-anthistemi- ......... and they that resist 0436 -anthistemi- > -anthistemi- ......... hath resisted 0436 -anthistemi- > -anthistemi- ......... I withstood 0436 -anthistemi- > -anthistemi- ......... resist 0436 -anthistemi- > -anthistemi- ......... Resist 0436 -anthistemi- > -anthistemi- ......... resisteth 0436 -anthistemi- > -anthistemi- ......... to resist 0436 -anthistemi- > -anthistemi- ......... to withstand 0436 -anthistemi- > -anthistemi- ......... unto you , That ye resist 0436 - anthistemi- > -anthistemi- ......... withstood 0436 -anthistemi- > -antikathistemi- ......... resisted 0478 -antikathistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... and drew 0868 -aphistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... away 0868 -aphistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... depart 0868 -aphistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... departed 0868 -aphistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... fall 0868 -aphistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... he departed 0868 -aphistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... in departing 0868 -aphistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... shall depart 0868 -aphistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... that it might depart 0868 -aphistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... they departed 0868 -aphistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... unto you , Refrain 0868 -aphistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... withdraw 0868 -aphistemi- > -aphistemi- ......... ye are ; depart 0868 -aphistemi- > -apokathistemi- ......... again 0600 -apokathistemi- > -apokathistemi- ......... and it was restored 0600 - apokathistemi- > -apokathistemi- ......... and restore 0600 -apokathistemi- > -apokathistemi- ......... and restoreth 0600 -apokathistemi- > -apokathistemi- ......... restore 0600 -apokathistemi- > -apokathistemi- ......... that I may be restored 0600 - apokathistemi- > -apokathistemi- ......... up : and he was restored 0600 - apokathistemi- > -apokathistemi- ......... was restored 0600 -apokathistemi- > -archisunagogos- ......... And the ruler 0752 -archisunagogos- > -archisunagogos- ......... from the ruler 0752 -archisunagogos- > -archisunagogos- ......... of the ruler 0752 -archisunagogos- > -archisunagogos- ......... of the rulers 0752 -archisunagogos- > -archisunagogos- ......... of the synagogue 0752 -archisunagogos- > -archisunagogos- ......... of the synagogue s 0752 - archisunagogos- > -archisunagogos- ......... ruler 0752 -archisunagogos- > -archisunagogos- ......... the chief 0752 -archisunagogos- > -archisunagogos- ......... the rulers 0752 -archisunagogos- > -archisunagogos- ......... unto the ruler 0752 -archisunagogos- > -elachistos- ......... But with me it is a very 1646 -elachistos- > -elachistos- ......... in a very 1646 -elachistos- > -elachistos- ......... in that which is least 1646 -elachistos- > -elachistos- ......... in the least 1646 -elachistos- > -elachistos- ......... least 1646 -elachistos- > -elachistos- ......... little 1646 -elachistos- > -elachistos- ......... not the least 1646 -elachistos- > -elachistos- ......... of the least 1646 -elachistos- > -elachistos- ......... small 1646 -elachistos- > -elachistos- ......... the least 1646 -elachistos- > -elachistos- ......... the smallest 1646 -elachistos- > -elachistos- ......... to do that thing which is least 1646 - elachistos- > -elachistos- ......... with a very 1646 -elachistos- > -elachistoteros- ......... than the least 1647 -elachistoteros- > -elachistoteros- ......... Unto me , who am less 1647 - elachistoteros- > -ephistemi- ......... already come 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... and assaulted 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... and came 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... And he stood 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... And she coming 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... and stood 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... be instant 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... came 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... come 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... cometh 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... hand 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... is at 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... of the present 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... of them : then came 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... stood 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... unto me , and stood 2186 -ephistemi- > -ephistemi- ......... was standing 2186 -ephistemi- > -histemi- ......... and , standing 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... and abode 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... And he shall set 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... And I stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... and set 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... And set 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... and setteth 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... and stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... And stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... and stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... And they appointed 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... and thou standest 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... and to present 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... and when they had set 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... And when they had set 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... and ye shall be brought 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... are standing 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... as they stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... be established 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... but there standeth 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... by her , shall stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... he hath appointed 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... he standeth 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... he stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... he that standeth 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... him , stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... him stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... him stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... him unto you ? And they covenanted 2476 - histemi- > -histemi- ......... I continue 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... I stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... in me , while I stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... lay 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... may be established 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... of them that stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... of them that stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... shall not stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... stanched 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... Stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... standeth 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... standing 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... Standing 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... still 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... that he may establish 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... that stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... that ye may stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... them , and they stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... them , they set 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... there stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... There stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... they set 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... thou standest 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... to establish 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... to make 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... to pass , and to stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... to stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... to their charge 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... unto him , and set 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... unto him they that stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... up , and stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... up stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... we establish 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... we stand 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... which stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... with him stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... with them , and stood 2476 -histemi- > -histemi- ......... ye stand 2476 -histemi- > -historeo- ......... to see 2477 -historeo- > -katephistemi- ......... insurrection 2721 -katephistemi- > -katephistemi- ......... made 2721 -katephistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... and didst set 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... and he made 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... and ordain 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... And they that conducted 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... be made 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... hath made 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... him ruler 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... is ordained 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... made 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... maketh 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... ruler 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... shall make 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... thee ruler 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... they make 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... things , I will make 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... unto you , That he shall make 2525 - kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... unto you , that he will make 2525 - kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... we may appoint 2525 -kathistemi- > -kathistemi- ......... were made 2525 -kathistemi- > -Melchisedek- ......... Melchisedec 3198 -Melchisedek- > -Melchisedek- ......... of Melchisedec 3198 -Melchisedek- > -Melchisedek- ......... of Melchisedec 3198 -Melchisedek- > -methistemi- ......... and hath translated 3179 -methistemi- > -methistemi- ......... and turned 3179 -methistemi- > -methistemi- ......... And when he had removed 3179 -methistemi- > -methistemi- ......... away 3179 -methistemi- > -methistemi- ......... I am put 3179 -methistemi- > -methistemi- ......... that I could remove 3179 -methistemi- > -ophis- ......... And the serpent 3789 -ophis- > -ophis- ......... as serpents 3789 -ophis- > -ophis- ......... as the serpent 3789 -ophis- > -ophis- ......... him a serpent 3789 -ophis- > -ophis- ......... of serpents 3789 -ophis- > -ophis- ......... of the serpent 3789 -ophis- > -ophis- ......... serpent 3789 -ophis- > -ophis- ......... serpents 3789 -ophis- > -ophis- ......... unto serpents 3789 -ophis- > -ophis- ......... up serpents 3789 -ophis- > -ophis- ......... up the serpent 3789 -ophis- > -ophis- ......... Ye serpents 3789 -ophis- > -rhaphis- ......... a needle s 4476 -rhaphis- > -rhaphis- ......... of a needle 4476 -rhaphis- > -schisma- ......... and the rent 4978 -schisma- > -schisma- ......... And there was a division 4978 -schisma- > -schisma- ......... divisions 4978 -schisma- > -schisma- ......... schism 4978 -schisma- > -schisma- ......... that there be divisions 4978 -schisma- > -schisma- ......... There was a division 4978 -schisma- > -schisma- ......... there was a division 4978 -schisma- > -sunephistemi- ......... rose 4911 -sunephistemi- > -sunephistemi- ......... up together 4911 -sunephistemi- > -tachista- ......... speed 5033 -tachista- > -tachista- ......... to him with all 5033 -tachista- > his ......... after , when his wife 1135 -gune-> his ......... and are not his sisters 0079 -adelphe-> his ......... and from his power 1411 -dunamis-> his ......... and his angels 0032 -aggelos-> his ......... and his bishoprick 1984 -episkope-> his ......... and his brethren 0080 -adephos-> his ......... and his brother 0080 -adephos-> his ......... and his brother s 0080 -adephos-> his ......... and his cattle 2353 -thremma-> his ......... And his chains 0254 -halusis-> his ......... and his children 5207 -huios-> his ......... and his commandments 1785 -entole-> his ......... and his company 4012 -peri-> his ......... and his countenance 3799 -opsis-> his ......... and his deadly 2288 -thanatos-> his ......... and his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... And his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... and his doctrine 1319 -didaskalia-> his ......... and his ears 3775 -ous-> his ......... and his eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> his ......... and his face 3799 -opsis-> his ......... and his face 4383 -prosopon-> his ......... And his fame 0189 -akoe-> his ......... and his Father 3962 -pater-> his ......... And his father 3962 -pater-> his ......... And his feet 4228 -pous-> his ......... and his feet 4228 -pous-> his ......... And his fellowservant 4889 -sundoulos-> his ......... and his fruit 2590 -karpos-> his ......... and his grace 5485 -charis-> his ......... and his hairs 2359 -thrix-> his ......... and his hand 5495 -cheir-> his ......... And his head 2776 -kephale-> his ......... and his image 1504 -eikon-> his ......... And his inward 4698 -splagchnon-> his ......... and his kingdom 0932 -basileia-> his ......... and his left 2176 -euonumos-> his ......... and his lips 5491 -cheilos-> his ......... And his lord 2962 -kurios-> his ......... and his meat 5160 -trophe-> his ......... And his mercy 1656 -eleos-> his ......... and his ministers 3011 -leitourgos-> his ......... and his mother 3384 -meter-> his ......... And his mother 3384 -meter-> his ......... and his mother s 3384 -meter-> his ......... And his mouth 4750 -stoma-> his ......... and his mouth 4750 -stoma-> his ......... and his name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... And his name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... and his number 0706 -arithmos-> his ......... and his own 1438 -heautou-> his ......... and his raiment 1742 -enduma-> his ......... And his raiment 2440 -himation-> his ......... and his raiment 2440 -himation-> his ......... and his raiment 2441 -himatismos-> his ......... and his record 3141 -marturia-> his ......... and his righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune-> his ......... and his seat 2362 -thronos-> his ......... and his seed 4690 -sperma-> his ......... and his sepulchre 3418 -mnema-> his ......... and his side 4125 -pleura-> his ......... and his sister 0079 -adelphe-> his ......... And his sisters 0079 -adelphe-> his ......... and his speech 3056 -logos-> his ......... and his stuff 4632 -skeuos-> his ......... and his sweat 2402 -hidros-> his ......... and his tabernacle 4633 -skene-> his ......... And his tail 3769 -oura-> his ......... and his tongue 1100 -glossa-> his ......... and his voice 5456 -phone-> his ......... and his ways 3598 -hodos-> his ......... and his whole 3650 -holos-> his ......... and his wife 1135 -gune-> his ......... and his word 3056 -logos-> his ......... and in his Father s 3962 -pater-> his ......... and in his hand 5495 -cheir-> his ......... And in his name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... and in his own house 3614 -oikia-> his ......... and in his right 4993 -sophroneo-> his ......... And not by his coming 3952 -parousia-> his ......... and of his bones 3747 -osteon-> his ......... and of his Christ 5547 -Christos-> his ......... and of his doctrine 1322 -didache-> his ......... And of his fulness 4138 -pleroma-> his ......... and of his kingdom 0932 -basileia-> his ......... And out of his mouth 4750 -stoma-> his ......... and out of his mouth 4750 -stoma-> his ......... and to his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... and to his seed 4690 -sperma-> his ......... and to his throne 2362 -thronos-> his ......... and upon his heads 2776 -kephale-> his ......... and upon his horns 2768 -keras-> his ......... And we are his witnesses 3144 -martus-> his ......... And when his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... and when his eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> his ......... And when his friends 3844 -para-> his ......... and with his brethren 0080 -adephos-> his ......... and with his finger 1147 -daktulos-> his ......... and with his Son 5207 -huios-> his ......... another to his merchandise 1711 -emporia-> his ......... are his judgments 2917 -krima-> his ......... are his judgments 2920 -krisis-> his ......... are his witnesses 3144 -martus-> his ......... as his divine 2304 -theios-> his ......... as his eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> his ......... as his lord 2962 -kurios-> his ......... as his manner 1485 -ethos-> his ......... as his work 2041 -ergon-> his ......... away in his ways 4197 -poreia-> his ......... away of his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... be his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... be in his day 2250 -hemera-> his ......... but by his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... but his bodily 4983 -soma-> his ......... But his citizens 4177 -polites-> his ......... but his clothes 2440 -himation-> his ......... but his father 3962 -pater-> his ......... but his that sent 3992 -pempo-> his ......... but his will 2307 -thelema-> his ......... but in his own country 3968 -patris-> his ......... but that his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... But when his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... by his blood 0129 -haima-> his ......... by his fruit 2590 -karpos-> his ......... by his grace 5485 -charis-> his ......... by his hand 5495 -cheir-> his ......... by his hands 5495 -cheir-> his ......... by his life 2222 -zoe-> his ......... by his ministry 1248 -diakonia-> his ......... by his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... by his prophets 4396 -prophetes-> his ......... by his Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> his ......... day ; and his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... did from his . his ......... did his brethren 0080 -adephos-> his ......... doth his children 5043 -teknon-> his ......... down his life 5590 -psuche-> his ......... estate of his handmaiden 1399 -doule-> his ......... even his eternal 0126 -aidios-> his ......... even in his Son 5207 -huios-> his ......... fields ; and his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... for his body s 4983 -soma-> his ......... for his cause 1752 -heneka-> his ......... For his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... for his father 3962 -pater-> his ......... for his friends 5384 -philos-> his ......... for his good 0018 -agathos-> his ......... for his great 4183 -polus-> his ......... for his iniquity 3892 -paranomia-> his ......... For his letters 1992 -epistole-> his ......... for his life 2222 -zoe-> his ......... for his mercy 1656 -eleos-> his ......... for his name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... for his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... for his sake ; his ......... for his sake alone 3440 -monon-> his ......... for his seed 4690 -sperma-> his ......... for his son 5207 -huios-> his ......... for his Son 5207 -huios-> his ......... for his soul 5590 -psuche-> his ......... for his unspeakable 0411 -anekdiegetos-> his ......... for his word 3056 -logos-> his ......... for it is his footstool 5286 -hupopodion-> his ......... For thou shalt be his witness 3144 -martus-> his ......... For we are his workmanship 4161 -poiema-> his ......... forth his armies 4753 -strateuma-> his ......... from his birth 1079 -genete-> his ......... from his eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> his ......... from his hands 5495 -cheir-> his ......... from his mother s 3384 -meter-> his ......... from his old 3819 -palai-> his ......... from his own 0848 -hautou-> his ......... he , and his mother 3384 -meter-> his ......... he him up in his arms 0043 -agkale-> his ......... he his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... he is his friend 5384 -philos-> his ......... he not his mouth 4750 -stoma-> his ......... He shall give his angels 0032 -aggelos-> his ......... he to his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... he to his servants 1401 -doulos-> his ......... he unto his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... her his hand 5495 -cheir-> his ......... her unto his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... him , and so did his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... him from his bands 1199 -desmon-> his ......... him his fault 1651 -elegcho-> his ......... him his portion 3313 -meros-> his ......... him his power 1411 -dunamis-> his ......... him in his arms 1723 -enagkalizomai-> his ......... him in his talk 3056 -logos-> his ......... him in his words 3056 -logos-> his ......... him of his raiment , and wounded 2007 -epitithemi-> his ......... him to his mother 3384 -meter-> his ......... him unto his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... himself to his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... himself with his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... his , straightway 3916 -parachrema-> his ......... his accusation 0156 -aitia-> his ......... his accusers 2725 -kategoros-> his ......... his acquaintance 1110 -gnostos-> his ......... his adversaries 0480 -antikeimai-> his ......... his afflictions 2347 -thlipsis-> his ......... his angel 0032 -aggelos-> his ......... his angels 0032 -aggelos-> his ......... his answer 0612 -apokrisis-> his ......... his appearing 2015 -epiphaneia-> his ......... his armour 3833 -panoplia-> his ......... his army 4753 -strateuma-> his ......... his ass 3688 -onos-> his ......... his bed 2895 -krabbatos-> his ......... his belly 2836 -koilia-> his ......... his birth 1083 -gennesis-> his ......... his birthright 4415 -prototokia-> his ......... his blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia-> his ......... his blood 0129 -haima-> His ......... His blood 0129 -haima-> his ......... his body 4983 -soma-> his ......... his bones 3747 -osteon-> his ......... his bowels 4698 -splagchnon-> his ......... his branch 2798 -klados-> his ......... his breast 4738 -stethos-> His ......... His brethren 0080 -adephos-> his ......... his brethren 0080 -adephos-> his ......... his brother 0080 -adephos-> his ......... his children 5043 -teknon-> his ......... his Christ 5547 -Christos-> his ......... his clothes 2440 -himation-> his ......... his clothes 5509 -chiton-> his ......... his coat 5509 -chiton-> his ......... his coming 1529 -eisodos-> his ......... his coming 2064 -erchomai-> his ......... his coming 3952 -parousia-> his ......... his commandments 1785 -entole-> his ......... his commandments 1785-> his ......... his commandments 1785-> his ......... his counsellor 4825 -sumboulos-> His ......... His countenance 2397 -idea-> his ......... his course 1408 -dromos-> his ......... his cross 4716 -stauros-> his ......... his death 2288 -thanatos-> his ......... his deeds 2041 -ergon-> his ......... his defence 0626 -apologeomai-> his ......... his disciple 3101 -mathetes-> His ......... His disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... his doctrine 1322 -didache-> his ......... his dwelling 2731 -katoikesis-> his ......... his ear 5621 -otion-> his ......... his ears 0189 -akoe-> his ......... his ears 3775 -ous-> his ......... his elder 4245 -presbuteros-> his ......... his elect 1588 -eklektos-> his ......... his enemies 2190 -echthros-> his ......... his enemy 2190 -echthros-> his ......... his epistles 1992 -epistole-> his ......... his espoused 3423 -mnesteuo-> his ......... his eyes 3659 -omma-> His ......... His eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> his ......... his eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> his ......... his eyes on 1519 -eis-> his ......... his eyes upon him with John 2491 -Ioannes-> his ......... his face 4383 -prosopon-> his ......... his faith 4102 -pistis-> his ......... his fame 0189 -akoe-> his ......... his fame 1310 -diaphemizo-> his ......... his father 3962 -pater-> his ......... his Father s 3962 -pater-> his ......... his father s 3962 -pater-> his ......... his feet 0939 -basis-> his ......... his feet 4228 -pous-> his ......... his fellowservants 4889 -sundoulos-> his ......... his fields 0068 -agros-> his ......... his fingers 1147 -daktulos-> his ......... his fisher s 1903 -ependutes-> his ......... his flesh 4561 -sarx-> his ......... his floor 0257 -halon-> his ......... his foot 4228 -pous-> his ......... his footstool 5286 -hupopodion-> his ......... his friends 5384 -philos-> his ......... his garden 2779 -kepos-> his ......... his garment 2440 -himation-> his ......... his garments 2440 -himation-> his ......... his garner 0596 -apotheke-> his ......... his gate 4440 -pulon-> his ......... his generation 1074 -genea-> his ......... his glory 1391 -doxa-> his ......... his goods 4632 -skeuos-> his ......... his goods 5224 -huparchonta-> his ......... his hand 5495 -cheir-> his ......... his hands 5495 -cheir-> his ......... his harvest 2326 -therismos-> his ......... his head , His ......... His head 2776 -kephale-> his ......... his head 2776 -kephale-> his ......... his heart 2588 -kardia-> his ......... his holy 0040 -hagios-> his ......... his hour 5610 -hora-> his ......... his house 3614 -oikia-> his ......... his house 3624 -oikos-> his ......... his house 3832 -panoiki-> his ......... his household 2322 -therapeia-> his ......... his image 1504 -eikon-> his ......... his journey 0589 -apodemeo-> his ......... his judgment 2917 -krima-> his ......... his judgment 2920 -krisis-> his ......... his kindred 4772 -suggeneia-> his ......... his kingdom 0932 -basileia-> his ......... his kinsman 4773 -suggenes-> his ......... his kinsmen 4773 -suggenes-> his ......... his leave 0657 -apotassomai-> his ......... his left 2176 -euonumos-> his ......... his leprosy 3014 -lepra-> his ......... his life 5590 -psuche-> his ......... his lodging 3578 -xenia-> his ......... his loins 3751 -osphus-> his ......... his lord 2962 -kurios-> His ......... His lord 2962 -kurios-> his ......... his lord s 2962 -kurios-> his ......... his lot 2975 -lagchano-> his ......... his love 0026 -agape-> his ......... his mark 5480 -charagma-> his ......... his marvellous 2298 -thaumastos-> his ......... his master 1320 -didaskalos-> his ......... his ministers 1249 -diakonos-> his ......... his miracles 4592 -semeion-> his ......... his mother 3384 -meter-> His ......... His mother 3384 -meter-> his ......... his mother s 3384 -meter-> his ......... his mouth 4750 -stoma-> his ......... his naked 1131 -gumnos-> his ......... his name 3686 -onoma-> His ......... His name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... his name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... his natural 1083 -gennesis-> his ......... his neck 5137 -trachelos-> his ......... his neighbour 4139 -plesion-> his ......... his offspring 1085 -genos-> his ......... his only 3439 -monogenes-> his ......... his own 0848 -hautou-> his ......... his own 1438 -heautou-> his ......... his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... his own brother 0080 -adephos-> his ......... his own country 3968 -patris-> his ......... his own elect 1588 -eklektos-> his ......... his own kin 4773 -suggenes-> his ......... his own raiment 2440 -himation-> his ......... his own soul 5590 -psuche-> his ......... his own works 2041 -ergon-> his ......... his ox 1016 -bous-> his ......... his palace 0833 -aule-> his ......... his parables 3850 -parabole-> His ......... His parents 1118 -goneus-> his ......... his parents 1118 -goneus-> his ......... his part 3313 -meros-> his ......... his passion 3958 -pascho-> his ......... his paths 5147 -tribos-> his ......... his peace 4601 -sigao-> his ......... his peace 4623 -siopao-> his ......... his people 2992 -laos-> his ......... his place 5117 -topos-> his ......... his power 1415 -dunatos-> his ......... his promise 1860 -epaggelia-> his ......... his proper 2398 -idios-> his ......... his prophets 4396 -prophetes-> his ......... his raiment 1742 -enduma-> his ......... his raiment 2440 -himation-> his ......... his reproach 3680 > . his ......... his reproach 3680> . his ......... his rest 2663 -katapausis-> his ......... his resurrection 1454 -egersis-> his ......... his reward 3408 -misthos-> his ......... his right 1188 -dexios-> his ......... his righteous 1342 -dikaios-> his ......... his righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune-> his ......... his saints 0040 -hagios-> his ......... his saltness 0358 -analos-> his ......... his savour 3471 -moraino-> his ......... his saying 3056 -logos-> his ......... his sayings 4487 -rhema-> his ......... his scrip 4082 -pera-> his ......... his seed 4703 -sporos-> his ......... his servant 1401 -doulos-> his ......... his servant 3816 -pais-> his ......... his servants 1401 -doulos-> his ......... his shame 0808 -aschemosune-> his ......... his shape 1491 -eidos-> his ......... his shearer 2751 -keiro-> his ......... his sheep 4263 -probaton-> his ......... his shoulders 5606 -omos-> his ......... his side 4125 -pleura-> his ......... his sight 0308 -anablepo-> his ......... his sisters 0079 -adelphe-> his ......... his Son 3816 -pais-> his ......... his son 5207 -huios-> his ......... his Son 5207 -huios-> his ......... his sores 1668 -helkos-> his ......... his speech 3056 -logos-> his ......... his spirit 4151 -pneuma-> his ......... his spoils 4661 -skulon-> his ......... his star 0792 -aster-> his ......... his steps 2487 -ichnos-> his ......... his substance 3776 -ousia-> his ......... his subtilty 3834 -panourgia-> his ......... his sun 2246 -helios-> his ......... his sword 3162 -machaira-> his ......... his ten 1176 -deka-> his ......... his testimony 3141 -marturia-> his ......... his thigh 3382 -meros-> his ......... his throne 2362 -thronos-> his ......... his tongue 1100 -glossa-> his ......... his translation 3331 -metathesis-> his ......... his twelve 1427 -dodeka-> his ......... his understanding 4907 -sunesis-> his ......... his vessel 4632 -skeuos-> his ......... his vesture 2440 -himation-> his ......... his vineyard 0290 -ampelon-> his ......... his virgin 3933 -parthenos-> his ......... his voice 5456 -phone-> his ......... his way , his ......... his way , and communed 4814 -sullaleo-> his ......... his way , and entered 1525 -eiserchomai-> his ......... his way , and published 2784 -kerusso-> his ......... his way , and straightway 2112 -eutheos-> his ......... his way . his ......... his way therefore 3767 -oun-> his ......... his ways 3598 -hodos-> his ......... his wellbeloved 0027 -agapetos-> his ......... his wheat 4621 -sitos-> his ......... his wife 1135 -gune-> his ......... his wife s 3994 -penthera-> his ......... his will 1013 -boulema-> his ......... his will 1106 -gnome-> his ......... his will 2307 -thelema-> his ......... his word 3056 -logos-> his ......... his words 3056 -logos-> his ......... his words 4487 -rhema-> his ......... his work 2041 -ergon-> his ......... his works 2041 -ergon-> his ......... his wrath 3709 -orge-> his ......... in his blood 0129 -haima-> his ......... in his bosom 2859 -kolpos-> his ......... in his brother s 0080 -adephos-> his ......... in his chariot 0716 -harma-> his ......... in his deed 4162 -poiesis-> his ......... in his face 4383 -prosopon-> his ......... in his feet 4228 -pous-> his ......... in his field 0068 -agros-> his ......... in his flesh 4561 -sarx-> his ......... in his forehead 3359 -metopon-> his ......... in his glory 1391 -doxa-> his ......... in his goodness 5544 -chrestotes-> his ......... in his hand 5495 -cheir-> his ......... in his hands 5495 -cheir-> his ......... in his heart 2588 -kardia-> his ......... in his house 3624 -oikos-> his ......... In his humiliation 5014 -tapeinosis-> his ......... in his journey 3598 -hodos-> his ......... in his kindness 5544 -chrestotes-> his ......... in his kingdom 0932 -basileia-> his ......... in his light 5457 -phos-> his ......... in his love 0026 -agape-> his ......... in his mouth 4750 -stoma-> his ......... in his name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... in his own 0848 -hautou-> his ......... in his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... in his own body 4983 -soma-> his ......... in his own country 3968 -patris-> his ......... in his own glory 1391 -doxa-> his ......... in his own house 3614 -oikia-> his ......... in his presence 1799 -enopion-> his ......... in his right 1188 -dexios-> his ......... in his saints 0040 -hagios-> his ......... in his sickle 1407 -drepanon-> his ......... in his sight 1799 -enopion-> his ......... in his sight 2714 -katenopion-> his ......... in his speech 3424 -mogilalos-> his ......... in his spirit 4151 -pneuma-> his ......... in his strength 1411 -dunamis-> his ......... in his teeth 3679 -oneidizo-> his ......... in his temple 3485 -naos-> his ......... in his throne 2362 -thronos-> his ......... in his time 2540 -kairos-> his ......... in his times 2540 -kairos-> his ......... in his vineyard 0290 -ampelon-> his ......... in the likeness of his resurrection 0386 - anastasis-> his ......... in us , and his love 0025 -agapao-> his ......... is he his son 5207 -huios-> his ......... is he then his son 5207 -huios-> his ......... is his body 4983 -soma-> his ......... is his commandment 1785 -entole-> his ......... is his name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... is in his hand 5495 -cheir-> his ......... is in his Son 5207 -huios-> his ......... is not his mother 3384 -meter-> his ......... it by his angel 0032 -aggelos-> his ......... it in his own new 2537 -kainos-> his ......... it out : and his hand 5495 -cheir-> his ......... it to his cross 4716 -stauros-> his ......... it to his mouth 4750 -stoma-> his ......... it upon his head 2776 -kephale-> his ......... Let his habitation 1886 -epaulis-> his ......... man his brother 0080 -adephos-> his ......... man his neighbour 4139 -plesion-> his ......... man his work 2041 -ergon-> his ......... man in his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... man on his own 1438 -heautou-> his ......... man to his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... me by his grace 5485 -charis-> his ......... me unto his heavenly 2032 -epouranios-> his ......... meat in his house 3614 -oikia-> his ......... not , but his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... not for his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... not for his sake that shewed 3377 -menuo-> his ......... not his body 4983 -soma-> his ......... not his brother 0080 -adephos-> his ......... not his commandments 1785 -entole-> his ......... not his cross 4716 -stauros-> his ......... not his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... not his father 3962 -pater-> his ......... not his legs 4628 -skelos-> his ......... not his own 1438 -heautou-> his ......... not his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... not his Son 5207 -huios-> his ......... not his tongue 1100 -glossa-> his ......... not his word 3056 -logos-> his ......... not his writings 1121 -gramma-> his ......... not with his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... not yourselves ; for his life 5590 -psuche-> his ......... of him ; ( for his name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... of his . his ......... of his accusation 0156 -aitia-> his ......... of his acquaintance 2398 -idios-> his ......... of his body 4983 -soma-> his ......... of his brother 0080 -adephos-> his ......... of his calling 2821 -klesis-> his ......... of his Christ 5547 -Christos-> his ......... of his coming 3952 -parousia-> his ......... of his counsel 1012 -boule-> his ......... of his countenance 4383 -prosopon-> his ......... of his course 2183 -ephemeria-> his ......... of his creatures 2938 -ktisma-> his ......... of his cross 4716 -stauros-> his ......... of his dear 0026 -agape-> his ......... of his death 2288 -thanatos-> his ......... of his decease 1841 -exodos-> his ......... of his devices 3540 -noema-> his ......... of his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... of his evil 4190-> his ......... of his evil 4190-> his ......... of his father 3962 -pater-> his ......... of his Father 3962 -pater-> his ......... of his feet 4228 -pous-> his ......... of his fellowservants 4889 -sundoulos-> his ......... of his finger 1147 -daktulos-> his ......... of his flesh 4561 -sarx-> his ......... of his garment 2440 -himation-> his ......... of his gifts 1435 -doron-> his ......... of his glory 1391 -doxa-> his ......... of his good pleasure 2107 -eudokia-> his ......... of his goodness 0019 -agathosune-> his ......... of his goodness 5544 -chrestotes-> his ......... of his grace 5485 -charis-> his ......... of his hand , saying 2036 -epo-> his ......... of his heads 2776 -kephale-> his ......... of his heart 2588 -kardia-> his ......... of his hire 3408 -misthos-> his ......... of his holiness 0041 -hagiotes-> his ......... of his holy 0040 -hagios-> his ......... of his hope 1680 -elpis-> his ......... of his house 3624 -oikos-> his ......... of his household 3610 -oiketes-> his ......... of his importunity 0335 -anaideia-> his ......... of his indignation 3709 -orge-> his ......... of his inheritance 2817 -kleronomia-> his ......... of his judgment 2920 -krisis-> his ......... of his knowledge 1108 -gnosis-> his ......... of his loins 3751 -osphus-> his ......... of his lord s 2962 -kurios-> his ......... of his majesty 3168 -megaleiotes-> his ......... of his meat 5160 -trophe-> his ......... of his mercy 1656 -eleos-> his ......... of his might 2479 -ischus-> his ......... of his mighty 1411 -dunamis-> his ......... of his mighty 2479 -ischus-> his ......... of his ministration 3009 -leitourgia-> his ......... of his mother 3384 -meter-> his ......... of his mouth 4750 -stoma-> his ......... of his name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... of his own 0830 -authairetos-> his ......... of his own 0848 -hautou-> his ......... of his own 1438 -heautou-> his ......... of his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... Of his own will 1014 -boo -lom -ahee-> his ......... of his own word 3056 -logos-> his ......... of his parents 3962 -pater-> his ......... of his person 5287 -hupostasis-> his ......... of his power 1411 -dunamis-> his ......... of his power 2479 -ischus-> his ......... of his promise 1860 -epaggelia-> his ......... of his resurrection 0386 -anastasis-> his ......... of his reward 3408 -misthos-> his ......... of his saints 0040 -hagios-> his ......... of his servant 3816 -pais-> his ......... of his servants 1401 -doulos-> his ......... of his shewing 0323 -anadeixis-> his ......... of his Son 5207 -huios-> his ......... of his staff 4464 -rhabdos-> his ......... of his sufferings 3804 -pathema-> his ......... of his testament 1242 -diatheke-> his ......... of his time 5550 -chronos-> his ......... of his tongue 1100 -glossa-> his ......... of his vineyard 0289 -ampelourgos-> his ......... of his way 3598 -hodos-> his ......... of his will 2307 -thelema-> his ......... of his words 3056 -logos-> his ......... of his words 4487 -rhema-> his ......... of his wrath 3709 -orge-> his ......... of me his prisoner 1198 -desmios-> his ......... on him ; for his hour 5610 -hora-> his ......... on his birthday 1077 -genesia-> his ......... on his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... on his inheritance 2817 -kleronomia-> his ......... on his way 3598 -hodos-> his ......... one his brother 0080 -adephos-> his ......... one of his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... one of you from his iniquities 4189 -poneria-> his ......... other his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... out , and his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... out his hand 5495 -cheir-> his ......... out his name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... out his sword 3162 -machaira-> his ......... out his vial 5357 -phiale-> his ......... out his vineyard 0290 -ampelon-> his ......... out of his belly 2836 -koilia-> his ......... out of his grave 3419 -mnemeion-> his ......... out of his kingdom 0932 -basileia-> his ......... out of his mouth 4750 -stoma-> his ......... out of his place 5117 -topos-> his ......... out of his prison 5438 -phulake-> his ......... out of his sleep 1853 -exupnos-> his ......... out of his treasure 2344 -thesauros-> his ......... sake , his brother 0080 -adephos-> his ......... shall be as his master 1320 -didaskalos-> his ......... shall be in it ; and his servants 1401 -doulos-> his ......... shall be they of his own household 3615 -oikiakos-> his ......... shall his kingdom 0932 -basileia-> his ......... shall not his uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia-> his ......... shall they call them of his household 3615 - oikiakos-> his ......... shame for his name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... some of his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... spent , his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... than his lord 2962 -kurios-> his ......... that for his name s 3686 -onoma-> his ......... that from his body 5559 -chros-> his ......... that he be as his master 1320 -didaskalos-> his ......... that his brother 0080 -adephos-> his ......... that his commandment 1785 -entole-> his ......... that his deeds 2041 -ergon-> his ......... that his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... that his father 3962 -pater-> his ......... that his hour 5610 -hora-> his ......... That his seed 4690 -sperma-> his ......... that his soul 5590 -psuche-> his ......... that his testimony 3141 -marturia-> his ......... that is to say , his flesh 4561 -sarx-> his ......... that were in his house 3614 -oikia-> his ......... that ye through his poverty 4432 -ptocheia-> his ......... the things done in his body 4983 -soma-> his ......... them : and his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... them : and his face 4383 -prosopon-> his ......... them : but when his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... them his hands 5495 -cheir-> his ......... them that are his . And , Let every 3956 -pas-> his ......... them to his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... them unto us by his Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> his ......... them up in his arms 1723 -enagkalizomai-> his ......... they , It is his angel . his ......... thing out of his house 3614 -oikia-> his ......... things ; and I will be his God 2316 -theos-> his ......... things in his exhortation 3870 -parakaleo-> his ......... things to his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... to Abraham 11 , and to his seed 4690 -sperma-> his ......... to him his mother 3384 -meter-> his ......... to his ability 2141 -euporeo-> his ......... to his abundant 4183 -polus-> his ......... to his accusers 2725 -kategoros-> his ......... to his baptism 0908 -baptisma-> his ......... to his brethren 0080 -adephos-> his ......... to his brother 0080 -adephos-> his ......... to his burial , and made 4160 -poieo-> his ......... to his charge 1462 -egklema-> his ......... to his deeds 2041 -ergon-> his ......... to his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... to his farm 0068 -agros-> his ......... to his father 3962 -pater-> his ......... to his flesh 4561 -sarx-> his ......... to his glorious 1391 -doxa-> his ......... to his good pleasure 2107 -eudokia-> his ......... to his house 3624 -oikos-> his ......... to his lords 3175 -megistanes-> his ......... to his mercy 1656 -eleos-> his ......... to his name 3686 -onoma-> his ......... to his neighbour 4139 -plesion-> his ......... to his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... to his own house 3624 -oikos-> his ......... to his own will 2308 -thelesis-> his ......... to his promise 1860 -epaggelia-> his ......... to his promise 1862 -epaggelma-> his ......... to his purpose 4286 -prothesis-> his ......... to his riches 4149 -ploutos-> his ......... to his saints 0040 -hagios-> his ......... to his seal 4972 -sphragizo-> his ......... to his seed 4690 -sperma-> his ......... to his servant 1401 -doulos-> his ......... to his servants 1401 -doulos-> his ......... to his several 2398 -idios-> his ......... to his son 5207 -huios-> his ......... to his stature 2244 -helikia-> his ......... to his wife 1135 -gune-> his ......... to his will 2307 -thelema-> his ......... to his working 1753 -energeia-> his ......... to his works 2041 -ergon-> his ......... to his works 4234 -praxis-> his ......... to them of his own 0848 -hautou-> his ......... unto him his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... unto him his twelve 1427 -dodeka-> his ......... unto him his wife 1135 -gune-> his ......... unto him with his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... unto his brethren 0080 -adephos-> his ......... unto his brother 0080 -adephos-> his ......... unto his death 0336 -anairesis-> his ......... unto his death 2288 -thanatos-> his ......... unto his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... unto his fathers 3962 -pater-> his ......... unto his fellowdisciples 4827 -summathetes-> his ......... unto his friends 5384 -philos-> his ......... unto his glorious 1391 -doxa-> his ......... unto his glory 1391 -doxa-> his ......... unto his holy 0040 -hagios-> his ......... unto his mother 3384 -meter-> his ......... unto his own , and his own received 3880 - paralambano-> his ......... unto his own , and his own received 3880 - paralambano-> his ......... unto his own house 3624 -oikos-> his ......... unto his people 2992 -laos-> his ......... unto his servant 1401 -doulos-> his ......... unto his servants 1401 -doulos-> his ......... unto his servants 3816 -pais-> his ......... unto his stature 2244 -helikia-> his ......... unto his steward 2012 -epitropos-> his ......... unto his wife 1135 -gune-> his ......... unto thee . And his servant 3816 -pais-> his ......... unto them : but his mother 3384 -meter-> his ......... unto them his goods 5224 -huparchonta-> his ......... unto them his hands 5495 -cheir-> his ......... unto them his living 0979 -bios-> his ......... unto them his son 5207 -huios-> his ......... unto them in his doctrine 1322 -didache-> his ......... unto us by his Son 5207 -huios-> his ......... unto us his holy 0040 -hagios-> his ......... unto you , I did it not for his cause 1752 -heneka- > his ......... up : and , as his custom 1486 -etho-> his ......... up by his fleshly mind 3563 -nous-> his ......... up his bed 2895 -krabbatos-> his ......... up his bowels 4698 -splagchnon-> his ......... up his corpse 4430 -ptoma-> his ......... up his cross 4716 -stauros-> his ......... up his eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> his ......... up his garment 2440 -himation-> his ......... up his hand 5495 -cheir-> his ......... up his hands 5495 -cheir-> his ......... up his heel 4418 -pterna-> his ......... up his only 3439 -monogenes-> his ......... up his Son 3816 -pais-> his ......... up his voice 5456 -phone-> his ......... up his wounds 5134 -trauma-> his ......... up in his father s 3962 -pater-> his ......... up us by his own 0848 -hautou-> his ......... upon his breast 4738 -stethos-> his ......... upon his eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> his ......... upon his heads 2776 -kephale-> his ......... upon his throne 0968 -bema-> his ......... us his flesh 4561 -sarx-> his ......... us of his Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> his ......... us unto his eternal 0166 -aionios-> his ......... was his Father 3962 -pater-> his ......... was his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... was upon his head 2776 -kephale-> his ......... When as his mother 3384 -meter-> his ......... When his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... when his fellowservants 4889 -sundoulos-> his ......... which is in his house 3624 -oikos-> his ......... which were his friends 5384 -philos-> his ......... while his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... with him and his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... with his angels 0032 -aggelos-> his ......... with his arm 1023 -brachion-> his ......... with his brother 0080 -adephos-> his ......... with his couch 2826 -klinidion-> his ......... with his deeds 4234 -praxis-> his ......... with his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... with his glory 1391 -doxa-> his ......... with his hand 5495 -cheir-> his ......... with his hands 5495 -cheir-> his ......... with his journey 3597 -hodoiporia-> his ......... with his men 4753 -strateuma-> his ......... with his mighty 1411 -dunamis-> his ......... with his neighbour 4139 -plesion-> his ......... with his own 2398 -idios-> his ......... with his people 2992 -laos-> his ......... with his right 1188 -dexios-> his ......... with his teeth 3599 -odous-> his ......... with his wife 1135 -gune-> his ......... with his word 3056 -logos-> his ......... with his works 2041 -ergon-> his ......... with them , and they shall be his people 2992 - laos-> his ......... with us of his resurrection 0386 -anastasis-> His ......... ye , His disciples 3101 -mathetes-> his ......... ye his servants 1401 -doulos-> his ......... yet for his oath s 3727 -horkos-> his ......... you for his name s 3686 -onoma-> his ......... you unto his kingdom 0932 -basileia-> Melchisedec ......... Melchisedec 3198 -Melchisedek-> Melchisedec ......... of Melchisedec 3198 -Melchisedek-> Melchisedec ......... of Melchisedec 3198 -Melchisedek-> schism ......... schism 4978 -schisma-> this ......... a man is this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... according to this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... after this tarried 4357 -prosmeno-> this ......... age : and this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... and for this 5124 -touto-> this ......... And for this 5124 -touto-> this ......... And having this 5124 -touto-> this ......... And in this 5026 -taute-> this ......... And in this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... and on this 3779 -houto-> this ......... and that this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... And this 3588 -ho-> this ......... and this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... And this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... And this 5026 -taute-> this ......... and this 5124 -touto-> this ......... And this 5124 -touto-> this ......... and this 5126 -touton-> this ......... And this they did , not as we hoped 1679 -elpizo-> this ......... And to this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... and upon this 5026 -taute-> this ......... And upon this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... And when they had this 5124 -touto-> this ......... are not of this 5026 -taute-> this ......... are this 4594 -semeron-> this ......... are we in this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... as for this 5126 -touton-> this ......... as this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... as this 5124 -touto-> this ......... Away with this 5126 -touton-> this ......... be this 5124 -touto-> this ......... be to this 5026 -taute-> this ......... be to this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... but for this 5124 -touto-> this ......... But this 3588 -ho-> this ......... But this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... but this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... But this 5124 -touto-> this ......... But this cometh to pass , that the word 3056 - logos-> this ......... but this one 1520 -heis-> this ......... but this with an oath 3728 -horkomosia-> This ......... by , This 3778 -houtos-> this ......... by me this 5026 -taute-> this ......... by this 2235 -ede-> this ......... by this 3588 -ho-> this ......... By this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... by this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... by you this 4594 -semeron-> this ......... Cometh this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... day on this 3779 -houto-> this ......... doth this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... even by him doth this man stand 3936 -paristemi-> this ......... Even for this 5124 -touto-> this ......... even in this 3588 -ho-> this ......... even in this 5026 -taute-> this ......... Even unto this 3588 -ho-> this ......... For for this 5124 -touto-> this ......... For in this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... for myself this 4594 -semeron-> this ......... For of this 5130 -touton-> this ......... For this 2778 -kensos-> this ......... For this 3588 -ho-> this ......... For this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... for this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... for this 4594 -semeron-> this ......... For this 5026 -taute-> this ......... For this 5124 -touto-> this ......... for this 5124 -touto-> this ......... For this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... For to this 5124 -touto-> this ......... For we that are in this 3588 -ho-> this ......... for you : this 5124 -touto-> this ......... from him ; for this 5124 -touto-> this ......... from this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... hath this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... hath this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... he had this testimony 3140 -martureo-> this ......... him this 5126 -touton-> this ......... Howbeit this 5124 -touto-> this ......... I this 5026 -taute-> this ......... I unto this 5026 -taute-> this ......... in this 3568 -nun-> this ......... in this 3588 -ho-> this ......... in this 3779 -houto-> this ......... in this 5026 -taute-> this ......... in this 5124 -touto-> this ......... in this 5126 -touton-> this ......... in this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... In this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... is it that ye do not discern this 5126 -touton-> this ......... is not of this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... is not this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... Is not this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... is this 3588 -ho-> this ......... Is this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... is this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... is this 5124 -touto-> this ......... is with us unto this 5026 -taute-> this ......... it , this 0846 -autos-> this ......... it be for this 5026 -taute-> this ......... it on this 3779 -houto-> this ......... let this 5124 -touto-> this ......... Let this 5124 -touto-> this ......... letters by them after this 3592 -hode-> this ......... man this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... me : but this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... me from this 5026 -taute-> this ......... me in this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... me is this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... me of this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... me this 4594 -semeron-> this ......... me this 5026 -taute-> this ......... me this 5124 -touto-> this ......... might this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... namely this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... not at this 5124 -touto-> this ......... not have this 5126 -touton-> this ......... not of this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... not this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... not this 5026 -taute-> this ......... not this 5026-> this ......... not this 5026-> this ......... not this 5126 -touton-> this ......... Not this 5126 -touton-> this ......... not this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... not this to condemn 2633 -katakrisis-> this ......... of man is this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... of me this 5026 -taute-> this ......... of things pertaining to this life 0982 -biotikos-> this ......... of this 3127 -Manaen-> this ......... of this 3588 -ho-> this ......... of this 5026 -taute-> this ......... of this 5124 -touto-> this ......... of this 5126 -touton-> this ......... of this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... Of this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... of this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... of this life 0979 -bios-> this ......... of this life 0982 -biotikos-> this ......... on this 3779 -houto-> this ......... one of this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... out of this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... place , this is not to eat 5315 -phago-> this ......... purpose is this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... shall this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... shall this 5124 -touto-> this ......... than this 5026 -taute-> this ......... that by this 5026 -taute-> this ......... that is to say , not of this 5026 -taute-> this ......... that this 3588 -ho-> this ......... that this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... that this 5026 -taute-> this ......... that this 5124 -touto-> this ......... that this 5126 -touton-> this ......... thee : by this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... thee this 5026 -taute-> this ......... thing is this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... things : and this 5124 -touto-> this ......... things : for this 5124 -touto-> this ......... things that pertain to this life 0982 -biotikos-> this ......... things this 4594 -semeron-> this ......... things unto this 0737 -arti-> this ......... this , said 2036 -epo-> this ......... this , that the trying 1383 -dokimion-> this ......... this , they said 2036 -epo-> this ......... this , they were astonished 1605 -ekplesso-> this ......... this , they were baptized 0907 -baptizo-> this ......... this , they were glad 5463 -chairo-> this ......... this , they were pricked 2660 -katanusso-> this ......... this 0846 -autos-> this ......... this 1565 -ekeinos-> this ......... this 3568 -nun-> this ......... this 3588 -ho-> This ......... This 3588 -ho-> this ......... this 3588 -ho-> THIS ......... THIS 3778 -houtos-> This ......... This 3778 -houtos-> this ......... this 3778 -houtos-> This ......... This 3778-> this ......... this 3778-> this ......... this 3778-> This ......... This 3778-> this ......... this 3779 -houto-> this ......... this 4594 -semeron-> This ......... This 4594 -semeron-> this ......... this 5023 -tauta-> This ......... This 5026 -taute-> this ......... this 5026 -taute-> this ......... this 5124 -touto-> This ......... This 5124 -touto-> this ......... this 5125 -toutois-> This ......... This 5126 -touton-> this ......... this 5126 -touton-> this ......... this 5127 -toutou-> This ......... This 5127 -toutou-> this ......... this 5128 -toutous-> this ......... this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... this ; but when Rebecca 4479 -Rhebekka-> this ......... this also 2532 -kai-> this ......... this before 4275 -proeido-> This ......... This I say 3004 -lego-> This ......... This is the stone 3037 -lithos-> this ......... this is the sum 2774 -kephalaion-> this ......... this is written 1125 -grapho-> this ......... this meaneth 2076 -esti-> This ......... This parable 3942 -paroimia-> this ......... this to your 5213 -humin-> this ......... thou this 5026 -taute-> this ......... thou this 5124 -touto-> this ......... thy way for this 3568 -nun-> this ......... thyself to this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... to them : for this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... to them this 5126 -touton-> this ......... to this 3568 -nun-> this ......... to this 5124 -touto-> this ......... To this 5124 -touto-> this ......... to this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... to this 5602 -hode-> this ......... unto her , For this 5126 -touton-> This ......... unto him , This 4594 -semeron-> this ......... unto me this 5026 -taute-> this ......... unto thee , That this 4594 -semeron-> this ......... unto thee , That this 5026 -taute-> this ......... unto thee for this 5124 -touto-> this ......... unto them , Doth this 5124 -touto-> This ......... unto them , This 4594 -semeron-> This ......... unto them , This 5124 -touto-> this ......... unto them to this 3588 -ho-> this ......... unto this 0737 -arti-> this ......... unto this 3568 -nun-> this ......... unto this 4594 -semeron-> this ......... unto this 5026 -taute-> this ......... unto this 5126 -touton-> this ......... unto this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... unto this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... unto this great 3173 -megas-> this ......... unto this present 0737 -arti-> this ......... unto us this 5026 -taute-> this ......... unto you , That in this 5602 -hode-> this ......... unto you , that this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... unto you , That this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... unto you , that this 5124 -touto-> This ......... unto you , This 3778 -houtos-> This ......... unto you , This 5124 -touto-> this ......... up in this 5026 -taute-> this ......... upon this 5026 -taute-> this ......... upon this 5124 -touto-> this ......... upon this 5126 -touton-> this ......... upon this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... us : for as for this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... us : for as for this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... us from this 3588 -ho-> this ......... us in this 5026 -taute-> this ......... us this 4594 -semeron-> this ......... us this 5126 -touton-> this ......... was not this 5124 -touto-> this ......... was this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... we ? for this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... we this 4594 -semeron-> this ......... we were with you , this 5124 -touto-> this ......... were of this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... when this 5026 -taute-> this ......... when this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... with this 3739 -hos-> this ......... with this 5026 -taute-> this ......... with us with this 5124 -touto-> this ......... ye are of this 5127 -toutou-> this ......... ye not this 5026 -taute-> this ......... ye this 5124 -touto-> this ......... ye this ado 2350 -thorubeo-> this ......... ye up unto this 5026 -taute-> this ......... you , this 3778 -houtos-> this ......... you in this 5026 -taute-> this ......... you in this 5129 -toutoi-> this ......... you this 5026 -taute-> this ......... yourselves from this 5026 -taute-> thistles ......... of thistles 5146 -tribolos-> whisperers ......... whisperers 5588 -psithuristes-> whisperings ......... whisperings 5587 -psithurismos->