Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
home ^ 1Co_11_34 And <1161> if any man <1536> hunger <3983> (5719), let him eat <2068> (5720) at <1722> {home} <3624>; that <3363> <0> ye come <4905> <0> not <3363> together <4905> (5741) unto <1519> condemnation <2917>. And <1161> the rest <3062> will I set in order <1299> (5695) when <5613> <0302> I come <2064> (5632).

home ^ 1Co_14_35 And <1161> if <1487> they will <2309> (5719) learn <3129> (5629) any thing <5100>, let them ask <1905> (5720) their <2398> husbands <0435> at <1722> {home} <3624>: for <1063> it is <2076> (5748) a shame <0149> for women <1135> to speak <2980> (5721) in <1722> the church <1577>.

home ^ 1Ti_05_04 But <1161> if any <1536> widow <5503> have <2192> (5719) children <5043> or <2228> nephews <1549>, let them learn <3129> (5720) first <4412> to shew piety <2151> (5721) at {home} <2398> <3624>, and <2532> to requite <0287> <0591> (5721) their parents <4269>: for <1063> that <5124> is <2076> (5748) good <2570> and <2532> acceptable <0587> before <1799> God <2316>.

home ^ 2Co_05_06 Therefore <3767> <2532> we are always <3842> confident <2292> (5723), knowing <1492> (5761) that <3754>, whilst we are at {home} <1736> (5723) in <1722> the body <4983>, we are absent <1553> (5719) from <0575> the Lord <2962>:

home ^ Act_21_06 And <2532> when we had taken our leave <0782> (5666) one of another <0240>, we took <1910> (5627) <1519> ship <4143>; and <1161> they <1565> returned <5290> <0> <1519> {home} <2398> again <5290> (5656).

home ^ Joh_19_27 Then <1534> saith he <3004> (5719) to the disciple <3101>, Behold <2400> (5628) thy <4675> mother <3384>! And <2532> from <0575> that <1565> hour <5610> that disciple <3101> took <2983> (5627) her <0846> unto <1519> his own <2398> {home}.

home ^ Joh_20_10 Then <3767> the disciples <3101> went away <0565> (5627) again <3825> unto <4314> their own {home} <1438>.

home ^ Luk_09_61 And <1161> another <2087> also <2532> said <2036> (5627), Lord <2962>, I will follow <0190> (5692) thee <4671>; but <1161> let <2010> (5657) me <3427> first <4412> go bid them farewell <0657> (5670), which are at {home} at <1519> my <3450> house <3624>.

home ^ Luk_15_06 And <2532> when he cometh <2064> (5631) <1519> {home} <3624>, he calleth together <4779> (5719) his friends <5384> and <2532> neighbours <1069>, saying <3004> (5723) unto them <0846>, Rejoice <4796> (5645) with me <3427>; for <3754> I have found <2147> (5627) my <3450> sheep <4263> which <3588> was lost <0622> (5756).

home ^ Mar_05_19 Howbeit <1161> Jesus <2424> suffered <0863> (5656) him <0846> not <3756>, but <0235> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Go <5217> (5720) {home} <1519> <3624> <4675> to <4314> thy friends <4674>, and <2532> tell <0312> (5657) them <0846> how great things <3745> the Lord <2962> hath done <4160> (5656) for thee <4671>, and <2532> hath had compassion <1653> (5656) on thee <4571>.

home ^ Mat_08_06 And <2532> saying <3004> (5723), Lord <2962>, my <3450> servant <3816> lieth <0906> (5769) at <1722> {home} <3614> sick of the palsy <3885>, grievously <1171> tormented <0928> (5746).

home ^ Tit_02_05 To be discreet <4998>, chaste <0053>, keepers at {home} <3626>, good <0018>, obedient <5293> (5746) to their own <2398> husbands <0435>, that <3363> <0> the word <3056> of God <2316> be <0987> <0> not <3363> blasphemed <0987> (5747).