shewed ......... And he shewed 0518 -apaggello-> shewed ......... And he shewed 1166 -deiknuo-> shewed ......... and shewed 0312 -anaggello-> shewed ......... and shewed 0518 -apaggello-> shewed ......... and shewed 1096 -ginomai-> shewed ......... and shewed 1166 -deiknuo-> shewed ......... But shewed 0518 -apaggello-> shewed ......... had shewed 3170 -megaluno-> shewed ......... had shewed 4293 -prokataggello-> shewed ......... hath shewed 1166 -deiknuo-> shewed ......... hath shewed 1213 -deloo-> shewed ......... hath shewed 5319 -phaneroo-> shewed ......... have I shewed 1166 -deiknuo-> shewed ......... He hath shewed 4160 -poieo-> shewed ......... he shewed 1166 -deiknuo-> shewed ......... he shewed 1925 -epideiknumi-> shewed ......... he shewed 3700 -optanomai-> shewed ......... he shewed 3936 -paristemi-> shewed ......... He that shewed 4160 -poieo-> shewed ......... I have shewed 5263 -hupodeiknumi-> shewed ......... not for his sake that shewed 3377 -menuo-> shewed ......... people shewed 3930 -parecho-> shewed ......... shewed 0518 -apaggello-> shewed ......... shewed 1166 -deiknuo-> shewed ......... shewed 3377 -menuo-> shewed ......... shewed 4293 -prokataggello-> shewed ......... shewed 5319 -phaneroo-> shewed ......... that hath shewed 4160 -poieo-> shewed ......... that thou hast shewed 1718 -emphanizo-> shewed ......... them out , after that he had shewed 4160 -poieo- > shewed ......... unto you , but have shewed 0312 -anaggello-> shewed ......... was shewed 1096 -ginomai-> shewed ......... ye have shewed 1731 -endeiknumi->