Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
0920 + Barjona +/ . Barionas {bar-ee-oo-nas'}; of Aramaic origin [ 1247 + served + man serve + and serve + ministered + the office + of a deacon + to minister + ministering + me to serve + man minister + and ministered + is administered + and do minister + he that serveth + even so minister + thyself and serve + him and ministered + not to be ministered + things he ministered + unto but to minister + and did not minister + as he that doth serve + her and she ministered + let them use the office + of them that ministered + For they that have used + he might have ministered + in that ye have ministered + but unto us they did minister +/ and 3124 + was Malchus +/ ]; son of Jonas (or Jonah); Bar-jonas, an Israelite: --Bar-jona .
2494 + which was the son of Jonan +/ . Ionan {ee-o-nan'}; probably for 2491 + John + I John + of John + as John + is John + on John + up John + and John + But John + For John + And John + was John + when John + than John + that John + upon John + When John + unto John + That John + It is John + And I John + And as John + Unto John s + with them John + some of John s + things that John + than that of John + unto them of John + say that thou art John + his eyes upon him with John +/ or 2495 + Jonas + of Jona + of Jonas + than Jonas + son of Jonas + For as Jonas +/ ; Jonan, an Israelite: --Jonan .
2495 + Jonas + of Jona + of Jonas + than Jonas + son of Jonas + For as Jonas +/ . Ionas {ee-o-nas'}; of Hebrew origin [ 3124 + was Malchus +/ ]; Jonas (i .e . Jonah), the name of two Israelites: --Jonas .