Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.
Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.
Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary
adoration 01288 ## barak {baw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to kneel ; by implication to bless God (as an act of {adoration}) , and (vice-versa) man (as a benefit) ; also (by euphemism) to curse (God or the king , as treason) : -- X abundantly , X altogether , X at all , blaspheme , bless , congratulate , curse , X greatly , X indeed , kneel (down) , praise , salute , X still , thank .
adoration 08426 ## towdah {to-daw'} ; from 03034 ; properly , an extension of the hand , i . e . (by implication) avowal , or (usually) {adoration} ; specifically , a choir of worshippers : -- confession , (sacrifice of) praise , thanks (- giving , offering) .
adoration 2129 - eulogia {yoo-log-ee'-ah}; from the same as 2127; fine speaking, i.e. elegance of language; commendation ( " eulogy " ), i.e. (reverentially) {adoration}; religiously, benediction; by implication, consecration; by extension benefit or largess: -- blessing (a matter of) bounty (X -tifully), fair speech.
adoration 5614 - hosanna {ho-san-nah'}; of Hebrew origin [3467 and 4994]; oh save!; hosanna (i.e. hoshia-na), an exclamation of {adoration}: -- hosanna.
commemoration 02143 ## zeker {zay'- ker} ; or zeker {zeh'- ker} ; from 02142 ; a memento , abstr . recollection (rarely if ever) ; by implication , {commemoration} : -- memorial , memory , remembrance , scent .
decoration 2889 - kosmos {kos'-mos}; probably from the base of 2865; orderly arrangement, i.e. {decoration}; by implication, the world (in a wide or narrow sense, including its inhabitants, literally or figuratively [morally]): -- adorning, world.
deterioration 2275 - hettema {hayt'-tay-mah}; from 2274; a {deterioration}, i.e. (objectively) failure or (subjectively) loss: -- diminishing, fault.
evaporation 5594 - psucho {psoo'-kho}; a primary verb; to breathe (voluntarily but gently, thus differing on the one hand from 4154, which denotes properly a forcible respiration; and on the other from the base of 0109, which refers properly to an inanimate breeze), i.e. (by implication of reduction of temperature by {evaporation}) to chill (figuratively): -- wax cold.
imploration 3870 - parakaleo {par-ak-al-eh'-o}; from 3844 and 2564; to call near, i.e. invite, invoke (by {imploration}, hortation or consolation): -- beseech, call for, (be of good) comfort, desire, (give) exhort(-ation), intreat, pray.
oration 1215 - demexoreo {day-may-gor-eh'-o}; from a compound of 1218 and 0058; to be a people-gatherer, i.e. to address a public assembly: -- make an {oration}.
perforation 03551 ## kav (Aramaic) {kav} ; from a root corresponding to 03854 in the sense of piercing ; a window (as a {perforation}) : -- window .
perforation 04718 ## maqqebeth {mak-keh'- beth} ; from 05344 ; properly , a perforator , i . e . a hammer (as piercing) ; also (intransitively) a {perforation} , i . e . a quarry : -- hammer , hole .
restoration 08027 ## shalash {shaw-lash'} ; a primitive root perhaps originally to intensify , i . e . treble ; but apparently used only as denominative from 07969 , to be (causatively , make) triplicate (by {restoration} , in portions , strands , days or years) : -- do the third time , (divide into , stay) three (days ,-fold , parts , years old) .
restoration 0309 - anablepsis {an-ab'-lep-sis}; from 0308; {restoration} of sight: -- recovery of sight.
restoration 2643 - katallage {kat-al-lag-ay'}; from 2644; exchange (figuratively, adjustment), i.e. {restoration} to (the divine) favor: -- atonement, reconciliation(-ing).
restoration 3824 - paliggenesia {pal-ing-ghen-es-ee'-ah}; from 3825 and 1078; (spiritual) rebirth (the state or the act), i.e. (figuratively) spiritual renovation; specifically, Messianic {restoration}: -- regeneration.