Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies
Bible Translation Phrase lists
household ......... and her household 3624 -oikos->
household ......... and of the household 3609 -oikeios->
household ......... and the household 3624 -oikos->
household ......... his household 2322 -therapeia->
household ......... household .
household ......... household 3614 -oikia->
household ......... of his household 3610 -oiketes->
household ......... shall be they of his own household 3615 -oikiakos->
household ......... shall they call them of his household 3615 -oikiakos->
household ......... the household 3624 -oikos->
household ......... them that be of the household of Narcissus 3488 -Narkissos->
household ......... unto them who are of the household 3609 -oikeios->
householder ......... householder 3617 -oikodespotes->
householder ......... of the householder 3617 -oikodespotes->
householder ......... that is an householder 3617 -oikodespotes->