Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
lovers ^ 2Ti_03_04 Traitors <4273>, heady <4312>, highminded <5187> (5772), {lovers} of pleasures <5369> more <3123> than <2228> lovers of God <5377>;

lovers ^ 2Ti_03_02 For <1063> men <0444> shall be <2071> (5704) {lovers} of their own selves <5367>, covetous <5366>, boasters <0213>, proud <5244>, blasphemers <0989>, disobedient <0545> to parents <1118>, unthankful <0884>, unholy <0462>,

lovers ^ 2Ti_03_04 Traitors <4273>, heady <4312>, highminded <5187> (5772), lovers of pleasures <5369> more <3123> than <2228> {lovers} of God <5377>;