English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number.
English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number
judge - 0350 asking, discerned, examine, examined, examining, {judge}, judged, judgeth, searched,
judge - 1252 contended, contending, differ, difference, discern, discerning, doubt, doubting, {judge}, maketh, making, partial, put, staggered, wavereth, wavering,
judge - 1348 {judge},
judge - 2919 at, called, concluded, condemn, condemned, condemning, damned, decreed, determined, {judge}, judged, judgest, judgeth, judging, law, ordained, question, sentence, sue, thought,
judge - 2922 {judge}, judgment, judgments,
judge - 2923 {judge}, judges,
judged - 0350 asking, discerned, examine, examined, examining, judge, {judged}, judgeth, searched,
judged - 2233 account, chief, count, counted, esteem, esteeming, governor, {judged}, rule, supposed, think, thought,
judged - 2919 at, called, concluded, condemn, condemned, condemning, damned, decreed, determined, judge, {judged}, judgest, judgeth, judging, law, ordained, question, sentence, sue, thought,
judges - 2923 judge, {judges},
judgest - 2919 at, called, concluded, condemn, condemned, condemning, damned, decreed, determined, judge, judged, {judgest}, judgeth, judging, law, ordained, question, sentence, sue, thought,
judgeth - 0350 asking, discerned, examine, examined, examining, judge, judged, {judgeth}, searched,
judgeth - 2919 at, called, concluded, condemn, condemned, condemning, damned, decreed, determined, judge, judged, judgest, {judgeth}, judging, law, ordained, question, sentence, sue, thought,