-echidna- ......... a viper 2191 -echidna- > -echidna- ......... of vipers 2191 -echidna- > -hidros- ......... and his sweat 2402 -hidros- > hid ......... and hid 0613 -apokrupto-> hid ......... and hid 1470 -ekgrupto-> hid ......... and hid 2927 -kruptos-> hid ......... and hid 2928 -krupto-> hid ......... and hid 4032 -perikrupto-> hid ......... and it was hid 3871 -parakalupto-> hid ......... any thing hid 0614 -apokruphos-> hid ......... are hid 0614 -apokruphos-> hid ......... be hid 2572 -kalupto-> hid ......... be hid 2928 -krupto-> hid ......... hath been hid 0613 -apokrupto-> hid ......... hid 2927 -kruptos-> hid ......... hid 2928 -krupto-> hid ......... is hid 2928 -krupto-> hid ......... it is hid 2572 -kalupto-> hid ......... man , hid 2928 -krupto-> hid ......... neither hid 2927 -kruptos-> hid ......... not be hid 2990 -lanthano-> hid ......... that she was not hid 2990 -lanthano-> hid ......... that thou hast hid 0613 -apokrupto-> hid ......... they are hid 2928 -krupto-> hid ......... thou hast hid 0613 -apokrupto-> hid ......... was hid 2928 -krupto-> hidden ......... But let it be the hidden 2927 -kruptos-> hidden ......... even the hidden 0613 -apokrupto-> hidden ......... of the hidden 2928 -krupto-> hidden ......... the hidden 2927 -kruptos-> hidden ......... things are hidden 2990 -lanthano-> hide ......... and did hide 2928 -krupto-> hide ......... and shall hide 2572 -kalupto-> hide ......... us , and hide 2928 -krupto-> hideth ......... he hideth 2928 -krupto->