Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
2363 + of Thyatira + in Thyatira + and unto Thyatira + and unto Thyatira +/ . Thuateira {thoo-at'-i-rah}; of uncertain derivation; Thyatira, a place in Asia Minor: --Thyatira .
3162 + sword + swords + a sword + the sword + his sword + thy sword + by a sword + with swords + but a sword + of the sword + up thy sword + not the sword + out his sword + and the sword + with the sword +/ . machaira {makh'-ahee-rah}; probably feminine of a presumed derivative of 3163 + about + strifes + and fightings + and strivings + were fightings +/ ; a knife, i .e . dirk; figuratively, war, judicial punishment: --sword .
3202 + complainers +/ . mempsimoiros {mem-psim'-oy-ros}; from a presumed derivative of 3201 + find fault + they found fault + For finding fault +/ and moira (fate; akin to the base of 3313 + sort + side + part + parts + coasts + a part + behalf + respect + in part + his part + our craft + the parts + in respect + the coasts + us in part + him a piece + particularly + I be somewhat + in particular + me but in part + me the portion + him his portion + and in the parts + unto you in some + and that by course + that which is in part + shall have their part +/ ); blaming fate, i .e . querulous (discontented): --complainer .
3984 + trial +/ . peira {pi'-rah}; from the base of 4008 + side + over + beyond + to the other + on the other + by the farther + unto the other + and from beyond + him on the other + him unto the other + over unto the other + he that was with thee beyond +/ (through the idea of piercing); a test, i .e . attempt, experience: --assaying, trial .
4551 + with Sapphira +/ . Sappheire {sap-fi'-ray}; feminine of 4552 + sapphire +/ ; Sapphire, an Israelitess: --Sapphira .
4577 + them into chains +/ . seira {si-rah'}; probably from 4951 + drew + dragging + and haling + them not they drew +/ through its congener eiro (to fasten; akin to 0138 + chosen + Choosing + I shall choose +/ ); a chain (as binding or drawing): --chain .
4686 + band + a band + the band + of the band +/ . speira {spi'-rah}; of immed . Latin origin, but ultimately a derivative of 0138 + chosen + Choosing + I shall choose +/ in the sense of its cognate 1507 + when it is rolled +/ ; a coil (spira, "spire"), i .e . (figuratively) a mass of men (a Roman military cohort; also [by analogy] a squad of Levitical janitors): --band .
4974 + bones + and ankle +/ . sphuron {sfoo-ron'}; neuter of a presumed derivative probably of the same as sphaira (a ball, "sphere"; compare the feminine sphura, a hammer); the ankle (as globular): --ancle bone .