Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

2265 + with the Herodians + and of the Herodians +/ . Herodianoi {hay-ro-dee-an-oy'}; plural of a derivative of 2264 + Herod + Herod s + to Herod + of Herod + for Herod + And Herod + For Herod + and Herod + yet Herod + But Herod + that Herod + in Herod s + unto Herod + When Herod + unto Herod s + him to Herod + up with Herod + And when Herod + But when Herod + But when Herod s +/ ; Herodians, i .e . partisans of Herod: --Herodians .