English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

Bathsheba 1339 -- Bath-Sheba\ -- {Bath-sheba}.

Beershebah 0884 -- B@/er Sheba\ -- {Beer-shebah}.

Chebar 3529 -- K@bar -- {Chebar}.

Elisheba 0472 -- /Eliysheba\ -- {Elisheba}.

Heber 2268 -- Cheber -- {Heber}.

Heber 5677 -- \Eber -- Eber, {Heber}.

Heberites 2277 -- Chebriy -- {Heberites}.

Hebrew 1444 ** Hebraikos ** {Hebrew}.

Hebrew 1445 ** Hebraios ** {Hebrew}.

Hebrew 1446 ** Hebrais ** {Hebrew}.

Hebrew 1447 ** Hebraisti ** in (the) {Hebrew} (tongue).

Hebrew 5680 -- \Ibriy -- {Hebrew}(-ess, woman).

Hebron 2275 -- Chebrown -- {Hebron}.

Hebron 5683 -- \Ebron -- {Hebron}.

Hebronites 2276 -- Chebrowniy -- {Hebronites}.

Jehosheba 3089 -- Y@howsheba\ -- {Jehosheba}.

Jeshebeab 3428 -- Yesheb/ab -- {Jeshebeab}.

Jochebed 3115 -- Yowkebed -- {Jochebed}.

Phebe 5402 ** Phoibe ** {Phebe}.

Sheba 7614 Sh@ba/ -- -- {Sheba}, Sabeans.

Sheba 7652 sheba\ -- -- {Sheba}.

Shebah 7656 Shib\ah -- -- {Shebah}.

Shebam 7643 S@bam -- -- {Shebam}, Shibmah, Sibmah.

Shebaniah 7645 Sh@banyah -- -- {Shebaniah}.

Shebarim 7671 Sh@bariym -- -- {Shebarim}.

Sheber 7669 Sheber -- -- {Sheber}.

Shebna 7644 Shebna/ -- -- {Shebna}, Shebnah.

Shebnah 7644 Shebna/ -- -- Shebna, {Shebnah}.

Shebuel 7619 Sh@buw/el -- -- {Shebuel}, Shubael.

Thebez 8405 -- Tebets -- {Thebez}.