Greek Cross References that shows all the ways the Greek is translated from the English word.

Greek Cross References translated from English

therewith 0846 autos * {therewith} , {0846 autos } , 5125 toutois ,

therewith 5125 toutois * {therewith} , 0846 autos , {5125 toutois } ,

wherewith 3739 hos * {wherewith} , {3739 hos } , 3745 hosos , 5101 tis ,

wherewith 3745 hosos * {wherewith} , 3739 hos , {3745 hosos } , 5101 tis ,

wherewith 5101 tis * {wherewith} , 3739 hos , 3745 hosos , {5101 tis } ,

wherewithal 5101 tis * {wherewithal} , {5101 tis } ,