holds -4013 defenced , fenced , fortress , fortresses , hold , {holds} , strong , holds -4581 forces , fort , fortress , hold , {holds} , most , rock , strength , strengthen , strong , holds -4679 castle , forts , hold , {holds} , munitions , strong , holds -4686 castle , defence , fort , fortress , hold , {holds} , hunted , net , snare , strong , holds -4694 fenced , forts , {holds} , munition , strong , households -1004 contain , court , daughter , door , families , family , great , hangings , home , homeborn , house , household , {households} , houses , images , inside , inward , of , palace , place , places , temple , thank , the , was , web , within , thresholds -0624 asuppim , {thresholds} , thresholds -5592 bason , basons , bowls , cup , door , doors , gates , posts , threshold , {thresholds} ,