hope , 1CO , 9:10 , 1CO , 9:10 , 1CO , 9:10 , 1CO , 13:13 , 1CO , 15:19 hope , 1JO , 3:3 hope , 1PE , 1:3 , 1PE , 1:13 , 1PE , 1:21 , 1PE , 3:15 hope , 1TH , 1:3 , 1TH , 2:19 , 1TH , 4:13 , 1TH , 5:8 hope , 1TI , 1:1 hope , 2CO , 1:7 , 2CO , 3:12 , 2CO , 10:15 hope , 2TH , 2:16 hope , AC , 2:26 , AC , 16:19 , AC , 23:6 , AC , 24:15 , AC , 26:6 , AC , 26:7 , AC , 27:20 , AC , 28:20 hope , COL , 1:5 , COL , 1:23 , COL , 1:27 hope , EC , 9:4 hope , EPH , 1:18 , EPH , 2:12 , EPH , 4:4 hope , EZE , 13:6 , EZE , 19:5 , EZE , 37:11 hope , EZR , 10:2 hope , GA , 5:5 hope , HEB , 3:6 , HEB , 6:11 , HEB , 6:18 , HEB , 6:19 , HEB , 7:19 hope , HO , 2:15 hope , ISA , 38:18 , ISA , 57:10 hope , JER , 2:25 , JER , 14:8 , JER , 17:7 , JER , 17:13 , JER , 17:17 , JER , 18:12 , JER , 31:17 , JER , 50:7 hope , JOB , 4:6 , JOB , 5:16 , JOB , 6:11 , JOB , 7:6 , JOB , 8:13 , JOB , 8:14 , JOB , 11:18 , JOB , 11:20 , JOB , 14:7 , JOB , 14:19 , JOB , 17:15 , JOB , 17:15 , JOB , 19:10 , JOB , 27:8 , JOB , 31:24 , JOB , 41:9 hope , JOE , 3:16 hope , LA , 3:18 , LA , 3:21 , LA , 3:24 , LA , 3:26 , LA , 3:29 hope , LU , 6:34 hope , PHP , 1:20 , PHP , 2:23 hope , PR , 10:28 , PR , 11:7 , PR , 13:12 , PR , 14:32 , PR , 19:18 , PR , 26:12 , PR , 29:20 hope , PS , 16:9 , PS , 22:9 , PS , 31:24 , PS , 33:18 , PS , 33:22 , PS , 38:15 , PS , 39:7 , PS , 42:5 , PS , 42:11 , PS , 43:5 , PS , 71:5 , PS , 71:14 , PS , 78:7 , PS , 119:49 , PS , 119:81 , PS , 119:114 , PS , 119:116 , PS , 130:5 , PS , 130:7 , PS , 131:3 , PS , 146:5 , PS , 147:11 hope , RO , 4:18 , RO , 4:18 , RO , 5:2 , RO , 5:4 , RO , 5: 5 , RO , 8:20 , RO , 8:24 , RO , 8:24 , RO , 8:24 , RO , 8: 24 , RO , 8:25 , RO , 12:12 , RO , 15:4 , RO , 15:13 , RO , 15:13 hope , RU , 1:12 hope , TIT , 1:2 , TIT , 2:13 , TIT , 3:7 hope , ZEC , 9:12 hope's , AC , 26:7 hoped , 2CO , 8:5 hoped , AC , 24:26 hoped , ES , 9:1 hoped , HEB , 11:1 hoped , JER , 3:23 hoped , JOB , 6:20 hoped , LU , 23:8 hoped , PS , 119:43 , PS , 119:74 , PS , 119:147 , PS , 119: 166 hopeth , 1CO , 13:7 again 0560 # apelpizo {ap-el-pid'-zo}; from 575 and 1679; to hope out, i.e. fully expect: -- hope for {again}.[ql be 4328 # prosdokao {pros-dok-ah'-o}; from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch); to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await: -- ({be} in) expect(-ation), look (for), when looked, tarry, wait for.[ql expect 4328 # prosdokao {pros-dok-ah'-o}; from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch); to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await: -- (be in) {expect}(-ation), look (for), when looked, tarry, wait for.[ql first 4276 # proelpizo {pro-el-pid'-zo}; from 4253 and 1679; to hope in advance of other confirmation: -- {first} trust.[ql for 0560 # apelpizo {ap-el-pid'-zo}; from 575 and 1679; to hope out, i.e. fully expect: -- hope {for} again.[ql for 4328 # prosdokao {pros-dok-ah'-o}; from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch); to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await: -- (be in) expect(-ation), look ({for}), when looked, tarry, wait for.[ql for 4328 # prosdokao {pros-dok-ah'-o}; from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch); to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await: -- (be in) expect(-ation), look (for), when looked, tarry, wait {for}.[ql hope 1679 # elpizo {el-pid'-zo}; from 1680; to expect or confide: -- (have, thing) {hope}(-d) (for), trust.[ql hope 0560 # apelpizo {ap-el-pid'-zo}; from 575 and 1679; to hope out, i.e. fully expect: -- {hope} for again.[ql hope 2070 # esmen {es-men'}; first person plural indicative of 1510; we are: -- are, be, have our being, X have {hope}, + [the gospel] was [preached unto] us.[ql hope 1680 # elpis {el-pece'}; from a primary elpo (to anticipate, ususally with pleasure); expectation (abstractly or concretely) or confidence: -- faith, {hope}.[ql in 4328 # prosdokao {pros-dok-ah'-o}; from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch); to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await: -- (be {in}) expect(-ation), look (for), when looked, tarry, wait for.[ql look 4328 # prosdokao {pros-dok-ah'-o}; from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch); to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await: -- (be in) expect(-ation), {look} (for), when looked, tarry, wait for.[ql looked 4328 # prosdokao {pros-dok-ah'-o}; from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch); to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await: -- (be in) expect(-ation), look (for), when {looked}, tarry, wait for.[ql tarry 4328 # prosdokao {pros-dok-ah'-o}; from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch); to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await: -- (be in) expect(-ation), look (for), when looked, {tarry}, wait for.[ql trust 4276 # proelpizo {pro-el-pid'-zo}; from 4253 and 1679; to hope in advance of other confirmation: -- first {trust}.[ql wait 4328 # prosdokao {pros-dok-ah'-o}; from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch); to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await: -- (be in) expect(-ation), look (for), when looked, tarry, {wait} for.[ql when 4328 # prosdokao {pros-dok-ah'-o}; from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch); to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await: -- (be in) expect(-ation), look (for), {when} looked, tarry, wait for.[ql hope Interlinear Index Study hope RUT 001 012 Turn <07725 +shuwb > again <07725 +shuwb > , my daughters <01121 +ben > , go <03212 +yalak > [ your way <01870 +derek > ] ; for I am too old <02204 +zaqen > to have an husband <00376 +>iysh > . If <03588 +kiy > I should say <00559 +>amar > , I have {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > , [ if <03588 +kiy > ] I should have an husband <00376 +>iysh > also to night <03915 +layil > , and should also <01571 +gam > bear <03205 +yalad > sons <01121 +ben > ; hope EZR 010 002 And Shechaniah <07935 +Sh@kanyah > the son <01121 +ben > of Jehiel <03171 +Y@chiy>el > , [ one ] of the sons <01121 +ben > of Elam <05867 + , answered <06030 + and said <00559 +>amar > unto Ezra <05830 + > , We have trespassed <04603 +ma against our God <00430 +>elohiym > , and have taken <03427 +yashab > strange <05237 +nokriy > wives <00802 +>ishshah > of the people <05971 + of the land <00776 +>erets > : yet now <06258 + there is {hope} <04723 +miqveh > in Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > concerning <05921 + this <02063 +zo>th > thing . hope JOB 004 006 [ Is ] not [ this ] thy fear <03374 +yir>ah > , thy confidence <03690 +kiclah > , thy {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > , and the uprightness <08537 +tom > of thy ways <01870 +derek > ? hope JOB 005 016 So the poor <01800 +dal > hath <01961 +hayah > {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > , and iniquity <05766 + stoppeth <07092 +qaphats > her mouth <06310 +peh > . hope JOB 006 011 What <04100 +mah > [ is ] my strength <03581 +koach > , that I should {hope} <03176 +yachal > ? and what <04100 +mah > [ is ] mine end <07093 +qets > , that I should prolong <00748 +>arak > my life <05315 +nephesh > ? hope JOB 007 006 My days <03117 +yowm > are swifter <07043 +qalal > than a weaver s shuttle <00708 +>ereg > , and are spent <03615 +kalah > without <00657 +>ephec > {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > . hope JOB 008 013 So <03651 +ken > [ are ] the paths <00734 +>orach > of all <03605 +kol > that forget <07911 +shakach > God <00410 +>el > ; and the hypocrite s <02611 +chaneph > {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > shall perish <6> : hope JOB 008 014 Whose <00834 +>aher > {hope} <03689 +kecel > shall be cut <06990 +qatat > off , and whose trust <04009 +mibtach > [ shall be ] a spider s <05908 + web <01004 +bayith > . hope JOB 011 018 And thou shalt be secure <00982 +batach > , because <03588 +kiy > there is {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > ; yea , thou shalt dig <02658 +chaphar > [ about <05439 +cabiyb > thee , and ] thou shalt take <07901 +shakab > thy rest <07901 +shakab > in safety <00983 +betach > . hope JOB 011 020 But the eyes <05869 + of the wicked <07563 +rasha< > shall fail <03615 +kalah > , and they shall not escape , and their {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > [ shall be as ] the giving <04646 +mappach > up of the ghost <05315 +nephesh > . hope JOB 014 007 . For there is {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > of a tree <06086 + , if it be cut <03772 +karath > down , that it will sprout <02498 +chalaph > again <05750 + , and that the tender <03127 +yowneqeth > branch thereof will not cease <02308 +chadal > . hope JOB 014 019 The waters <04325 +mayim > wear <07833 +shachaq > the stones <68> : thou washest <07857 +shataph > away the things which grow <05599 +caphiyach > [ out ] of the dust <06083 + of the earth <00776 +>erets > ; and thou destroyest <6> the {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > of man <00582 +>enowsh > . hope JOB 017 015 And where [ is ] now <00645 +>ephow > my hope <08615 +tiqvah > ? as for my {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > , who <04310 +miy > shall see <07789 +shuwr > it ? hope JOB 017 015 And where [ is ] now <00645 +>ephow > my {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > ? as for my hope <08615 +tiqvah > , who <04310 +miy > shall see <07789 +shuwr > it ? hope JOB 019 010 He hath destroyed <05422 +nathats > me on every <05437 +cabab > side <05439 +cabiyb > , and I am gone <03212 +yalak > : and mine {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > hath he removed <05265 +naca< > like a tree <06086 + . hope JOB 027 008 For what <04100 +mah > [ is ] the {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > of the hypocrite <02611 +chaneph > , though <03588 +kiy > he hath gained <01214 +batsa< > , when <03588 +kiy > God <00433 +>elowahh > taketh <07953 +shalah > away <07953 +shalah > his soul <05315 +nephesh > ? hope JOB 031 024 . If <00518 +>im > I have made <07760 +suwm > gold <02091 +zahab > my {hope} <03689 +kecel > , or have said <00559 +>amar > to the fine gold <03800 +kethem > , [ Thou art ] my confidence <04009 +mibtach > ; hope JOB 041 009 Behold <02005 +hen > , the {hope} <08431 +towcheleth > of him is in vain <03576 +kazab > : shall not [ one ] be cast <02904 +tuwl > down <02904 +tuwl > even <01571 +gam > at the sight <04758 +mar>eh > of him ? hope PSA 016 009 Therefore <03651 +ken > my heart <03820 +leb > is glad <08056 +sameach > , and my glory <03519 +kabowd > rejoiceth <01523 +giyl > : my flesh <01320 +basar > also <00637 +>aph > shall rest <07931 +shakan > in {hope} <00983 +betach > . hope PSA 022 009 But thou [ art ] he that took <01518 +giyach > me out of the womb <00990 +beten > : thou didst make me {hope} <00982 +batach > [ when I was ] upon my mother s <00517 +>em > breasts <07699 +shad > . hope PSA 031 024 Be of good courage <02388 +chazaq > , and he shall strengthen <00553 +>amats > your heart <03824 +lebab > , all <03605 +kol > ye that {hope} <03176 +yachal > in the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > . hope PSA 033 018 Behold <02009 +hinneh > , the eye <05869 + of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ is ] upon them that fear <03373 +yare> > him , upon them that {hope} <03176 +yachal > in his mercy <02617 +checed > ; hope PSA 033 022 Let thy mercy <02617 +checed > , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , be upon us , according as we {hope} <03176 +yachal > in thee . hope PSA 038 015 For in thee , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , do I {hope} <03176 +yachal > : thou wilt hear <06030 + , O Lord <00136 +>Adonay > my God <00430 +>elohiym > . hope PSA 039 007 . And now <06258 + , Lord <00136 +>Adonay > , what <04100 +mah > wait <06960 +qavah > I for ? my {hope} <08431 +towcheleth > [ is ] in thee . hope PSA 042 005 Why art thou cast <07817 +shachach > down <07817 +shachach > , O my soul <05315 +nephesh > ? and [ why ] art thou disquieted <01993 +hamah > in me ? {hope} <03176 +yachal > thou in God <00430 +>elohiym > : for I shall yet <05750 + praise <03034 +yadah > him [ for ] the help <03444 +y@shuw of his countenance <06440 +paniym > . hope PSA 042 011 Why <04100 +mah > art thou cast <07817 +shachach > down <07817 +shachach > , O my soul <05315 +nephesh > ? and why <04100 +mah > art thou disquieted <01993 +hamah > within <05921 + me ? {hope} <03176 +yachal > thou in God <00430 +>elohiym > : for I shall yet <05750 + praise <03034 +yadah > him , [ who is ] the health <03444 +y@shuw of my countenance <06440 +paniym > , and my God <00430 +>elohiym > . hope PSA 043 005 Why <04100 +mah > art thou cast <07817 +shachach > down <07817 +shachach > , O my soul <05315 +nephesh > ? and why <04100 +mah > art thou disquieted <01993 +hamah > within <05921 + me ? {hope} <03176 +yachal > in God <00430 +>elohiym > : for I shall yet <05750 + praise <03034 +yadah > him , [ who is ] the health <03444 +y@shuw of my countenance <06440 +paniym > , and my God <00430 +>elohiym > . hope PSA 071 005 For thou [ art ] my {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > , O Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > : [ thou art ] my trust <04004 +mibchowr > from my youth <05271 +na . hope PSA 071 014 . But I will {hope} <03176 +yachal > continually <08548 +tamiyd > , and will yet praise <08416 +t@hillah > thee more <03254 +yacaph > and more <03254 +yacaph > . hope PSA 078 007 That they might set <07760 +suwm > their {hope} <03689 +kecel > in God <00430 +>elohiym > , and not forget <07911 +shakach > the works <04611 +ma of God <00410 +>el > , but keep <05341 +natsar > his commandments <04687 +mitsvah > : hope PSA 119 049 . ZAIN . Remember <02142 +zakar > the word <01697 +dabar > unto thy servant <05650 + , upon which <00834 +>aher > thou hast caused me to {hope} <03176 +yachal > . hope PSA 119 081 . CAPH . My soul <05315 +nephesh > fainteth <03615 +kalah > for thy salvation <08668 +t@shuw : [ but ] I {hope} <03176 +yachal > in thy word <01697 +dabar > . hope PSA 119 114 +. Thou [ art ] my hiding <05643 +cether > place and my shield <04043 +magen > : I {hope} <03176 +yachal > in thy word <01697 +dabar > . hope PSA 119 116 +. Uphold <05564 +camak > me according unto thy word <00565 +>imrah > , that I may live <02421 +chayah > : and let me not be ashamed <00954 +buwsh > of my {hope} <07664 +seber > . hope PSA 130 005 . I wait <06960 +qavah > for the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , my soul <05315 +nephesh > doth wait <06960 +qavah > , and in his word <01697 +dabar > do I {hope} <03176 +yachal > . hope PSA 130 007 Let Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > {hope} <03176 +yachal > in the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > : for with the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ there is ] mercy <02617 +checed > , and with him [ is ] plenteous <07235 +rabah > redemption <06304 +p@duwth > . hope PSA 131 003 Let Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > {hope} <03176 +yachal > in the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > from henceforth <06258 + and for ever <05769 + . hope PSA 146 005 . Happy <00835 +>esher > [ is he ] that [ hath ] the God <00410 +>el > of Jacob <03290 +Ya for his help <05828 + , whose {hope} <07664 +seber > [ is ] in the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > his God <00430 +>elohiym > : hope PSA 147 011 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > taketh pleasure <07521 +ratsah > in them that fear <03373 +yare> > him , in those that {hope} <03176 +yachal > in his mercy <02617 +checed > . hope PRO 010 028 The {hope} <08431 +towcheleth > of the righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > [ shall be ] gladness <08057 +simchah > : but the expectation <08615 +tiqvah > of the wicked <07563 +rasha< > shall perish <6> . hope PRO 011 007 . When a wicked <07563 +rasha< > man <00120 +>adam > dieth <04194 +maveth > , [ his ] expectation <08615 +tiqvah > shall perish <6> : and the {hope} <08431 +towcheleth > of unjust <00205 +>aven > [ men ] perisheth <6> . Hope PRO 013 012 . {Hope} <08431 +towcheleth > deferred <04900 +mashak > maketh the heart <03820 +leb > sick <02470 +chalah > : but [ when ] the desire <08378 +ta>avah > cometh <00935 +bow> > , [ it is ] a tree <06086 + of life <02416 +chay >. hope PRO 014 032 . The wicked <07563 +rasha< > is driven <01760 +dachah > away in his wickedness <07451 +ra< > : but the righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > hath {hope} <02620 +chacah > in his death <04194 +maveth > . hope PRO 019 018 . Chasten <03256 +yacar > thy son <01121 +ben > while <03588 +kiy > there is {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > , and let not thy soul <05315 +nephesh > spare <05375 +nasa> > for his crying <04191 +muwth > . hope PRO 026 012 . Seest <07200 +ra>ah > thou a man <00376 +>iysh > wise <02450 +chakam > in his own conceit <05869 + ? [ there is ] more {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > of a fool <03684 +k@ciyl > than of him . hope PRO 029 020 . Seest <02372 +chazah > thou a man <00376 +>iysh > [ that is ] hasty <00213 +>uwts > in his words <01697 +dabar > ? [ there is ] more {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > of a fool <03684 +k@ciyl > than of him . hope ECC 009 004 . For to him that is joined <00977 +bachar > to all <03605 +kol > the living <02416 +chay > there is {hope} <00986 +bittachown > : for a living <02416 +chay > dog <03611 +keleb > is better <02896 +towb > than <04480 +min > a dead <04191 +muwth > lion <00738 +>ariy > . hope ISA 038 018 For the grave <07585 +sh@>owl > cannot <03808 +lo> > praise <03034 +yadah > thee , death <04194 +maveth > can <03201 +yakol > [ not ] celebrate <01984 +halal > thee : they that go <03381 +yarad > down <03381 +yarad > into the pit <00953 +bowr > cannot <03808 +lo> > {hope} <07663 +sabar > for thy truth <00571 +>emeth > . hope ISA 057 010 Thou art wearied <03021 +yaga< > in the greatness <07230 +rob > of thy way <01870 +derek > ; [ yet ] saidst <00559 +>amar > thou not , There is no {hope} <02976 +ya>ash > : thou hast found <04672 +matsa> > the life <02416 +chay > of thine hand <03027 +yad > ; therefore thou wast not grieved <02470 +chalah > . hope JER 002 025 Withhold <04513 +mana< > thy foot <07272 +regel > from being unshod <03182 +yacheph > , and thy throat <01627 +garown > from thirst <06773 +tsim>ah > : but thou saidst <00559 +>amar > , There is no {hope} <02976 +ya>ash > : no <03808 +lo> > ; for I have loved <00157 +>ahab > strangers <02114 +zuwr > , and after <00310 +>achar > them will I go <03212 +yalak > . hope JER 014 008 O the {hope} <04723 +miqveh > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , the saviour <03467 +yasha< > thereof in time <06256 + of trouble <06869 +tsarah > , why <04100 +mah > shouldest thou be as a stranger <01616 +ger > in the land <00776 +>erets > , and as a wayfaring <00732 +>arach > man [ that ] turneth <05186 +natah > aside <05186 +natah > to tarry <03885 +luwn > for a night ? hope JER 017 007 Blessed <01288 +barak > [ is ] the man <01397 +geber > that trusteth <00982 +batach > in the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and whose {hope} <04009 +mibtach > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > is . hope JER 017 013 O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , the {hope} <04723 +miqveh > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , all <03605 +kol > that forsake <05800 + thee shall be ashamed <00954 +buwsh > , [ and ] they that depart <03249 +yacuwr > from me shall be written <03789 +kathab > in the earth <00776 +>erets > , because <03588 +kiy > they have forsaken <05800 + the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , the fountain <04726 +maqowr > of living <02416 +chay > waters <04325 +mayim > . hope JER 017 017 Be not a terror <04288 +m@chittah > unto me : thou [ art ] my {hope} <04268 +machaceh > in the day <03117 +yowm > of evil <07451 +ra< > . hope JER 018 012 And they said <00559 +>amar > , There is no {hope} <02976 +ya>ash > : but we will walk <01980 +halak > after <00310 +>achar > our own devices <04284 +machashabah > , and we will every <00376 +>iysh > one <00376 +>iysh > do <06213 + the imagination <08307 +sh@riyruwth > of his evil <07451 +ra< > heart <03820 +leb > . hope JER 031 017 And there is {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > in thine end <00319 +>achariyth > , saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , that thy children <01121 +ben > shall come <07725 +shuwb > again <07725 +shuwb > to their own border <01366 +g@buwl > . hope JER 050 007 All <03605 +kol > that found <04672 +matsa> > them have devoured <00398 +>akal > them : and their adversaries <06862 +tsar > said <00559 +>amar > , We offend <00816 +>asham > not , because they have sinned <02398 +chata> > against the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , the habitation <05116 +naveh > of justice <06664 +tsedeq > , even the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , the {hope} <04723 +miqveh > of their fathers <1> . hope LAM 003 018 And I said <00559 +>amar > , My strength <05331 +netsach > and my {hope} <08431 +towcheleth > is perished <6> from the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > : hope LAM 003 021 . This <02063 +zo>th > I recall <07725 +shuwb > to my mind <03820 +leb > , therefore have I {hope} <03176 +yachal > . hope LAM 003 024 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ is ] my portion <02506 +cheleq > , saith <00559 +>amar > my soul <05315 +nephesh > ; therefore will I {hope} <03176 +yachal > in him . hope LAM 003 026 [ It is ] good <02896 +towb > that [ a man ] should both {hope} <02342 +chuwl > and quietly wait <01748 +duwmam > for the salvation <08668 +t@shuw of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > . hope LAM 003 029 He putteth <05414 +nathan > his mouth <06310 +peh > in the dust <06083 + ; if <00194 +>uwlay > so be there may be {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > . hope EZE 013 006 They have seen <02372 +chazah > vanity <07723 +shav> > and lying <03577 +kazab > divination <07081 +qecem > , saying <00559 +>amar > , The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > saith <05002 +n@>um > : and the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hath not sent <07971 +shalach > them : and they have made [ others ] to {hope} <03176 +yachal > that they would confirm <06965 +quwm > the word <01697 +dabar > . hope EZE 019 005 Now when she saw <07200 +ra>ah > that she had waited <03176 +yachal > , [ and ] her {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > was lost <6> , then she took <03947 +laqach > another <00259 +>echad > of her whelps <01482 +guwr > , [ and ] made <07760 +suwm > him a young <03715 +k@phiyr > lion <03715 +k@phiyr > . hope EZE 037 011 Then he said <00559 +>amar > unto me , Son <01121 +ben > of man <00120 +>adam > , these <04228 +machagoreth > bones <06106 + are the whole <03605 +kol > house <01004 +bayith > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > : behold <02009 +hinneh > , they say <00559 +>amar > , Our bones <06106 + are dried <03001 +yabesh > , and our {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > is lost <6> : we are cut <01504 +gazar > off for our parts <02506 +cheleq > . hope HOS 002 015 And I will give <05414 +nathan > her her vineyards <03754 +kerem > from thence <08033 +sham > , and the valley <06010 + of Achor <05911 + for a door <06607 +pethach > of {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > : and she shall sing <06030 + there <08033 +sham > , as in the days <03117 +yowm > of her youth <05271 +na , and as in the day <03117 +yowm > when she came <05927 + up out of the land <00776 +>erets > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > . hope JOE 003 016 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > also shall roar <07580 +sha>ag > out of Zion <06726 +Tsiyown > , and utter <05414 +nathan > his voice <06963 +qowl > from Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > ; and the heavens <08064 +shamayim > and the earth <00776 +>erets > shall shake <07493 +ra : but the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ will be ] the {hope} <04268 +machaceh > of his people <05971 + , and the strength <04581 +ma of the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > . hope ZEC 009 012 . Turn <07725 +shuwb > you to the strong <01225 +bitstsarown > hold <01225 +bitstsarown > , ye prisoners <00615 +>aciyr > of {hope} <08615 +tiqvah > : even <01571 +gam > to day <03117 +yowm > do I declare <05046 +nagad > [ that ] I will render <07725 +shuwb > double <04932 +mishneh > unto thee ; hope LUK 006 034 And if 1437 -ean - ye lend 1155 -daneizo - [ to them ] of whom 3739 -hos - ye {hope} 1679 -elpizo - to receive LUK 0618 -apolambano - , what 4169 -poios - thank 5485 - charis - have 2076 -esti - ye ? for sinners 0268 -hamartolos - also 2532 -kai - lend 1155 -daneizo - to sinners 0268 - hamartolos - , to receive LUK 0618 -apolambano - as much 2470 - isos - again LUK 0618 -apolambano - . hope ACT 002 026 Therefore <5124 -touto -> did my heart <2588 - kardia -> rejoice <2165 -euphraino -> , and my tongue <1100 - glossa -> was glad <0021 -agalliao -> ; moreover <2089 -eti -> also <2532 -kai -> my flesh <4561 -sarx -> shall rest <2681 - kataskenoo -> in {hope} <1680 -elpis -> : hope ACT 016 019 And when her masters <2962 -kurios -> saw <1492 -eido -> that the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> of their gains <2039 - ergasia -> was gone <1831 -exerchomai -> , they caught <1949 - epilambanomai -> Paul <3972 -Paulos -> and Silas <4609 -Silas -> , and drew <1670 -helkuo -> [ them ] into <1519 -eis -> the marketplace <0058 -agora -> unto the rulers <0758 -archon -> , hope ACT 023 006 . But when Paul <3972 -Paulos -> perceived <1097 -ginosko -> that the one <1520 -heis -> part <3313 -meros - > were Sadducees <4523 -Saddoukaios -> , and the other <2087 - heteros -> Pharisees <5330 -Pharisaios -> , he cried <2896 - krazo -> out in the council <4892 -sunedrion -> , Men <0435 - aner -> [ and ] brethren <0080 -adephos -> , I am <1510 -eimi -> a Pharisee <5330 -Pharisaios -> , the son <5207 -huios -> of a Pharisee <5330 -Pharisaios -> : of the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> and resurrection <0386 -anastasis -> of the dead <3498 -nekros - > I am called <2919 -krino -> in question <2919 -krino -> . hope ACT 024 015 And have <2192 -echo -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> toward <1519 -eis -> God <2316 -theos -> , which <3739 -hos -> they themselves <0846 -autos -> also <2532 -kai -> allow <4327 - prosdechomai -> , that there shall be a resurrection <0386 - anastasis -> of the dead <3498 -nekros -> , both <5037 -te -> of the just <1342 -dikaios -> and unjust <0094 -adikos -> . hope ACT 026 006 And now <3568 -nun -> I stand <2476 -histemi -> and am judged <2919 -krino -> for the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> of the promise <1860 -epaggelia -> made <1096 -ginomai -> of God <2316 -theos -> unto our fathers <3962 -pater -> : hope ACT 026 007 Unto which <3739 -hos -> [ promise ] our twelve <1429 -dodekaphulon -> tribes <1429 -dodekaphulon -> , instantly <1616 -ekteneia -> serving <3000 -latreuo -> [ God ] day <2250 - hemera -> and night <3571 -nux -> , hope <1679 -elpizo -> to come <2658 -katantao -> . For which <3739 -hos -> {hope} s <1679 -elpizo -> sake , king <0935 -basileus -> Agrippa <0067 - Agrippas -> , I am accused <1458 -egkaleo -> of the Jews <2453 - Ioudaios -> . hope ACT 026 007 Unto which <3739 -hos -> [ promise ] our twelve <1429 -dodekaphulon -> tribes <1429 -dodekaphulon -> , instantly <1616 -ekteneia -> serving <3000 -latreuo -> [ God ] day <2250 - hemera -> and night <3571 -nux -> , {hope} <1679 -elpizo -> to come <2658 -katantao -> . For which <3739 -hos -> hope s <1679 - elpizo -> sake , king <0935 -basileus -> Agrippa <0067 -Agrippas -> , I am accused <1458 -egkaleo -> of the Jews <2453 -Ioudaios - > . hope ACT 027 020 And when neither <3383 -mete -> sun <2246 - helios -> nor <3383 -mete -> stars <0798 -astron -> in many <4119 -pleion -> days <2250 -hemera -> appeared <2014 -epiphaino -> , and no <3756 -ou -> small <3641 -oligos -> tempest <5494 - cheimon -> lay <1945 -epikeimai -> on <1945 -epikeimai -> [ us ] , all <3956 -pas -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> that we should be saved <4982 -sozo -> was then <3063 -loipon -> taken <4014 - periaireo -> away <4014 -periaireo -> . hope ACT 028 020 For this <5026 -taute -> cause <0156 -aitia -> therefore <3767 -oun -> have I called <3870 -parakaleo -> for you , to see <1492 -eido -> [ you ] , and to speak <4354 - proslaleo -> with [ you ] : because <1063 -gar -> that for the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> of Israel <2474 -Israel -> I am bound <4029 -perikeimai -> with this <5026 -taute -> chain <0254 - halusis -> . hope ROM 004 018 Who <3739 -hos -> against <3844 -para -> hope <1680 -elpis -> believed <4100 -pisteuo -> in {hope} <1680 - elpis -> , that he might become <1096 -ginomai -> the father <3962 -pater -> of many <4183 -polus -> nations <1484 -ethnos -> , according <2596 -kata -> to that which was spoken <2046 -ereo - > , So <3779 -houto -> shall thy seed <4690 -sperma -> be . hope ROM 004 018 Who <3739 -hos -> against <3844 -para -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> believed <4100 -pisteuo -> in hope <1680 -elpis - > , that he might become <1096 -ginomai -> the father <3962 - pater -> of many <4183 -polus -> nations <1484 -ethnos -> , according <2596 -kata -> to that which was spoken <2046 -ereo -> , So <3779 -houto -> shall thy seed <4690 -sperma -> be . hope ROM 005 002 By whom <3739 -hos -> also <2532 -kai -> we have <2192 -echo -> access <4318 -prosagoge -> by faith <4102 - pistis -> into <1519 -eis -> this <5026 -taute -> grace <5485 - charis -> wherein <3757 -hou -> we stand <2476 -histemi -> , and rejoice <2744 -kauchaomai -> in {hope} <1680 -elpis -> of the glory <1391 -doxa -> of God <2316 -theos -> . hope ROM 005 004 And patience <5281 -hupomone -> , experience <1382 -dokime -> ; and experience <1382 -dokime -> , {hope} <1680 -elpis -> : hope ROM 005 005 And {hope} <1680 -elpis -> maketh <2617 - kataischuno -> not ashamed <2617 -kataischuno -> ; because <3754 -hoti -> the love <0026 -agape -> of God <2316 -theos -> is shed <1632 -ekcheo -> abroad <1632 -ekcheo -> in our hearts <2588 - kardia -> by the Holy <0040 -hagios -> Ghost <4151 -pneuma -> which <3588 -ho -> is given <1325 -didomi -> unto us . hope ROM 008 020 For the creature <2937 -ktisis -> was made <5293 -hupotasso -> subject <5293 -hupotasso -> to vanity <3153 - mataiotes -> , not willingly <1635 -hekon -> , but by reason <1223 -dia -> of him who hath subjected <5293 -hupotasso -> [ the same ] in {hope} <1680 -elpis -> , hope ROM 008 024 For we are saved <4982 -sozo -> by hope <1680 - elpis -> : but hope <1680 -elpis -> that is seen <0991 -blepo -> is not hope <1680 -elpis -> : for what a man <5100 -tis -> seeth <0991 -blepo -> , why <5101 -tis -> doth he yet {hope} <1679 - elpizo -> for ? hope ROM 008 024 For we are saved <4982 -sozo -> by hope <1680 - elpis -> : but hope <1680 -elpis -> that is seen <0991 -blepo -> is not {hope} <1680 -elpis -> : for what a man <5100 -tis -> seeth <0991 -blepo -> , why <5101 -tis -> doth he yet hope <1679 -elpizo -> for ? hope ROM 008 024 For we are saved <4982 -sozo -> by hope <1680 - elpis -> : but {hope} <1680 -elpis -> that is seen <0991 -blepo - > is not hope <1680 -elpis -> : for what a man <5100 -tis -> seeth <0991 -blepo -> , why <5101 -tis -> doth he yet hope <1679 -elpizo -> for ? hope ROM 008 024 For we are saved <4982 -sozo -> by {hope} <1680 -elpis -> : but hope <1680 -elpis -> that is seen <0991 -blepo - > is not hope <1680 -elpis -> : for what a man <5100 -tis -> seeth <0991 -blepo -> , why <5101 -tis -> doth he yet hope <1679 -elpizo -> for ? hope ROM 008 025 But if <1487 -ei -> we {hope} <1679 -elpizo -> for that we see <0991 -blepo -> not , [ then ] do we with patience <5281 -hupomone -> wait <0553 -apekdechomai -> for [ it ] . hope ROM 012 012 Rejoicing <5463 -chairo -> in {hope} <1680 - elpis -> ; patient <5278 -hupomeno -> in tribulation <2347 - thlipsis -> ; continuing <4342 -proskartereo -> instant <4342 - proskartereo -> in prayer <4335 -proseuche -> ; hope ROM 015 004 For whatsoever <3745 -hosos -> things were written <4270 -prographo -> aforetime <4270 -prographo -> were written <4270 -prographo -> for our learning <1319 -didaskalia - > , that we through <1223 -dia -> patience <5281 -hupomone -> and comfort <3874 -paraklesis -> of the scriptures <1124 -graphe -> might have <2192 -echo -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> . hope ROM 015 013 . Now <1161 -de -> the God <2316 -theos -> of hope <1680 -elpis -> fill <4137 -pleroo -> you with all <3956 - pas -> joy <5479 -chara -> and peace <1515 -eirene -> in believing <4100 -pisteuo -> , that ye may abound <4052 - perisseuo -> in {hope} <1680 -elpis -> , through <1722 -en -> the power <1411 -dunamis -> of the Holy <0040 -hagios -> Ghost <4151 -pneuma -> . hope ROM 015 013 . Now <1161 -de -> the God <2316 -theos -> of {hope} <1680 -elpis -> fill <4137 -pleroo -> you with all <3956 - pas -> joy <5479 -chara -> and peace <1515 -eirene -> in believing <4100 -pisteuo -> , that ye may abound <4052 - perisseuo -> in hope <1680 -elpis -> , through <1722 -en -> the power <1411 -dunamis -> of the Holy <0040 -hagios -> Ghost <4151 -pneuma -> . hope 1CO 009 010 Or <2228 -e -> saith <3004 -lego -> he [ it ] altogether <3843 -pantos -> for our sakes ? For our sakes , no <1063 -gar -> doubt <1063 -gar -> , [ this ] is written <1125 - grapho -> : that he that ploweth <0722 -arotrioo -> should <3784 -opheilo -> plow <0722 -arotrioo -> in hope <1680 -elpis -> ; and that he that thresheth <0248 -aloao -> in hope <1680 -elpis - > should be partaker <3348 -metecho -> of his {hope} <1680 - elpis -> . hope 1CO 009 010 Or <2228 -e -> saith <3004 -lego -> he [ it ] altogether <3843 -pantos -> for our sakes ? For our sakes , no <1063 -gar -> doubt <1063 -gar -> , [ this ] is written <1125 - grapho -> : that he that ploweth <0722 -arotrioo -> should <3784 -opheilo -> plow <0722 -arotrioo -> in hope <1680 -elpis -> ; and that he that thresheth <0248 -aloao -> in {hope} <1680 - elpis -> should be partaker <3348 -metecho -> of his hope <1680 - elpis -> . hope 1CO 009 010 Or <2228 -e -> saith <3004 -lego -> he [ it ] altogether <3843 -pantos -> for our sakes ? For our sakes , no <1063 -gar -> doubt <1063 -gar -> , [ this ] is written <1125 - grapho -> : that he that ploweth <0722 -arotrioo -> should <3784 -opheilo -> plow <0722 -arotrioo -> in {hope} <1680 -elpis -> ; and that he that thresheth <0248 -aloao -> in hope <1680 -elpis - > should be partaker <3348 -metecho -> of his hope <1680 -elpis - > . hope 1CO 013 013 And now <3570 -nuni -> abideth <3306 -meno -> faith <4102 -pistis -> , {hope} <1680 -elpis -> , charity <0026 - agape -> , these <5023 -tauta -> three <5140 -treis -> ; but the greatest <3187 -meizon -> of these <5130 -touton -> [ is ] charity <0026 -agape -> . hope 1CO 015 019 If <1487 -ei -> in this <5126 -touton -> life <2222 -zoe -> only <3440 -monon -> we have <2070 -esmen -> {hope} <1679 -elpizo -> in Christ <5547 -Christos -> , we are of all <3956 -pas -> men <0444 -anthropos -> most miserable <1652 - eleeinos -> . hope 2CO 001 007 . And our {hope} <1680 -elpis -> of you [ is ] stedfast <0949 -bebaios -> , knowing <1492 -eido -> , that as ye are partakers <2844 -koinonos -> of the sufferings <3804 - pathema -> , so <3779 -houto -> [ shall ye be ] also <2532 -kai - > of the consolation <3874 -paraklesis -> . hope 2CO 003 012 . Seeing then <3767 -oun -> that we have <2192 - echo -> such <5108 -toioutos -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> , we use <5530 -chraomai -> great <4183 -polus -> plainness <3954 - parrhesia -> of speech : hope 2CO 010 015 Not boasting <2744 -kauchaomai -> of things without <0280 -ametros -> [ our ] measure <0280 -ametros -> , [ that is ] , of other <0245 -allotrios -> men s labours <2873 - kopos -> ; but having <2192 -echo -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> , when your <5216 -humon -> faith <4102 -pistis -> is increased <0837 -auzano -> , that we shall be enlarged <3170 -megaluno -> by you according <2596 -kata -> to our rule <2583 -kanon -> abundantly <4050 -perisseia -> , hope GAL 005 005 For we through the Spirit <4151 -pneuma -> wait <0553 -apekdechomai -> for the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> of righteousness <1343 -dikaiosune -> by faith <4102 -pistis -> . hope EPH 001 018 The eyes <3788 -ophthalmos -> of your <5216 - humon -> understanding <1271 -dianoia -> being enlightened <5461 -photizo -> ; that ye may know <1492 -eido -> what <5101 -tis -> is the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> of his calling <2821 -klesis -> , and what <5101 -tis -> the riches <4149 -ploutos -> of the glory <1391 -doxa -> of his inheritance <2817 -kleronomia -> in the saints <0040 -hagios -> , hope EPH 002 012 That at <1722 -en -> that time <2540 -kairos -> ye were without <5565 -choris -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> , being aliens <0526 -apallotrioo -> from the commonwealth <4174 - politeia -> of Israel <2474 -Israel -> , and strangers <3581 - xenos -> from the covenants <1242 -diatheke -> of promise <1860 - epaggelia -> , having <2192 -echo -> no <3361 -me -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> , and without <0112 -atheos -> God <0112 -atheos -> in the world <2889 -kosmos -> : hope EPH 004 004 [ There is ] one <1520 -heis -> body <4983 - soma -> , and one <1520 -heis -> Spirit <4151 -pneuma -> , even <2532 -kai -> as ye are called <2564 -kaleo -> in one <3391 -mia -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> of your <5216 -humon -> calling <2821 - klesis -> ; hope PHP 001 020 According <2596 -kata -> to my earnest <0603 - apokaradokia -> expectation <0603 -apokaradokia -> and [ my ] {hope} <1680 -elpis -> , that in nothing <3762 -oudeis -> I shall be ashamed <0153 -aischunomai -> , but [ that ] with all <3956 -pas -> boldness <3954 -parrhesia -> , as always <3842 - pantote -> , [ so ] now <3568 -nun -> also <2532 -kai -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> shall be magnified <3170 -megaluno -> in my body <4983 -soma -> , whether <1535 -eite -> [ it be ] by life <2222 -zoe -> , or <1535 -eite -> by death <2288 -thanatos -> . hope PHP 002 023 Him therefore <3767 -oun -> I {hope} <1679 - elpizo -> to send <3992 -pempo -> presently <1824 -exautes -> , so <5613 -hos -> soon as I shall see <0872 -aphorao -> how <4012 -peri -> it will go with me . hope COL 001 005 For the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> which <3588 -ho - > is laid <0606 -apokeimai -> up for you in heaven <3772 - ouranos -> , whereof <3739 -hos -> ye heard <4257 -proakouo -> before <4257 -proakouo -> in the word <3056 -logos -> of the truth <0226 -aletheuo -> of the gospel <2098 -euaggelion -> ; hope COL 001 023 If <1489 -eige -> ye continue <1961 -epimeno -> in the faith <4102 -pistis -> grounded <2311 -themelioo -> and settled <1476 -hedraios -> , and [ be ] not moved <3334 - metakineo -> away <3334 -metakineo -> from the {hope} <1680 - elpis -> of the gospel <2098 -euaggelion -> , which ye have heard <0191 -akouo -> , [ and ] which <3588 -ho -> was preached <2784 -kerusso -> to every <3596 -hodoiporeo -> creature <2937 - ktisis -> which is under <5259 -hupo -> heaven <3772 -ouranos -> ; whereof <3739 -hos -> I Paul <3972 -Paulos -> am made <1096 - ginomai -> a minister <1249 -diakonos -> ; hope COL 001 027 To whom <3739 -hos -> God <2316 -theos -> would <2309 -thelo -> make <1107 -gnorizo -> known <1107 -gnorizo -> what <5101 -tis -> [ is ] the riches <4149 -ploutos -> of the glory <1391 -doxa -> of this <5127 -toutou -> mystery <3466 - musterion -> among <1722 -en -> the Gentiles <1484 -ethnos -> ; which <3739 -hos -> is Christ <5547 -Christos -> in you , the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> of glory <1391 -doxa -> : hope 1TH 001 003 Remembering <3421 -mnemoneuo -> without <0089 - adialeiptos -> ceasing <0089 -adialeiptos -> your <5209 -humas - > work <2041 -ergon -> of faith <4102 -pistis -> , and labour <2873 -kopos -> of love <0026 -agape -> , and patience <5281 - hupomone -> of {hope} <1680 -elpis -> in our Lord <2962 -kurios - > Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> , in the sight <1715 -emprosthen -> of God <2316 -theos -> and our Father <3962 -pater -> ; hope 1TH 002 019 For what <5101 -tis -> [ is ] our {hope} <1680 - elpis -> , or <2228 -e -> joy <5479 -chara -> , or <2228 -e -> crown <4735 -stephanos -> of rejoicing <2746 -kauchesis -> ? [ Are ] not even <2532 -kai -> ye in the presence <1715 - emprosthen -> of our Lord <2962 -kurios -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous - > Christ <5547 -Christos -> at <1722 -en -> his coming <3952 - parousia -> ? hope 1TH 004 013 . But I would <2309 -thelo -> not have you to be ignorant <0050 -agnoeo -> , brethren <0080 -adephos -> , concerning <4012 -peri -> them which are asleep <2837 -koimao -> , that ye sorrow <3076 -lupeo -> not , even <2532 -kai -> as others <3062 -loipoy -> which <3588 -ho -> have <2192 -echo -> no <3361 -me -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> . hope 1TH 005 008 But let us , who <3588 -ho -> are of the day <2250 -hemera -> , be sober <3525 -nepho -> , putting <1746 - enduo -> on <1746 -enduo -> the breastplate <2382 -thorax -> of faith <4102 -pistis -> and love <0026 -agape -> ; and for an helmet <4030 -perikephalaia -> , the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> of salvation <4991 -soteria -> . hope 2TH 002 016 . Now <1161 -de -> our Lord <2962 -kurios -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> himself <0846 - autos -> , and God <2316 -theos -> , even <2532 -kai -> our Father <3962 -pater -> , which <3588 -ho -> hath loved <0025 - agapao -> us , and hath given <1325 -didomi -> [ us ] everlasting <0166 -aionios -> consolation <3874 -paraklesis -> and good <0018 -agathos -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> through <1722 - en -> grace <5485 -charis -> , hope 1TI 001 001 . Paul <3972 -Paulos -> , an apostle <0652 - apostolos -> of Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> by the commandment <2003 -epitage -> of God <2316 -theos -> our Saviour <4990 -soter -> , and Lord <2962 -kurios -> Jesus <2424 - Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> , [ which <3588 -ho -> is ] our {hope} <1680 -elpis -> ; hope TIT 001 002 In {hope} <1680 -elpis -> of eternal <0166 - aionios -> life <2222 -zoe -> , which <3739 -hos -> God <2316 - theos -> , that cannot <0893 -apseudes -> lie <0893 -apseudes -> , promised <1861 -epaggello -> before <4253 -pro -> the world <0166 -aionios -> began ; hope TIT 002 013 Looking <4327 -prosdechomai -> for that blessed <3107 -makarios -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> , and the glorious <1391 -doxa -> appearing <2015 -epiphaneia -> of the great <3173 -megas -> God <2316 -theos -> and our Saviour <4990 -soter -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> ; hope TIT 003 007 That being justified <1344 -dikaioo -> by his grace <5485 -charis -> , we should be made <1096 -ginomai -> heirs <2818 -kleronomos -> according <2596 -kata -> to the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> of eternal <0166 -aionios -> life <2222 - zoe -> . hope HEB 003 006 But Christ <5547 -Christos -> as a son <5207 - huios -> over <1909 -epi -> his own <0848 -hautou -> house <3624 -oikos -> ; whose <3739 -hos -> house <3624 -oikos -> are we , if <1437 -ean -> we hold <2722 -katecho -> fast <2722 -katecho - > the confidence <3954 -parrhesia -> and the rejoicing <2745 - kauchema -> of the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> firm <0949 -bebaios -> unto the end <5056 -telos -> . hope HEB 006 011 And we desire <1937 -epithumeo -> that every <1538 -hekastos -> one of you do shew <1731 -endeiknumi -> the same <0846 -autos -> diligence <4710 -spoude -> to the full <4136 -plerophoria -> assurance <4136 -plerophoria -> of {hope} <1680 -elpis -> unto the end <5056 -telos -> : hope HEB 006 018 That by two <1417 -duo -> immutable <0276 - ametathetos -> things , in which <3739 -hos -> [ it was ] impossible <0102 -adunatos -> for God <2316 -theos -> to lie <5574 -pseudomai -> , we might have <2192 -echo -> a strong <2478 -ischuros -> consolation <3874 -paraklesis -> , who <3588 - ho -> have fled <2703 -katapheugo -> for refuge <2703 - katapheugo -> to lay hold <2902 -krateo -> upon the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> set <4295 -prokeimai -> before <4295 -prokeimai -> us : hope HEB 006 019 Which <3739 -hos -> [ {hope} ] we have <2192 - echo -> as an anchor <0045 -agkura -> of the soul <5590 -psuche - > , both <5037 -te -> sure <0804 -asphales -> and stedfast <0949 -bebaios -> , and which entereth <1535 -eite -> into <1519 -eis - > that within <2082 -esoteros -> the veil <2665 -katapetasma -> ; hope HEB 007 019 For the law <3551 -nomos -> made <5048 -teleioo -> nothing <3762 -oudeis -> perfect <5048 -teleioo -> , but the bringing <1898 -epeisagoge -> in of a better <2909 -kreitton -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> [ did ] ; by the which <3739 -hos -> we draw nigh <1448 -eggizo -> unto God <2316 -theos -> . hope 1PE 001 003 . Blessed <2128 -eulogetos -> [ be ] the God <2316 -theos -> and Father <3962 -pater -> of our Lord <2962 - kurios -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> , which <3588 -ho -> according <2596 -kata -> to his abundant <4183 -polus -> mercy <1656 -eleos -> hath begotten <0313 - anagennao -> us again <0313 -anagennao -> unto a lively <2198 - zao -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> by the resurrection <0386 - anastasis -> of Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> from the dead <3498 -nekros -> , hope 1PE 001 013 . Wherefore <1352 -dio -> gird <0328 - anazonnumi -> up the loins <3751 -osphus -> of your <5216 -humon -> mind <1271 -dianoia -> , be sober <3525 -nepho -> , and {hope} <1679 -elpizo -> to the end <5049 -teleios -> for the grace <5485 -charis -> that is to be brought <5342 -phero -> unto you at <1722 -en -> the revelation <0602 -apokalupsis -> of Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> ; hope 1PE 001 021 Who <3588 -ho -> by him do believe <4100 - pisteuo -> in God <2316 -theos -> , that raised <1453 -egeiro -> him up from the dead <3498 -nekros -> , and gave <1325 -didomi - > him glory <1391 -doxa -> ; that your <5216 -humon -> faith <4102 -pistis -> and {hope} <1680 -elpis -> might be in God <2316 -theos -> . hope 1PE 003 015 But sanctify <0037 -hagiazo -> the Lord <2962 - kurios -> God <2316 -theos -> in your <5216 -humon -> hearts <2588 -kardia -> : and [ be ] ready <2092 -hetoimos -> always <0104 -aei -> to [ give ] an answer <0627 -apologia -> to every <3956 -pas -> man that asketh <0154 -aiteo -> you a reason <3056 -logos -> of the {hope} <1680 -elpis -> that is in you with meekness <4240 -prautes -> and fear <5401 -phobos -> : hope 1JO 003 003 And every <3956 -pas -> man that hath <2192 - echo -> this <5026 -taute -> {hope} <1680 -elpis -> in him purifieth <0048 -hagnizo -> himself <1438 -heautou -> , even <2531 -kathos -> as he is pure <0053 -hagnos -> . because there is hope better hope blessed hope but having hope <2CO10 -:15 > but hope but if we hope for good hope through grace <2TH2 -:16 > have hope toward god her hope was lost hope deferred maketh hope fill you with all joy hope firm unto hope maketh not ashamed hope might be <1PE1 -:21 > hope set before us hope should be partaker <1CO9 -:10 > hope thou hope thou hope unto hope which is laid up for you lively hope by <1PE1 -:3 > mine hope hath he removed like my hope is perished from our hope is lost pit cannot hope for thy truth should both hope should hope their hope there is hope there is no hope there is no hope there is no hope they might set their hope this life only we have hope <1CO15 -:19 > thy hope we have such hope <2CO3 -:12 > who against hope believed whom ye hope whose hope whose hope whose hope shall be cut off why doth he yet hope for will hope continually - hope , 0982 , 0983 , 0986 , 2342 , 2620 , 2976 , 3176 , 3689 , 4009 , 4268 , 4723 , 7663 , 7664 , 8431 , 8615 , * hope , 1679 , 1680 , * hope , 1679 elpizo , 1680 elpis , hope -1679 {hope}, hoped, hopeth, hoping, trust, trusted, trusteth, hope -1680 faith, {hope}, hoped -1679 hope, {hoped}, hopeth, hoping, trust, trusted, trusteth, hopeth -1679 hope, hoped, {hopeth}, hoping, trust, trusted, trusteth, hope -0982 bold , careless , confidence , confident , {hope} , hoped , secure , sure , trust , trusted , trustedst , trustest , trusteth , trusting , hope -0983 assurance , boldly , care , careless , carelessly , confidence , {hope} , safe , safely , safety , secure , securely , surely , hope -0986 confidence , {hope} , hope -2342 abide , afraid , anguish , bare , bring , brought , calve , dance , danced , driveth , fall , fear , formed , forth , great , grieved , grievous , grievously , {hope} , look , made , pain , pained , patiently , rest , shaketh , shapen , sorrow , sorrowful , stayed , tarried , travail , travailed , travaileth , tremble , trembled , trust , wait , waited , wounded , hope -2620 {hope} , refuge , trust , trusted , trusteth , hope -2976 craftsman , despair , desperate , {hope} , hope -3176 {hope} , hoped , pained , stayed , tarried , tarry , trust , wait , waited , waiteth , hope -3689 confidence , flanks , folly , {hope} , loins , hope -4009 confidence , confidences , {hope} , sure , trust , hope -4268 {hope} , refuge , shelter , trust , hope -4723 abiding , gathering , {hope} , linen , plenty , pools , yarn , hope -7663 {hope} , hoped , tarry , viewed , wait , hope -7664 {hope} , hope -8431 {hope} , hope -8615 expectation , expected , {hope} , line , long , hoped -0982 bold , careless , confidence , confident , hope , {hoped} , secure , sure , trust , trusted , trustedst , trustest , trusteth , trusting , hoped -3176 hope , {hoped} , pained , stayed , tarried , tarry , trust , wait , waited , waiteth , hoped -7663 hope , {hoped} , tarry , viewed , wait , hope 0982 -- batach -- be bold (confident, secure, sure), careless (one, woman), putconfidence, (make to) {hope}, (put, make to) trust. hope 0983 -- betach -- assurance, boldly, (without) care(-less), confidence, {hope},safe(-ly, -ty), secure, surely. hope 0986 -- bittachown -- confidence, {hope}. hope 2342 -- chuwl -- bear, (make to) bring forth, (make to) calve, dance, driveaway, fall grievously (with pain), fear, form, great, grieve, (be)grievous, {hope}, look, make, be in pain, be much (sore) pained, rest,shake, shapen, (be) sorrow(-ful), stay, tarry, travail (with pain),tremble, trust, wait carefully (patiently), be wounded. hope 2620 -- chacah -- have {hope}, make refuge, (put) trust. hope 2976 -- ya/ash -- (cause to) despair, one that is desperate, be no {hope}. hope 3175 -- yachiyl -- should {hope}. hope 3176 -- yachal -- (cause to, have, make to) {hope}, be pained, stay, tarry,trust, wait. hope 4009 -- mibtach -- confidence, {hope}, sure, trust. hope 4268 -- machaceh -- {hope}, (place of) refuge, shelter, trust. hope 4723 -- miqveh -- abiding, gathering together, {hope}, linen yarn, plenty [ofwater], pool. hope 7663 sabar -- -- {hope}, tarry, view, wait. hope 7664 seber -- -- {hope}. hope 8431 -- towcheleth -- {hope}. hope 8615 -- tiqvah -- expectation ([-ted]), {hope}, live, thing that I long for. hope 0560 ** apelpizo ** {hope} for again. hope 1679 ** elpizo ** (have, thing) {hope}(-d) (for), trust. hope 1680 ** elpis ** faith, {hope}. hope 2070 ** esmen ** are, be, have our being, X have {hope}, + [the gospel] was[preached unto] us. hope loin 3689 -- kecel -- confidence, flank, folly, {hope,loin} hope ......... and hope 1679 -elpizo-> hope ......... and hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... And hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... and my hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... And our hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... but hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... by hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... doth he yet hope 1679 -elpizo-> hope ......... For the hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... for the hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... from the hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... hope 1679 -elpizo-> hope ......... hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... hope s 1679 -elpizo-> hope ......... hope we have 2192 -echo-> hope ......... I hope 1679 -elpizo-> hope ......... In hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... in hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... in you , the hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... is not hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... is our hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... is the hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... of his hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... of hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... of the hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... that for the hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... that the hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... the hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... the same in hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... to the hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... upon the hope 1680 -elpis-> hope ......... we hope 1679 -elpizo-> hope ......... ye hope 1679 -elpizo-> hoped ......... And this they did , not as we hoped 1679 -elpizo- > hoped ......... He hoped 1679 -elpizo-> hoped ......... hoped 1679 -elpizo-> hoped ......... things of him ; and he hoped 1679 -elpizo-> hopeth ......... things , hopeth 1679 -elpizo-> hope 0982 ## batach {baw-takh'}; a primitive root; properly, to hie for refuge [but not so precipitately as 2620]; figuratively, to trust, be confident or sure: -- be bold (confident, secure, sure), careless (one, woman), put confidence, (make to) {hope}, (put, make to) trust. [ql hope 0983 ## betach {beh'takh}; from 982; properly, a place of refuge; abstract, safety, both the fact (security) and the feeling (trust); often (adverb with or without preposition) safely: -- assurance, boldly, (without) care(-less), confidence, {hope}, safe(-ly, -ty), secure, surely. [ql hope 0986 ## bittachown {bit-taw-khone'}; from 982; trust: -- confidence, {hope}. [ql hope 2342 ## chuwl {khool}; or chiyl {kheel}; a primitive root; properly, to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral manner), i. e. (specifically) to dance, to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear; figuratively, to wait, to pervert: -- bear, (make to) bring forth, (make to) calve, dance, drive away, fall grievously (with pain), fear, form, great, grieve, (be) grievous, {hope}, look, make, be in pain, be much (sore) pained, rest, shake, shapen, (be) sorrow(-ful), stay, tarry, travail (with pain), tremble, trust, wait carefully (patiently), be wounded. [ql hope 2620 ## chacah {khaw-saw'}; a primitive root; to flee for protection [compare 982]; figuratively, to confide in: -- have {hope}, make refuge, (put) trust. [ql hope 2976 ## ya>ash {yaw-ash'}; a primitive root; to desist, i.e. (figuratively) to despond: -- (cause to) despair, one that is desperate, be no {hope}. [ql hope 3175 ## yachiyl {yaw-kheel'}; from 3176; expectant: -- should {hope}. [ql hope 3176 ## yachal {yaw-chal'}; a primitive root; to wait; by implication, to be patient, hope: -- (cause to, have, make to) {hope}, be pained, stay, tarry, trust, wait. [ql hope 4009 ## mibtach {mib-tawkh'}; from 982; properly, a refuge, i.e. (objective) security, or (subjective) assurance: -- confidence, {hope}, sure, trust.[ql hope 4268 ## machaceh {makh-as-eh'}; or machceh {makh-seh'}; from 2620; a shelter (literally or figuratively): -- {hope}, (place of) refuge, shelter, trust.[ql hope 4723 ## miqveh {mik-veh'}; or miqveh (1 Kings 10:28) {mik- vay'}; or miqve> (2 Chron. 1:16) {mik-vay'}; from 6960; something waited for, i.e. confidence (objective or subjective); also a collection, i.e. (of water) a pond, or (of men and horses) a caravan or drove: -- abiding, gathering together, {hope}, linen yarn, plenty [of water], pool.[ql hope 7663 ## sabar {saw-bar'}; erroneously shabar (Nehemiah 2:13, 15) {shaw-bar'}; a primitive root; to scrutinize; by implication (of watching) to expect (with hope and patience): -- {hope}, tarry, view, wait.[ql hope 7664 ## seber {say'-ber}; from 7663; expectation: -- {hope}. [ql hope 8431 ## towcheleth {to-kheh'-leth}; from 3176; expectation: -- {hope}.[ql hope 8615 ## tiqvah {tik-vaw'}; from 6960; literally, a cord (as an attachment [compare 6961]); figuratively, expectancy: -- expectation ([-ted]), {hope}, live, thing that I long for.[ql hope 0560 # apelpizo {ap-el-pid'-zo}; from 575 and 1679; to hope out, i.e. fully expect: -- {hope} for again.[ql hope 1679 # elpizo {el-pid'-zo}; from 1680; to expect or confide: -- (have, thing) {hope}(-d) (for), trust.[ql hope 1680 # elpis {el-pece'}; from a primary elpo (to anticipate, ususally with pleasure); expectation (abstractly or concretely) or confidence: -- faith, {hope}.[ql hope 2070 # esmen {es-men'}; first person plural indicative of 1510; we are: -- are, be, have our being, X have {hope}, + [the gospel] was [preached unto] us.[ql hope,loin 3689 ## kecel {keh'-sel}; from 3688; properly, fatness, i.e . by implication (literally) the loin (as the seat of the leaf fat) or (generally) the viscera; also (figuratively) silliness or (in a good sense) trust: -- confidence, flank, folly, {hope,loin} [ql hope 005 016 Job /^{hope /and iniquity stoppeth her mouth . hope 019 018 Pro /^{hope /and let not thy soul spare for his crying . hope 003 026 Lam /^{hope /and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD . hope 023 006 Act /${hope /and resurrection of the dead I am called in question . hope 002 015 Hos /^{hope /and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth , and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt . hope 009 010 ICo /${hope /and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope . hope 002 013 Tit /${hope /and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ ; hope 004 006 Job /^{hope /and the uprightness of thy ways ? hope 006 011 Job /^{hope /and what is mine end , that I should prolong my life ? hope 002 012 Eph /${hope /and without God in the world : hope 017 015 Job /^{hope /as for my hope , who shall see it? hope 004 018 Rom /${hope /believed in hope , that he might become the father of many nations , according to that which was spoken , So shall thy seed be . hope 008 024 Rom /${hope /but hope that is seen is not hope : for what a man seeth , why doth he yet hope for ? hope 018 012 Jer /^{hope /but we will walk after our own devices , and we will every one do the imagination of his evil heart . hope 001 003 IPe /${hope /by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead , hope 013 013 ICo /${hope /charity , these three ; but the greatest of these is charity . hope 071 014 Psa /^{hope /continually , and will yet praise thee more and more . Hope 013 012 Pro /^{Hope /deferred maketh the heart sick : but when the desire cometh , it is a tree of life . hope 007 019 Heb /${hope /did; by the which we draw nigh unto God . hope 009 012 Zec /^{hope /even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee; hope 015 013 Rom /${hope /fill you with all joy and peace in believing , that ye may abound in hope , through the power of the Holy Ghost . hope 003 006 Heb /${hope /firm unto the end . hope 008 024 Rom /${hope /for ? hope 009 004 Ecc /^{hope /for a living dog is better than a dead lion . hope 008 025 Rom /${hope /for that we see not , then do we with patience wait for it. hope 038 018 Isa /^{hope /for thy truth . hope 008 024 Rom /${hope /for what a man seeth , why doth he yet hope for ? hope 019 010 Job /^{hope /hath he removed like a tree . hope 001 012 Rut /^{hope /if I should have an husband also to night , and should also bear sons ; hope 015 019 ICo /${hope /in Christ , we are of all men most miserable . hope 078 007 Psa /^{hope /in God , and not forget the works of God , but keep his commandments : hope 043 005 Psa /^{hope /in God : for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance , and my God . hope 003 003 IJo /${hope /in him purifieth himself , even as he is pure . hope 003 024 Lam /^{hope /in him. hope 014 032 Pro /^{hope /in his death . hope 147 011 Psa /^{hope /in his mercy . hope 033 018 Psa /^{hope /in his mercy ; hope 010 002 Ezr /^{hope /in Israel concerning this thing. hope 001 003 ITh /${hope /in our Lord Jesus Christ , in the sight of God and our Father ; hope 017 017 Jer /^{hope /in the day of evil . hope 031 024 Psa /^{hope /in the LORD . hope 130 007 Psa /^{hope /in the LORD : for with the LORD there is mercy , and with him is plenteous redemption . hope 131 003 Psa /^{hope /in the LORD from henceforth and for ever . hope 033 022 Psa /^{hope /in thee. hope 031 017 Jer /^{hope /in thine end , saith the LORD , that thy children shall come again to their own border . hope 119 011 Psa /^{hope /in thy word . hope 119 008 Psa /^{hope /in thy word . hope 146 005 Psa /^{hope /is in the LORD his God : hope 039 007 Psa /^{hope /is in thee. hope 037 011 Eze /^{hope /is lost : we are cut off for our parts. hope 003 018 Lam /^{hope /is perished from the LORD : hope 005 005 Rom /${hope /maketh not ashamed ; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us . hope 001 021 IPe /${hope /might be in God . hope 002 025 Jer /^{hope /no; for I have loved strangers , and after them will I go . hope 071 005 Psa /^{hope /O Lord GOD : thou art my trust from my youth . hope 029 020 Pro /^{hope /of a fool than of him. hope 026 012 Pro /^{hope /of a fool than of him. hope 014 007 Job /^{hope /of a tree , if it be cut down , that it will sprout again , and that the tender branch thereof will not cease . hope 001 002 Tit /${hope /of eternal life , which God , that cannot lie , promised before the world began ; hope 003 007 Tit /${hope /of eternal life . hope 001 027 Col /${hope /of glory : hope 041 009 Job /^{hope /of him is in vain : shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him? hope 001 018 Eph /${hope /of his calling , and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints , hope 003 016 Joe /^{hope /of his people , and the strength of the children of Israel . hope 017 013 Jer /^{hope /of Israel , all that forsake thee shall be ashamed , and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth , because they have forsaken the LORD , the fountain of living waters . hope 014 008 Jer /^{hope /of Israel , the saviour thereof in time of trouble , why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land , and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night ? hope 028 020 Act /${hope /of Israel I am bound with this chain . hope 014 019 Job /^{hope /of man . hope 005 005 Gal /${hope /of righteousness by faith . hope 005 008 ITh /${hope /of salvation . hope 005 002 Rom /${hope /of the glory of God . hope 001 023 Col /${hope /of the gospel , which ye have heard , and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven ; whereof I Paul am made a minister ; hope 027 008 Job /^{hope /of the hypocrite , though he hath gained , when God taketh away his soul ? hope 026 006 Act /${hope /of the promise made of God unto our fathers : hope 010 028 Pro /^{hope /of the righteous shall be gladness : but the expectation of the wicked shall perish . hope 050 007 Jer /^{hope /of their fathers . hope 016 019 Act /${hope /of their gains was gone , they caught Paul and Silas , and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers , hope 011 007 Pro /^{hope /of unjust men perisheth . hope 001 007 IICo /${hope /of you is stedfast , knowing , that as ye are partakers of the sufferings , so shall ye be also of the consolation . hope 004 004 Eph /${hope /of your calling ; hope 031 024 Job /^{hope /or have said to the fine gold , Thou art my confidence ; hope 002 019 ITh /${hope /or joy , or crown of rejoicing ? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming ? hope 012 012 Rom /${hope /patient in tribulation ; continuing instant in prayer ; hope 006 018 Heb /${hope /set before us : hope 011 020 Job /^{hope /shall be as the giving up of the ghost . hope 008 014 Job /^{hope /shall be cut off , and whose trust shall be a spider's web . hope 008 013 Job /^{hope /shall perish : hope 009 010 ICo /${hope /should be partaker of his hope . hope 004 018 Rom /${hope /that he might become the father of many nations , according to that which was spoken , So shall thy seed be . hope 001 020 Php /${hope /that in nothing I shall be ashamed , but that with all boldness , as always , so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body , whether it be by life , or by death . hope 003 015 IPe /${hope /that is in you with meekness and fear : hope 008 024 Rom /${hope /that is seen is not hope : for what a man seeth , why doth he yet hope for ? hope 013 006 Eze /^{hope /that they would confirm the word . hope 027 020 Act /${hope /that we should be saved was then taken away . hope 017 007 Jer /^{hope /the LORD is. hope 057 010 Isa /^{hope /thou hast found the life of thine hand ; therefore thou wast not grieved . hope 042 005 Psa /^{hope /thou in God : for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance . hope 042 011 Psa /^{hope /thou in God : for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance , and my God . hope 038 015 Psa /^{hope /thou wilt hear , O Lord my God . hope 002 016 IITh /${hope /through grace , hope 015 013 Rom /${hope /through the power of the Holy Ghost . hope 026 007 Act /${hope /to come . For which hope's sake , king Agrippa , I am accused of the Jews . hope 006 034 Luk /${hope /to receive , what thank have ye ? for sinners also lend to sinners , to receive as much again . hope 002 023 Php /${hope /to send presently , so soon as I shall see how it will go with me . hope 001 013 IPe /${hope /to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ ; hope 024 015 Act /${hope /toward God , which they themselves also allow , that there shall be a resurrection of the dead , both of the just and unjust . hope 006 011 Heb /${hope /unto the end : hope 019 005 Eze /^{hope /was lost , then she took another of her whelps , and made him a young lion . hope 006 019 Heb /${hope /we have as an anchor of the soul , both sure and stedfast , and which entereth into that within the veil ; hope 003 012 IICo /${hope /we use great plainness of speech : hope 022 009 Psa /^{hope /when I was upon my mother's breasts . hope 010 015 IICo /${hope /when your faith is increased , that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly , hope 001 005 Col /${hope /which is laid up for you in heaven , whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel ; hope 017 015 Job /^{hope /who shall see it? hope 011 018 Job /^{hope /yea, thou shalt dig about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest in safety . hope's 026 007 Act /${hope's /sake , king Agrippa , I am accused of the Jews . hoped 024 026 Act /${hoped /also that money should have been given him of Paul , that he might loose him : wherefore he sent for him the oftener , and communed with him . hoped 008 005 IICo /${hoped /but first gave their own selves to the Lord , and unto us by the will of God . hoped 011 001 Heb /${hoped /for , the evidence of things not seen . hoped 003 023 Jer /^{hoped /for from the hills , and from the multitude of mountains : truly in the LORD our God is the salvation of Israel . hoped 119 016 Psa /^{hoped /for thy salvation , and done thy commandments . hoped 119 004 Psa /^{hoped /in thy judgments . hoped 119 014 Psa /^{hoped /in thy word . hoped 119 007 Psa /^{hoped /in thy word . hoped 006 020 Job /^{hoped /they came thither, and were ashamed . hoped 009 001 Est /^{hoped /to have power over them, to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them; hoped 023 008 Luk /${hoped /to have seen some miracle done by him . hopeth 013 007 ICo /${hopeth /all things , endureth all things . hope 129 * hoped 11 - hopeth 1 - hope Turn again, my daughters, go [your way]; for I am too old to have an husband. If I should say, I have {hope}, [if] I should have an husband also to night, and should also bear sons; hope And Shechaniah the son of Jehiel, [one] of the sons of Elam, answered and said unto Ezra, We have trespassed against our God, and have taken strange wives of the people of the land: yet now there is {hope} in Israel concerning this thing. hope Is] not [this] thy fear, thy confidence, thy {hope}, and the uprightness of thy ways? hope So the poor hath {hope}, and iniquity stoppeth her mouth. hope What [is] my strength, that I should {hope}? and what [is] mine end, that I should prolong my life? hope My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle, and are spent without {hope}. hope So [are] the paths of all that forget God; and the hypocrite's {hope} shall perish: hope Whose {hope} shall be cut off, and whose trust [shall be] a spider's web. hope And thou shalt be secure, because there is {hope}; yea, thou shalt dig [about thee, and] thou shalt take thy rest in safety. hope But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their {hope} [shall be as] the giving up of the ghost. hope For there is {hope} of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. hope The waters wear the stones: thou washest away the things which grow [out] of the dust of the earth; and thou destroyest the {hope} of man. hope And where [is] now my hope? as for my {hope}, who shall see it? hope And where [is] now my {hope}? as for my hope, who shall see it? hope He hath destroyed me on every side, and I am gone: and mine {hope} hath he removed like a tree. hope For what [is] the {hope} of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul? hope If I have made gold my {hope}, or have said to the fine gold, [Thou art] my confidence; hope Behold, the {hope} of him is in vain: shall not [one] be cast down even at the sight of him? hope Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in {hope}. hope But thou [art] he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me {hope} [when I was] upon my mother's breasts. hope Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that {hope} in the LORD. hope Behold, the eye of the LORD [is] upon them that fear him, upon them that {hope} in his mercy; hope Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we {hope} in thee. hope For in thee, O LORD, do I {hope}: thou wilt hear, O Lord my God. hope And now, Lord, what wait I for? my {hope} [is] in thee. hope Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and [why] art thou disquieted in me? {hope} thou in God: for I shall yet praise him [for] the help of his countenance. hope Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? {hope} thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, [who is] the health of my countenance, and my God. hope Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? {hope} in God: for I shall yet praise him, [who is] the health of my countenance, and my God. hope For thou [art] my {hope}, O Lord GOD: [thou art] my trust from my youth. hope But I will {hope} continually, and will yet praise thee more and more. hope That they might set their {hope} in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments: hope ZAIN. Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to {hope}. hope CAPH. My soul fainteth for thy salvation: [but] I {hope} in thy word. hope Thou [art] my hiding place and my shield: I {hope} in thy word. hope Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my {hope}. hope I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I {hope}. hope Let Israel {hope} in the LORD: for with the LORD [there is] mercy, and with him [is] plenteous redemption. hope Let Israel {hope} in the LORD from henceforth and for ever. hope Happy [is he] that [hath] the God of Jacob for his help, whose {hope} [is] in the LORD his God: hope The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that {hope} in his mercy. hope The {hope} of the righteous [shall be] gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish. hope When a wicked man dieth, [his] expectation shall perish: and the {hope} of unjust [men] perisheth. hope {Hope} deferred maketh the heart sick: but [when] the desire cometh, [it is] a tree of life. hope The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath {hope} in his death. hope Chasten thy son while there is {hope}, and let not thy soul spare for his crying. hope Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? [there is] more {hope} of a fool than of him. hope Seest thou a man [that is] hasty in his words? [there is] more {hope} of a fool than of him. hope For to him that is joined to all the living there is {hope}: for a living dog is better than a dead lion. hope For the grave cannot praise thee, death can [not] celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot {hope} for thy truth. hope Thou art wearied in the greatness of thy way; [yet] saidst thou not, There is no {hope}: thou hast found the life of thine hand; therefore thou wast not grieved. hope Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat from thirst: but thou saidst, There is no {hope}: no; for I have loved strangers, and after them will I go. hope O the {hope} of Israel, the saviour thereof in time of trouble, why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man [that] turneth aside to tarry for a night? hope Blessed [is] the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose {hope} the LORD is. hope O LORD, the {hope} of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, [and] they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters. hope Be not a terror unto me: thou [art] my {hope} in the day of evil. hope And they said, There is no {hope}: but we will walk after our own devices, and we will every one do the imagination of his evil heart. hope And there is {hope} in thine end, saith the LORD, that thy children shall come again to their own border. hope All that found them have devoured them: and their adversaries said, We offend not, because they have sinned against the LORD, the habitation of justice, even the LORD, the {hope} of their fathers. hope And I said, My strength and my {hope} is perished from the LORD: hope This I recall to my mind, therefore have I {hope}. hope The LORD [is] my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I {hope} in him. hope It is] good that [a man] should both {hope} and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. hope He putteth his mouth in the dust; if so be there may be {hope}. hope They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them: and they have made [others] to {hope} that they would confirm the word. hope Now when she saw that she had waited, [and] her {hope} was lost, then she took another of her whelps, [and] made him a young lion. hope Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our {hope} is lost: we are cut off for our parts. hope And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of {hope}: and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt. hope The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORD [will be] the {hope} of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. hope Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of {hope}: even to day do I declare [that] I will render double unto thee; hope And if ye lend to them] of whom ye {hope} to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. hope Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in {hope}: hope And when her masters saw that the {hope} of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them] into the marketplace unto the rulers, hope But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and] brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the {hope} and resurrection of the dead I am called in question. hope And have {hope} toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. hope And now I stand and am judged for the {hope} of the promise made of God unto our fathers: hope Unto which promise] our twelve tribes, instantly serving God] day and night, {hope} to come. For which hope's sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews. hope And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us], all {hope} that we should be saved was then taken away. hope For this cause therefore have I called for you, to see you], and to speak with you]: because that for the {hope} of Israel I am bound with this chain. hope Who against hope believed in {hope}, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. hope Who against {hope} believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. hope By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in {hope} of the glory of God. hope And patience, experience; and experience, {hope}: hope And {hope} maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. hope For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same] in {hope}, hope For we are saved by {hope}: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? hope For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not {hope}: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? hope For we are saved by hope: but {hope} that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? hope For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet {hope} for? hope But if we {hope} for that we see not, then] do we with patience wait for it]. hope Rejoicing in {hope}; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; hope For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have {hope}. hope Now the God of {hope} fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. hope Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in {hope}, through the power of the Holy Ghost. hope <1CO9 -10> Or saith he it] altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this] is written: that he that ploweth should plow in {hope}; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. hope <1CO9 -10> Or saith he it] altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this] is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his {hope}. hope <1CO9 -10> Or saith he it] altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this] is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in {hope} should be partaker of his hope. hope <1CO13 -13> And now abideth faith, {hope}, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is] charity. hope <1CO15 -19> If in this life only we have {hope} in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. hope <2CO1 -7> And our {hope} of you is] stedfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be] also of the consolation. hope <2CO3 -12> Seeing then that we have such {hope}, we use great plainness of speech: hope <2CO10 -15> Not boasting of things without our] measure, that is], of other men's labours; but having {hope}, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly, hope For we through the Spirit wait for the {hope} of righteousness by faith. hope The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the {hope} of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, hope That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no {hope}, and without God in the world: hope There is] one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one {hope} of your calling; hope According to my earnest expectation and my] {hope}, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that] with all boldness, as always, so] now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be] by life, or by death. hope Him therefore I {hope} to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me. hope For the {hope} which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel; hope If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be] not moved away from the {hope} of the gospel, which ye have heard, and] which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister; hope To whom God would make known what is] the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the {hope} of glory: hope <1TH1 -3> Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of {hope} in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father; hope <1TH2 -19> For what is] our {hope}, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are] not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? hope <1TH4 -13> But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no {hope}. hope <1TH5 -8> But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the {hope} of salvation. hope <2TH2 -16> Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us] everlasting consolation and good {hope} through grace, hope <1TI1 -1> Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is] our {hope}; 1:2 Unto Timothy, my] own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and] peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. hope In {hope} of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; hope Looking for that blessed {hope}, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; hope That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the {hope} of eternal life. hope But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the {hope} firm unto the end. hope And we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of {hope} unto the end: hope That by two immutable things, in which it was] impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the {hope} set before us: hope Which {hope}] we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; hope For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better {hope} did]; by the which we draw nigh unto God. hope <1PE1 -3> Blessed be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively {hope} by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, hope <1PE1 -13> Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and {hope} to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; hope <1PE1 -21> Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and {hope} might be in God. hope <1PE3 -15> But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be] ready always to give] an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the {hope} that is in you with meekness and fear: hope <1JO3 -3> And every man that hath this {hope} in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. hope's Unto which promise] our twelve tribes, instantly serving God] day and night, hope to come. For which {hope's} sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews.