Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

Abijam 00038 ## 'Abiyam {ab-ee-yawm'} ; from 00001 and 03220 ; father of (the) sea (i . e . seaman) ; Abijam (or Abijah) , a king of Judah : -- {Abijam} .

Abijam 00038 ## 'Abiyam {ab-ee-yawm'} ; from 00001 and 03220 ; father of (the) sea (i . e . seaman) ; {Abijam} (or Abijah) , a king of Judah : -- Abijam .

Benjamin 01126 ## Ben-'Owniy {ben-o-nee'} ; from 01121 and 00205 ; son of my sorrow ; Ben-Oni , the original name of {Benjamin} : -- Ben-oni .

Benjamin 01144 ## Binyamiyn {bin-yaw-mene'} ; from 01121 and 03225 ; son of (the) right hand ; Binjamin , youngest son of Jacob ; also the tribe descended from him , and its territory : -- {Benjamin} .

Benjamin 01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a Benjaminite , or descendent of {Benjamin} : -- Benjamite , of Benjamin .

Benjamin 0958 - Beniamin {ben-ee-am-een'}; of Hebrew origin [1144]; Benjamin, an Israelite: -- {Benjamin}.

Benjamin 0958 - Beniamin {ben-ee-am-een'}; of Hebrew origin [1144]; {Benjamin}, an Israelite: -- Benjamin.

Benjaminite 01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a {Benjaminite} , or descendent of Benjamin : -- Benjamite , of Benjamin .

Benjamite 01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a Benjaminite , or descendent of Benjamin : -- {Benjamite} , of Benjamin .

Binjamin 01144 ## Binyamiyn {bin-yaw-mene'} ; from 01121 and 03225 ; son of (the) right hand ; {Binjamin} , youngest son of Jacob ; also the tribe descended from him , and its territory : -- Benjamin .

jam 08261 ## shaquph {shaw-koof'} ; passive participle of 08259 ; an embrasure or opening [compare 08260 ] with bevelled {jam} : -- light , window .

Jambres 2387 - Iambres {ee-am-brace'}; of Egyptian origin; Jambres, an Egyptian: -- {Jambres}.

Jambres 2387 - Iambres {ee-am-brace'}; of Egyptian origin; {Jambres}, an Egyptian: -- Jambres.

jambs 00331 ## 'atam {aw-tam'} ; a primitive root ; to close (the lips or ears) ; by analology to contract (a window by bevelled {jambs}) : -- narrow , shut , stop .

James 2385 - Iakobos {ee-ak'-o-bos}; the same as 2384 Graecized; Jacobus, the name of three Israelites: -- {James}.

Jamin 03226 ## Yamiyn {yaw-meen'} ; the same as 03225 ; Jamin , the name of three Israelites : -- {Jamin} . See also 01144 .

Jamin 03226 ## Yamiyn {yaw-meen'} ; the same as 03225 ; {Jamin} , the name of three Israelites : -- Jamin . See also 01144 .

Jamin 03228 ## Y@miyniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; patronymically from 03226 ; a Jeminite (collectively) or descendants of {Jamin} : -- Jaminites . See also ll45 .

Jaminites 03228 ## Y@miyniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; patronymically from 03226 ; a Jeminite (collectively) or descendants of Jamin : -- {Jaminites} . See also ll45 .

Jamlech 03230 ## Yamlek {yam-lake'} ; from 04427 ; he will make king ; Jamlek , an Israelite : -- {Jamlech} .

Jamlek 03230 ## Yamlek {yam-lake'} ; from 04427 ; he will make king ; {Jamlek} , an Israelite : -- Jamlech .

Mijamin 04326 ## Miyamin {me-yaw-meem'} ; a form for 04509 ; Mijamin , the name of three Israelites : -- Miamin , {Mijamin} .

Mijamin 04326 ## Miyamin {me-yaw-meem'} ; a form for 04509 ; {Mijamin} , the name of three Israelites : -- Miamin , Mijamin .

Minjamin 04509 ## Minyamiyn {min-yaw-meen'} ; from 04480 and 03225 ; from (the) right hand ; {Minjamin} , the name of two Israelites : -- Miniamin . Compare 04326 .

Mirjam 04813 ## Miryam {meer-yawm'} ; from 04805 ; rebelliously ; {Mirjam} , the name of two Israelitesses : -- Miriam .

Mirjam 3137 - Maria {mar-ee'-ah}; or Mariam {mar-ee-am'}; of Hebrew origin [4813]; Maria or Mariam (i.e. {Mirjam}), the name of six Christian females: -- Mary.