , mutter , roar , X sore , speak , study , talk , utter .
mourn 01993 ## hamah {haw-maw'} ; a primitive root [compare 01949 ] ; to make a loud sound like Engl . " hum ") ; by implication , to be in great commotion or tumult , to rage , war , moan , clamor : -- clamorous , concourse , cry aloud , be disquieted , loud , {mourn} , be moved , make a noise , rage , roar , sound , be troubled , make in tumult , tumultuous , be in an uproar .
mourn 05098 ## naham {naw-ham'} ; a primitive root ; to growl : -- {mourn} , roar (- ing) .
mourn 05110 ## nuwd {nood} ; a primitive root ; to nod , i . e . waver ; figuratively , to wander , flee , disappear ; also (from shaking the head in sympathy) , to console , deplore , or (from tossing the head in scorn) taunt : -- bemoan , flee , get , {mourn} , make to move , take pity , remove , shake , skip for joy , be sorry , vagabond , way , wandering .
mourn 05594 ## caphad {saw-fad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tear the hair and beat the breasts (as Orientals do in grief) ; generally to lament ; by implication , to wail : -- lament , {mourn} (- er) , wail .
mourn 06937 ## qadar {kaw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to be ashy , i . e . dark-colored ; by implication , to mourn (in sackcloth or sordid garments) : -- be black (- ish) , be (make) dark (- en) , X heavily , (cause to) {mourn} .
mourn 07114 ## qatsar {kaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to dock off , i . e . curtail (transitive or intransitive , literal or figurative) ; especially to harvest (grass or grain) : -- X at all , cut down , much discouraged , grieve , harvestman , lothe , {mourn} , reap (- er) , (be , wax) short (- en ,-er) , straiten , trouble , vex .
mourn 07300 ## ruwd {rood} ; a primitive root ; to tramp about , i . e . ramble (free or disconsolate) : -- have the dominion , be lord , {mourn} , rule .
mourn 2354 - threneo {thray-neh'-o}; from 2355; to bewail: -- lament, {mourn}.
mourn 2875 - kopto {kop'-to}; a primary verb; to " chop " ; specially, to beat the breast in grief: -- cut down, lament, {mourn}, (be-)wail. Compare the base of 5114.
mourn 3996 - pentheo {pen-theh'-o}; from 3997; to grieve (the feeling or the act): -- {mourn}, (be-)wail.
mourners 00205 ## 'aven {aw-ven'} ; from an unused root perhaps meaning properly , to pant (hence , to exert oneself , usually in vain ; to come to naught) ; strictly nothingness ; also trouble . vanity , wickedness ; specifically an idol : -- affliction , evil , false , idol , iniquity , mischief , {mourners} (- ing) , naught , sorrow , unjust , unrighteous , vain , vanity , wicked (- ness) . Compare 00369 .
mourneth 04553 ## micepd {mis-pade'} ; from 05594 ; a lamentation : -- lamentation , one {mourneth} , mourning , wailing .
mournful 00179 ## 'owbiyl {o-beel'} ; probably from 00056 ; {mournful} ; Obil , an Ishmaelite : -- Obil .
mournful 4659 - skuthropos {skoo-thro-pos'}; from skuthros (sullen) and a derivative of 3700; angry-visaged, i.e. gloomy or affecting a {mournful} appearance: -- of a sad countenance.
mournfully 06941 ## q@doranniyth {ked-o-ran-neeth'} ; adverb from 06937 ; blackish ones (i . e . in sackcloth) ; used adverbially , in mourning weeds : -- {mournfully} .
mourning 01068 ## b@kiyth {bek-eeth'} ; from 01058 ; a weeping : -- {mourning} .
mourning 01899 ## hegeh {heh'- geh} ; from 01897 ; a muttering (in sighing , thought , or as thunder) : -- {mourning} , sound , tale .
mourning 03882 ## livyathan {liv-yaw-thawn'} ; from 03867 ; a wreathed animal , i . e . a serpent (especially the crocodile or some other large sea-monster) ; figuratively , the constellation of the dragon ; also as a symbol of Bab . : -- leviathan , {mourning} .
mourning 04553 ## micepd {mis-pade'} ; from 05594 ; a lamentation : -- lamentation , one mourneth , {mourning} , wailing .
mourning 04798 ## marzeach {mar-zay'- akh} ; formed like 04797 ; a cry , i . e . (of grief) a lamentation : -- {mourning} .
mourning 05969 ## ` ulpeh {ool-peh'} ; from 05968 ; an envelope , i . e . (figuratively) {mourning} : -- fainted .
mourning 06941 ## q@doranniyth {ked-o-ran-neeth'} ; adverb from 06937 ; blackish ones (i . e . in sackcloth) ; used adverbially , in {mourning} weeds : -- mournfully .
mourning 06969 ## quwn {koon} ; a primitive root ; to strike a musical note , i . e . chant or wail (at a funeral) : -- lament , {mourning} woman .
mourning 08242 ## saq {sak} ; from 08264 ; properly , a mesh (as allowing a liquid to run through) , i . e . coarse loose cloth or sacking (used in {mourning} and for bagging) ; hence , a bag (for grain , etc .) : -- sack (- cloth ,-clothes) .
mourning 2870 - kopetos {kop-et-os'}; from 2875; {mourning} (properly, by beating the breast): -- lamentation.
mourning 3602 - odurmos {od-oor-mos'}; from a derivative of the base of 1416; moaning, i.e. lamentation: -- {mourning}.
mourning 3997 - penthos {pen'-thos}; strengthened from the alternate of 3958; grief: -- {mourning}, sorrow.
neighbour 00267 ## 'Achuwmay {akh-oo-mah'- ee} ; perhaps from 00251 and 04325 ; brother (i . e . {neighbour}) of water ; Achumai , an Israelite : -- Ahumai .
neighbour 05439 ## cabiyb {saw-beeb'} ; or (feminine) c@biybah {seb-ee-baw'} ; from 05437 ; (as noun) a circle , {neighbour} , or environs ; but chiefly (as adverb , with or without preposition) around : -- (place , round) about , circuit , compass , on every side .
neighbour 05997 ## ` amiyth {aw-meeth'} ; from a primitive root meaning to associate ; companionship ; hence (concretely) a comrade or kindred man : -- another , fellow , {neighbour} .
neighbour 07138 ## qarowb {kaw-robe'} ; or qarob {kaw-robe'} ; from 07126 ; near (in place , kindred or time) : -- allied , approach , at hand , + any of kin , kinsfold (- sman) , (that is) near (of kin) , {neighbour} , (that is) next , (them that come) nigh (at hand) , more ready , short (- ly) .
neighbour 07453 ## rea` {ray'- ah} ; or reya` {ray'- ah} ; from 07462 ; an associate (more or less close) : -- brother , companion , fellow , friend , husband , lover , {neighbour} , X (an-) other .
neighbour 07468 ## r@` uwth {reh-ooth'} ; from 07462 in the sense of 07453 ; a female associate ; generally an additional one : -- + another , mate , {neighbour} .
neighbour 07934 ## shaken {shaw-kane'} ; from 07931 ; a resident ; by extension , a fellow-citizen : -- inhabitant , {neighbour} , nigh .
neighbour 1069 - geiton {ghi'-tone}; from 1093; a neighbour (as adjoining one's ground); by implication, a friend: -- {neighbour}.
neighbour 1069 - geiton {ghi'-tone}; from 1093; a {neighbour} (as adjoining one's ground); by implication, a friend: -- neighbour.
neighbour 4040 - perioikos {per-ee'-oy-kos}; from 4012 and 3624; housed around, i.e. neighboring (used elliptically as a noun): -- {neighbour}.
neighbour 4139 - plesion {play-see'-on}; neuter of a derivative of pelas (near); (adverbially) close by; as noun, a neighbor, i.e. fellow (as man, countryman, Christian or friend): -- near, {neighbour}.
nourish 01431 ## gadal {gaw-dal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist [compare 01434 ] , i . e . to be (causatively make) large (in various senses , as in body , mind , estate or honor , also in pride) : -- advance , boast , bring up , exceed , excellent , be (- come , do , give , make , wax) , great (- er , come to . . . estate , + things) , grow (up) , increase , lift up , magnify (- ifical) , be much set by , {nourish} (up) , pass , promote , proudly [spoken ] , tower .
nourish 02109 ## zuwn {zoon} ; a primitive root ; perhaps properly , to be plump , i . e . (transitively) to {nourish} : -- feed .
nourish 02421 ## chayah {khaw-yaw'} ; a primitive root [compare 02331 , 02421 ] ; to live , whether literally or figuratively ; causatively , to revive : -- keep (leave , make) alive , X certainly , give (promise) life , (let , suffer to) live , {nourish} up , preserve (alive) , quicken , recover , repair , restore (to life) , revive , (X God) save (alive , life , lives) , X surely , be whole .
nourish 03557 ## kuwl {kool} ; a primitive root ; properly , to keep in ; hence , to measure ; figuratively , to maintain (in various senses) : -- (be able to , can) abide , bear , comprehend , contain , feed , forbearing , guide , hold (- ing in) , {nourish} (- er) , be present , make provision , receive , sustain , provide sustenance (victuals) .
nourish 07235 ## rabah {raw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to increase (in whatever respect) : -- [bring in ] abundance (X-antly) , + archer [by mistake for 07232 ] , be in authority , bring up , X continue , enlarge , excel , exceeding (- ly) , be full of , (be , make) great (- er ,-ly , X-ness) , grow up , heap , increase , be long , (be , give , have , make , use) many (a time) , (any , be , give , give the , have) more (in number) , (ask , be , be so , gather , over , take , yield) much (greater , more) , (make to) multiply , {nourish} , plenty (- eous) , X process [of time ] , sore , store , thoroughly , very .
nourish 0397 - anatrepho {an-at-ref'-o}; from 0303 and 5142; to rear (physically or mentally): -- bring up, {nourish} (up).
nourish 1625 - ektrepho {ek-tref'-o}; from 1537 and 5142; to rear up to maturity, i.e. (genitive case) to cherish or train: -- bring up, {nourish}.
nourish 1789 - entrepho {en-tref'-o}; from 1722 and 5142; (figuratively) to educate: -- {nourish} up in.
nourish 5142 - trepho {tref'-o}; a primary verb (properly, threpho; but perhaps strength. from the base of 5157 through the idea of convolution); properly, to stiffen, i.e. fatten (by implication, to cherish [with food, etc.], pamper, rear): -- bring up, feed, {nourish}.
nourish 5595 - psomizo {pso-mid'-zo}; from the base of 5596; to supply with bits, i.e. (generally) to {nourish}: -- (bestow to) feed.
nourished 02177 ## zan {zan} ; from 02109 ; properly , {nourished} (or fully developed) , i . e . a form or sort : -- divers kinds , X all manner of store .
nourisher 5162 - trophos {trof-os'}; from 5142; a {nourisher}, i.e. nurse: -- nurse.
nourishment 1305 - diatrophe {dee-at-rof-ay'}; from a compound of 1223 and 5142; {nourishment}: -- food.
nourishment 2023 - epichoregeo {ep-ee-khor-ayg-eh'-o}; from 1909 and 5524; to furnish besides, i.e. fully supply, (figuratively) aid or contribute: -- add, minister ({nourishment}, unto).
nourishment 5160 - trophe {trof-ay'}; from 5142; {nourishment} (literally or figuratively); by implication, rations (wages): -- food, meat.
odour 01314 ## besem {beh'- sem} ; or bosem {bo'- sem} ; from the same as 01313 ; fragrance ; by implication , spicery ; also the balsam plant : -- smell , spice , sweet ({odour}) .
odour 05207 ## nichowach {nee-kho'- akh} ; or niychoach {nee-kho'- akh} ; from 05117 ; properly , restful , i . e . pleasant ; abstractly , delight : -- sweet ({odour}) .
odour 2368 - thumiama {thoo-mee'-am-ah}; from 2370; an aroma, i.e. fragrant powder burnt in religious service; by implication, the burning itself: -- incense, {odour}.
odour 3744 - osme {os-may'}; from 3605; fragrance (literally or figuratively): -- {odour}, savour.
offscouring 4067 - peripsoma {per-ip'-so-mah}; from a comparative of 4012 and psao (to rub); something brushed all around, i.e. off-scrapings (figuratively, scum): -- {offscouring}.
oikouros 3626 - {oikouros} {oy-koo-ros'}; from 3624 and ouros (a guard; be " ware " ); a stayer at home, i.e. domestically inclined (a " good housekeeper " ): -- keeper at home.
our 01148 ## B@niynuw {ben-ee-noo'} ; probably from 01121 with pron . suff . ; {our} son ; Beninu , an Israelite : -- Beninu .
our 03027 ## yad {yawd} ; a primitive word ; a hand (the open one [indicating power , means , direction , etc . ] , in distinction from 03709 , the closed one) ; used (as noun , adverb , etc .) in a great variety of applications , both literally and figuratively , both proximate and remote [as follows ] : -- (+ be) able , X about , + armholes , at , axletree , because of , beside , border , X bounty , + broad , [broken-] handed , X by , charge , coast , + consecrate , + creditor , custody , debt , dominion , X enough , + fellowship , force , X from , hand [-staves ,-- y work ] , X he , himself , X in , labour , + large , ledge , [left-] handed , means , X mine , ministry , near , X of , X order , ordinance , X {our} , parts , pain , power , X presumptuously , service , side , sore , state , stay , draw with strength , stroke , + swear , terror , X thee , X by them , X themselves , X thine own , X thou , through , X throwing , + thumb , times , X to , X under , X us , X wait on , [way-] side , where , + wide , X with (him , me , you) , work , + yield , X yourselves
our 03072 ## Y@hovah tsidqenuw {ye-ho-vaw'tsid-kay'- noo} ; from 03068 and 06664 with pronominal suffix ; Jehovah (is) {our} right ; Jehovah-Tsidkenu , a symbolical epithet of the Messiah and of Jerusalem : -- the Lord our righteousness
our 03072 ## Y@hovah tsidqenuw {ye-ho-vaw'tsid-kay'- noo} ; from 03068 and 06664 with pronominal suffix ; Jehovah (is) our right ; Jehovah-Tsidkenu , a symbolical epithet of the Messiah and of Jerusalem : -- the Lord {our} righteousness
our 06551 ## Par` osh {par-oshe'} ; the same as 06550 ; Parosh , the name of {our} Israelite : -- Parosh , Pharosh .
our 1438 - heautou {heh-ow-too'} (including all other cases); from a reflexive pronoun otherwise obsolete and the genitive case (dative case or accusative case) of 0846; him- (her-, it-, them-, also [in conjunction with the personal pronoun of the other persons] my-, thy-, our-, your-)self (selves), etc.: -- alone, her (own, -self), (he) himself, his (own), itself, one (to) another, {our} (thine) own(-selves), + that she had, their (own, own selves), (of) them(-selves), they, thyself, you, your (own, own conceits, own selves, -selves).
our 2070 - esmen {es-men'}; first person plural indicative of 1510; we are: -- are, be, have {our} being, X have hope, + [the gospel] was [preached unto] us.
our 2092 - hetoimos {het-oy'-mos}; from an old noun heteos (fitness); adjusted, i.e. ready: -- prepared, (made) ready(-iness, to {our} hand).
our 2248 - hemas {hay-mas'}; accusative case plural of 1473; us: -- {our}, us, we.
our 2251 - hemeteros {hay-met'-er-os}; from 2349; our: -- {our}, your [by a different reading].
our 2251 - hemeteros {hay-met'-er-os}; from 2349; {our}: -- our, your [by a different reading].
our 2254 - hemin {hay-meen'}; dative case plural of 1473; to (or for, with, by) us: -- {our}, (for) us, we.
our 2257 - hemon {hay-mone'}; genitive case plural of 1473; of (or from) us: -- {our} (company), us, we.
our 2398 - idios {id'-ee-os}; of uncertain affinity; pertaining to self, i.e. one's own; by implication, private or separate: -- X his acquaintance, when they were alone, apart, aside, due, his (own, proper, several), home, (her, {our}, thine, your) own (business), private(-ly), proper, severally, their (own).
our 2424 - Iesous {ee-ay-sooce'}; of Hebrew origin [3091]; Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua), the name of {our} Lord and two (three) other Israelites: -- Jesus.
our 3134 - maran atha {mar'-an ath'-ah}; of Aramaic origin (meaning {our} Lord has come); maranatha, i.e. an exclamation of the approaching divine judgment: -- Maran-atha.
our 3326 - meta {met-ah'}; a primary preposition (often used adverbially); properly, denoting accompaniment; " amid " (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive case association, or accusative case succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between 0575 or 1537 and 1519 or 4314; less intimate than 1722 and less close than 4862): -- after(-ward), X that he again, against, among, X and, + follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-)on, + {our}, X and setting, since, (un-)to, + together, when, with (+ -out). Often used in composition, in substantially the same relations of participation or proximity, and transfer or sequence.
our- 1438 - heautou {heh-ow-too'} (including all other cases); from a reflexive pronoun otherwise obsolete and the genitive case (dative case or accusative case) of 0846; him- (her-, it-, them-, also [in conjunction with the personal pronoun of the other persons] my-, thy-, {our-}, your-)self (selves), etc.: -- alone, her (own, -self), (he) himself, his (own), itself, one (to) another, our (thine) own(-selves), + that she had, their (own, own selves), (of) them(-selves), they, thyself, you, your (own, own conceits, own selves, -selves).
oura 3769 - {oura} {oo-rah'}; apparently a primary word; a tail: -- tail.
ouranios 3770 - {ouranios} {oo-ran'-ee-os}; from 3772; celestial, i.e. belonging to or coming from the sky: -- heavenly.
ouranos 3772 - {ouranos} {oo-ran-os'}; perhaps from the same as 3735 (through the idea of elevation); the sky; by extension, heaven (as the abode of God); by implication, happiness, power, eternity; specifically, the Gospel (Christianity): -- air, heaven( [-ly]), sky.
ouranothen 3771 - {ouranothen} {oo-ran-oth'-en}; from 3772 and the enclitic of source; from the sky: -- from heaven.
Ourbanos 3773 - {Ourbanos} {oor-ban-os'}; of Latin origin; Urbanus (of the city, " urbane " ), a Christian: -- Urbanus.
Ourias 3774 - {Ourias} {oo-ree'-as}; of Hebrew origin [0223]; Urias (i.e. Urijah), a Hittite: -- Urias.
ouros 2377 - thuroros {thoo-ro-ros'}; from 2374 and {ouros} (a watcher); a gate-warden: -- that kept the door, porter.
ouros 2780 - kepouros {kay-poo-ros'}; from 2779 and {ouros} (a warden); a garden-keeper, i.e. gardener: -- gardener.
ouros 3626 - oikouros {oy-koo-ros'}; from 3624 and {ouros} (a guard; be " ware " ); a stayer at home, i.e. domestically inclined (a " good housekeeper " ): -- keeper at home.
ouros 5097 - timoreo {tim-o-reh'-o}; from a comparative of 5092 and {ouros} (a guard); properly, to protect one's honor, i.e. to avenge (inflict a penalty): -- punish.
ourselves 00587 ## 'anachnuw {an-akh'- noo} ; apparently from 00595 ; we : -- {ourselves} , us , we .
ourselves 2249 - hemeis {hay-mice'}; nom. plural of 1473; we (only used when emphatic): -- us, we ({ourselves}).
outpouring 00793 ## 'eshed {eh'- shed} ; from an unused root meaning to pour ; an {outpouring} : -- stream .
panourgia 3834 - {panourgia} {pan-oorg-ee'-ah}; from 3835; adroitness, i.e. (in a bad sense) trickery or sophistry: -- (cunning) craftiness, subtilty.
paramour 06370 ## piylegesh {pee-leh'- ghesh} ; or pilegesh {pee-leh'- ghesh} ; of uncertain derivation ; a concubine ; also (masculine) a {paramour} : -- concubine , paramour .
paramour 06370 ## piylegesh {pee-leh'- ghesh} ; or pilegesh {pee-leh'- ghesh} ; of uncertain derivation ; a concubine ; also (masculine) a paramour : -- concubine , {paramour} .
paramour 3432 - moichos {moy-khos'}; perhaps a primary word; a (male) {paramour}; figuratively, apostate: -- adulterer.
parlour 02315 ## cheder {kheh'- der} ; from 02314 ; an apartment (usually literal) : -- ([bed ] inner) chamber , innermost (- ward) part , {parlour} , + south , X within .
parlour 03957 ## lishkah {lish-kaw'} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; a room in a building (whether for storage , eating , or lodging) : -- chamber , {parlour} . Compare 05393 .
parlour 05944 ## ` aliyah {al-ee-yaw'} ; feminine from 05927 ; something lofty , i . e . a stair-way ; also a second-story room (or even one on the roof) ; figuratively , the sky : -- ascent , (upper) chamber , going up , loft , {parlour} .
phroureo 5432 - {phroureo} {froo-reh'-o}; from a compound of 4253 and 3708; to be a watcher in advance, i.e. to mount guard as a sentinel (post spies at gates); figuratively, to hem in, protect: -- keep (with a garrison). Compare 5083.
pour 00793 ## 'eshed {eh'- shed} ; from an unused root meaning to {pour} ; an outpouring : -- stream .
pour 01238 ## baqaq {baw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; to {pour} out , i . e . to empty , figuratively , to depopulate ; by analogy , to spread out (as a fruitful vine) : -- (make) empty (out) , fail , X utterly , make void .
pour 01811 ## dalaph {daw-laf'} ; a primitive root ; to drip ; by implication , to weep : -- drop through , melt , {pour} out .
pour 02212 ## zaqaq {zaw-kak'} ; a primitive root ; to strain , (figuratively) extract , clarify : -- fine , {pour} down , purge , purify , refine .
pour 02229 ## zaram {zaw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; to gush (as water) : -- carry away as with a flood , {pour} out .
pour 03251 ## yacak {yaw-sak'} ; a primitive root ; to {pour} (intransitive) : -- be poured
pour 03332 ## yatsaq {yaw-tsak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to {pour} out (transitive or intransitive) ; by implication , to melt or cast as metal ; by extension , to place firmly , to stiffen or grow hard : -- cast , cleave fast , be (as) firm , grow , be hard , lay out , molten , overflow , pour (out) , run out , set down , stedfast .
pour 05042 ## naba` {naw-bah'} ; a primitive root ; to gush forth ; figuratively , to utter (good or bad words) ; specifically , to emit (a foul odor) : -- belch out , flowing , {pour} out , send forth , utter (abundantly) .
pour 05064 ## nagar {naw-gar'} ; a primitive root ; to flow ; figuratively , to stretch out ; causatively , to {pour} out or down ; figuratively , to deliver over : -- fall , flow away , pour down (out) , run , shed , spilt , trickle down .
pour 05140 ## nazal {naw-zal'} ; a primitive root ; to drip , or shed by trickling : -- distil , drop , flood , (cause to) flow (- ing) , gush out , melt , {pour} (down) , running water , stream .
pour 05258 ## nacak {naw-sak'} ; a primitive root ; to pour out , especially a libation , or to cast (metal) ; by analogy , to anoint a king : -- cover , melt , offer , (cause to) {pour} (out) , set (up) .
pour 05258 ## nacak {naw-sak'} ; a primitive root ; to {pour} out , especially a libation , or to cast (metal) ; by analogy , to anoint a king : -- cover , melt , offer , (cause to) pour (out) , set (up) .
pour 05260 ## n@cak (Aramaic) {nes-ak'} ; corresponding to 05258 ; to {pour} out a libation : -- offer .
pour 05413 ## nathak {naw-thak'} ; a primitive root ; to flow forth (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to liquify : -- drop , gather (together) , melt , {pour} (forth , out) .
pour 05414 ## nathan {naw-than'} ; a primitive root ; to give , used with greatest latitude of application (put , make , etc .) : -- add , apply , appoint , ascribe , assign , X avenge , X be ([healed ]) , bestow , bring (forth , hither) , cast , cause , charge , come , commit , consider , count , + cry , deliver (up) , direct , distribute , do , X doubtless , X without fail , fasten , frame , X get , give (forth , over , up) , grant , hang (up) , X have , X indeed , lay (unto charge , up) , (give) leave , lend , let (out) , + lie , lift up , make , + O that , occupy , offer , ordain , pay , perform , place , {pour} , print , X pull , put (forth) , recompense , render , requite , restore , send (out) , set (forth) , shew , shoot forth (up) , + sing , + slander , strike , [sub-] mit , suffer , X surely , X take , thrust , trade , turn , utter , + weep , + willingly , + withdraw , + would (to) God , yield .
pour 06168 ## ` arah {aw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) bare ; hence , to empty , pour out , demolish : -- leave destitute , discover , empty , make naked , {pour} (out) , rase , spread self , uncover .
pour 06379 ## pakah {paw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to {pour} : -- run out .
pour 06694 ## tsuwq {tsook} ; a primitive root [identical with 06693 through the idea of narrowness (of orifice) ] ; to pour out , i . e . (figuratively) smelt , utter : -- be molten , {pour} .
pour 06694 ## tsuwq {tsook} ; a primitive root [identical with 06693 through the idea of narrowness (of orifice) ] ; to {pour} out , i . e . (figuratively) smelt , utter : -- be molten , pour .
pour 07324 ## ruwq {rook} ; a primitive root ; to pour out (literally or figuratively) , i . e . empty : -- X arm , cast out , draw (out) , (make) empty , {pour} forth (out) .
pour 07324 ## ruwq {rook} ; a primitive root ; to {pour} out (literally or figuratively) , i . e . empty : -- X arm , cast out , draw (out) , (make) empty , pour forth (out) .
pour 08210 ## shaphak {shaw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to spill forth (blood , a libation , liquid metal ; or even a solid , i . e . to mound up) ; also (figuratively) to expend (life , soul , complaint , money , etc .) ; intensively , to sprawl out : -- cast (up) , gush out , {pour} (out) , shed (- der , out) , slip .
pour 0401 - anachusis {an-akh'-oo-sis}; from a comparative of 0303 and cheo (to {pour}); properly, effusion, i.e. (figuratively) license: -- excess.
pour 0906 - ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise, cast (out), X dung, lay, lie, {pour}, put (up), send, strike, throw (down), thrust. Compare 4496.
pour 1632 - ekcheo {ek-kheh'-o}; or (by variation) ekchuno {ek-khoo'-no}; from 1537; and cheo (to pour); to {pour} forth; figuratively, to bestow: -- gush (pour) out, run greedily (out), shed (abroad, forth), spill.
pour 1632 - ekcheo {ek-kheh'-o}; or (by variation) ekchuno {ek-khoo'-no}; from 1537; and cheo (to pour); to pour forth; figuratively, to bestow: -- gush ({pour}) out, run greedily (out), shed (abroad, forth), spill.
pour 1632 - ekcheo {ek-kheh'-o}; or (by variation) ekchuno {ek-khoo'-no}; from 1537; and cheo (to {pour}); to pour forth; figuratively, to bestow: -- gush (pour) out, run greedily (out), shed (abroad, forth), spill.
pour 2022 - epicheo {ep-ee-kheh'-o}; from 1909 and cheo (to pour); -- to pour upon: -- {pour} in.
pour 2022 - epicheo {ep-ee-kheh'-o}; from 1909 and cheo (to pour); -- to {pour} upon: -- pour in.
pour 2022 - epicheo {ep-ee-kheh'-o}; from 1909 and cheo (to {pour}); -- to pour upon: -- pour in.
pour 2708 - katacheo {kat-akh-eh'-o}; from 2596 and cheo (to pour); to pour down (out): -- {pour}.
pour 2708 - katacheo {kat-akh-eh'-o}; from 2596 and cheo (to pour); to {pour} down (out): -- pour.
pour 2708 - katacheo {kat-akh-eh'-o}; from 2596 and cheo (to {pour}); to pour down (out): -- pour.
pour 2767 - kerannumi {ker-an'-noo-mee}; a prolonged form of a more primary kerao {ker-ah'-o} (which is used in certain tenses); to mingle, i.e. (by implication) to {pour} out (for drinking): -- fill, pour out. Compare 3396.
pour 3047 - lips {leeps}; probably from leibo (to {pour} a " libation " ); the south(-west) wind (as bringing rain, i.e. (by extension) the south quarter): -- southwest.
pour 4378 - proschusis {pros'-khoo-sis}; from a comparative of 4314 and cheo (to {pour}); a shedding forth, i.e. affusion: -- sprinkling.
pour 4689 - spendo {spen'-do}; apparently a primary verb; to {pour} out as a libation, i.e. (figuratively) to devote (one's life or blood, as a sacrifice) ( " spend " ): -- (be ready to) be offered.
pour 4797 - sugcheo {soong-kheh'-o}; or sugchuno {soong-khoo'-no}; from 4862 and cheo (to {pour}) or its alternate; to commingle promiscuously, i.e. (figuratively) to throw (an assembly) into disorder, to perplex (the mind): -- confound, confuse, stir up, be in an uproar.
pour 5240 - huperekchuno {hoop-er-ek-khoo'-no}; from 5228 and the alternate form of 1632; to {pour} out over, i.e. (passively) to overflow: -- run over. ***. huperekperissou. See 5228 and 1537 and 4053.
pour 5494 - cheimon {khi-mone'}; from a derivative of cheo (to {pour}; akin to the base of 5490 through the idea of a channel), meaning a storm (as pouring rain); by implication, the rainy season, i.e. winter: -- tempest, foul weather, winter.
poured 03251 ## yacak {yaw-sak'} ; a primitive root ; to pour (intransitive) : -- be {poured}
poured 03333 ## y@tsukah {yets-oo-kaw'} ; passive participle feminine of 03332 ; {poured} out , i . e . run into a mould : -- when it was cast .
poured 03421 ## Yorq@` am {yor-keh-awm'} ; from 07324 and 05971 ; people will be {poured} forth ; Jorkeam , a place in Palestine : -- Jorkeam .
poured 04166 ## muwtsaqah {moo-tsaw-kaw'} ; or mutsaqah {moo-tsaw-kaw'} ; from 03332 ; properly , something {poured} out , i . e . a casting (of metal) ; by implication , a tube (as cast) : -- when it was cast , pipe .
poured 04541 ## maccekah {mas-say-kaw'} ; from 05258 ; properly , a pouring over , i . e . fusion of metal (especially a cast image) ; by implication , a libation , i . e . league ; concretely a coverlet (as if {poured} out) : -- covering , molten (image) , vail .
poured 05257 ## n@ciyk {nes-eek'} ; from 05258 ; properly , something {poured} out , i . e . a libation ; also a molten image ; by implication , a prince (as anointed) : -- drink offering , duke , prince (- ipal) .
poured 07780 ## Showphak {sho-fawk'} ; from 08210 ; {poured} ; Shophak , a Syrian : -- Shophach .
poured 08211 ## shephek {sheh'- fek} ; from 08210 ; an emptying place , e . g . an ash-heap : -- are {poured} out .
poured 5522 - choos {kho'-os}; from the base of 5494; a heap (as {poured} out), i.e. rubbish; loose dirt: -- dust.
pouring 02222 ## zarziyph {zar-zeef'} ; by reduplication from an unused root meaning to flow ; a {pouring} rain : -- water .
pouring 02999 ## Yabboq {yab-boke'} ; probably from 01238 ; {pouring} forth ; Jabbok , a river East of the Jordan : -- Jabbok .
pouring 04541 ## maccekah {mas-say-kaw'} ; from 05258 ; properly , a {pouring} over , i . e . fusion of metal (especially a cast image) ; by implication , a libation , i . e . league ; concretely a coverlet (as if poured out) : -- covering , molten (image) , vail .
pouring 05464 ## cagriyd {sag-reed'} ; probably from 05462 in the sense of sweeping away ; a {pouring} rain : -- very rainy .
pouring 06808 ## tsa` ah {tsaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tip over (for the purpose of spilling or {pouring} out) , i . e . (figuratively) depopulate ; by implication , to imprison or conquer ; (reflexive) to lie down (for coitus) : -- captive exile , travelling , (cause to) wander (- er) .
pouring 08212 ## shophkah {shof-kaw'} ; feminine of a derivative from 08210 ; a pipe (for {pouring} forth , e . g . wine) , i . e . the penis : -- privy member .
pouring 4483 - rheo {hreh'-o}; for certain tenses of which a prolonged form ereo {er-eh'-o}; is used; and both as alternate for 2036; perhaps akin (or ident.) with 4482 (through the idea of {pouring} forth); to utter, i.e. speak or say: -- command, make, say, speak (of). Compare 3004.
pouring 5491 - cheilos {khi'-los}; from a form of the same as 5490; a lip (as a {pouring} place); figuratively, a margin (of water): -- lip, shore.
pouring 5494 - cheimon {khi-mone'}; from a derivative of cheo (to pour; akin to the base of 5490 through the idea of a channel), meaning a storm (as {pouring} rain); by implication, the rainy season, i.e. winter: -- tempest, foul weather, winter.
pourtray 02710 ## chaqaq {khaw-kak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to hack , i . e . engrave (Judges 5 : 14 , to be a scribe simply) ; by implication , to enact (laws being cut in stone or metal tablets in primitive times) or (gen .) prescribe : -- appoint , decree , governor , grave , lawgiver , note , {pourtray} , print , set .
race-course 4712 - stadion {stad'-ee-on}; or masculine (in plural) stadios {stad'-ee-os}; from the base of 2476 (as fixed); a stade or certain measure of distance; by implication, a stadium or {race-course}: -- furlong, race.
recourse 08664 ## Tishbiy {tish-bee'} ; patrial from an unused name meaning {recourse} ; a Tishbite or inhabitant of Tishbeh (in Gilead) : -- Tishbite .
resources 02428 ## chayil {khah'- yil} ; from 02342 ; probably a force , whether of men , means or other {resources} ; an army , wealth , virtue , valor , strength : -- able , activity , (+) army , band of men (soldiers) , company , (great) forces , goods , host , might , power , riches , strength , strong , substance , train , (+) valiant (- ly) , valour , virtuous (- ly) , war , worthy (- ily) .
resources 02831 ## chashman {khash-man'} ; from an unused root (probably meaning firm or capacious in {resources}) ; apparently wealthy : -- princes .
resources 03981 ## ma'amats {mah-am-awts'} ; from 00553 ; strength , i . e . (plural) {resources} : -- force .
resources 08228 ## shepha` {sheh'- fah} ; from an unused root meaning to abound ; {resources} : -- abundance .
resources 2142 - euporia {yoo-por-ee'-ah}; from the same as 2141; pecuniary {resources}: -- wealth.
rhaidiourgema 4467 - {rhaidiourgema} {hrad-ee-oorg'-ay-mah}; from a comparative of rhaidios (easy, i.e. reckless) and 2041; easy-going behavior, i.e. (by extension) a crime: -- lewdness.
rhaidiourgia 4468 - {rhaidiourgia} {hrad-ee-oorg-ee'-a}; from the same as 4467; recklessness, i.e. (by extension) malignity: -- mischief.
rigour 06531 ## perek {peh'- rek} ; from an unused root meaning to break apart ; fracture , i . e . severity : -- cruelty , {rigour} .
saviour 4990 - soter {so-tare'}; from 4982; a deliverer, i.e. God or Christ: -- {saviour}.
savour 00887 ## ba'ash {baw-ash'} ; a primitive root ; to smell bad ; figuratively , to be offensive morally : -- (make to) be abhorred (had in abomination , loathsome , odious) , (cause a , make to) stink (- ing {savour}) , X utterly .
savour 2175 - euodia {yoo-o-dee'-ah}; from a compound of 2095 and a derivative of 3605; good-scentedness, i.e. fragrance: -- sweet {savour} (smell, -smelling).
savour 3471 - moraino {mo-rah'-ee-no}; from 3474; to become insipid; figuratively, to make (passively, act) as a simpleton: -- become fool, make foolish, lose {savour}.
savour 3744 - osme {os-may'}; from 3605; fragrance (literally or figuratively): -- odour, {savour}.
savour 5426 - phroneo {fron-eh'-o}; from 5424; to exercise the mind, i.e. entertain or have a sentiment or opinion; by implication, to be (mentally) disposed (more or less earnestly in a certain direction); intensively, to interest oneself in (with concern or obedience): -- set the affection on, (be) care(-ful), (be like-, + be of one, + be of the same, + let this) mind(-ed), regard, {savour}, think.
savoury 04303 ## mat` am {mat-am'} ; or (feminine) mat` ammah {mat-am-maw'} ; from 02938 ; a delicacy : -- dainty (meat) , {savoury} meat .
scour 04838 ## maraq {maw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to polish ; by implication , to sharpen ; also to rinse : -- bright , furbish , {scour} .
scourge 06137 ## ` aqrab {ak-rawb'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a scorpion ; figuratively , a {scourge} or knotted whip : -- scorpion .
scourge 06879 ## tsara` {tsaw-rah'} ; a primitive root ; to {scourge} , i . e . (intransitive and figurative) to be stricken with leprosy : -- leper , leprous .
scourge 07752 ## showt {shote} ; from 07751 ; a lash (literally or figuratively) : -- {scourge} , whip .
scourge 07850 ## shotet {sho-tate'} ; active participle of an otherwise unused root meaning (properly , to pierce ; but only as a denominative from 07752) to flog ; a goad : -- {scourge} .
scourge 07885 ## shayit {shay'- yit} ; from 07751 ; an oar ; also (compare 07752) a scourge (figuratively) : -- oar , {scourge} .
scourge 07885 ## shayit {shay'- yit} ; from 07751 ; an oar ; also (compare 07752) a {scourge} (figuratively) : -- oar , scourge .
scourge 1194 - dero {der'-o}; a primary verb; properly, to flay, i.e. (by implication) to {scourge}, or (by analogy) to thrash: -- beat, smite.
scourge 2438 - himas {hee-mas'}; perhaps from the same as 0260; a strap, i.e. (specially) the tie (of a sandal) or the lash (of a {scourge}): -- latchet, thong.
scourge 3146 - mastigoo {mas-tig-o'-o}; from 3148; to flog (literally or figuratively): -- {scourge}.
scourge 3147 - mastizo {mas-tid'-zo}; from 3149; to whip (literally): -- {scourge}.
scourge 5416 - phragellion {frag-el'-le-on}; neuter of a derivative from the base of 5417; a whip, i.e. Roman lash as a public punishment: -- {scourge}.
scourge 5417 - phragelloo {frag-el-lo'-o}; from a presumed equivalent of the Latin flagellum; to whip, i.e. lash as a public punishment: -- {scourge}.
scourged 01244 ## biqqoreth {bik-ko-reth} ; from 01239 ; properly , examination , i . e . (by implication) punishment : -- {scourged} .
scourging 07848 ## shittah {shit-taw'} ; feminine of a derivative [only in the plural shittiym {shit-teem'} ; meaning the sticks of wood ] from the same as 07850 ; the acacia (from its {scourging} thorns) : -- shittah , shittim . See also 01029 .
scourging 3148 - mastix {mas'-tix}; probably from the base of 3145 (through the idea of contact); a whip (literally, the Roman flagellum for criminals; figuratively, a disease): -- plague, {scourging}.
scourging 4385 - proteino {prot-i'-no}; from 4253 and teino (to stretch); to protend, i.e. tie prostrate (for {scourging}): -- bind.
scouring 08562 ## tamruwq {tam-rook'} ; or tamruq {tam-rook'} ; or tamriyq {tam-reek'} ; from 04838 ; properly , a {scouring} , i . e . soap or perfumery for the bath ; figuratively , a detergent : -- X cleanse , (thing for) purification (- fying) .
sojourn 01481 ## guwr {goor} ; a primitive root ; properly , to turn aside from the road (for a lodging or any other purpose) , i . e . {sojourn} (as a guest) ; also to shrink , fear (as in a strange place) ; also to gather for hostility (as afraid) : -- abide , assemble , be afraid , dwell , fear , gather (together) , inhabitant , remain , sojourn , stand in awe , (be) stranger , X surely .
sojourn 04033 ## maguwr {maw-goor'} ; or magur {maw-goor'} ; from 01481 in the sense of lodging ; a temporary abode ; by extension , a permanent residence : -- dwelling , pilgrimage , where {sojourn} , be a stranger . Compare 04032 .
sojourn 06269 ## ` Athak {ath-awk'} ; from an unused root meaning to {sojourn} ; lodging ; Athak , a place in Palestine : -- Athach .
sojourn 2071 - esomai {es'-om-ahee}; future of 1510; will be: -- shall (should) be (have), (shall) come (to pass), X may have, X fall, what would follow, X live long, X {sojourn}.
sojourn 3939 - paroikeo {par-oy-keh'-o}; from 3844 and 3611; to dwell near, i.e. reside as a foreigner: -- {sojourn} in, be a stranger.
sojourn 3941 - paroikos {par'-oy-kos}; from 3844 and 3624; having a home near, i.e. (as noun) a by-dweller (alien resident): -- foreigner, {sojourn}, stranger.
sojourner 01616 ## ger {gare} ; or (fully) geyr (gare) ; from 01481 ; properly , a guest ; by implication , a foreigner : -- alien , {sojourner} , stranger .
sojourner 08453 ## towshab {to-shawb'} ; or toshab (1 Kings 17 : 1) {to-shawb'} ; from 03427 ; a dweller (but not outlandish [05237 ]) ; especially (as distinguished from a native citizen [active participle of 03427 ] and a temporary inmate [01616 ] or mere lodger [03885 ]) resident alien : -- foreigner , inhabitant , {sojourner} , stranger .
sojourning 04186 ## mowshab {mo-shawb'} ; or moshab {mo-shawb'} ; from 03427 ; a seat ; figuratively , a site ; abstractly , a session ; by extension an abode (the place or the time) ; by implication , population : -- assembly , dwell in , dwelling (- place) , wherein (that) dwelt (in) , inhabited place , seat , sitting , situation , {sojourning} .
sojourning 3940 - paroikia {par-oy-kee'-ah}; from 3941; foreign residence: -- {sojourning}, X as strangers.
sour 01154 ## becer {beh'- ser} ; from an unused root meaning to be {sour} ; an immature grape : -- unripe grape .
sour 01155 ## bocer {bo'ser} ; from the same as 01154 : -- {sour} grape .
sour 02556 ## chamets {khaw-mates'} ; a primitive root ; to be pungent ; i . e . in taste ({sour} , i . e . literally fermented , or figuratively , harsh) , in color (dazzling) : -- cruel (man) , dyed , be grieved , leavened .
sour 02785 ## chartsan {kchar-tsan'} ; from 02782 ; a {sour} grape (as sharp in taste) : -- kernel .
sour 05493 ## cuwr {soor} ; or suwr (Hosea 9 : 12) {soor} ; a primitive root ; to turn off (literal or figurative) : -- be [-head ] , bring , call back , decline , depart , eschew , get [you ] , go (aside) , X grievous , lay away (by) , leave undone , be past , pluck away , put (away , down) , rebel , remove (to and fro) , revolt , X be {sour} , take (away , off) , turn (aside , away , in) , withdraw , be without .
sour 3690 - oxos {oz-os}; from 3691; vinegar, i.e. {sour} wine: -- vinegar.
source 00026 ## 'Abiygayil {ab-ee-gah'- yil} or shorter'Abiygal {ab-ee-gal'} ; from 00001 and 01524 ; father (i . e . {source}) of joy ; Abigail or Abigal , the name of two Israelitesses : -- Abigal .
source 01512 ## gachown {gaw-khone'} ; probably from 01518 ; the external abdomen , belly (as the {source} of the faetus [compare 01521 ]) : -- belly .
source 04161 ## mowtsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; or motsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; from 03318 ; a going forth , i . e . (the act) an egress , or (the place) an exit ; hence , a {source} or product ; specifically , dawn , the rising of the sun (the East) , exportation , utterance , a gate , a fountain , a mine , a meadow (as producing grass) : -- brought out , bud , that which came out , east , going forth , goings out , that which (thing that) is gone out , outgoing , proceeded out , spring , vein , [water-] course [springs ] .
source 04599 ## ma` yan {mah-yawn'} ; or ma` y@now (Psa . 00114 : 8) {mah-yen-o'} ; or (feminine) ma` yanah {mah-yaw-naw'} ; from 05869 (as a denominative in the sense of a spring) ; a fountain (also collectively) , figuratively , a {source} (of satisfaction) : -- fountain , spring , well .
source 04726 ## maqowr {maw-kore'} ; or maqor {maw-kore'} ; from 06979 ; properly , something dug , i . e . a (general) {source} (of water , even when naturally flowing ; also of tears , blood [by euphemism , of the female pudenda ] ; figuratively , of happiness , wisdom , progeny) : -- fountain , issue , spring , well (- spring) .
source 08444 ## towtsa'ah {to-tsaw-aw'} ; or totsa'ah {to-tsaw-aw'} ; from 03318 ; (only in plural collective) exit , i . e . (geographical) boundary , or (figuratively) deliverance , (actively) {source} : -- border (- s) , going (- s) forth (out) , issues , outgoings .
source 1551 - ekdechomai {ek-dekh'-om-ahee}; from 1537 and 1209; to accept from some {source}, i.e. (by implication) to await: -- expect, look (tarry) for, wait (for).
source 3606 - hothen {hoth'-en}; from 3739 with the directive enclitic of source; from which place or {source} or cause (adverb or conjunction): -- from thence, (from) whence, where(-by, -fore, -upon).
source 3606 - hothen {hoth'-en}; from 3739 with the directive enclitic of {source}; from which place or source or cause (adverb or conjunction): -- from thence, (from) whence, where(-by, -fore, -upon).
source 3693 - opisthen {op'-is-then}; from opis (regard; from 3700) with enclitic of {source}; from the rear (as a secure aspect), i.e. at the back (adverb and preposition of place or time): -- after, backside, behind.
source 3771 - ouranothen {oo-ran-oth'-en}; from 3772 and the enclitic of {source}; from the sky: -- from heaven.
source 3812 - paidiothen {pahee-dee-oth'-en}; adverb (of {source}) from 3813; from infancy: -- of a child.
source 3836 - pantachothen {pan-takh-oth'-en}; adverb (of {source}) from 3837; from all directions: -- from every quarter.
source 3840 - pantothen {pan-toth'-en}; adverb (of {source}) from 3956; from (i.e. on) all sides: -- on every side, round about.
source 4077 - pege {pay-gay'}; probably from 4078 (through the idea of gushing plumply); a fount (literally or figuratively), i.e. {source} or supply (of water, blood, enjoyment) (not necessarily the original spring): -- fountain, well.
source 4159 - pothen {poth'-en}; from the base of 4213 with enclitic adverb of origin; from which (as interrogative) or what (as relative) place, state, {source} or cause: -- whence.
source 4207 - porrhothen {por'-rho-then}; from 4206 with adverbial enclitic of {source}; from far, or (by implication) at a distance, i.e. distantly: -- afar off.
soured 04682 ## matstsah {mats-tsaw'} ; from 04711 in the sense of greedily devouring for sweetness ; properly , sweetness ; concretely , sweet (i . e . not {soured} or bittered with yeast) ; specifically , an unfermented cake or loaf , or (elliptically) the festival of Passover (because no leaven was then used) : -- unleaved (bread , cake) , without leaven .
succour 05826 ## ` azar {aw-zar'} ; a primitive root ; to surround , i . e . protect or aid : -- help , {succour} .
succourer 4368 - prostatis {pros-tat'-is}; feminine of a derivative of 4291; a patroness, i.e. assistant: -- {succourer}.
sucour 0997 - boetheo {bo-ay-theh'-o}; from 0998; to aid or relieve: -- help, {sucour}.
sunupourgeo 4943 - {sunupourgeo} {soon-oop-oorg-eh'-o}; from 4862 and a derivative of a compound of 5259 and the base of 2041; to be a co-auxiliary, i.e. assist: -- help together.
tambourine 08596 ## toph {tofe} ; from 08608 contracted ; a {tambourine} : -- tabret , timbrel .
tambourine 08608 ## taphaph {taw-faf'} ; a primitive root ; to drum , i . e . play (as) on the {tambourine} : -- taber , play with timbrels .
twenty-four 3574 - nuchthemeron {nookh-thay'-mer-on}; from 3571 and 2250; a day-and-night, i.e. full day of {twenty-four} hours: -- night and day.
unhonoured 0820 - atimos {at'-ee-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5092; (negatively) {unhonoured} or (positively) dishonoured: -- despised, without honour, less honourable [comparative degree].
unsavoury 06617 ## pathal {paw-thal'} ; a primitive root ; to twine , i . e . (literally) to struggle or (figuratively) be (morally) tortuous : -- (shew self) froward , shew self {unsavoury} , wrestle .
unsavoury 08602 ## taphel {taw-fale'} ; from an unused root meaning to smear ; plaster (as gummy) or slime ; (figuratively) frivolity : -- foolish things , {unsavoury} , untempered .
valour 02428 ## chayil {khah'- yil} ; from 02342 ; probably a force , whether of men , means or other resources ; an army , wealth , virtue , valor , strength : -- able , activity , (+) army , band of men (soldiers) , company , (great) forces , goods , host , might , power , riches , strength , strong , substance , train , (+) valiant (- ly) , {valour} , virtuous (- ly) , war , worthy (- ily) .
vapour 05387 ## nasiy'{naw-see'} ; or nasi'{naw-see'} ; from 05375 ; properly , an exalted one , i . e . a king or sheik ; also a rising mist : -- captain , chief , cloud , governor , prince , ruler , {vapour} .
vapour 07008 ## qiytowr {kee-tore'} ; or qiytor {kee-tore'} ; from 06999 ; a fume , i . e . cloud : -- smoke , {vapour} .
vapour 0822 - atmis {at-mece'}; from the same as 0109; mist: -- {vapour}.
watercourse 08585 ## t@` alah {teh-aw-law'} ; from 05927 ; a channel (into which water is raised for irrigation) ; also a bandage or plaster (as placed upon a wound) : -- conduit , cured , healing , little river , trench , {watercourse} .
your 0264 - hamartano {ham-ar-tan'-o}; perhaps from 0001 (as a negative particle) and the base of 3313; properly, to miss the mark (and so not share in the prize), i.e. (figuratively) to err, especially (morally) to sin: -- for {your} faults, offend, sin, trespass.
your 1438 - heautou {heh-ow-too'} (including all other cases); from a reflexive pronoun otherwise obsolete and the genitive case (dative case or accusative case) of 0846; him- (her-, it-, them-, also [in conjunction with the personal pronoun of the other persons] my-, thy-, our-, your-)self (selves), etc.: -- alone, her (own, -self), (he) himself, his (own), itself, one (to) another, our (thine) own(-selves), + that she had, their (own, own selves), (of) them(-selves), they, thyself, you, {your} (own, own conceits, own selves, -selves).
your 2251 - hemeteros {hay-met'-er-os}; from 2349; our: -- our, {your} [by a different reading].
your 2398 - idios {id'-ee-os}; of uncertain affinity; pertaining to self, i.e. one's own; by implication, private or separate: -- X his acquaintance, when they were alone, apart, aside, due, his (own, proper, several), home, (her, our, thine, {your}) own (business), private(-ly), proper, severally, their (own).
your 2596 - kata {kat-ah'}; a primary particle; (prepositionally) down (in place or time), in varied relations (according to the case [genitive case, dative case or accusative case] with which it is joined): -- about, according as (to), after, against, (when they were) X alone, among, and, X apart, (even, like) as (concerning, pertaining to touching), X aside, at, before, beyond, by, to the charge of, [charita-]bly, concerning, + covered, [dai-]ly, down, every, (+ far more) exceeding, X more excellent, for, from...to, godly, in(-asmuch, divers, every, -to, respect of),...by, after the manner of, + by any means, beyond (out of) measure, X mightily, more, X natural, of (up-)on (X part), out (of every), over against, (+ {your}) X own, + particularly, so, through(-oughout, -oughout every), thus, (un-)to(-gether, -ward), X uttermost, where(-by), with. In composition it retains many of these applications, and frequently denotes opposition, distribution, or intensity.
your 5209 - humas {hoo-mas'}; accusative case of 5210; you (as the objective of a verb or preposition): -- ye, you (+ -ward), {your} (+ own).
your 5212 - humeteros {hoo-met'-er-os}; from 5210; yours, i.e. pertaining to you: -- {your} (own).
your 5213 - humin {hoo-min'}; irregular dative case of 5210; to (with or by) you: -- ye, you, {your}(-selves).
your 5216 - humon {hoo-mone'}; genitive case of 5210; of (from or concerning) you: -- ye, you, {your} (own, -selves).
your)-selves 05315 ## nephesh {neh'- fesh} ; from 05314 ; properly , a breathing creature , i . e . animal of (abstractly) vitality ; used very widely in a literal , accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental) : -- any , appetite , beast , body , breath , creature , X dead (- ly) , desire , X [dis-] contented , X fish , ghost , + greedy , he , heart (- y) , (hath , X jeopardy of) life (X in jeopardy) , lust , man , me , mind , mortally , one , own , person , pleasure , (her-, him-, my-, thy-) self , them ({your)-selves} , + slay , soul , + tablet , they , thing , (X she) will , X would have it .
your-)self 1438 - heautou {heh-ow-too'} (including all other cases); from a reflexive pronoun otherwise obsolete and the genitive case (dative case or accusative case) of 0846; him- (her-, it-, them-, also [in conjunction with the personal pronoun of the other persons] my-, thy-, our-, {your-)self} (selves), etc.: -- alone, her (own, -self), (he) himself, his (own), itself, one (to) another, our (thine) own(-selves), + that she had, their (own, own selves), (of) them(-selves), they, thyself, you, your (own, own conceits, own selves, -selves).
your-)selves 0240 - allelon {al-lay'-lone}; Gen. plural from 0243 reduplicated; one another: -- each other, mutual, one another, (the other), (them-, {your-)selves}, (selves) together [sometimes with 3326 or 4314].
your-]selves 0846 - autos {ow-tos'}; from the particle au [perhaps akin to the base of 0109 through the idea of a baffling wind] (backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons: -- her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, ( [self-], the) same, ( [him-, my-, thy-])self, [{your-]selves}, she, that, their(-s), them( [-selves]), there [-at, -by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with], they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 0848.
yours 5212 - humeteros {hoo-met'-er-os}; from 5210; {yours}, i.e. pertaining to you: -- your (own).
yourselves 03027 ## yad {yawd} ; a primitive word ; a hand (the open one [indicating power , means , direction , etc . ] , in distinction from 03709 , the closed one) ; used (as noun , adverb , etc .) in a great variety of applications , both literally and figuratively , both proximate and remote [as follows ] : -- (+ be) able , X about , + armholes , at , axletree , because of , beside , border , X bounty , + broad , [broken-] handed , X by , charge , coast , + consecrate , + creditor , custody , debt , dominion , X enough , + fellowship , force , X from , hand [-staves ,-- y work ] , X he , himself , X in , labour , + large , ledge , [left-] handed , means , X mine , ministry , near , X of , X order , ordinance , X our , parts , pain , power , X presumptuously , service , side , sore , state , stay , draw with strength , stroke , + swear , terror , X thee , X by them , X themselves , X thine own , X thou , through , X throwing , + thumb , times , X to , X under , X us , X wait on , [way-] side , where , + wide , X with (him , me , you) , work , + yield , X {yourselves}
yourselves 5210 - humeis {hoo-mice'}; irregular plural of 4771; you (as subjective of verb): -- ye ({yourselves}), you.