be-])head 7218 ## ro>sh {roshe}; from an unused root apparently meaning to shake; the head (as most easily shaken), whether literal or figurative (in many applications, of place, time, rank, itc.): -- band, beginning, captain, chapiter, chief(-est place, man, things), company, end, X every [man], excellent, first, forefront, ([{be-])head}, height, (on) high(-est part, [priest]), X lead, X poor, principal, ruler, sum, top.[ql behead 0607 # apokephalizo {ap-ok-ef-al-id'-zo}; from 575 and 2776; to decapitate: -- {behead}.[ql behead 3990 # pelekizo {pel-ek-id'-zo}; from a derivative of 4141 (meaning an axe); to chop off (the head), i.e. truncate: -- {behead}.[ql beheaded 6202 ## aph {af}; from 599; properly, the nose or nostril; hence, the face, and occasionally a person; also (from the rapid breathing in passion) ire: -- anger(-gry), + before, countenance, face, + forebearing, {forehead}, + [long-]suffering, nose, nostril, snout, X worthy, wrath. [ql forehead 1371 ## gibbeach {ghib-bay'-akh}; from an unused root meaning to be high (in the forehead); bald in the forehead: -- {forehead} bald. [ql forehead 1372 ## gabbachath {gab-bakh'-ath}; from the same as 1371; baldness in the forehead; by analogy, a bare spot on the right side of cloth: -- bald {forehead}, X without. [ql forehead 4696 ## metsach {may'-tsakh}; from an unused root meaning to be clear, i.e. conspicuous; the forehead (as open and prominent): -- brow, {forehead}, + impudent.[ql forehead 3359 # metopon {met'-o-pon }; from 3326 and ops (the face); the forehead (as opposite the countenance): -- {forehead}. [ql godhead 2304 # theios {thi'-os}; from 2316; godlike (neuter as noun, divinity): -- divine, {godhead}.[ql godhead 2305 # theiotes {thi-ot'-ace}; from 2304; divinity (abstractly): -- {godhead}.[ql godhead 2320 # theotes {theh-ot'-ace}; from 2316; divinity (abstractly): -- {godhead}.[ql grayheaded 7867 ## siyb {seeb}; a primitive root; properly, to become aged, i.e. (by implication) to grow gray: -- (be) {grayheaded}.[ql head 0239 ## >azan {aw-zan'}; a primitive root [rather identical with 238 through the idea of scales as if two ears]; to weigh, i. e. (figuratively) ponder: -- give good {head}. [ql head 1270 ## barzel {bar-zel'}; perhaps from the root of 1269; iron (as cutting); by extension, an iron implement: -- (ax) {head}, iron. [ql head 1538 ## gulgoleth {gul-go'-leth}; by reduplication from 1556; a skull (as round); by implication, a head (in enumeration of persons): -- {head}, every man, poll, skull. [ql head 3852 ## lehabah {leh-aw-baw'}; or lahebeth {lah-eh'-beth}; feminine of 3851, and meaning the same: -- flame(-ming), {head} [of a spear]. [ql head 4763 ## m@ra>ashah {mer-ah-ash-aw'}; formed like 4761; properly, a headpiece, i.e. (plural for adverbial) at (or as) the head-rest (or pillow): -- bolster, {head}, pillow. Compare 4772.[ql head 6915 ## qadad {kaw-dad'}; a primitive root; to shrivel up, i.e. contract or bend the body (or neck) in deference: -- bow (down) (the) {head}, stoop.[ql head 6936 ## qodqod {kod-kode'}; from 6915; the crown of the head (as the part most bowed): -- crown (of the head), pate, scalp, top of the {head}.[ql head 6936 ## qodqod {kod-kode'}; from 6915; the crown of the head (as the part most bowed): -- crown (of the {head}), pate, scalp, top of the head.[ql head 7142 ## qereach {kay-ray'-akh}; from 7139; bald (on the back of the head): -- bald ({head}).[ql head 7146 ## qarachath {kaw-rakh'-ath}; from 7139; a bald spot (on the back of the head); figuratively, a threadbare spot (on the back side of the cloth): -- bald {head}, bare within.[ql head 7217 ## re>sh (Aramaic) {raysh}; corresponding to 7218; the head; figuratively, the sum: -- chief, {head}, sum.[ql head 7222 ## ro>shah {ro-shaw'}; feminine of 7218; the head: -- {head}[-stone].[ql head 2775 # kephalaioo {kef-al-ahee-o'-o}; from the same as 2774; (specially) to strike on the head: -- wound in the {head}.[ql head 2776 # kephale {kef-al-ay'}; from the primary kapto (in the sense of seizing); the head (as the part most readily taken hold of), literally or figuratively: -- {head}.[ql head 5493 ## cuwr {soor}; or suwr (Hosea 9:12) {soor}; a primitive root; to turn off (literal or figurative): -- be[{- head}], bring, call back, decline, depart, eschew, get [you], go (aside), X grievous, lay away (by), leave undone, be past, pluck away, put (away, down), rebel, remove (to and fro), revolt, X be sour, take (away, off), turn (aside, away, in), withdraw, be without.[ql head,-ed 7872 ## seybah {say-baw'}; feminine of 7869; old age: -- (be) gray (grey hoar,-y) hairs ({head,-ed}), old age.[ql head- 0068 ## >eben {eh'-ben}; from the root of 1129 through the meaning to build; a stone: -- + carbuncle, + mason, + plummet, [chalk-, hail-, {head-}, sling-]stone(-ny), (divers) weight(-s). [ql headband 7196 ## qishshur {kish-shoor'}; from 7194; an (ornamental) girdle (for women): -- attire, {headband}.[ql headlong 4116 ## mahar {maw-har'}; a primitive root; properly, to be liquid or flow easily, i.e. (by implication); to hurry (in a good or a bad sense); often used (with another verb) adverbially, promptly: -- be carried {headlong}, fearful, (cause to make, in, make) haste(-n, -ily), (be) hasty, (fetch, make ready) X quickly, rash, X shortly, (be so) X soon, make speed, X speedily, X straightway, X suddenly, swift.[ql headlong 2630 # katakremnizo {kat-ak-rame-nid'-zo}; from 2596 and a derivative of 2911; to precipitate down: -- cast down {headlong}.[ql headlong 4248 # prenes {pray-nace'}; from 4253; leaning (falling) forward ("prone"), i.e. head foremost: -- {headlong}. [ql heady 4312 # propetes {prop-et-ace'}; from a compound of 4253 and 4098; falling forward, i.e. headlong (figuratively, precipitate): -- {heady}, rash[-ly].[ql