Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
beheld ^ Act_17_23 For <1063> as I passed by <1330> (5740), and <2532> {beheld} <0333> (5723) your <5216> devotions <4574>, <2532> I found <2147> (5627) an altar <1041> with this <1722> <3739> inscription <1924> (5718), TO THE UNKNOWN <0057> GOD <2316>. Whom <3739> therefore <3767> ye ignorantly <0050> (5723) worship <2151> (5719), him <5126> declare <2605> (5719) I <1473> unto you <5213>.

beheld ^ Act_01_09 And <2532> when he had spoken <2036> (5631) these things <5023>, while they <0846> {beheld} <0991> (5723), he was taken up <1869> (5681); and <2532> a cloud <3507> received <5274> (5627) him <0846> out of <0575> their <0846> sight <3788>.

beheld ^ Joh_01_42 And <2532> he brought <0071> (5627) him <0846> to <4314> Jesus <2424>. And <1161> when Jesus <2424> {beheld} <1689> (5660) him <0846>, he said <2036> (5627), Thou <4771> art <1488> (5748) Simon <4613> the son <5207> of Jona <2495>: thou <4771> shalt be called <2564> (5701) Cephas <2786>, which <3739> is by interpretation <2059> (5743), A stone <4074>.

beheld ^ Joh_01_14 And <2532> the Word <3056> was made <1096> (5633) flesh <4561>, and <2532> dwelt <4637> (5656) among <1722> us <2254>, (and <2532> we {beheld} <2300> (5662) his <0846> glory <1391>, the glory <1391> as <5613> of the only begotten <3439> of <3844> the Father <3962>,) full <4134> of grace <5485> and <2532> truth <0225>.

beheld ^ Luk_10_18 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, I {beheld} <2334> (5707) Satan <4567> as <5613> lightning <0796> fall <4098> (5631) from <1537> heaven <3772>.

beheld ^ Luk_19_41 And <2532> when <5613> he was come near <1448> (5656), he {beheld} <1492> (5631) the city <4172>, and wept <2799> (5656) over <1909> it <0846>,

beheld ^ Luk_20_17 And <1161> he {beheld} <1689> (5660) them <0846>, and said <2036> (5627), What <5101> is <2076> (5748) this <5124> then <3767> that is written <1125> (5772), The stone <3037> which <3739> the builders <3618> (5723) rejected <0593> (5656), the same <3778> is become <1096> (5675) the head <2776> of <1519> the corner <1137>?

beheld ^ Luk_23_55 And <1161> the women <1135> also <2532>, which <3748> came <2258> (5713) <4905> (5761) with him <0846> from <1537> Galilee <1056>, followed after <2628> (5660), and {beheld} <2300> (5662) the sepulchre <3419>, and <2532> how <5613> his <0846> body <4983> was laid <5087> (5681).

beheld ^ Luk_24_12 Then <1161> arose <0450> (5631) Peter <4074>, and ran <5143> (5627) unto <1909> the sepulchre <3419>; and <2532> stooping down <3879> (5660), he {beheld} <0991> (5719) the linen clothes <3608> laid <2749> (5740) by themselves <3441>, and <2532> departed <0565> (5627), wondering <2296> (5723) in <4314> himself <1438> at that which was come to pass <1096> (5756).

beheld ^ Luk_22_56 But <1161> a certain <5100> maid <3814> {beheld} <1492> (5631) him <0846> as he sat <2521> (5740) by <4314> the fire <5457>, and <2532> earnestly looked <0816> (5660) upon him <0846>, and said <2036> (5627), This man <3778> was <2258> (5713) also <2532> with <4862> him <0846>.

beheld ^ Mar_12_41 And <2532> Jesus <2424> sat <2523> (5660) over against <2713> the treasury <1049>, and {beheld} <2334> (5707) how <4459> the people <3793> cast <0906> (5719) money <5475> into <1519> the treasury <1049>: and <2532> many <4183> that were rich <4145> cast in <0906> (5707) much <4183>.

beheld ^ Mat_19_26 But <1161> Jesus <2424> {beheld} <1689> (5660) them, and said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, With <3844> men <0444> this <5124> is <2076> (5748) impossible <0102>; but <1161> with <3844> God <2316> all things <3956> are <2076> (5748) possible <1415>.

beheld ^ Mar_15_47 And <1161> Mary <3137> Magdalene <3094> and <2532> Mary <3137> the mother of Joses <2500> {beheld} <2334> (5707) where <4226> he was laid <5087> (5743).

beheld ^ Mar_09_15 And <2532> straightway <2112> all <3956> the people <3793>, when they {beheld} <1492> (5631) him <0846>, were greatly amazed <1568> (5681), and <2532> running to <4370> (5723) him saluted <0782> (5711) him <0846>.

beheld ^ Rev_13_11 And <2532> I {beheld} <1492> (5627) another <0243> beast <2342> coming up <0305> (5723) out of <1537> the earth <1093>; and <2532> he had <2192> (5707) two <1417> horns <2768> like <3664> a lamb <0721>, and <2532> he spake <2980> (5707) as <5613> a dragon <1404>.

beheld ^ Rev_06_05 And <2532> when <3753> he had opened <0455> (5656) the third <5154> seal <4973>, I heard <0191> (5656) the third <5154> beast <2226> say <3004> (5723), Come <2064> (5736) and <2532> see <0991> (5720). And <2532> I {beheld} <1492> (5627), and <2532> lo <2400> (5628) a black <3189> horse <2462>; and <2532> he that sat <2521> (5740) on <1909> him <0846> had <2192> (5723) a pair of balances <2218> in <1722> his <0846> hand <5495>.

beheld ^ Rev_06_12 And <2532> I {beheld} <1492> (5627) when <3753> he had opened <0455> (5656) the sixth <1623> seal <4973>, and <2532>, lo <2400> (5628), there was <1096> (5633) a great <3173> earthquake <4578>; and <2532> the sun <2246> became <1096> (5633) black <3189> as <5613> sackcloth <4526> of hair <5155>, and <2532> the moon <4582> became <1096> (5633) as <5613> blood <0129>;

beheld ^ Rev_07_09 After <3326> this <5023> I {beheld} <1492> (5627), and <2532>, lo <2400> (5628), a great <4183> multitude <3793>, which <3739> no man <3762> could <1410> (5711) number <0705> (5658) <0846>, of <1537> all <3956> nations <1484>, and <2532> kindreds <5443>, and <2532> people <2992>, and <2532> tongues <1100>, stood <2476> (5761) before <1799> the throne <2362>, and <2532> before <1799> the Lamb <0721>, clothed <4016> (5772) with white <3022> robes <4749>, and <2532> palms <5404> in <1722> their <0846> hands <5495>;

beheld ^ Rev_05_06 And <2532> I {beheld} <1492> (5627), and <2532>, lo <2400> (5628), in <1722> the midst <3319> of the throne <2362> and <2532> of the four <5064> beasts <2226>, and <2532> in <1722> the midst <3319> of the elders <4245>, stood <2476> (5761) a Lamb <0721> as <5613> it had been slain <4969> (5772), having <2192> (5723) seven <2033> horns <2768> and <2532> seven <2033> eyes <3788>, which <3739> are <1526> (5748) the seven <2033> Spirits <4151> of God <2316> sent forth <0649> (5772) into <1519> all <3956> the earth <1093>.

beheld ^ Rev_05_11 And <2532> I {beheld} <1492> (5627), and <2532> I heard <0191> (5656) the voice <5456> of many <4183> angels <0032> round about <2943> the throne <2362> and <2532> the beasts <2226> and <2532> the elders <4245>: and <2532> the number <0706> of them <0846> was <2258> (5713) ten thousand <3461> times ten thousand <3461>, and <2532> thousands <5505> of thousands <5505>;

beheld ^ Rev_11_12 And <2532> they heard <0191> (5656) a great <3173> voice <5456> from <1537> heaven <3772> saying <3004> (5723) unto them <0846>, Come up <0305> (5628) hither <5602>. And <2532> they ascended up <0305> (5627) to <1519> heaven <3772> in <1722> a cloud <3507>; and <2532> their <0846> enemies <2190> {beheld} <2334> (5656) them <0846>.

beheld ^ Rev_08_13 And <2532> I {beheld} <1492> (5627), and <2532> heard <0191> (5656) an <1520> angel <0032> flying <4072> (5740) through <1722> the midst of heaven <3321>, saying <3004> (5723) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, Woe <3759>, woe <3759>, woe <3759>, to the inhabiters <2730> (5723) of <1909> the earth <1093> by reason of <1537> the other <3062> voices <5456> of the trumpet <4536> of the three <5140> angels <0032>, which <3588> are yet <3195> (5723) to sound <4537> (5721)!

held ^ Act_03_11 And <1161> as the lame man <5560> which was healed <2390> (5685) {held} <2902> (5723) Peter <4074> and <2532> John <2491>, all <3956> the people <2992> ran together <4936> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846> in <1909> the porch <4745> that is called <2564> (5746) Solomon's <4672>, greatly wondering <1569>.

held ^ Act_11_18 When <1161> they heard <0191> (5660) these things <5023>, they {held} their peace <2270> (5656), and <2532> glorified <1392> (5707) God <2316>, saying <3004> (5723), Then <0686> hath <1325> <0> God <2316> also <2534> to the Gentiles <1484> granted <1325> (5656) repentance <3341> unto <1519> life <2222>.

held ^ Act_14_04 But <1161> the multitude <4128> of the city <4172> was divided <4977> (5681): and <2532> part <3303> {held} <2258> (5713) with <4862> the Jews <2453>, and <1161> part with <4862> the apostles <0652>.

held ^ Act_15_13 And <1161> after <3326> they had {held} <4601> <0> their <0846> peace <4601> (5658), James <2385> answered <0611> (5662), saying <3004> (5723), Men <0435> and brethren <0080>, hearken <0191> (5657) unto me <3450>:

held ^ Luk_14_04 And <1161> they {held} their peace <2270> (5656). And <2532> he took <1949> (5637) him, and healed <2390> (5662) him <0846>, and <2532> let him go <0630> (5656);

held ^ Luk_20_26 And <2532> they could <2480> (5656) not <3756> take hold <1949> (5635) of his <0846> words <4487> before <1726> the people <2992>: and <2532> they marvelled <2296> (5660) at <1909> his <0846> answer <0612>, and {held} their peace <4601> (5656).

held ^ Luk_22_63 And <2532> the men <0435> that {held} <4912> (5723) Jesus <2424> mocked <1702> (5707) him <0846>, and smote <1194> (5723) him.

held ^ Mar_03_04 And <2532> he saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Is it lawful <1832> (5748) to do good <0015> (5658) on the sabbath days <4521>, or <2228> to do evil <2554> (5658)? to save <4982> (5658) life <5590>, or <2228> to kill <0615> (5658)? But <1161> they {held} their peace <4623> (5707).

held ^ Mar_09_34 But <1161> they {held} their peace <4623> (5707): for <1063> by <1722> the way <3598> they had disputed <1256> (5675) among <4314> themselves <0240>, who <5101> should be the greatest <3187>.

held ^ Mar_14_61 But <1161> he {held} his peace <4623> (5707), and <2532> answered <0611> (5662) nothing <3762>. Again <3825> the high priest <0749> asked <1905> (5707) him <0846>, and <2532> said <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Art <1488> (5748) thou <4771> the Christ <5547>, the Son <5207> of the Blessed <2128>?

held ^ Mar_15_01 And <2532> straightway <2112> in <1909> the morning <4404> the chief priests <0749> {held} <4160> (5660) a consultation <4824> with <3326> the elders <4245> and <2532> scribes <1122> and <2532> the whole <3650> council <4892>, and bound <1210> (5660) Jesus <2424>, and carried him away <0667> (5656), and <2532> delivered <3860> (5656) him to Pilate <4091>.

held ^ Mat_12_14 Then <1161> the Pharisees <5330> went out <1831> (5631), and {held} <2983> (5627) a council <4824> against <2596> him <0846>, how <3704> they might destroy <0622> (5661) him <0846>.

held ^ Mat_26_63 But <1161> Jesus <2424> {held} his peace <4623> (5707). And <2532> the high priest <0749> answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, I adjure <1844> (5719) thee <4571> by <2596> the living <2198> (5723) God <2316>, that <2443> thou tell <2036> (5632) us <2254> whether <1487> thou <4771> be <1488> (5748) the Christ <5547>, the Son <5207> of God <2316>.

held ^ Mat_28_09 And <1161> as <5613> they went <4198> (5711) to tell <0518> (5658) his <0846> disciples <3101>, <2532> behold <2400> (5628), Jesus <2424> met <0528> (5656) them <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), All hail <5463> (5720). And <1161> they came <4334> (5631) and {held} <2902> (5656) him <0846> by the feet <4228>, and <2532> worshipped <4352> (5656) him <0846>.

held ^ Rev_06_09 And <2532> when <3753> he had opened <0455> (5656) the fifth <3991> seal <4973>, I saw <1492> (5627) under <5270> the altar <2379> the souls <5590> of them that were slain <4969> (5772) for <1223> the word <3056> of God <2316>, and <2532> for <1223> the testimony <3141> which <3739> they {held} <2192> (5707):

held ^ Rom_07_06 But <1161> now <3570> we are delivered <2673> (5681) from <0575> the law <3551>, that being dead <0599> (5631) (5625) <0599> (5631) wherein <1722> <3739> we were {held} <2722> (5712); that <5620> we <2248> should serve <1398> (5721) in <1722> newness <2538> of spirit <4151>, and <2532> not <3756> in the oldness <3821> of the letter <1121>.