honourable 1Ch_11_25 /^{honourable /among the thirty , but attained not to the first three : and David set him over his guard . honourable Psa_111_03 /^{honourable /and glorious : and his righteousness endureth for ever . honourable Isa_43_04 /^{honourable /and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life . honourable Isa_58_13 /^{honourable /and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways , nor finding thine own pleasure , nor speaking thine own words : honourable 2Ki_05_01 /^{honourable /because by him the LORD had given deliverance unto Syria : he was also a mighty man in valour , but he was a leper . honourable 1Co_04_10 /${honourable /but we are despised . honourable Mar_15_43 /${honourable /counsellor , which also waited for the kingdom of God , came , and went in boldly unto Pilate , and craved the body of Jesus . honourable Isa_09_15 /^{honourable /he is the head ; and the prophet that teacheth lies , he is the tail . honourable Heb_13_04 /${honourable /in all , and the bed undefiled : but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge . honourable 1Sa_22_14 /^{honourable /in thine house ? honourable Isa_03_03 /^{honourable /man , and the counsellor , and the cunning artificer , and the eloquent orator . honourable 1Sa_09_06 /^{honourable /man ; all that he saith cometh surely to pass : now let us go thither; peradventure he can shew us our way that we should go . honourable Job_22_08 /^{honourable /man dwelt in it. honourable Luk_14_08 /${honourable /man than thou be bidden of him ; honourable Nah_03_10 /^{honourable /men , and all her great men were bound in chains . honourable Isa_05_13 /^{honourable /men are famished , and their multitude dried up with thirst . honourable Isa_23_09 /^{honourable /of the earth . honourable Isa_23_08 /^{honourable /of the earth ? honourable 2Sa_23_19 /^{honourable /of three ? therefore he was their captain : howbeit he attained not unto the first three . honourable Gen_34_19 /^{honourable /than all the house of his father . honourable 1Ch_04_09 /^{honourable /than his brethren : and his mother called his name Jabez , saying , Because I bare him with sorrow . honourable 2Sa_23_23 /^{honourable /than the thirty , but he attained not to the first three . And David set him over his guard . honourable 1Ch_11_21 /^{honourable /than the two ; for he was their captain : howbeit he attained not to the first three . honourable Num_22_15 /^{honourable /than they. honourable 1Co_12_23 /${honourable /upon these we bestow more abundant honour ; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness . honourable Act_13_50 /${honourable /women , and the chief men of the city , and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas , and expelled them out of their coasts . honourable Psa_45_09 /^{honourable /women : upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir . honourable Act_17_12 /${honourable /women which were Greeks , and of men , not a few .