Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
0483 + deny + again + spake + against + speaketh + and spake + it is spoken + be blameless + contradicting + the gainsayers + and gainsaying + which shall be spoken + that they may be blameless +/ . antilego {an-til'-eg-o}; from 0473 + in the room +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; to dispute, refuse: --answer again, contradict, deny, gainsay(-er), speak against .
0622 + that we lose 0622- that we lose 0622- perish + destroy + be lost + Destroy + perished + and lose + was lost + she lose + will lose + we perish + perisheth + destroyed + if he lose + shall lose + should die + I had lost + to destroy + and destroy + he was lost + to the lost + and perished + are perished + and I perish + shall perish + and was lost + us we perish + should perish + and destroyed + me have I lost + and to destroy + that perisheth + will be marred + I will destroy + of it perisheth + of them is lost + me I should lose + but unto the lost + but not destroyed + They shall perish + they might destroy + and were destroyed + ones should perish + that which is lost + that which was lost + in them that perish + to them that are lost + is to them that perish + thou not that we perish + and in them that perish + in him should not perish + unto you he shall not lose +/ . apollumi {ap-ol'-loo-mee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 3639 + therein + destruction + in destruction + for the destruction +/ ; to destroy fully (reflexively, to perish, or lose), literally or figuratively: --destroy, die, lose, mar, perish .
0623 + Apollyon + Apollyon +/ . Apolluon {ap-ol-loo'-ohn}; active participle of 0622 + that we lose 0622- that we lose 0622- perish + destroy + be lost + Destroy + perished + and lose + was lost + she lose + will lose + we perish + perisheth + destroyed + if he lose + shall lose + should die + I had lost + to destroy + and destroy + he was lost + to the lost + and perished + are perished + and I perish + shall perish + and was lost + us we perish + should perish + and destroyed + me have I lost + and to destroy + that perisheth + will be marred + I will destroy + of it perisheth + of them is lost + me I should lose + but unto the lost + but not destroyed + They shall perish + they might destroy + and were destroyed + ones should perish + that which is lost + that which was lost + in them that perish + to them that are lost + is to them that perish + thou not that we perish + and in them that perish + in him should not perish + unto you he shall not lose +/ ; a destroyer (i .e . Satan): --Apollyon .
0624 + and Apollonia +/ . Apollonia {ap-ol-lo-nee'-ah}; from the pagan deity Apollon (i .e . the sun; from 0622 + that we lose 0622- that we lose 0622- perish + destroy + be lost + Destroy + perished + and lose + was lost + she lose + will lose + we perish + perisheth + destroyed + if he lose + shall lose + should die + I had lost + to destroy + and destroy + he was lost + to the lost + and perished + are perished + and I perish + shall perish + and was lost + us we perish + should perish + and destroyed + me have I lost + and to destroy + that perisheth + will be marred + I will destroy + of it perisheth + of them is lost + me I should lose + but unto the lost + but not destroyed + They shall perish + they might destroy + and were destroyed + ones should perish + that which is lost + that which was lost + in them that perish + to them that are lost + is to them that perish + thou not that we perish + and in them that perish + in him should not perish + unto you he shall not lose +/ ); Apollonia, a place in Macedonia: --Apollonia .
0684 + ways + waste + perish + to die + perdition + in damnable + destruction + of perdition + and perdition + to destruction + unto perdition + is destruction + their pernicious + not and their damnation +/ . apoleia {ap-o'-li-a}; from a presumed derivative of 0622 + that we lose 0622- that we lose 0622- perish + destroy + be lost + Destroy + perished + and lose + was lost + she lose + will lose + we perish + perisheth + destroyed + if he lose + shall lose + should die + I had lost + to destroy + and destroy + he was lost + to the lost + and perished + are perished + and I perish + shall perish + and was lost + us we perish + should perish + and destroyed + me have I lost + and to destroy + that perisheth + will be marred + I will destroy + of it perisheth + of them is lost + me I should lose + but unto the lost + but not destroyed + They shall perish + they might destroy + and were destroyed + ones should perish + that which is lost + that which was lost + in them that perish + to them that are lost + is to them that perish + thou not that we perish + and in them that perish + in him should not perish + unto you he shall not lose +/ ; ruin or loss (physical, spiritual or eternal): --damnable(-nation), destruction, die, perdition, X perish, pernicious ways, waste .
0754 + was the chief + among the publicans +/ . architelones {ar-khee-tel-o'-nace}; from 0746 + rule + corners + the first + beginning + from the beginning 0746- from the beginning 0746- be the first + principality + at the first + The beginning + the beginning + the beginning + principalities + the principles + not their first + in the beginning + is the beginning + In the beginning + are the beginning + to principalities + are the beginnings + from the beginning + him unto the power + was in the beginning + that in the beginning + but from the beginning + But from the beginning + was from the beginning + unto the principalities + hath from the beginning + with me from the beginning + unto you from the beginning + as was not from the beginning + him that is from the beginning + as they were from the beginning +/ and 5057 + publican + a publican + the publican + And the publican + man and a publican +/ ; a principle tax-gatherer: --chief among the publicans .
1256 + disputed + preached + speaketh + disputing + preaching + he disputed + and reasoned + days reasoned + And he reasoned + they had disputed + And as he reasoned +/ . dialegomai {dee-al-eg'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1223 + after + in at + cause + though + because + through + Through + Because + to avoid + ye in at + by reason + throughout + is through + we through + up because + me through + in because + and within + you through + of me among + and because + not because + And because + him because + and through + not because + him because + man because + one because + day through + For through + but through + but because + men through + And through + for because + that through + them because + away because + who by reason + but by reason + For I through + And by reason + might through + season because + that by reason + for us through + not in because + him in because + but by occasion + that we through + unto him through + And that because + with him through + unto them Because + unto them because + him ; but because + of them who through + For of him and through + that is in them because + up after that he through +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; to say thoroughly, i .e . discuss (in argument or exhortation): --dispute, preach (unto), reason (with), speak .
1586 + made + chose + choice + chosen + they chose + hath chosen + he had chosen + I have chosen + he hath chosen + and they chose + thou hast chosen + but I have chosen + as he hath chosen + Ye have not chosen + and of them he chose + me but I have chosen + them Have not I chosen +/ . eklegomai {ek-leg'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1537 + at + on + off + over + among + Since + you on + through + thou on + betwixt + because + and over + by reason + hand and on + hand and on + for he is on + unto them on + ye out among + not unto you at + shall there be among +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ (in its primary sense); to select: --make choice, choose (out), chosen .
1951 + chose + is called +/ . epilegomai {ep-ee-leg'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; to surname, select: --call, choose .
2229 + Surely +/ . e {ay}; an adverb of confirmation; perhaps intensive of 2228 + or + Or + nor + yea + than + What + we or + in or + Either + before + either + Except + me nor + man or + man or + rather + not or + thee or + meat or + thou or + Neither + neither + only or + days or + thee or + thing or + not save + not ; or + of him or + more than + of you or + to you or + things or + thee ; or + unto us or + but rather + for you or + for either + thee in or + person nor + but either + me to be or + of thee nor + rather than + man neither + unto thee or + to you either + out from you or + as an evildoer or + of that sheep than + things unto you than + was not to Abraham 11 or + is he that is in you than +/ ; used only (in the N .T .) before 3303 + So + one + One + some + then + truly + Truly + verily + indeed + Partly + and one + The one + I indeed + And truly + For to one + For indeed + Who verily + To the one + And verily + And unto one + For I verily + unto you even + And we indeed + things indeed + their ways one + And they truly + For thou verily + for that indeed + for they indeed + For they verily + For there is verily + unto them Ye shall indeed + things to you to me indeed +/ ; assuredly: --surely . *** . he . See 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ . *** . he . See 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ . *** . ei . See 5600 + may appear +/ .
2362 + seat + seats + throne + thrones + a throne + his throne + the throne + their seats + and his seat + is my throne + in the throne + upon the seat + by the throne + of the throne + in his throne + but the throne + they be thrones + upon the throne + unto the throne + from the throne + from their seats + and to his throne + out of the throne + hand of the throne + and upon the seats + he saith Thy throne + unto him the throne + with me in my throne + And out of the throne +/ . thronos {thron'-os}; from thrao (to sit); a stately seat ("throne"); by implication, power or (concretely) a potentate: --seat, throne .
2443 + so + must + it albeit + them because + to the intent + To the intent +/ . hina {hin'-ah}; probably from the same as the former part of 1438 + own + one + home + to yourselves 1438- to yourselves 1438- itself + himself + his own + another + of your + our own + in your + herself + out your + their own + of itself + ourselves + not thine + own selves + of his own + as himself + themselves + of himself + as thyself + to another + by himself + to himself + in himself + for himself + not her own + ye not your + not himself + and his own + not his own + than himself + as their own + with another + of ourselves + in ourselves + with himself + unto himself + unto himself + out their own + it to himself + and ourselves + in themselves + but their own + us to himself + not ourselves + to yourselves + of yourselves + by themselves + up yourselves + to themselves + in yourselves + for yourselves + man on his own + unto their own + him in himself + not yourselves + for themselves + upon themselves + that he himself + unto themselves + unto yourselves + him for her own + than themselves + with themselves + among themselves + their own selves + thing of thyself + and was troubled + ye not that your + one with another + he not of himself + not make ourselves + let him of himself + things unto himself + and that he himself + it among yourselves + thing as of ourselves + when he had by himself + that not unto themselves + for the things of itself + therefore unto yourselves + when he offered up himself +/ (through the demonstrative idea; compare 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ ); in order that (denoting the purpose or the result): --albeit, because, to the intent (that), lest, so as, (so) that, (for) to . Compare 3363 . *** . hina me . See 3363 .
2639 + be taken + into the number +/ . katalego {kat-al-eg'-o}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ (in its orig . meaning); to lay down, i .e . (figuratively) to enrol: --take into the number .
2715 + exercise + authority + ones exercise +/ . katexousiazo {kat-ex-oo-see-ad'-zo}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 1850 + authority + the power + hath not power + for me but I will not be brought + over them ; and they that exercise +/ ; to have (wield) full privilege over: --exercise authority .
2982 + lama +/ . lama {lam-ah'}; or lamma {lam-mah'}; of Hebrew origin [ 4100 + trust + Believe + believe + in trust + believed + Believest + I believe + believing + believest + believeth + we believe + ye believe + I believed + to believe + not believe + not believe + he believed + ye believed + and believe + may believe + will commit + to my trust + we believed + in believing + that believe + wise believe + me believeth + he believeth + and believed + they believe + is committed + if we believe + hath believed + man believeth + was committed + and believeth + they believed + which believe + that believed + have believed + And believers + for I believe + him ye believe + which believed + But ye believe + But we believe + thou believest + me and believe + And we believe + ye may believe + not me believe + Thou believest + that believeth + did not commit + did not believe + that ye believe + I have believed + and ye believed + ye have believed + of them believed + we have believed + men will believe + things believeth + shall ye believe + unto them Believe + they that believe + since ye believed + do ye not believe + He that believeth + he that believeth + ones that believe + but shall believe + them that believe + not but believeth + and shalt believe + him might believe + by him do believe + did ye not believe + shall they believe + which had believed + I will not believe + them that believed + one that believeth + and that believing + in you that believe + of him and believed + of you that believe + For had ye believed + ye will not believe + which shall believe + they should believe + and we will believe + that thou believest + is she that believed + that I might believe + me and have believed + he hath not believed + to them that believe + and he that believeth + thou wouldest believe + me thou hast believed + that ye might believe + unto him and believed + things and ye believe + and yet have believed + to him that believeth + of them that believed + but he that believeth + unto you that believe + ye would have believed + after that ye believed + That we should believe + they have not believed + to pass ye may believe + them yet they believed + and that ye may believe + they were that believed + it that they may believe + that they should believe + not to them that believe + to pass ye might believe + even to them that believe + unto him Dost thou believe + unto you He that believeth + of the gospel is committed + that unto them were committed + that they which have believed + unto them ; and they believed + as he did unto us who believed + not but for them which believe + ourselves among you that believe + thy way ; and as thou hast believed + out from thee and they have believed +/ with prepositional prefix]; lama (i .e . why): --lama .
3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ . lego {leg'-o}; a primary verb; properly, to "lay" forth, i .e . (figuratively) relate (in words [usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas 2036 + bid + say + Say + tell + Tell + bade + Said + said + told + speak + spake + spoken + we say + I said + in say + Saying + I tell + saying + Saying + to say + it said + I speak + And say + He told + command + by said + as said + and say + He said + ye tell + man say + he said + I bring + I spake + he spake + and tell + him said + man said + he saith + She said + had said + And said + speaketh + they bid + thou say + and told + here say + and bade + and said + but said + this said + shall say + by I said + They said + them tell + hath said + commanded + they said + and spake + And spake + them said + a man say + hast said + as I said + thou tell + he called + but speak + thee word + of you say + that speak + he may say + But I said + had spoken + him saying + as he said + And I said + and answer + should say + it he said + words spake + I have said + And he said + shall speak + And he said + him to tell + he had said + shall I say + and he said + them I told + I have told + them saying + him he said + her he said + But he said + things said + it and said + time saying + that I told + that I said + ye and tell + up and said + it he spake + by and said + thereof said + him and told + that he said + that I spake + ye shall say + of them said + him and said + I should say + him and said + them to tell + that he said + them he said + And he spake + And she said + her and said + ye They said + also he said + we shall say + he commanded + it they said + them and said + things I said + and commanded + a man and say + and they said + man shall say + unto her Tell + And they said + that he spake + them and said + unto her Said + they shall say + him hence tell + unto him Grant + him as he said + words and said + ye have spoken + things he said + as he had said + that thou tell + of that I said + to him he said + thou hast said + this they said + unto them said + and to him said + by him and said + her but he said + place ; and say + pieces and said + to him and said + thee and sayest + intent he spake + and having said + not that I said + thereof he said + ye And they said + thou And he said + them I have told + but that he said + of them and said + me and as I said + me . But he said + When he had said + us . And he said + For he that said + away and I spake + to them and said + him away and say + unto him and said + unto thee but say + upon him and said + him and they said + unto you They said + it ; and commanded + unto him they said + him that hath said + unto him that told + of his hand saying + unto them and said + that he had spoken + thing And they said + thou me And he said + her to him and said + up himself and said + occupation and said + himself . They said + ye up And they said + things And they said + And when he had said + unto him And he said + thou that we command + in unto her and said + have him for he said + in to him and saying + they how that he bade + that they should tell + unto thee And he said + them unto him and said + and that he had spoken + And when he had spoken + out unto them and said + unto him Thou hast said + them that they should tell + And as soon as he had spoken + it were not so I would have told + and they that were with him said +/ and 5346 + say + said + I say + saith + affirm + He said + he said + And said + and said + thee said + And he said + fellow said + But he said + him and said + and he saith + him and said + unto him and said + them out and said + unto thee . And he saith +/ generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 + said + made + spoken + and said + was spoken + it was said + It was said + And he said + it they said + that he said + And it was commanded + is he that was spoken + one of them ; and it was said +/ is properly, to break silence merely, and 2980 + Say + said + speak + spake + spoken + talked + to say + I speak + uttered + I spake + did say + talkest + be told + talking + it saith + he spake + he saith + to utter + speaking + was told + we speak + Speaking + speaketh + to speak + speakest + to preach + but speak + man speak + and spake + But speak + him speak + not speak + he talked + preaching + and speak + is spoken + were told + shall tell + them speak + me I speak + and talked + had spoken + that spake + and spoken + that speak + that I said + unto you and speak 2980- him I spake + for I speak + unto you and speak 2980- me to speak + words spake + it was said + he speaketh + hath spoken + As he spake + us to speak + had uttered + have I said + shall speak + I have said + they talked + have spoken + But we speak + things spake + things speak + and he spake + to be spoken + And he spake + not to speak + will I speak + 3005 + there is a remnant +/ . leimma {lime'-mah}; from 3007 + saying + Saying + lackest + wanting + be wanting + of you lack + and destitute + upon God and saying + the things that are wanting +/ ; a remainder: --remnant .
3034 + we stone + to stone + do ye stone + was I stoned + They were stoned + and having stoned + they should have been stoned +/ . lithazo {lith-ad'-zo}; from 3037 + stone + stones + a stone + in stones + the stone + of stones + a stone s + up stones + one stone + The stone + up a stone + the stones + and a stone + him a stone + And a stone + with stones + unto a stone + away the stone + they up stones + that the stone + upon that stone + in thee one stone + ye away the stone + This is the stone +/ ; to lapidate: --stone .
3035 + of stone + and stone +/ . lithinos {lith-ee'-nos}; from 3037 + stone + stones + a stone + in stones + the stone + of stones + a stone s + up stones + one stone + The stone + up a stone + the stones + and a stone + him a stone + And a stone + with stones + unto a stone + away the stone + they up stones + that the stone + upon that stone + in thee one stone + ye away the stone + This is the stone +/ ; stony, i .e . made of stone: --of stone .
3036 + stones + and stoned + and stonest + and to stone + And they stoned + should be stoned + it shall be stoned + and at him they cast +/ . lithoboleo {lith-ob-ol-eh'-o}; from a compound of 3037 + stone + stones + a stone + in stones + the stone + of stones + a stone s + up stones + one stone + The stone + up a stone + the stones + and a stone + him a stone + And a stone + with stones + unto a stone + away the stone + they up stones + that the stone + upon that stone + in thee one stone + ye away the stone + This is the stone +/ and 0906 + put + Put + laid + cast + lying + lieth + thrust + we put + to put + was put + to cast + and put + casteth + to send + casting + putteth + is cast + and cast + And cast + but cast + did cast + was cast + was laid + They cast + hath cast + were cast + be thrown + and threw + to be cast + do men put + for to put + I will put + and thrust + did strike + shall cast + should cast + must be put + men casting + not to send + he was cast + and to cast + I will cast + to have put + but men cast + it hath cast + but they put + and did cast + did they cast + and she threw + them and cast + they did cast + that was cast + them was cast + and have cast + And they cast + but to be cast + And shall cast + should be cast + unto them Cast + that he poureth + it out and cast + and be thou cast + and thou be cast + that he was cast + and he were cast + after there arose + and they were cast + upon them they cast + they which have cast + not in me he is cast + For in that she hath poured +/ ; to throw stones, i .e . lapidate: --stone, cast stones .
3037 + stone + stones + a stone + in stones + the stone + of stones + a stone s + up stones + one stone + The stone + up a stone + the stones + and a stone + him a stone + And a stone + with stones + unto a stone + away the stone + they up stones + that the stone + upon that stone + in thee one stone + ye away the stone + This is the stone +/ . lithos {lee'-thos}; apparently a primary word; a stone (literally or figuratively): --(mill-, stumbling-)stone .
3038 + the Pavement +/ . lithostrotos {lith-os'-tro-tos}; from 3037 + stone + stones + a stone + in stones + the stone + of stones + a stone s + up stones + one stone + The stone + up a stone + the stones + and a stone + him a stone + And a stone + with stones + unto a stone + away the stone + they up stones + that the stone + upon that stone + in thee one stone + ye away the stone + This is the stone +/ and a derivative of 4766 + spread + thy bed + and make + furnished + and strawed + room furnished +/ ; stone-strewed, i .e . a tessellated mosaic on which the Roman tribunal was placed: --Pavement .
3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ . logos {log'-os}; from 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension, a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (i .e . Christ): --account, cause, communication, X concerning, doctrine, fame, X have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove, say(-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work .
3151 + talkers + and vain +/ . mataiologos {mat-ah-yol-og'-os}; from 3152 + vain + is vain + vanities + and vain + that they are vain +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; an idle (i .e . senseless or mischievous) talker, i .e . a wrangler: --vain talker .
3473 + foolish + talking +/ . morologia {mo-rol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 3474 + a fool + foolish + Ye fools + Thou fool + the foolish + But foolish + We are fools + were foolish + unto a foolish + the foolishness + And the foolish + They that were foolish +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; silly talk, i .e . buffoonery: --foolish talking .
3569 . tanun {tan-oon'}; or ta nun {tah noon}; from neuter plural of 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 3568 + And now 3568- at + And now 3568- now + Now + this + time + I now + ye now + to now + so now + is now + me now + he now + in this + Who now + but now + out now + to this + him now + and now + for now + of late + are now + But now + For now + And now + present + thou now + that now + past now + they now + being now + it is now + Hereafter + unto this + And ye now + But is now + henceforth + are ye now + ye are now + let him now + but are now + ye have now + we have now + him and now + as it is now + at ; but now + yet have now + unto him Now + which are now + him . But now + in me and now + things but now + them . And now + from henceforth + which I make now + thy way for this + For from henceforth + he unto them But now + not ; from henceforth +/ ; the things now, i .e . (adverbially) at present: --(but) now .
3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ . ho {ho}; including the feminine he {hay}; and the neuter to {to}; in all their inflections; the def . article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom): --the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc . . *** . ho . See 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ .
3592 + such + Thus + These + manner + letters by them after this +/ . hode {hod'-eh}; including the feminine hede {hay'-deh}; and the neuter tode {tod'-e}; from 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 1161 + or + ow + So + Or + et + Yea + now + yet + Now + Yet + yea + some + then + also + Even + Then + even + Also + other + So then + We then + He also + He then + was now + but yet + Moreover + in me or + and some + moreover + away then + Wherefore + thou then + Being then + things yet + and partly + him not yet + Furthermore + in you . Now + Nevertheless + nevertheless + of thee then + of them also + upon me ; yea + And they also + it and them . Now + with us and truly +/ ; the same, i .e . this or that one (plural these or those); often used as person pronoun: --he, she, such, these, thus .
3634 + so + what + such + which + manner + you such + not what + Let such + unto you such +/ . hoios {hoy'-os}; probably akin to 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ , 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ , and 3745 + all + how + How + what + much + many + great + which + by how + For all + him how + as many + as much + As many + him all + them who + inasmuch + of those + and what + them how + that ever + that what + wherewith + and in how + and of all + whatsoever + Let as many + and as many + For as many + But as many + him as many + And as many + him as many + for as many + things which + And inasmuch + even as many + that as many + but the more + not but what + unto you What + For whatsoever + ye not that so + and for as many + things that ever + off even as many + things whatsoever + unto you Inasmuch + unto him whatsoever +/ ; such or what sort of (as a correlation or exclamation); especially the neuter (adverbial) with negative, not so: --so (as), such as, what (manner of), which . *** . oio . See 5342 + bear + came + bring + Reach + Bring + bearing + endured + brought + bringing + do bring + and bear + bringeth + and laid + and bring + and reach + And bring + let us go + you bring + which came + ye me bring + it bringeth + and brought + were driven + man brought + was brought + unto you and bring 5342- unto you and bring 5342- And brought + that leadeth + they brought + that ye bear + to be brought + and upholding + And they bare + And they bring + it and brought + thee and carry + and they bring + I have brought + that they could + and she brought + when there came + as of a rushing + unto them Bring + them and brought + And they brought + unto him bringing + to it and brought + as they were moved + that he might bear + in me that beareth + branch that beareth + And they shall bring + it that it may bring + that is to be brought + For they could not endure +/ .
3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ . hos {hos}; including feminine he {hay}; and neuter ho {ho}; probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ ); the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that: --one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc . See also 3757 + Till + till + Where + where + whereby + Wherein + whither + wherein + wherein + For where + for where + But where + and where + for wherein + man wherein + and wherein + that wherein + is it wherein + from the place where +/ .
3747 + A bone + and bones + his bones + men s bones + and of his bones +/ . osteon {os-teh'-on}; or contracted ostoun {os-toon'}; of uncertain affinity; a bone: --bone .
3778 + This 3778- this 3778- this 3778- This 3778- who + this + THIS + same + such + hese + This + which + these + These + hereof + as this + is this + fashion + by This + Is this + the same + for this + And this + do these + but this + For this + The same + man this + But this + not this + you this + and this + was this + But these + but these + doth this + and these + that this + For these + are these + hath this + And these + for these + that these + shall this + might this + me of this + me is this + have these + Cometh this + me but this + shall these + namely this + Of the same + Is not this + of the same + we for this + to me These + is not this + him the same + and the same + age and this + unto you This + them the same + thing is this + And let these + and that this + ye that these + unto me These + a man is this + thee and these + else let these + of man is this + purpose is this + places the same + unto them These + to them for this + is it which these + us for as for this + us for as for this + unto you That this + unto you that this + in me and I in him the same +/ . houtos {hoo'-tos}; including nominative masculine plural houtoi {hoo'-toy}; nominative feminine singular haute {how'-tay}; and nominative feminine plural hautai {how'-tahee}; from the article 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 0846 + one + who + own + whom + this + mine + self + very + same + those + whose + which + cause + Having + itself + it this + thyself + thereof + Himself + thereon + thereby + herself + himself + is very + therein + The same + of those + selfsame + of these + together + the same + me there + to Jesus + thereinto + was there + Therewith + be of one + pit whose + that same + pit whose + in thereat + And beside + the things + for theirs + with those + own selves + themselves + he himself + who himself + do the same + that myself + up the same + him thereon + by the same + of the said + up together + of the same + For therein + in the same + and himself + that therein + For the same + And the same + for the same + out the same + you the same + And the very + not the same + But in those + but the same + to pass there + and of myself + both together + in yourselves + thing thereon + ye yourselves + into the same + that the same + and therewith + with the same + were together + Ye yourselves + of themselves + for yourselves + and he himself + but he himself + things therein + things to whom + Be of the same + things thereon + For yourselves + in you the same + And in the same + and in the same + doth he himself + while the other + they themselves + is not the same + Out of the same + that are therein + and the selfsame + And in that same + and not the very + when thou thyself + and ye yourselves + that we ourselves + not in yourselves + things themselves + For with the same + him for he himself + but it is the same + we not in the same + for that he himself + and they themselves + For they themselves + things that himself + should have the same + from among yourselves + unto you for the same + but that thou thyself + For in that he himself + things that are therein + of you as ye yourselves + that they be of the same + not with them to the same + And there were in the same + unto you for ye yourselves + and the things that therein + and the things which are therein +/ ; the he (she or it), i .e . this or that (often with article repeated): --he (it was that), hereof, it, she, such as, the same, these, they, this (man, same, woman), which, who .
3801 . ho on kai ho en kai ho erchomenos {ho own kahee ho ane kahee ho er-khom'-en-os}; a phrase combining 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ with the present participle and imperfect of 1510 + you Am + am + had + make + I am + fear + used + I am + And am + and am + as I am + that am + man had + for I am + For I am + but I am + was I am + which had + ye belong + belongeth + that I am + For he had + not ; I am + while I am + state I am + for so I am + And she had + and yet I am + And they had + him for I am + unto me I am + unto thee am + but they had + but that I am + unto him I am + meat but I am + unto her I am + unto you I am + not that I am + unto them I am + thee that I am + as long as I am + of me ; for I am + should not stand + that he belonged + from me ; for I am + thou do it not I am + unto him Have I been + not thyself for I am + thou do it not for I am +/ and the present participle of 2064 + to come 2064- to come 2064- is come 2064- is come 2064- there come 2064- there come 2064- go + Came + came + come + went + Come + grew + to go + cometh + I came + I come + coming + passing + is come + it came + we came + he come + we went + he went + brought + to come + me come + it came + he came + He came + be come + she came + I cometh + And came + and came + men come + may come + but come + not come + and come + man come + and went + was come + resorted + were come + have come + will come + it cometh + they went + they come + is coming + to be set + They came + I am come + me cometh + am I come + doth come + by coming + he cometh + to appear + they came + his coming + would come + and coming + is to come + There came + was coming + and I come + cause came + there come + which came + he is come + and cometh + are coming + which came + is to come + shall come + there came + I am coming + and ye came + when I come + is not come + and it came + in her came + when I came + for to come + thee cometh + and am come + and he came + I will come + him to come + will I come + he was come + to you came + and to come + it and went + from coming + and we came + things came + and entered + And he came + thou comest + should come + that cometh + let him come + was not come + and lighting + There cometh + and had come + And the next + do they come + and was come + and are come + and she came + he will come + they entered + there cometh + him and came + He shall come + and they come + things cometh + I am not come + And they came + he shall come + art thou come + And he cometh + and were come + For I am come + and he cometh + them and came + unto him Come + will not come + and they came + And they come + he that cometh + unto them Come + and as he came + as thou camest + they were come + that were come + He that cometh + I had not come + And there came + bread and came + when he cometh + that if I come + of him and came + it for she came + was for to come + and art to come + him in and came + and then cometh + ye shall I come + him that cometh + of it they came + is he that came + that I may come + But I will come + meat there came + That I may come + that should come + And when he came + and when he came + I pray thee come + but he will come + them not to come + that he may come + that when I come + when thou comest + when he was come + time I am coming + that at my coming + for I am not come + thee and him come + but let them come + them for she came + the thing he came + is he that cometh + and I am not come + him and they went + myself shall come + And when they came + it not then cometh + him not for I came + And when he cometh + Howbeit there came + but he that cometh + and shall not come + with them and came + of thee and comest + to pass as he went + not that I am come + that thou art come + for you I will come + And when he is come + are they which came + with them then came + that it should come + that when he cometh + After they were come + him and we will come + that they might come + unto him I will come + And when he was come + them . And they came + and then at my coming + For when we were come + him which should come + that there shall come + that they should come + unto you I shall come + that I would not come + That upon you may come + him that he would come + and he that shall come + but that it should come + things that should come + And when they were come + ye that he will not come + unto them ( he that came + thou he that should come + in the morning they came + was and is and is to come + out ; and when he is come + And as soon as he was come + to me ; and him that cometh + for that day shall not come + up as though I would not come + of them that were with me I came + that the things which happened unto me have fallen 206 / by means of 2532 + both 2532- both 2532- So + Or + or + so + but also 2532- who + now + but also 2532- yet + nor + yea + Now + Yet + Yea + even + else + also + then + Then + Even + Also + both + which + did so + on yet + I also + And so + either + is even + it even + not yet + we both + be also + me also + as well + we also + Ye both + am also + Ye also + ye even + ye also + he even + he also + As also + is also + in also + Provide + as also + us also + He also + men even + moreover + the same + you even + who also + the very + you also + not even + not even + was also + man also + end also + Who also + For even + are also + Moreover + but also + but even + Likewise + and even + her even + And both + him also + likewise + But even + had also + and also + they also + this also + as I also + is indeed + away both + were both + thou also + that also + that both + doth also + hath also + hath both + that even + thee also + them even + then both + therefore + came also + them also + them even + Thou also + will also + I am also + They also + were even + be ye also + ye in like + things yea + as ye also + As ye also + Be ye also + ye up then + It is also + do ye also + For indeed + For I also + there even + For verily + as we also + up us also + is he then + which also + shall also + as he also + for we also + Let us also + for ye also + that I also + them ; even + And ye also + For we also + let us also + manner also + him up even + fellow also + him not nor + should both + things also + in you both + of him also + as he is so + him as also + and we also + Are ye also + are ye also + that ye also + that we also + Are not even + But the very + with us also + of them also + with3802 + they might entangle +/ . pagideuo {pag-id-yoo'-o}; from 3803 + a snare + and a snare + For as a snare + themselves out of the snare + reproach 3680 and the snare +/ ; to ensnare (figuratively): --entangle .
3881 + passing + thence they sailed +/ . paralegomai {par-al-eg'-om-ahee}; from 3844 + at + more + nigh + side + than + above + among + it at + before + down at + against + contrary + them before + that she had + them down at + stripes save + in the sight + unto you than + of himself more + when she was past + And when his friends + that which is against + unto him and he was nigh + such things as they give +/ and the middle voice of 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ (in its original sense); (specifically) to lay one's course near, i .e . sail past: --pass, sail by .
4074 + Peter + A stone + Peter s + to Peter + as Peter + in Peter + of Peter + is Peter + and Peter + how Peter + And Peter + But Peter + unto Peter + that Peter + thee Peter + upon Peter + with Peter + While Peter + And as Peter + thou me Peter + from him Peter + was unto Peter + And when Peter + with him Peter + unto them Peter + of them . And Peter + themselves and Peter +/ . Petros {pet'-ros}; apparently a primary word; a (piece of) rock (larger than 3037 + stone + stones + a stone + in stones + the stone + of stones + a stone s + up stones + one stone + The stone + up a stone + the stones + and a stone + him a stone + And a stone + with stones + unto a stone + away the stone + they up stones + that the stone + upon that stone + in thee one stone + ye away the stone + This is the stone +/ ); as a name, Petrus, an apostle: --Peter, rock . Compare 2786 + Cephas + of Cephas + and Cephas + and I of Cephas +/ .
4100 + trust + Believe + believe + in trust + believed + Believest + I believe + believing + believest + believeth + we believe + ye believe + I believed + to believe + not believe + not believe + he believed + ye believed + and believe + may believe + will commit + to my trust + we believed + in believing + that believe + wise believe + me believeth + he believeth + and believed + they believe + is committed + if we believe + hath believed + man believeth + was committed + and believeth + they believed + which believe + that believed + have believed + And believers + for I believe + him ye believe + which believed + But ye believe + But we believe + thou believest + me and believe + And we believe + ye may believe + not me believe + Thou believest + that believeth + did not commit + did not believe + that ye believe + I have believed + and ye believed + ye have believed + of them believed + we have believed + men will believe + things believeth + shall ye believe + unto them Believe + they that believe + since ye believed + do ye not believe + He that believeth + he that believeth + ones that believe + but shall believe + them that believe + not but believeth + and shalt believe + him might believe + by him do believe + did ye not believe + shall they believe + which had believed + I will not believe + them that believed + one that believeth + and that believing + in you that believe + of him and believed + of you that believe + For had ye believed + ye will not believe + which shall believe + they should believe + and we will believe + that thou believest + is she that believed + that I might believe + me and have believed + he hath not believed + to them that believe + and he that believeth + thou wouldest believe + me thou hast believed + that ye might believe + unto him and believed + things and ye believe + and yet have believed + to him that believeth + of them that believed + but he that believeth + unto you that believe + ye would have believed + after that ye believed + That we should believe + they have not believed + to pass ye may believe + them yet they believed + and that ye may believe + they were that believed + it that they may believe + that they should believe + not to them that believe + to pass ye might believe + even to them that believe + unto him Dost thou believe + unto you He that believeth + of the gospel is committed + that unto them were committed + that they which have believed + unto them ; and they believed + as he did unto us who believed + not but for them which believe + ourselves among you that believe + thy way ; and as thou hast believed + out from thee and they have believed +/ . pisteuo {pist-yoo'-o}; from 4102 + faith + fidelity + in faith + my faith + by faith + to faith + of faith + By faith + our faith + thy faith + was faith + Thy faith + the faith + and faith + his faith + but faith + assurance + and belief + thou faith + from faith + with faith + that faith + is of faith + their faith + is in faith + of thy faith + is thy faith + of our faith + to the faith + by the faith + for by faith + and of faith + not of faith + in the faith + of the faith + me thy faith + of that faith + not the faith + thee my faith + for the faith + and the faith + Through faith + of me in faith + even our faith + thing in faith + from the faith + it is of faith + us in the faith + is not of faith + it not by faith + but by the faith + and not by faith + which is of faith + fast in the faith + which is by faith + up unto the faith + thy way thy faith + ye be in the faith + men have not faith + thy way ; thy faith + But after that faith + which is of the faith + of him which believeth + for thee that thy faith + but of them that believe + then they which be of faith + that they which are of faith +/ ; to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i .e . credit; by implication, to entrust (especially one's spiritual well-being to Christ): --believe(-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with .
4302 + I tell + you before + and foretell + we were with you we told +/ . prolego {prol-eg'-o}; from 4253 + ago + ever + above + before + us before + And above + of before + But above + me before + you before + was before + But before + For before + were before + which before + him and we or + him for before + unto him Before + with you before + And he is before + us in him before + with thee before + that were before +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; to say beforehand, i .e . predict, forewarn: --foretell, tell before .
4412 + at + first + First + chiefly + me first + ye first + at first + it first + is first + he first + out first + But first + For first + the first + me before + but first + that first + shall first + at the first + should first + the beginning + he will first + Unto you first + thy way ; first + that was not first + that he had not first +/ . proton {pro'-ton}; neuter of 4413 + First + first + chief + the best + be first + He first + be chief + my first + he first + the first + The first + and chief + was first + the first + thy first + the chief + The former + that first + to be first + their first + is the chief + of the chief + in the first + to the first + is the first + of the first + for the first + and the first + him The first + And the first + and the chief + that are first + shall be first + for the former + unto the first + from the first + than the first + unto you first + be the chiefest + and of the chief + themselves first + that in me first + by let the first + while as the first + unto him The first + But when the first + and there are first + me for he was before + among you let him first + with them than the beginning + and that he should be the first +/ as adverb (with or without 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ ); firstly (in time, place, order, or importance): --before, at the beginning, chiefly (at, at the) first (of all) .
4555 + and a sardine +/ . sardinos {sar'-dee-nos}; from the same as 4556 + sardius +/ ; sardine ( 3037 + stone + stones + a stone + in stones + the stone + of stones + a stone s + up stones + one stone + The stone + up a stone + the stones + and a stone + him a stone + And a stone + with stones + unto a stone + away the stone + they up stones + that the stone + upon that stone + in thee one stone + ye away the stone + This is the stone +/ being implied), i .e . a gem, so called: --sardine .
4594 + day + This + this + day s + to day + To day + us this + me this + we this + for this + are this + unto this + for to day + and to day + things this + by you this + which to day + unto him This + things to day + unto them This + for myself this + which is to day + unto thee To day + unto thee That this +/ . semeron {say'-mer-on}; neuter (as adverb) of a presumed compound of the art . 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 2250 + day + age + days + time + daily + while + a day + my day + by day + to day + us day + not day + a day s + and day + the day + of days + one day + thy day + God day + him day + judgment + The days + the time + in years + from day + in a day + that day + the days + it is day + And daily + and a day + not daily + some days + that time + him a day + in the day + In the day + it was day + is the day + of the day + I was daily + In that day + and the day + as in a day + not the day + in the days + be the days + of the days + But the day + for the day + in that day + that the day + And that day + But the days + For the days + unto the day + be in his day + that that day + as in the day + from that day + as it was day + unto the days + upon me daily + are of the day + and in the day + ye in that day + with you alway + And in the day + not in the days + But in the days + But as the days + But of that day + And in that day + and so that day + to pass the day + And when the day + When I was daily + But the same day + to me in that day + And from the days + man from that day + with him that day + unto that same day + For as in the days + Then were the days + And when it was day + with me in the days + as it was in the days + There was in the days + how that a good while + shall it be in the day + And as it was in the days + is with them but the days + And as soon as it was day + as from us as that the day + to pass that as soon as the days +/ ; on the (i .e . this) day (or night current or just passed); generally, now (i .e . at present, hitherto): --this (to-)day .
4691 + babbler +/ . spermologos {sper-mol-og'-os}; from 4690 + seed + seeds + issue + up seed + the seed + the seeds + us a seed + man s seed + he any seed + to his seed + of the seed + of her seed + and his seed + for the seed + him the seed + for his seed + That his seed + shall thy seed + and to his seed + And to thy seed + and to his seed + not And to seeds + they are the seed + am I . Are they the seed + to Abraham 11 and to his seed + unto Abraham 11 And in thy seed +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; a seed-picker (as the crow), i .e . (figuratively) a sponger, loafer (specifically, a gossip or trifler in talk): --babbler .
4758 + him to be a soldier + him who hath chosen +/ . stratologeo {strat-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of the base of 4756 + host + the host +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ (in its original sense); to gather (or select) as a warrior, i .e . enlist in the army: --choose to be a soldier .
4816 + Gather + and gather + ye together + and gathered + are gathered + Do men gather + while ye gather + men do not gather + and they shall gather +/ . sullego {sool-leg'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ in its original sense; to collect: --gather (together, up) .
4881 + perished +/ . sunapollumi {soon-ap-ol'-loo-mee}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 0622 + that we lose 0622- that we lose 0622- perish + destroy + be lost + Destroy + perished + and lose + was lost + she lose + will lose + we perish + perisheth + destroyed + if he lose + shall lose + should die + I had lost + to destroy + and destroy + he was lost + to the lost + and perished + are perished + and I perish + shall perish + and was lost + us we perish + should perish + and destroyed + me have I lost + and to destroy + that perisheth + will be marred + I will destroy + of it perisheth + of them is lost + me I should lose + but unto the lost + but not destroyed + They shall perish + they might destroy + and were destroyed + ones should perish + that which is lost + that which was lost + in them that perish + to them that are lost + is to them that perish + thou not that we perish + and in them that perish + in him should not perish + unto you he shall not lose +/ ; to destroy (middle voice or passively, be slain) in company with: --perish with .
4883 + fitly + joined + framed + together +/ . sunarmologeo {soon-ar-mol-og-eh'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and a derivative of a compound of 0719 + and of the joints +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ (in its original sense of laying); to render close-jointed together, i .e . organize compactly: --be fitly framed (joined) together .
4974 + bones + and ankle +/ . sphuron {sfoo-ron'}; neuter of a presumed derivative probably of the same as sphaira (a ball, "sphere"; compare the feminine sphura, a hammer); the ankle (as globular): --ancle bone .
5024 + like + Even thus + for in the like +/ . tauta {tow-tah'}; neuter plural of 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 0846 + one + who + own + whom + this + mine + self + very + same + those + whose + which + cause + Having + itself + it this + thyself + thereof + Himself + thereon + thereby + herself + himself + is very + therein + The same + of those + selfsame + of these + together + the same + me there + to Jesus + thereinto + was there + Therewith + be of one + pit whose + that same + pit whose + in thereat + And beside + the things + for theirs + with those + own selves + themselves + he himself + who himself + do the same + that myself + up the same + him thereon + by the same + of the said + up together + of the same + For therein + in the same + and himself + that therein + For the same + And the same + for the same + out the same + you the same + And the very + not the same + But in those + but the same + to pass there + and of myself + both together + in yourselves + thing thereon + ye yourselves + into the same + that the same + and therewith + with the same + were together + Ye yourselves + of themselves + for yourselves + and he himself + but he himself + things therein + things to whom + Be of the same + things thereon + For yourselves + in you the same + And in the same + and in the same + doth he himself + while the other + they themselves + is not the same + Out of the same + that are therein + and the selfsame + And in that same + and not the very + when thou thyself + and ye yourselves + that we ourselves + not in yourselves + things themselves + For with the same + him for he himself + but it is the same + we not in the same + for that he himself + and they themselves + For they themselves + things that himself + should have the same + from among yourselves + unto you for the same + but that thou thyself + For in that he himself + things that are therein + of you as ye yourselves + that they be of the same + not with them to the same + And there were in the same + unto you for ye yourselves + and the things that therein + and the things which are therein +/ as adverb; in the same way: --even thus, (manner) like, so .
5057 + publican + a publican + the publican + And the publican + man and a publican +/ . telones {tel-o'-nace}; from 5056 + end + custom + an end + the end + Finally + the ends + is the end + to the end + and the end + and the end + for the end + But the end + unto the end + shall the end + cometh the end + and the ending + and the ending + is due ; custom + by her continual + them unto the end + to pass but the end + to pass ; but the end + needs be ; but the end + upon them to the uttermost +/ and 5608 + bought +/ ; a tax-farmer, i .e . collector of public revenue: --publican .
5082 + so + great + mighty + us from so + which though they be so +/ . telikoutos {tay-lik-oo'-tos}; feminine telikaute {tay-lik-ow'-tay}; from a compound of 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ with 2245 + how + what + great +/ and 3778 + This 3778- this 3778- this 3778- This 3778- who + this + THIS + same + such + hese + This + which + these + These + hereof + as this + is this + fashion + by This + Is this + the same + for this + And this + do these + but this + For this + The same + man this + But this + not this + you this + and this + was this + But these + but these + doth this + and these + that this + For these + are these + hath this + And these + for these + that these + shall this + might this + me of this + me is this + have these + Cometh this + me but this + shall these + namely this + Of the same + Is not this + of the same + we for this + to me These + is not this + him the same + and the same + age and this + unto you This + them the same + thing is this + And let these + and that this + ye that these + unto me These + a man is this + thee and these + else let these + of man is this + purpose is this + places the same + unto them These + to them for this + is it which these + us for as for this + us for as for this + unto you That this + unto you that this + in me and I in him the same +/ ; such as this, i .e . (in [figurative] magnitude) so vast: --so great, so mighty .
5104 . toi {toy}; probably for the dative case of 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ ; an enclitic particle of asseveration by way of contrast; in sooth: --[used only with other particles in comp ., as 2544 + him though + Nevertheless +/ , 3305 + yet + Howbeit + Nevertheless +/ , 5105 + Wherefore + He therefore +/ , 5106 + then + therefore + I therefore +/ , etc .]
5118 + so + long + much + many + great + By so + these + for so + with so + is as large + should we have so + one another and so + There are it may be so + and for all there were so +/ . tosoutos {tos-oo'-tos}; from tosos (so much; apparently from 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ) and 3778 + This 3778- this 3778- this 3778- This 3778- who + this + THIS + same + such + hese + This + which + these + These + hereof + as this + is this + fashion + by This + Is this + the same + for this + And this + do these + but this + For this + The same + man this + But this + not this + you this + and this + was this + But these + but these + doth this + and these + that this + For these + are these + hath this + And these + for these + that these + shall this + might this + me of this + me is this + have these + Cometh this + me but this + shall these + namely this + Of the same + Is not this + of the same + we for this + to me These + is not this + him the same + and the same + age and this + unto you This + them the same + thing is this + And let these + and that this + ye that these + unto me These + a man is this + thee and these + else let these + of man is this + purpose is this + places the same + unto them These + to them for this + is it which these + us for as for this + us for as for this + unto you That this + unto you that this + in me and I in him the same +/ (including its variations); so vast as this, i .e . such (in quantity, amount, number of space): --as large, so great (long, many, much), these many .
5119 + then + Then + up then + and then + And then + but then + For then + that then + that time + But as then + man and then + things . Then + unto him then + with him then + From that time + And from that time + from them and then +/ . tote {tot'-eh}; from (the neuter of) 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 3753 + When + when + while + after + is when + we when + but when + day when + And when + But when + For when + and when + And after + But after + bread when + and as soon + But as soon + to pass when + it . And when + unto them When + unto thee When + them . And when + to pass that when + the things which make + was not with them when + that was with him when +/ ; then when, i .e . at the time that (of the past or future, also in consecution): --that time, then .
5121 + But contrariwise + but contrariwise + that contrariwise +/ . tounantion {too-nan-tee'-on}; contraction for the neuter of 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 1726 + before + in the sight +/ ; on the contrary: --contrariwise .
5122 . tounoma {too'-no-mah}; contraction for the neuter of 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 3686 + name + name + named + names + a name + called + by name + My name + my name + own name + thy name + his name + His name + the name + of names + his name + the names + and names + man named + in my name + In my name + was a name + him a name + whose name + to his name + in thy name + he surnamed + in his name + is his name + by the name + on the name + of his name + on thy name + in the name + In the name + is thy name + to the name + be thy name + And the name + and his name + fast my name + out his name + and the name + For the name + for his name + for the name + and her name + And his name + That the name + upon the name + that the name + unto thy name + for my name s + of them named + for one called + unto one named + and he surnamed + which was named + and in thy name + And in his name + thing in my name + them in the name + that by the name + them in thy name + thee in the name + men for my name s + upon him the name + and for my name s + I thee In the name + unto them thy name + shame for his name + that for his name s + and in them the names + unto you for my name s + one of you in the name + of him ; ( for his name + in thee and that my name +/ ; the name (is): --named .
5341 + The cloke +/ . phelones {fel-on'-ace}; by transposition for a derivative probably of 5316 + seen + think + shone + seemed + appear + shineth + ye shine + to shine + appeared + appeareth + and shineth + shall shine + he appeared + that shineth + had appeared + shall appear + and a shining + that appeareth + That thou appear + that they may appear + that it might appear + that they may be seen + of things which do appear + not that we should appear +/ (as showing outside the other garments); a mantle (surtout): --cloke .
5342 + bear + came + bring + Reach + Bring + bearing + endured + brought + bringing + do bring + and bear + bringeth + and laid + and bring + and reach + And bring + let us go + you bring + which came + ye me bring + it bringeth + and brought + were driven + man brought + was brought + unto you and bring 5342- unto you and bring 5342- And brought + that leadeth + they brought + that ye bear + to be brought + and upholding + And they bare + And they bring + it and brought + thee and carry + and they bring + I have brought + that they could + and she brought + when there came + as of a rushing + unto them Bring + them and brought + And they brought + unto him bringing + to it and brought + as they were moved + that he might bear + in me that beareth + branch that beareth + And they shall bring + it that it may bring + that is to be brought + For they could not endure +/ . phero {fer'-o}; a primary verb (for which other and apparently not cognate ones are used in certain tenses only; namely, oio {oy'-o}; and enegko {en-eng'-ko); to "bear" or carry (in a very wide application, literally and figuratively, as follows): --be, bear, bring (forth), carry, come, + let her drive, be driven, endure, go on, lay, lead, move, reach, rushing, uphold .
5542 + words + and by good +/ . chrestologia {khrase-tol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 5543 + good + is easy + is better + is gracious + for he is kind + And be ye kind + that the goodness +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; fair speech, i .e . plausibility: --good words .
5555 + chrysolite +/ . chrusolithos {khroo-sol'-ee-thos}; from 5557 + gold + of gold + the gold + with gold + unto gold + by the gold +/ and 3037 + stone + stones + a stone + in stones + the stone + of stones + a stone s + up stones + one stone + The stone + up a stone + the stones + and a stone + him a stone + And a stone + with stones + unto a stone + away the stone + they up stones + that the stone + upon that stone + in thee one stone + ye away the stone + This is the stone +/ ; gold-stone, i .e . a yellow gem ("chrysolite"): --chrysolite .
5573 + lies + Speaking +/ . pseudologos {psyoo-dol-og'-os}; from 5571 + liars + up false + them liars +/ and 3004 + bid 3004- bid 3004- say + Say + Tell + tell + said + told + saith + forth + named + I say + saith + speak + spake + called + saying + to say + we say + I call + sayest + I shew + giving + Saying + I tell + Saying + ye say + to tell + and say + it said + him say + by said + ye call + you say + I speak + He said + calleth + he said + And say + callest + I asked + sayings + I saying + as saith + They say + me saith + and said + ye speak + they say + thou say + he saith + but said + speakest + him said + speaketh + And said + boasting + He spake + had said + to speak + He saith + me saith + he spake + And saith + and I say + for I say + us saying + and spake + And I say + him saith + For I say + he that biddeth 3004- is called + She saith + they said + him I say + But I say + that said + and saith + he that biddeth 3004- is to say + they tell + They said + he that biddeth 3004- they call + And saying + And he put + him Sayest + he calleth + which said + him saying + This I say + man saying + and ye say + out saying + that saith + her saying + not to say + are spoken + him saying + for we say + But I tell + then saith + it is said + describeth + was called + are called + But ye say + and to say + For I tell + and saying + And he said + As he saith + that we say + ye that say + thou sayest + it he saith + them saying + in he saith + and he said + But I speak + For he said + Thou sayest + but I speak + he to speak + him and say + and telleth + out and say + I have told + up and said + For I speak + and I speak + And he spake + and he saith + For she said + when he said + that he said + out and said + things I say + things saith + thing to say + For he saith + day and said + I should say + But he saith + me and I say + for he saith + I do not say + and speakest + him and said + But he spake + and they say + to be called + but he saith + for they say + And they say + and speaking + of them said + And he saith + house saying + unto him Say + on him saying + But they said + things to say + And yet I say + with They say + him up saying + him They said + He that saith + him and saith + to be uttered + is he He said + unto him Tell + as they speak + us . He saith + that he spake + to him saying + him they said + And they said + that he saith + of you saying + of him saying + one that saith + them and saith + them not saith + that is to say + is he They say + that is called + him and saying + him and to say + to thee saying + a place called + ye up They say + upon me saying + that as I said + unto you I say + they shall say + out and saying + thou She saith + time and saith + unto him I say + And as he said + with me saying + with you I told + is it I He said + him but he said + which is to say + unto him saying + and thou sayest + thee . He saith + thee and sayest + which is called + things They say + upon them saith + and Peter saith + that it was said + thou me He saith + one of you saith + unto them Ye say + unto them saying + Thou that sayest + it is that saith + ones ; for I say + we ( that we say + unto them I tell + that thou sayest + to him and saith + that he had said + And Pilate saith + In that he saith + by him that said + unto him he said + Not that I speak + herself and saith + of them and saith + seed ye might say + ow that they told + him not but saith + unto him to speak + and not be called + her for she saith + unto him he saith + not that he spake + and not be called + upon him and said + it to them saying + unto him and said + him . And he said + For they that say + it . And he saith + How that they told + that he had spoken + one of them to say + with them he saith + unto him and saith + unto me and saying + But unto you I say + with them and saith + us unto thee saying + not ; and yet I say + to pass as he spake + unto him Thou sayest + their minds and said + And when he had said + on him for they said + with me ; which said + in that case he saith + them to him and saith + them unto him and said + and he that was called + down to him and saying + And there was one named + For that ye ought to say + house certain which said + things which were spoken + there be that are called + me that I should not call + him by certain which said + them that they should tell + the things which were spoken + they the things which were spoken + of the things which we have spoken +/ ; mendacious, i .e . promulgating erroneous Christian doctrine: --speaking lies .