Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

chomer 02563 ## chomer {kho'mer} ; from 02560 ; properly , a bubbling up , i . e . of water , a wave ; of earth , mire or clay (cement) ; also a heap ; hence , a {chomer} or dry measure : -- clay , heap , homer , mire , motion .

chomer 02563 ## {chomer} {kho'mer} ; from 02560 ; properly , a bubbling up , i . e . of water , a wave ; of earth , mire or clay (cement) ; also a heap ; hence , a chomer or dry measure : -- clay , heap , homer , mire , motion .

chomesh 02569 ## {chomesh} {kho'- mesh} ; from 02567 ; a fifth tax : -- fifth participle

chomesh 02570 ## {chomesh} {kho'- mesh} ; from an unused root probably meaning , to be stout ; the abdomen (as obese) : -- fifth [rib ] .

chomet 02546 ## {chomet} {kho'met} ; from an unused root probably meaning , to lie low ; a lizard (as creeping) : -- snail .

chomets 02558 ## {chomets} {kho'- mets} ; from 02556 ; vinegar : -- vinegar .

erchomenos 3801 - ho on kai ho en kai ho {erchomenos} {ho own kahee ho ane kahee ho er-khom'-en-os}; a phrase combining 3588 with the present participle and imperfect of 1510 and the present participle of 2064 by means of 2532; the one being and the one that was and the one coming, i.e. the Eternal, as a divine epithet of Christ: -- which art (is, was), and (which) wast (is, was), and art (is) to come (shalt be).

home 00168 ## 'ohel {o'- hel} ; from 00166 ; a tent (as clearly conspicuous from a distance) : -- covering , (dwelling) (place) , {home} , tabernacle , tent .

home 01004 ## bayith {bah'- yith} ; probably from 01129 abbreviated ; a house (in the greatest variation of applications , especially family , etc .) : -- court , daughter , door , + dungeon , family , + forth of , X great as would contain , hangings , {home} [born ] , [winter ] house (- hold) , inside (- ward) , palace , place , + prison , + steward , + tablet , temple , web , + within (- out) .

home 04494 ## manowach {maw-no'- akh} ; from 05117 ; quiet , i . e . (concretely) a settled spot , or (figuratively) a {home} : -- (place of) rest .

home 04583 ## ma` own {maw-ohn'} ; or ma` iyn (1 Chronicles 4 : 41) {maw-een'} ; from the same as 05772 ; an abode , of God (the Tabernacle or the Temple) , men (their {home}) or animals (their lair) ; hence , a retreat (asylum) : -- den , dwelling ([-] place) , habitation .

home 04725 ## maqowm {maw-kome'} ; or maqom {maw-kome'} ; also (feminine) m@qowmah {mek-o-mah'} ; or m@qomah {mek-o-mah'} ; from 06965 ; properly , a standing , i . e . a spot ; but used widely of a locality (general or specific) ; also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind) : -- country , X {home} , X open , place , room , space , X whither [-soever ] .

home 04998 ## na'ah {naw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be at {home} , i . e . (by implication) to be pleasant (or suitable) , i . e . beautiful : -- be beautiful , become , be comely .

home 04999 ## na'ah {naw-aw'} ; from 04998 ; a {home} ; figuratively , a pasture : -- habitation , house , pasture , pleasant place .

home 05115 ## navah {naw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to rest (as at home) ; causatively (through the implied idea of beauty [compare 05116 ]) , to celebrate (with praises) : -- keept at {home} , prepare an habitation .

home 05115 ## navah {naw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to rest (as at {home}) ; causatively (through the implied idea of beauty [compare 05116 ]) , to celebrate (with praises) : -- keept at home , prepare an habitation .

home 05116 ## naveh {naw-veh'} ; or (feminine) navah {naw-vaw'} ; from 05115 ; (adjectively) at home ; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely ; also (noun) a {home} , of God (temple) , men (residence) , flocks (pasture) , or wild animals (den) : -- comely , dwelling (place) , fold , habitation , pleasant place , sheepcote , stable , tarried .

home 05116 ## naveh {naw-veh'} ; or (feminine) navah {naw-vaw'} ; from 05115 ; (adjectively) at {home} ; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely ; also (noun) a home , of God (temple) , men (residence) , flocks (pasture) , or wild animals (den) : -- comely , dwelling (place) , fold , habitation , pleasant place , sheepcote , stable , tarried .

home 05731 ## ` Eden {ay'- den} ; the same as 05730 (masculine) ; Eden , the region of Adam's {home} : -- Eden .

home 07725 ## shuwb {shoob} ; a primitive root ; to turn back (hence , away) transitively or intransitively , literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point) ; generally to retreat ; often adverbial , again : -- ([break , build , circumcise , dig , do anything , do evil , feed , lay down , lie down , lodge , make , rejoice , send , take , weep ]) X again , (cause to) answer (+ again) , X in any case (wise) , X at all , averse , bring (again , back , home again) , call [to mind ] , carry again (back) , cease , X certainly , come again (back) , X consider , + continually , convert , deliver (again) , + deny , draw back , fetch home again , X fro , get [oneself ] (back) again , X give (again) , go again (back , {home}) , [go ] out , hinder , let , [see ] more , X needs , be past , X pay , pervert , pull in again , put (again , up again) , recall , recompense , recover , refresh , relieve , render (again) , requite , rescue , restore , retrieve , (cause to , make to) return , reverse , reward , + say nay ,

home 0387 - anastatoo {an-as-tat-o'-o}; from a derivative of 0450 (in the sense of removal); properly, to drive out of {home}, i.e. (by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): -- trouble, turn upside down, make an uproar.

home 0600 - apokathistemi {ap-ok-ath-is'-tay-mee}; from 0575 and 2525; to reconstitute (in health, {home} or organization): -- restore (again).

home 1736 - endemeo {en-day-meh'-o}; from a compound of 1722 and 1218; to be in one's own country, i.e. {home} (figuratively): -- be at home (present).

home 1927 - epidemeo {ep-ee-day-meh'-o}; from a compound of 1909 and 1218; to make oneself at {home}, i.e. (by extension) to reside (in a foreign country): -- [be] dwelling (which were) there, stranger.

home 2398 - idios {id'-ee-os}; of uncertain affinity; pertaining to self, i.e. one's own; by implication, private or separate: -- X his acquaintance, when they were alone, apart, aside, due, his (own, proper, several), {home}, (her, our, thine, your) own (business), private(-ly), proper, severally, their (own).

home 3614 - oikia {oy-kee'-ah}; from 3624; properly, residence (abstractly), but usually (concretely) an abode (literally or figuratively); by implication a family (especially domestics): -- {home}, house(-hold).

home 3624 - oikos {oy'-kos}; of uncertain affinity; a dwelling (more or less extensive, literal or figurative); by implication a family (more or less related, literal or figuratively): -- {home}, house(-hold), temple.

home 3626 - oikouros {oy-koo-ros'}; from 3624 and ouros (a guard; be " ware " ); a stayer at home, i.e. domestically inclined (a " good housekeeper " ): -- keeper at {home}.

home 3626 - oikouros {oy-koo-ros'}; from 3624 and ouros (a guard; be " ware " ); a stayer at {home}, i.e. domestically inclined (a " good housekeeper " ): -- keeper at home.

home 3941 - paroikos {par'-oy-kos}; from 3844 and 3624; having a {home} near, i.e. (as noun) a by-dweller (alien resident): -- foreigner, sojourn, stranger.

home 3968 - patris {pat-rece'}; from 3902; a father-land, i.e. native town; (figuratively) heavenly {home}: -- (own) country.

home 4675 - sou {soo}; genitive case of 4771; of thee, thy: -- X {home}, thee, thine (own), thou, thy.

home 4898 - sunekdemos {soon-ek'-day-mos}; from 4862 and the base of 1553; a co-absentee from {home}, i.e. fellow-traveller: -- companion in travel, travel with.

home 5117 - topos {top'-os}; apparently a primary word; a spot (general in space, but limited by occupancy; whereas 5561 is a large but participle locality), i.e. location (as a position, {home}, tract, etc.); figuratively, condition, opportunity; specifically, a scabbard: -- coast, licence, place, X plain, quarter, + rock, room, where.

home- 00249 ## 'ezrach {ez-rawkh'} ; from 02224 (in the sense of springing up) ; a spontaneous growth , i . e . native (tree or persons) : -- bay tree , ({home-}) born (in the land) , of the (one's own) country (nation) .

home- 03211 ## yaliyd {yaw-leed'} ; from 03205 ; born : -- ([{home-}]) born , child , son .

homeless 0790 - astateo {as-tat-eh'-o}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 2476; to be non-stationary, i.e. (figuratively) {homeless}: -- have no certain dwelling-place.

homer 02563 ## chomer {kho'mer} ; from 02560 ; properly , a bubbling up , i . e . of water , a wave ; of earth , mire or clay (cement) ; also a heap ; hence , a chomer or dry measure : -- clay , heap , {homer} , mire , motion .

homer 03963 ## lethek {leh'- thek} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; a measure for things dry : -- half {homer} .

homes 4634 - skenopegia {skay-nop-ayg-ee'-ah}; from 4636 and 4078; the Festival of Tabernacles (so called from the custom of erecting booths for temporary {homes}): -- tabernacles.

Rhome 4516 - {Rhome} {hro'-may}; from the base of 4517; strength; Roma, the capital of Italy: -- Rome.

Shomer 07763 ## Showmer {sho-mare'} ; or Shomer {sho-mare'} ; active participle of 08104 ; keeper ; Shomer , the name of two Israelites : -- {Shomer} .

Shomer 07763 ## Showmer {sho-mare'} ; or Shomer {sho-mare'} ; active participle of 08104 ; keeper ; {Shomer} , the name of two Israelites : -- Shomer .

Shomer 07763 ## Showmer {sho-mare'} ; or {Shomer} {sho-mare'} ; active participle of 08104 ; keeper ; Shomer , the name of two Israelites : -- Shomer .

Shomeron 08111 ## Shom@rown {sho-mer-one'} ; from the active participle of 08104 ; watch-station ; {Shomeron} , a place in Palestine : -- Samaria .

Shomeron 08118 ## Shom@roniy {sho-mer-o-nee'} ; patrial from 08111 ; a Shomeronite (collectively) or inhabitants of {Shomeron} : -- Samaritans .

Shomeron 4540 - Samareia {sam-ar'-i-ah}; of Hebrew origin [8111]; Samaria (i.e. {Shomeron}), a city and region of Palestine: -- Samaria.

Shomeronite 08118 ## Shom@roniy {sho-mer-o-nee'} ; patrial from 08111 ; a {Shomeronite} (collectively) or inhabitants of Shomeron : -- Samaritans .

{ap-pe-thome'} 00674 ## 'app@thom (Aramaic) {{ap-pe-thome'}} ; of Persian origin ; revenue ; others at the last : -- revenue .

{khome} 02527 ## chom {{khome}} ; from 02552 ; heat : -- heat , to be hot (warm) .

{pee-thome'} 06619 ## Pithom {{pee-thome'}} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Pithom , a place in Egypt : -- Pithom .

{shil-shome'} 08032 ## shilshowm {shil-shome'} ; or shilshom {{shil-shome'}} ; from the same as 08028 ; trebly , i . e . (in time) day before yesterday : -- + before (that time ,-time) , excellent things [from the margin ] , + heretofore , three days , + time past .

{shil-shome'} 08032 ## shilshowm {{shil-shome'}} ; or shilshom {shil-shome'} ; from the same as 08028 ; trebly , i . e . (in time) day before yesterday : -- + before (that time ,-time) , excellent things [from the margin ] , + heretofore , three days , + time past .

{teh-home'} 08415 ## t@howm {teh-home'} ; or t@hom {{teh-home'}} ; (usually feminine) from 01949 ; an abyss (as a surging mass of water) , especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water-supply) : -- deep (place) , depth .

{teh-home'} 08415 ## t@howm {{teh-home'}} ; or t@hom {teh-home'} ; (usually feminine) from 01949 ; an abyss (as a surging mass of water) , especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water-supply) : -- deep (place) , depth .

{yaw-thome'} 03490 ## yathowm {{yaw-thome'}} ; from an unused root meaning to be lonely ; a bereaved person : -- fatherless (child) , orphan .