Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0173 + thorns + of thorns + the thorns + For of thorns + and the thorns +/ . akantha {ak'-an-thah}; probably from the same as 0188 + yet +/ ; a thorn: --thorn .

0174 + of thorns +/ . akanthinos {ak-an'-thee-nos}; from 0173 + thorns + of thorns + the thorns + For of thorns + and the thorns +/ ; thorny: --of thorns .

0250 + and aloes +/ . aloe {al-o-ay'}; of foreign origin [compare 0174 + of thorns +/ ]; aloes (the gum): --aloes .

2762 + tittle +/ . keraia {ker-ah'-yah}; feminine of a presumed derivative of the base of 2768 + horns + up an horn + and upon his horns +/ ; something horn-like, i .e . (specially) the apex of a Hebrew letter (figuratively, the least particle): --tittle .

2768 + horns + up an horn + and upon his horns +/ . keras {ker'-as}; from a primary kar (the hair of the head); a horn (literally or figuratively): --horn .

2769 + with the husks +/ . keration {ker-at'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 2768 + horns + up an horn + and upon his horns +/ ; something horned, i .e . (specially) the pod of the carob-tree: --husk . *** . kerao . See 2767 + fill + is poured + she hath filled +/ .

2898 + Calvary + of a skull +/ . kranion {kran-ee'-on}; diminutive of a derivative of the base of 2768 + horns + up an horn + and upon his horns +/ ; a skull ("cranium"): --Calvary, skull .