-akanthinos- ......... of thorns 0174 -akanthinos- > -akrothinion- ......... of the spoils 0205 -akrothinion- > -alethinos- ......... and of the true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... and the true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... and true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... and True 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... and we are in him that is true 0228 - alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... are the true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... are true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... For true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... he that is true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... him that is true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... is the true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... me is true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... of the true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... That was the true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... the true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... true 0228 -alethinos- > -alethinos- ......... you the true 0228 -alethinos- > -hina- ......... it : albeit 2443 -hina- > -hina- ......... must 2443 -hina- > -hina- ......... so 2443 -hina- > -hina- ......... them , because 2443 -hina- > -hina- ......... To the intent 2443 -hina- > -hina- ......... to the intent 2443 -hina- > -hinati- ......... Why 2444 -hinati- > -hinati- ......... why 2444 -hinati- > -huakinthinos- ......... and of jacinth 5191 -huakinthinos- > -kophinos- ......... baskets 2894 -kophinos- > -krithinos- ......... barley 2916 -krithinos- > -lithinos- ......... and stone 3035 -lithinos- > -lithinos- ......... of stone 3035 -lithinos- > -phthinoporinos- ......... whose fruit 5352 -phthinoporinos- > -phthinoporinos- ......... withereth 5352 -phthinoporinos- > -tachinos- ......... swift 5031 -tachinos- > -tachinos- ......... that shortly 5031 -tachinos- > -trichinos- ......... of hair 5155 -trichinos- > accomplishing ......... accomplishing 2005 -epiteleo-> admonishing ......... and admonishing 3560 -noutheteo-> approaching ......... approaching 1448 -eggizo-> behind ......... am I behind 5302 -hustereo-> behind ......... and behind 3693 -opisthen-> behind ......... behind 2641 -kataleipo-> behind ......... behind 3693 -opisthen-> behind ......... behind 3694 -opiso-> behind ......... behind 5278 -hupomeno-> behind ......... behind 5302 -hustereo-> behind ......... thee behind 3694 -opiso-> behind ......... things which are behind 3694 -opiso-> behind ......... up that which is behind 5303 -husterema-> beseeching ......... beseeching 2065 -erotao-> beseeching ......... beseeching 3870 -parakaleo-> beseeching ......... to him , beseeching 3870 -parakaleo-> breathing ......... breathing 1709 -empneo-> clothing ......... clothing 1742 -enduma-> clothing ......... clothing 2066 -esthes-> clothing ......... clothing are in kings 0935 -basileus-> clothing ......... in long clothing 4749 -stole-> diminishing ......... and the diminishing 2275 -hettema-> farthing ......... a farthing 2835 -kodrantes-> farthing ......... farthing 2835 -kodrantes-> farthing ......... for a farthing 0787 -assarion-> farthings ......... farthings 0787 -assarion-> filthiness ......... and filthiness 0168 -akathartes-> filthiness ......... filthiness 0151 -aischrotes-> filthiness ......... filthiness 3436 -molusmos-> filthiness ......... filthiness 4507 -rhuparia-> fishing ......... a fishing 0232 -halieuo-> gnashing ......... and gnashing 1030 -brugmos-> hinder ......... And he was in the hinder 4403 -prumna-> hinder ......... but the hinder 4403 -prumna-> hinder ......... did hinder 0348 -anakopto-> hinder ......... doth hinder 2967 -koluo-> hinder ......... we should hinder 1325 -didomi-> hindered ......... be not hindered 1581 -ekkopto-> hindered ......... hindered 1465 -egkopto-> hindered ......... in ye hindered 2967 -koluo-> itching ......... having itching 2833 -knetho-> nothing ......... And in nothing 3367 -medeis-> nothing ......... and nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... and was nothing 3367 -medeis-> nothing ......... by nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... by us in nothing 3367 -medeis-> nothing ......... do nothing 5100 -tis-> nothing ......... for nothing 3367 -medeis-> nothing ......... For nothing 3756 -ou-> nothing ......... for nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... for nothing 3763 -oudepote-> nothing ......... for there is nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... For there is nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... For there is nothing 5100 -tis-> nothing ......... had nothing 3756 -ou-> nothing ......... Have thou nothing 3367 -medeis-> nothing ......... him nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... I be nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... in nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... is nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... it is nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... Let nothing 3367 -medeis-> nothing ......... me nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... nothing 0848 -hautou-> nothing ......... nothing 3361 -me-> nothing ......... nothing 3367 -medeis-> nothing ......... nothing 3385 -meti-> nothing ......... nothing 3739 -hos-> nothing ......... nothing 3756 -ou-> nothing ......... nothing 3762 -oudeis-> Nothing ......... Nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... nothing 3777 -oute-> nothing ......... nothing 4487 -rhema-> nothing ......... nothing 5100 -tis-> nothing ......... nothing 5101 -tis-> nothing ......... of nothing 3367 -medeis-> nothing ......... of nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... of you : for in nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... that in nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... that nothing 3367 -medeis-> nothing ......... that nothing 5100 -tis-> nothing ......... that there is nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... thee , are nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... There is nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... thou nothing 3762 -oudeis-> nothing ......... to nothing 0114 -atheteo-> nothing ......... when he is nothing 3367 -medeis-> nothing ......... with them , nothing 3367 -medeis-> nothing ......... you nothing 3762 -oudeis-> preaching ......... and my preaching 2782 -kerugma-> preaching ......... and preaching 2097 -euaggelizo-> preaching ......... and preaching 2784 -kerusso-> preaching ......... and the preaching 2782 -kerugma-> preaching ......... For the preaching 3056 -logos-> preaching ......... in preaching the gospel 2098 -euaggelion-> preaching ......... is our preaching 2782 -kerugma-> preaching ......... me ; that by me the preaching 2782 -kerugma-> preaching ......... of preaching 2782 -kerugma-> preaching ......... preaching 1256 -dialegomai-> preaching ......... preaching 2097 -euaggelizo-> preaching ......... preaching 2782 -kerugma-> Preaching ......... Preaching 2784 -kerusso-> preaching ......... preaching 2784 -kerusso-> preaching ......... preaching 2980 -laleo-> preaching ......... the preaching 2782 -kerugma-> reaching ......... and reaching 1901 -epekteinomai-> refreshing ......... of refreshing 0403 -anapsuxis-> rushing ......... as of a rushing 5342 -phero-> Searching ......... Searching 2045 -ereunao-> shine ......... did shine 2989 -lampo-> shine ......... shall shine 5316 -phaino-> shine ......... shine 1584 -eklampo-> shine ......... shine 2989 -lampo-> shine ......... should shine 0826 -augazo-> shine ......... to shine 2989 -lampo-> shine ......... to shine 5316 -phaino-> shine ......... ye shine 5316 -phaino-> shined ......... hath shined 2989 -lampo-> shined ......... shined 2989 -lampo-> shined ......... there shined 4015 -periastrapto-> shineth ......... and shineth 5316 -phaino-> shineth ......... shineth 2989 -lampo-> shineth ......... shineth 5316 -phaino-> shineth ......... that shineth 5316 -phaino-> shining ......... and a shining 5316 -phaino-> shining ......... by them in shining 0797 -astrapto-> shining ......... shining 0796 -astrape-> shining ......... shining 4034 -perilampo-> shining ......... shining 4744 -stilbo-> something ......... himself to be something 5100 -tis-> something ......... something 5100 -tis-> something ......... something more 0197 -akribesteron-> something ......... that something should be given 1325 -didomi-> stretching ......... By stretching 1614 -ekteino-> teaching ......... And he was teaching 1321 -didasko-> teaching ......... and teaching 1321 -didasko-> teaching ......... as he was teaching 1321 -didasko-> teaching ......... he was teaching 1321 -didasko-> teaching ......... me , teaching 1321 -didasko-> teaching ......... teaching 1319 -didaskalia-> teaching ......... teaching 1321 -didasko-> Teaching ......... Teaching 1321 -didasko-> Teaching ......... Teaching 3811 -paideuo-> teaching ......... unto him as he was teaching 1321 -didasko-> teaching ......... with you teaching 1321 -didasko-> thine ......... and thine 3588 -ho-> thine ......... and thine 4674 -sos-> thine ......... and thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... are thine 4674 -sos-> thine ......... but thine 4674 -sos-> thine ......... For thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... from thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... he thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... in thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... is in thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... is thine 4674 -sos-> thine ......... me ; for they are thine 4671 -soi-> thine ......... not in thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... not thine 1438 -heautou-> thine ......... of thine 4671 -soi-> thine ......... of thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... out of thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... own ? Is thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... sake and thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... shall be thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... take thine ease 0373 -anapano-> thine ......... that is in thine 2398 -idios-> thine ......... that is in thine 4674 -sos-> thine ......... that is in thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... that is thine 4674 -sos-> thine ......... that thine 4674 -sos-> thine ......... That thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... thine 3588 -ho-> thine ......... thine 4572 -seautou-> thine ......... thine 4671 -soi-> Thine ......... Thine 4674 -sos-> thine ......... thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... thine alms 1654 -eleemosune-> thine ......... thine eye is evil 4190 -poneros-> thine ......... thou me with thine 4572 -seautou-> thine ......... to thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... unto him , Out of thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... unto thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... upon thee , that thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... was it not in thine 4674 -sos-> thine ......... was it not thine 4671 -soi-> thine ......... were thine 4675 -sou-> thine ......... with thine 4675 -sou-> thing ......... a thing incredible 0571 -apistos-> thing ......... any thing be revealed 0601 -apokalupto-> thing ......... any thing hid 0614 -apokruphos-> thing ......... any thing to the charge 2596 -kata-> thing ......... in that thing which 3739 -hos-> thing ......... it as a thing offered 1494 -eidolothuton-> thing ......... one thing , some 0243 -allos-> thing ......... Shall the thing 4110 -plasma-> thing ......... that thing ; thing ......... the thing , he came 2064 -erchomai-> thing ......... the thing which is good 0018 -agathos-> thing ......... thing , and hath done 1796 -enubrizo-> thing ......... thing , and not only 3440 -monon-> thing ......... thing , and some 0243 -allos-> thing ......... thing , and that there be no 3361 -me-> thing ......... thing , and what 3588 -ho-> thing ......... thing , but to love 0025 -agapao-> thing ......... thing , have compassion 4697 -splagchnizomai-> thing ......... thing , he knoweth 1097 -ginosko-> thing ......... thing , I forgive 5483 -charizomai-> thing ......... thing , in faith 4102 -pistis-> thing ......... thing , it shall not hurt 0984 -blapto-> thing ......... thing , let them ask 1905 -eperotao-> thing ......... thing , neither 3777 -oute-> thing ......... thing , neither any 3956 -pas-> thing ......... thing , nor 3777 -oute-> thing ......... thing , or 2228 -e-> thing ......... thing , save 1508 -ei me-> thing ......... thing , seeing he giveth 1325 -didomi-> thing ......... thing , that he which hath begun 1728 - enarchomai-> thing ......... thing , that one 3391 -mia-> thing ......... thing , that the ministry 1248 -diakonia-> thing ......... thing , that ye know 1492 -eido-> thing ......... thing , that ye sorrowed 3076 -lupeo-> thing ......... thing , to whom 3739 -hos-> thing ......... thing . thing ......... thing . ) thing ......... thing 1520 -heis-> thing ......... thing 3056 -logos-> thing ......... thing 4229 -pragma-> thing ......... thing 4487 -rhema-> thing ......... thing 5313 -hupsoma-> thing ......... thing : for to will 2309 -thelo-> thing ......... thing : sell 4453 -poleo-> thing ......... thing ; and I will receive 1523 -eisdechomai-> thing ......... thing ; but that it should be holy 0040 -hagios-> thing ......... thing ; Is it lawful 1832 -exesti-> thing ......... thing ? thing ......... thing ? And they said 2036 -epo-> thing ......... thing according 2596 -kata-> thing ......... thing among 1722 -en-> thing ......... thing any 1538 -hekastos-> thing ......... thing as of ourselves 1438 -heautou-> thing ......... thing at all . thing ......... thing by prayer 4335 -proseuche-> thing ......... thing come 1096 -ginomai-> thing ......... thing come 1511 -einai-> thing ......... thing concerning 4012 -peri-> thing ......... thing for a man 0435 -aner-> thing ......... thing for us , that they without 5565 -choris-> thing ......... thing from any 1536 -ei tis-> thing ......... thing from without 1855 -exothen-> thing ......... thing give thanks 2168 -eucharisteo-> thing ......... thing happened 4819 -sumbaino-> thing ......... thing I also 2532 -kai-> thing ......... thing I besought 3870 -parakaleo-> thing ......... thing I hate 3404 -miseo-> thing ......... thing I know 1492 -eido-> thing ......... thing if 1487 -ei-> thing ......... thing if 1499 -ei kai-> thing ......... thing in my name 3686 -onoma-> thing ......... thing in secret 2927 -kruptos-> thing ......... thing is God 2316 -theos-> thing ......... thing is needful 5532 -chreia-> thing ......... thing is this 3778 -houtos-> thing ......... thing is true 0257 -halon-> thing ......... thing kept 1096 -ginomai-> thing ......... thing made 1096 -ginomai-> thing ......... thing of him . thing ......... thing of the Lord 2962 -kurios-> thing ......... thing of thyself 1438 -heautou-> thing ......... thing out of his house 3614 -oikia-> thing ......... thing shall I do 4160 -poieo-> thing ......... thing that defileth 2840 -koinoo-> thing ......... thing that I should be judged 0350 -anakrino-> thing ......... thing that is common 2839 -koinos-> thing ......... thing that is contrary 0480 -antikeimai-> thing ......... thing that the heart 2588 -kardia-> thing ......... thing that they shall ask 0154 -aiteo-> thing ......... thing thereon 0846 -autos-> thing ......... thing thou lackest 5302 -hustereo-> thing ......... thing to all 3956 -pas-> thing ......... thing to any 3762 -oudeis-> thing ......... thing to be unclean 2839 -koinos-> thing ......... thing to fall 1706 -empipto-> thing ......... thing to him of you , I am not ashamed 2617 - kataischuno-> thing ......... thing to say 3004 -lego-> thing ......... thing to tell 0518 -apaggello-> thing ......... thing to write 1125 -grapho-> thing ......... thing was not done 4238 -prasso-> thing ......... thing whereby 3739 -hos-> thing ......... thing which 3588 -ho-> thing ......... thing which shall be born 1080 -gennao-> thing ......... thing which was committed 3872 -parakatatheke-> thing ......... thing willingly 1635 -hekon-> thing ......... thing with God 2316 -theos-> thing ......... thing worthy 0514 -axios-> thing ......... thing ye are enriched 4148 -ploutizo-> thing ......... thing ye be otherwise 2088 -heteros-> thing ......... thing ye shall answer 0626 -apologeomai-> thing ......... to do that thing which is least 1646 -elachistos- > things ......... and from the things which are written 1125 - grapho-> things ......... and from things strangled 4156 -pniktos-> things ......... and of things in the sea 1724 -enalios-> things ......... and of those things in the which 3739 -hos-> things ......... and the things that therein 0846 -autos-> things ......... And the things that thou hast heard 0191 -akouo- > things ......... and the things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... and the things which are therein 0846 -autos-> things ......... and things in earth 1919 -epigeios-> things ......... and things under 2709 -katachthonios-> things ......... and things wherewith one 0240 -allelon-> things ......... and things which are despised 1848 -exoutheneo-> things ......... are , and the things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... are the things which 3588 -ho-> things ......... as of things that are made 4160 -poieo-> things ......... But I say , that the things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... but the things that be of men 0444 -anthropos-> things ......... but the things which are not seen 0991 -blepo-> things ......... But those things , which 3739 -hos-> things ......... by the things that are made 4161 -poiema-> things ......... by the things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... for such things must 1163 -dei-> things ......... for the things concerning 4012 -peri-> things ......... for the things of itself 1438 -heautou-> things ......... for the things of the Lord 2962 -kurios-> things ......... for the things of the world 2889 -kosmos-> things ......... for the things that are of the world 2889 - kosmos-> things ......... for the things that belong to the Lord 2962 - kurios-> things ......... for the things which are seen 0991 -blepo-> things ......... him : but the things which come 1607 - ekporeuomai-> things ......... in things pertaining to God 2316 -theos-> things ......... in those things whereof 3739 -hos-> things ......... into those things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... not on things on 1909 -epi-> things ......... not the things of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> things ......... not the things that be of God 2316 -theos-> things ......... not the things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... not those things which 3739-> things ......... not those things which 3739-> things ......... of God of things not seen 0991 -blepo-> things ......... of such things as I supposed 5282 -huponoeo-> things ......... of such things as ye have 1751 -eneimi-> things ......... of the things 4229 -pragma-> things ......... of the things of the temple 2411 -hieron-> things ......... of the things pertaining 4012 -peri-> things ......... of the things that they understand 0050 -agnoeo- > things ......... of the things that were sold 4097 -piprasko-> things ......... of the things which concern 4012 -peri-> things ......... of the things which he possessed 5224 - huparchonta-> things ......... of the things which he possesseth 5224 - huparchonta-> things ......... of the things which we have spoken 3004 -lego-> things ......... of these things 3056 -logos-> things ......... of these things whereof 3739 -hos-> things ......... of these things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... of things 4229 -pragma-> things ......... of things in heaven 2032 -epouranios-> things ......... of things in the heavens 3772 -ouranos-> things ......... of things made 2092 -hetoimos-> things ......... of things not seen 0991 -blepo-> things ......... of things pertaining to this life 0982 - biotikos-> things ......... of things to come 3195 -mello-> things ......... of things which do appear 5316 -phaino-> things ......... of things without 0280 -ametros-> things ......... of those things 3056 -logos-> things ......... of those things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... on the things of others 2087 -heteros-> things ......... on things above 0507 -ano-> things ......... shall those things be , which 3739 -hos-> things ......... such things as are set 3908 -paratithemi-> things ......... such things as they give 3844 -para-> things ......... that the things that I write 1125 -grapho-> things ......... that the things which happened unto me have fallen 2064 -erchomai-> things ......... that things which 3588 -ho-> things ......... that those things , whereof they were informed 2727 -katecheo-> things ......... that those things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... the things 0846 -autos-> things ......... the things concerning 4012 -peri-> things ......... the things contained in the law 3551 -nomos-> things ......... the things done in his body 4983 -soma-> things ......... the things of a man 0444 -anthropos-> things ......... the things of God 2316 -theos-> things ......... the things of the flesh 4561 -sarx-> things ......... the things of the Lord 2962 -kurios-> things ......... the things of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> things ......... the things that are Caesar s 2541 -Kaisar-> things ......... the things that are freely given 5483 - charizomai-> things ......... the things that are God s 2316 -theos-> things ......... the things that are in the world 2889 -kosmos-> things ......... the things that are more excellent 1308 - diaphero-> things ......... the things that are wanting 3007 -leipo-> things ......... the things that he did 4160 -poieo-> things ......... the things that I purpose 1011 -bouleuo-> things ......... the things that shall befall 4876 -sunantao-> things ......... the things that they had heard 0191 -akouo-> things ......... the things that were commanded 1299 -diatasso-> things ......... the things that were done 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... the things that ye see 0991 -blepo-> things ......... the things that ye would 2309 -thelo-> things ......... the things whereof 3739 -hos-> things ......... the things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... the things which are Caesar s 2541 -Kaisar-> things ......... the things which are come 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... The things which are impossible 0102 -adunatos-> things ......... the things which are mighty 2478 -ischuros-> things ......... the things which are not seen 0991 -blepo-> things ......... the things which are seen 0991 -blepo-> things ......... the things which be Caesar s 2541 -Kaisar-> things ......... the things which be God s 2316 -theos-> things ......... the things which belong unto thy peace 1515 - eirene-> things ......... the things which make 3753 -hote-> things ......... the things which remain 3062 -loipoy-> things ......... the things which were done 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... the things which were sent from you , an odour 3744 -osme-> things ......... the things which were spoken 3004 -lego-> things ......... thee things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... their own , not the things which are Jesus 2424 -Iesous-> things ......... themselves from things offered 1494 - eidolothuton-> things ......... these things , he was troubled 5015 -tarasso-> things ......... these things before 4267 -proginosko-> things ......... these things must 1163 -dei-> things ......... these things unto them , he sent 0649 - apostello-> things ......... they be things in earth 1093 -ge-> things ......... they the things which were spoken 3004 -lego-> things ......... things , a certain 5100 -tis-> things ......... things , all 3956 -pas-> things ......... things , and be rejected 0593 -apodokimazo-> things ......... things , and be set 1847 -exoudenoo-> things ......... things , and before Christ 5547 -Christos-> things ......... things , and bring 5179 -tupos-> things ......... things , and by him all 3956 -pas-> things ......... things , and by whom 3739 -hos-> things ......... things , and do count 2233 -hegeomai-> things ......... things , and doest 4160 -poieo-> things ......... things , and for thy pleasure 2307 -thelema-> things ......... things , and fowls 4071 -peteinon-> things ......... things , and heard 0191 -akouo-> things ......... things , and is truth 0227 -alethes-> things ......... things , and keep 2722 -katecho-> things ......... things , and likewise 3668 -homoios-> things ......... things , and needest 5532 -chreia-> things ......... things , and now 2236 -hedista-> things ......... things , and to enter 1525 -eiserchomai-> things ......... things , and we by him . things ......... things , and we in him ; and one 1520 -heis-> things ......... things , and wrote 1125 -grapho-> things ......... things , and ye believe 4100 -pisteuo-> things ......... things , as Moses 3475 -Moseus-> things ......... things , as silver 0694 -argurion-> things ......... things , as they also 2548 -kakeinos-> things ......... things , be diligent 4704 -spoudazo-> things ......... things , before 4314 -pros-> things ......... things , behold 2400 -idou-> things ......... things , believeth 4100 -pisteuo-> things ......... things , both 5037 -te-> things ......... things , brethren 0080 -adephos-> things ......... things , but condescend 4879 -sunapago-> things ......... things , but every 1538 -hekastos-> things ......... things , but now 3570 -nuni-> things ......... things , by whom 3739 -hos-> things ......... things , dearly beloved 0027 -agapetos-> things ......... things , disobedient 0545 -apeithes-> things ......... things , endure 2553 -kakopatheo-> things ......... things , endureth 5278 -hupomeno-> things ......... things , from which 3739 -hos-> things ......... things , God 2316 -theos-> things ......... things , happy 3107 -makarios-> things ......... things , having 2192 -echo-> things ......... things , having more 0197 -akribesteron-> things ......... things , he added 4369 -prostithemi-> things ......... things , he cried 5455 -phoneo-> things ......... things , he marvelled 2296 -thaumazo-> things ......... things , he said 2036 -epo-> things ......... things , hopeth 1679 -elpizo-> things ......... things , how that so 3779 -houto-> things ......... things , I will make 2525 -kathistemi-> things ......... things , in bringing 0071 -ago-> things ......... things , in which 3739 -hos-> things ......... things , is it a great 3173 -megas-> things ......... things , know 1097 -ginosko-> things ......... things , lest 3361 -me-> things ......... things , may abound 4052 -perisseuo-> things ......... things , my brethren 0080 -adephos-> things ......... things , not only 3440 -monon-> things ......... things , not seeking 2212 -zeteo-> things ......... things , shew 5319 -phaneroo-> things ......... things , that it should be so 3779 -houto-> things ......... things , their duty 3784 -opheilo-> things ......... things , they held 2270 -hesuchazo-> things ......... things , they were cut 1282 -diaprio-> things ......... things , thou shalt be a good 2570 -kalos-> things ......... things , though 2539 -kaiper-> things ......... things , to draw 0645 -apospao-> things ......... things , were filled 4130 -pletho-> things ......... things , whatsoever 0302 -an-> things ......... things , whereof 3739 -hos-> things ......... things , which 3588 -ho-> things ......... things , which 3739 -hos-> things ......... things , while they beheld 0991 -blepo-> things ......... things , ye shall never 4219 -pote-> things ......... things , yea 2532 -kai-> things ......... things , yet 1161 -de-> things ......... things . things ......... things . ) things ......... things . Behold 2400 -idou-> things ......... things . Now 3767 -oun-> things ......... things . Then 5119 -tote-> things ......... things 0018 -agathos-> things ......... things 3056 -logos-> things ......... things 4229 -pragma-> things ......... things 4487 -rhema-> things ......... things 5023 -tauta-> things ......... things : things ......... things : and an evil 4190 -poneros-> things ......... things : and they derided 1592 -ekmukterizo-> things ......... things : and this 5124 -touto-> things ......... things : and we know 1492 -eido-> things ......... things : another 3739 -hos-> things ......... things : but he answered 0611 -apokrinomai-> things ......... things : but now 3568 -nun-> things ......... things : enter 1525 -eiserchomai-> things ......... things : for this 5124 -touto-> things ......... things : neither have I written 1125 -grapho-> things ......... things : nevertheless 0235 -alla-> things ......... things : to whom 0846 -autos-> things ......... things ; things ......... things ; and follow 1377 -dioko-> things ......... things ; and holy 0040 -hagios-> things ......... things ; and how 4459 -pos-> things ......... things ; and I will be his God 2316 -theos-> things ......... things ; and the rich 4147 -plouteo-> things ......... things ; give 2468 -isthi-> things ......... things ; hold 2722 -katecho-> things ......... things ; in which 3739 -hos-> things ......... things ; not answering 0488 -antimetreo-> things ......... things ; thou knowest 1097 -ginosko-> things ......... things ? things ......... things ? And he desired 2212 -zeteo-> things ......... things ? And they said 2036 -epo-> things ......... things ? and what 5101 -tis-> things ......... things ? and who 5101 -tis-> things ......... things ? for out of the abundance 4051 - perisseuma-> things ......... things ? If 1487 -ei-> things ......... things ? or 2228 -e-> things ......... things ? They say 3004 -lego-> things ......... things ? verily 0281 -amen-> things ......... things ? We also 2532 -kai-> things ......... things according 2596 -kata-> things ......... things after 2596 -kata-> things ......... things against 2596 -kata-> things ......... things also 2532 -kai-> things ......... things always 1539 -hekastote-> things ......... things and blasphemies 0988 -blasphemia-> things ......... things approving 4921 -sunistao-> things ......... things are an allegory 0238 -allegoreo-> things ......... things are become 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... things are by the law 3551 -nomos-> things ......... things are clean 2513 -katharos-> things ......... things are delivered 3860 -paradidomi-> things ......... things are done 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... things are for your 5209 -humas-> things ......... things are good 2570 -kalos-> things ......... things are hidden 2990 -lanthano-> things ......... things are honest 4586 -semnos-> things ......... things are just 1342 -dikaios-> things ......... things are lawful 1832 -exesti-> things ......... things are lovely 4375 -prosphiles-> things ......... things are naked 1131 -gumnos-> things ......... things are not expedient 4851 -sumphero-> things ......... things are now 2236 -hedista-> things ......... things are of God 2316 -theos-> things ......... things are of good 2163 -euphemos-> things ......... things are passed 0565 -aperchomai-> things ......... things are passed 3928 -parerchomai-> things ......... things are possible 1415 -dunatos-> things ......... things are pure 0053 -hagnos-> things ......... things are pure 2513 -katharos-> things ......... things are put 5293 -hupotasso-> things ......... things are ready 2092 -hetoimos-> things ......... things are true 0227 -alethes-> things ......... things are worthy 0514 -axios-> things ......... things are yours 5216 -humon-> things ......... things as a man 0444 -anthropos-> things ......... things as ye have 3918 -pareimi-> things ......... things be ? things ......... things be ? and what 5101 -tis-> things ......... things be done 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... things be fulfilled 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... things be in you , and abound 4121 -pleonazo-> things ......... things before 1909 -epi-> things ......... things begin 0756 -archomai-> things ......... things being absent 0548 -apeimi-> things ......... things blasphemously 0987 -blasphemeo-> things ......... things but loss 2209 -zemia-> things ......... things by Jesus 2424 -Iesous-> things ......... things by mouth 3056 -logos-> things ......... things by parables 3850 -parabole-> things ......... things by the word 4487 -rhema-> things ......... things came 0191 -akouo-> things ......... things came 2064 -erchomai-> things ......... things cannot 0368 -anantirrhetos-> things ......... things come 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... things come 1607 -ekporeuomai-> things ......... things cometh 2064 -erchomai-> things ......... things command 3853 -paraggello-> things ......... things common 2839 -koinos-> things ......... things concerning 4012 -peri-> things ......... things consist 4921 -sunistao-> things ......... things continue 1265 -diameno-> things ......... things contrary 1727 -enantios-> things ......... things created 2936 -ktizo-> things ......... things declare 1718 -emphanizo-> things ......... things do 4160 -poieo-> things ......... things do the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos-> things ......... things do the nations 1484 -ethnos-> things ......... things edify 3618 -oikodomeo-> things ......... things entering 1531 -eisporeuomai-> things ......... things for the elect s 1588 -eklektos-> things ......... things from the very first 0509 -anothen-> things ......... things from the wise 4680 -sophos-> things ......... things give in charge 3853 -paraggello-> things ......... things God 2316 -theos-> things ......... things happened 4819 -sumbaino-> things ......... things hard 1425 -dusnoetos-> things ......... things have 2192 -echo-> things ......... things have I kept 5442 -phulasso-> things ......... things have I spoken 2980 -laleo-> things ......... things have I told 2980 -laleo-> things ......... things have I written 1125 -grapho-> things ......... things he did 4160 -poieo-> things ......... things he might have the preeminence 4409 - proteuo-> things ......... things he ministered 1247 -diakoneo-> things ......... things he must 1163 -dei-> things ......... things he went 1831 -exerchomai-> things ......... things hence 1782 -enteuthen-> things ......... things honest 2570 -kalos-> things ......... things I am instructed 3453 -mueo-> things ......... things I command 1781 -entellomai-> things ......... things I have kept 5083 -tereo-> things ......... things I have kept 5083 -tereo-> things ......... things I have spoken 2980 -laleo-> things ......... things I heard 0191 -akouo-> things ......... things I said 2036 -epo-> things ......... things I saw 1492 -eido-> things ......... things I say 3004 -lego-> things ......... things I speak 2980 -laleo-> things ......... things I will 1014 -boo -lom -ahee-> things ......... things in a green 5200 -hugros-> things ......... things in Christ 5547 -Christos-> things ......... things in heaven 3772 -ouranos-> things ......... things in his exhortation 3870 -parakaleo-> things ......... things in subjection 5293 -hupotasso-> things ......... things in the churches 1577 -ekklesia-> things ......... things in vain 1500 -eike-> things ......... things in your 5216 -humon-> things ......... things indeed 3303 -men-> things ......... things into 1519 -eis-> things ......... things into 1722 -en-> things ......... things is at 1448 -eggizo-> things ......... things is blind 5185 -tuphlos-> things ......... things is death 2288 -thanatos-> things ......... things is God 2316 -theos-> things ......... things it behoved 3784 -opheilo-> things ......... things Jesus 2424 -Iesous-> things ......... things live 2068 -esthio-> things ......... things may be glorified 1392 -doxazo-> things ......... things mean 1511 -einai-> things ......... things meant 1498 -eien-> things ......... things must 1163 -dei-> things ......... things new 2537 -kainos-> things ......... things of darkness 4655 -skotos-> things ......... things of dishonesty 0152 -aischune-> things ......... things of God 2316 -theos-> things ......... things of him ; and he hoped 1679 -elpizo-> things ......... things of him from the creation 2937 -ktisis-> things ......... things of many 4183 -polus-> things ......... things of the elders 4245 -presbuteros-> things ......... things of the world 2889 -kosmos-> things ......... things of you , and things that accompany 2192 - echo-> things ......... things of you , and things that accompany 2192 - echo-> things ......... things of your 2398 -idios-> things ......... things offered 1494 -eidolothuton-> things ......... things on 1722 -en-> things ......... things ought 5534 -chre-> things ......... things Paul 3972 -Paulos-> things ......... things present 1764 -enistemi-> things ......... things put 5279 -hupomimnesko-> things ......... things put 5293 -hupotasso-> things ......... things put on charity 0026 -agape-> things ......... things sacrificed 1494 -eidolothuton-> things ......... things said 2036 -epo-> things ......... things saith 3004 -lego-> things ......... things sake the wrath 3709 -orge-> things ......... things serveth 1398 -douleuo-> things ......... things shall be added 4369 -prostithemi-> things ......... things shall be dissolved 3089 -luo-> things ......... things shall be fulfilled 4931 -sunteleo-> things ......... things shall be performed 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... things shall be subdued 5293 -hupotasso-> things ......... things shall come 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... things shall come 2240 -heko-> things ......... things shall live 2198 -zao-> things ......... things shall not inherit 2816 -kleronomeo-> things ......... things shewing 3930 -parecho-> things ......... things should 3195 -mello-> things ......... things so 3779 -houto-> things ......... things soever 0302 -an-> things ......... things soever 1437 -ean-> things ......... things spake 2980 -laleo-> things ......... things speak 2980 -laleo-> things ......... things teach 1321 -didasko-> things ......... things than that of Abel 0006 -Abel-> things ......... things than these 5130 -touton-> things ......... things than those which 3739 -hos-> things ......... things that are : things ......... things that are commanded 4367 -prostasso-> things ......... things that are excellent 1308 -diaphero-> things ......... things that are offered 1494 -eidolothuton-> things ......... things that are pleasing 0701 -arestos-> things ......... things that are reproved 1651 -elegcho-> things ......... things that are shaken 4531 -saleuo-> things ......... things that are therein 0846 -autos-> things ......... things that are without 3924 -parektos-> things ......... things that are written 1125 -grapho-> things ......... things that ever 3745 -hosos-> things ......... things that God 2316 -theos-> things ......... things that he did 4160 -poieo-> things ......... things that he saw 1492 -eido-> things ......... things that himself 0846 -autos-> things ......... things that I have heard 0191 -akouo-> things ......... things that John 2491 -Ioannes-> things ......... things that offend 4625 -skandalon-> things ......... things that pertain to this life 0982 -biotikos- > things ......... things that pertain unto life 2222 -zoe-> things ......... things that please 0701 -arestos-> things ......... things that shall come 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... things that should come 2064 -erchomai-> things ......... things that the Father 3962 -pater-> things ......... things that thou mayest prosper 2137 -euodoo-> things ......... things that were done 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... things the angels 0032 -aggelos-> things ......... things the Lord 2962 -kurios-> things ......... things themselves 0846 -autos-> things ......... things there be , which 3739 -hos-> things ......... things therefore 3767 -oun-> things ......... things therein 0846 -autos-> things ......... things thereon 0846 -autos-> things ......... things they corrupt 5351 -phtheiro-> things ......... things they had seen 1492 -eido-> things ......... things they were which 3739 -hos-> things ......... things they witness 2649 -katamartureo-> things ......... things this 4594 -semeron-> things ......... things through 1722 -en-> things ......... things to all 3956 -pas-> things ......... things to come 3195 -mello-> things ......... things to day 4594 -semeron-> things ......... things to enjoy 0619 -apolausis-> things ......... things to his disciples 3101 -mathetes-> things ......... things to me . things ......... things to our ears 0189 -akoe-> things ......... things to say 2980 -laleo-> things ......... things to say 3004 -lego-> things ......... things to say 3056 -logos-> things ......... things to shame 1788 -entrepo-> things ......... things to the church 1577 -ekklesia-> things ......... things to them that ask 0154 -aiteo-> things ......... things to write 1125 -grapho-> things ......... things to write 1125-> things ......... things to write 1125-> things ......... things to you , to me indeed 3303 -men-> things ......... things to you in truth 0225 -aletheia-> things ......... things to your 5209 -humas-> things ......... things under 5259 -hupo-> things ......... things under 5293 -hupotasso-> things ......... things understood 1097 -ginosko-> things ......... things unto God 2316 -theos-> things ......... things unto her . things ......... things unto him . things ......... things unto himself 0848 -hautou-> things ......... things unto himself 1438 -heautou-> things ......... things unto James 2385 -Iakobos-> things ......... things unto the apostles 0652 -apostolos-> things ......... things unto the eleven 1733 -hendeka-> things ......... things unto them , behold 2400 -idou-> things ......... things unto them , forbearing 0447 -aniemi-> things ......... things unto them , the scribes 1122 -grammateus- > things ......... things unto them in parables 3850 -parabole-> things ......... things unto this 0737 -arti-> things ......... things unto you , sorrow 3077 -lupe-> things ......... things unto you , than 2228 -e-> things ......... things we are more 5245 -hupernikao-> things ......... things we offend 4417 -ptaio-> things ......... things well 2573 -kalos-> things ......... things were created 2936 -ktizo-> things ......... things were done 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... things were done in the way 3598 -hodos-> things ......... things were ended 4137 -pleroo-> things ......... things were gain 2771 -kerdos-> things ......... things were made 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... things were now 2236 -hedista-> things ......... things were our examples 5179 -tupos-> things ......... things were so 3779 -houto-> things ......... things were thus 3779 -houto-> things ......... things were written 1125 -grapho-> things ......... things were written 4270 -prographo-> things ......... things whatsoever 0302 -an-> things ......... things whatsoever 3745 -hosos-> things ......... things which 3588 -ho-> things ......... things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... things which 3745 -hosos-> things ......... things which are above 0507 -ano-> things ......... things which are before 1715 -emprosthen-> things ......... things which are behind 3694 -opiso-> things ......... things which are coming 1904 -eperchomai-> things ......... things which are commanded 1299 -diatasso-> things ......... things which are done 1096 -ginomai-> things ......... things which are needful 2006 -epitedeios-> things ......... things which are not convenient 2520 -katheko-> things ......... things which are offered 1494 -eidolothuton-> things ......... things which are written 1125 -grapho-> things ......... things which be not as though they were . things ......... things which cannot 3361 -me-> things ......... things which concern 4012 -peri-> things ......... things which had happened 4819 -sumbaino-> things ......... things which have been kept secret 2928 -krupto- > things ......... things which pertain to God 2316 -theos-> things ......... things which Philip 5376 -Philippos-> things ......... things which were spoken 2980 -laleo-> things ......... things which were spoken 3004 -lego-> things ......... things which were to be spoken 2980 -laleo-> things ......... things which were told 2980 -laleo-> things ......... things which were written 1125 -grapho-> things ......... things will 3195 -mello-> things ......... things will they do 4160 -poieo-> things ......... things willing 2309 -thelo-> things ......... things with spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> things ......... things without 0895 -apsuchos-> things ......... things without 5565 -choris-> things ......... things work 4903 -sunergeo-> things ......... things worthy 0514 -axios-> things ......... things write 1125 -grapho-> things ......... things ye are too 1174 -deisidaimonesteros-> things ......... things ye do 4160 -poieo-> things ......... things ye have 2192 -echo-> things ......... things ye have approved 4921 -sunistao-> things ......... things ye have seen 1492 -eido-> things ......... things your 3588 -ho-> things ......... those things that we have 2192 -echo-> things ......... those things which 3588 -ho-> things ......... those things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... thou in the things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... thou the things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... to the things which we have heard 0191 -akouo-> things ......... touching those things whereof ye accuse 2723 - kategoreo-> things ......... unto the things which were spoken 2980 -laleo-> things ......... up those things which 3739 -hos-> things ......... us with such things as were necessary 5532 - chreia-> things ......... yea , and things which 3588 -ho-> things ......... you things to come 2064 -erchomai-> think ......... an one think 3049 -logizomai-> think ......... and I think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... And think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... as ye think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... but to think 5426 -phroneo-> think ......... do : for they think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... Do not think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... Do ye think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... For I think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... for in them ye think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... for me to think 5426 -phroneo-> think ......... I think 2233 -hegeomai-> think ......... I think 3049 -logizomai-> think ......... in us not to think 5426 -phroneo-> think ......... man should think 3049 -logizomai-> think ......... man think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... man think 3543 -nomizo-> think ......... not to think 3543 -nomizo-> think ......... them , think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... they think it strange 3579 -xenizo-> think ......... think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... think 1760 -enthumeomai-> think ......... think 3049 -logizomai-> think ......... think 3539 -noieo-> Think ......... Think 3543 -nomizo-> think ......... think 3633 -oiomai-> think ......... think 5282 -huponoeo-> think ......... think 5316 -phaino-> think ......... think it not strange 3579 -xenizo-> think ......... to think 3049 -logizomai-> think ......... to think 5426 -phroneo-> think ......... we think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... when ye think 1380 -dokeo-> think ......... you , not to think 5252 -huperphroneo-> think ......... you will think 1380 -dokeo-> thinkest ......... And thinkest 3049 -logizomai-> Thinkest ......... Thinkest 1380 -dokeo-> thinkest ......... thinkest 1380 -dokeo-> thinkest ......... thou thinkest 5426 -phroneo-> thinketh ......... let him that thinketh 1380 -dokeo-> thinketh ......... man thinketh 1380 -dokeo-> thinketh ......... thinketh 3049 -logizomai-> touching ......... And as touching 4012 -peri-> touching ......... as touching 1909 -epi-> touching ......... as touching 2596 -kata-> touching ......... as touching 4012 -peri-> touching ......... As touching 4012 -peri-> touching ......... But as touching 4012 -peri-> touching ......... For as touching 4012 -peri-> touching ......... sakes : but as touching 2596 -kata-> touching ......... thee touching 4012 -peri-> Touching ......... them , Touching 4012 -peri-> touching ......... touching 1909 -epi-> touching ......... touching 2596 -kata-> touching ......... touching 4012 -peri-> touching ......... touching those things whereof ye accuse 2723 - kategoreo-> triumphing ......... triumphing 2358 -thriambeuo-> washing ......... as the washing 0909 -baptismos-> washing ......... it with the washing 3067 -loutron-> washing ......... out of them , and were washing 0637 -apopluno-> washing ......... us , by the washing 3067 -loutron-> washings ......... washings 0909 -baptismos-> watching ......... and they that were with him , watching 5083 - tereo-> watching ......... and watching 0069 -agrupneo-> watching ......... watching 1127 -gregoreuo-> watchings ......... in watchings 0070 -agrupnia-> within ......... And he from within 2081 -esothen-> within ......... and within 1223 -dia-> within ......... but are within 2081 -esothen-> within ......... but within 2081 -esothen-> within ......... For from within 2081 -esothen-> within ......... from within 2081 -esothen-> within ......... is within 1787 -entos-> within ......... that which is within 1787 -entos-> within ......... that which is within 2081 -esothen-> within ......... that within 2082 -esoteros-> within ......... them that are within 2080 -eso-> within ......... were within 2080 -eso-> within ......... within 1722 -en-> within ......... within 2080 -eso-> within ......... within 2081 -esothen-> within ......... within 4314 -pros->