born at home bring their calves home from them <1SA6 -:7 > come home with me <1KI13 -:15 > come home with me <1KI13 -:7 > disciples went away again unto their own home go home again <2CH25 -:10 > he shall be free at home one year he will bring home thy seed home unto thee if ye bring me home again king doth not fetch home again his banished <2SA14 -:13 > lord hath brought me home again empty my servant lieth at home sick show piety at home <1TI5 -:4 > shut up their calves at home <1SA6 -:10 > tarried at home divided tarry at home <2KI14 -:10 > then david sent home <2SA13 -:7 > then thou shalt bring her home they returned home <2CH25 -:10 > they returned home again they went unto their own home <1SA2 -:20 > two months at home <1KI5 -:14 > when he came home when he cometh home when joseph came home which are at home at my house whilst we are at home <2CO5 -:6 > will come home at would let him go no more home <1SA18 -:2 >