Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
1341 + judgment + of the righteous +/ . dikaiokrisia {dik-ah-yok-ris-ee'-ah}; from 1342 + just + a just + it meet + of just + is just + are just + is right + and just + The just + was just + the just + righteous + that Just + and a just + of the just + it be right + O righteous + of the Just + for The just + is righteous + of righteous + the righteous + as it is meet + and righteous + his righteous + of a righteous + things are just + for a righteous + was a righteous + of the righteous + One and the Just + but the righteous + it is a righteous + For that righteous + as he is righteous + that which is just + that he was a just + shall the righteous + that he is righteous + to do with that just + that he might be just + that he was righteous + that they were righteous + and he that is righteous +/ and 2920 + judgment + damnation + accusation + to judgment + my judgment + Of judgment + in judgment + of judgment + of damnation + the judgment + his judgment + condemnation + the damnation + unto judgment + is the judgment + for of judgment + is thy judgment + and of judgment + and my judgment + of the judgment + of his judgment + are thy judgments + are his judgments + unto the judgment + up in the judgment + is the condemnation + For he shall have judgment +/ ; a just sentence: --righteous judgment .
1345 + ordinances + the judgment + and ordinances + the righteousness + unto justification + is the righteousness + by the righteousness + That the righteousness + thee ; for thy judgments +/ . dikaioma {dik-ah'-yo-mah}; from 1344 + justify + is freed + justified + to justify + he justified + is justified + be justified + are justified + shall justify + would justify + were justified + that justifieth + being justified + Being justified + to be justified + is not justified + not be justified + and the justifier + shall be justified + him that justifieth + but ye are justified + That being justified + of you are justified + let him be righteous + thou shalt be justified + that we might be justified + That thou mightest be justified +/ ; an equitable deed; by implication, a statute or decision: --judgment, justification, ordinance, righteousness .
2917 + judgment + damnation + and judgment + the judgment + For judgment + condemnation + ye go to law + his judgment + hath avenged + the condemnation + for the judgment + are his judgments + unto condemnation + that the judgment + him to be condemned + is come that judgment + upon them and judgment + unto thee the judgment +/ . krima {kree'-mah}; from 2919 + sue + judge + Judge + judged + I judge + judgeth + thee at + judging + decreed + Ye judge + ye judge + to judge + be judged + go to law + not judge + but judge + is judged + esteemeth + to condemn + will judge + thou judge + in question + have judged + shall judge + men ; judge + I am called + and judgeth + not I judge + were judged + my sentence + thou judgest + goeth to law + will I judge + not to judge + that judgest + and to judge + to be judged + he doth judge + and am judged + thou to judge + man esteemeth + and concluded + them to judge + had determined + ye have judged + shall be judged + dost thou judge + do not ye judge + thou art judged + might be damned + thou hast judged + not is condemned + ye him and judge + one that judgeth + For I determined + But I determined + thou that judgest + I have determined + it was determined + them in condemning + ye shall be judged + for he hath judged + that were ordained + dost thou not judge + him is not condemned + should it be thought + for I have determined + it from you and judge + have I to do to judge + for thou that judgest + when he was determined + But when we are judged + we should not be judged + not that ye be not judged + that they might be judged + ye not that we shall judge + that they should be judged + himself to him that judgeth + as they that shall be judged + not and ye shall not be judged + were in them and they were judged +/ ; a decision (the function or the effect, for or against ["crime"]): --avenge, condemned, condemnation, damnation, + go to law, judgment .
2920 + judgment + damnation + accusation + to judgment + my judgment + Of judgment + in judgment + of judgment + of damnation + the judgment + his judgment + condemnation + the damnation + unto judgment + is the judgment + for of judgment + is thy judgment + and of judgment + and my judgment + of the judgment + of his judgment + are thy judgments + are his judgments + unto the judgment + up in the judgment + is the condemnation + For he shall have judgment +/ . krisis {kree'-sis}; decision (subjectively or objectively, for or against); by extension, a tribunal; by implication, justice (especially, divine law): --accustion, condemnation, damnation, judgment .
2922 + to judge + judgments + the judgment +/ . kriterion {kree-tay'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 2923 + judge + judges + a judge + the Judge + the judge + but a judge + and the judge + to be the Judge + unto them judges + thee to the judge +/ ; a rule of judging ("criterion"), i .e . (by implication) a tribunal: --to judge, judgment (seat) .