Greek Cross References that shows all the ways the Greek is translated from the English word.
Greek Cross References translated from English
beheaded 0607 apokephalizo * {beheaded} , {0607 apokephalizo } , 3990 pelekizo ,
beheaded 3990 pelekizo * {beheaded} , 0607 apokephalizo , {3990 pelekizo } ,
forehead 3359 metopon * {forehead} , {3359 metopon } ,
foreheads 3359 metopon * {foreheads} , {3359 metopon } ,
godhead 2304 theios * {godhead} , {2304 theios } , 2305 theiotes , 2320 theotes ,
godhead 2305 theiotes * {godhead} , 2304 theios , {2305 theiotes } , 2320 theotes ,
godhead 2320 theotes * {godhead} , 2304 theios , 2305 theiotes , {2320 theotes } ,
head 2775 kephalaioo * {head} , {2775 kephalaioo } , 2776 kephale ,
head 2776 kephale * {head} , 2775 kephalaioo , {2776 kephale } ,
headlong 4248 prenes * {headlong} , {4248 prenes } ,
heads 2776 kephale * {heads} , {2776 kephale } ,
heady 4312 propetes * {heady} , {4312 propetes } ,