Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
0719 + and of the joints +/ . harmos {har-mos'}; from the same as 0716 + chariot + the chariot + of chariots + in his chariot +/ ; an articulation (of the body): --joint .
0860 + joint + by joints +/ . haphe {haf-ay'}; from 0680 + touch + Touch + touched + to touch + and touch + as touched + I may touch + and touched + not to touch + one toucheth + hath touched + him to touch + And he touched + unto her Touch + him and touched + I may but touch + she had touched + is that toucheth + that he would touch + on them and touched + upon him for to touch + him that they might touch + to him that he should touch +/ ; probably a ligament (as fastening): --joint .
4789 + together + the heirs + and joint eronomos- and as being heirs + should be fellowheirs +/ . sugkleronomos {soong-klay-ron-om'-os}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 2818 + heir + heirs + an heir + be heirs + and heirs + is the heir + That the heir + unto the heirs + that he should be the heir +/ ; a co-heir, i .e . (by analogy) participant in common: --fellow (joint)-heir, heir together, heir with .
4886 + and bands + in the bond + is the bond + and in the bond +/ . sundesmos {soon'-des-mos}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 1199 + bond + bonds + chains + of bonds + my bonds + the bands + that bonds + by my bonds + one s bands + in my bonds + to my bonds + that my bonds + and the string + even unto bonds + of me in my bonds + him from his bands + unto me in the bonds +/ ; a joint tie, i .e . ligament, (figuratively) uniting principle, control: --band, bond .
4892 + council + a council + For I know + the council + their council + in the council + of the council + out in the council + out of the council + him to the council + ye with the council +/ . sunedrion {soon-ed'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of a compound of 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and the base of 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ ; a joint session, i .e . (specifically) the Jewish Sanhedrin; by analogy, a subordinate tribunal: --council .
4954 + body + and of the same +/ . sussomos {soos'-so-mos}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 4983 + body + bodies + in body + my body + and body + thy body + his body + the body + it a body + and bodies + is my body + in my body + and slaves + is his body + up the body + in the body + of his body + of the body + in our body + by the body + to the body + In the body + of our body + in her body + For the body + for the body + and the body + but the body + not the body + not his body + from the body + they the body + were the body + away the body + not that body + but his bodily + and our bodies + for his body s + not but a body + For the bodies + in his own body + ye are the body + that the bodies + out of the body + him to the body + For as the body + not of the body + me from the body + their own bodies + be in you the body + of them in the body + whether in the body + with him that the body + the things done in his body + And those members of the body +/ ; of a joint body, i .e . (figuratively) a fellow-member of the Christian community: --of the same body .