Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
haply ^ 2Co_09_04 Lest <3381> {haply} <4458> if <1437> they of Macedonia <3110> come <2064> (5632) with <4862> me <1698>, and <2532> find <2147> (5632) you <5209> unprepared <0532>, we <2249> (that <3363> <0> we say <3004> (5725) not <3363>, ye <5210>) should be ashamed <2617> (5686) in <1722> this same <5026> confident <5287> boasting <2746>.

haply ^ Act_05_39 But <1161> if <1487> it be <2076> (5748) of <1537> God <2316>, ye cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) overthrow <2647> (5658) it <0846>; lest {haply} <3379> ye be found <2147> (5686) even <2532> to fight against God <2314>.

haply ^ Act_17_27 That they should seek <2212> (5721) the Lord <2962>, if <1487> {haply} <0686> they might feel <5584> (5659) after him <0846>, and <2532> find him <2147> (5630), though <2544> he be <5225> (5723) not <3756> far <3112> from <0575> every <1538> one <1520> of us <2257>:

haply ^ Luk_14_29 Lest <3363> {haply} <3379>, after he <0846> hath laid <5087> (5631) the foundation <2310>, and <2532> is <2480> <0> not <3361> able <2480> (5723) to finish <1615> (5658) it, all <3956> that behold <2334> (5723) it begin <0756> (5672) to mock <1702> (5721) him <0846>,

haply ^ Mar_11_13 And <2532> seeing <1492> (5631) a fig tree <4808> afar off <3113> having <2192> (5723) leaves <5444>, he came <2064> (5627), if <1487> {haply} <0686> he might find <2147> (5692) any thing <5100> thereon <1722> <0846>: and <2532> when he came <2064> (5631) to <1909> it <0846>, he found <2147> (5627) nothing <3762> but <1508> leaves <5444>; for <1063> the time <2540> of figs <4810> was <2258> (5713) not <3756> yet.

happen ^ Mar_10_32 And <1161> they were <2258> (5713) in <1722> the way <3598> going up <0305> (5723) to <1519> Jerusalem <2414>; and <2532> Jesus <2424> went <2258> (5713) before <4254> (5723) them <0846>: and <2532> they were amazed <2284> (5712); and <2532> as they followed <0190> (5723), they were afraid <5399> (5711). And <2532> he took <3880> (5631) again <3825> the twelve <1427>, and began <0756> (5662) to tell <3004> (5721) them <0846> what things should <3195> (5723) {happen} <4819> (5721) unto him <0846>,

happened ^ Act_03_10 And <5037> they knew <1921> (5707) that <3754> it <0846> was <2258> (5713) he <3778> which <3588> sat <2521> (5740) for <4314> alms <1654> at <1909> the Beautiful <5611> gate <4439> of the temple <2411>: and <2532> they were filled <4130> (5681) with wonder <2285> and <2532> amazement <1611> at <1909> that which had {happened} <4819> (5761) unto him <0846>.

happened ^ 2Pe_02_22 But <1161> it is {happened} <4819> (5758) unto them <0846> according to <3588> the true <0227> proverb <3942>, The dog <2965> is turned <1994> <0> to <1909> his own <2398> vomit <1829> again <1994> (5660); and <2532> the sow <5300> that was washed <3068> (5671) to <1519> her wallowing <2946> in the mire <1004>.

happened ^ Luk_24_14 And <2532> they <0846> talked <3656> (5707) together <4314> <0240> of <4012> all <3956> these things <5130> which had {happened} <4819> (5761).

happened ^ 1Pe_04_12 Beloved <0027>, think it <3579> <0> not <3361> strange <3579> (5744) concerning the <5213> fiery trial <4451> which <1722> is <1096> (5740) to <4314> try <3986> you <5213>, as <5613> though some strange thing <3581> {happened} <4819> (5723) unto you <5213>:

happened ^ 1Co_10_11 Now <1161> all <3956> these things <5023> {happened} <4819> (5707) unto them <1565> for ensamples <5179>: and <1161> they are written <1125> (5648) for <4314> our <2257> admonition <3559>, upon <1519> whom <3739> the ends <5056> of the world <0165> are come <2658> (5656).

happened ^ Rom_11_25 For <1063> I would <2309> (5719) not <3756>, brethren <0080>, that ye <5209> should be ignorant <0050> (5721) of this <5124> mystery <3466>, lest <3363> ye should be <5600> (5753) wise <5429> in <3844> your own conceits <1438>; that <3754> blindness <4457> in <0575> part <3313> is {happened} <1096> (5754) to Israel <2474>, until <0891> <3739> the fulness <4138> of the Gentiles <1484> be come in <1525> (5632).

happened ^ Php_01_12 But <1161> I would <1014> (5736) ye <5209> should understand <1097> (5721), brethren <0080>, that <3754> the things which {happened} unto <2596> me <1691> have fallen out <2064> (5754) rather <3123> unto <1519> the furtherance <4297> of the gospel <2098>;

happier ^ 1Co_07_40 But <1161> she is <2076> (5748) {happier} <3107> if <1437> she <3306> <0> so <3779> abide <3306> (5661), after <2596> my <1699> judgment <1106>: and <1161> I think <1380> (5719) also <2504> that I have <2192> (5721) the Spirit <4151> of God <2316>.

happy ^ 1Pe_04_14 If <1487> ye be reproached <3679> (5743) for <1722> the name <3686> of Christ <5547>, {happy} <3107> are ye; for <3754> the spirit <4151> of glory <1391> and <2532> of God <2316> resteth <0373> (5731) upon <1909> you <5209>: on <2596> <3303> their part <0846> he is evil spoken of <0987> (5743), but <1161> on <2596> your part <5209> he is glorified <1392> (5743).

happy ^ 1Pe_03_14 But <0235> and if <1499> ye suffer <3958> (5722) for <1223> righteousness' sake <1343>, {happy} <3107> are ye: and <1161> be <5399> <0> not <3361> afraid <5399> (5676) of their <0846> terror <5401>, neither <3366> be troubled <5015> (5686);

happy ^ Act_26_02 I think <2233> (5766) myself <1683> {happy} <3107>, king <0935> Agrippa <0067>, because I shall <3195> (5723) answer for myself <0626> (5738) this day <4594> before <1909> thee <4675> touching <4012> all the things <3956> whereof <3739> I am accused <1458> (5743) of <5259> the Jews <2453>:

happy ^ Jam_05_11 Behold <2400> (5628), we count them {happy} <3106> (5719) which endure <5278> (5723). Ye have heard <0191> (5656) of the patience <5281> of Job <2492>, and <2532> have seen <1492> (5627) the end <5056> of the Lord <2962>; that <3754> the Lord <2962> is <2076> (5748) very pitiful <4184>, and <2532> of tender mercy <3629>.

happy ^ Joh_13_17 If <1487> ye know <1492> (5758) these things <5023>, {happy} <3107> are ye <2075> (5748) if <1437> ye do <4160> (5725) them <0846>.

Happy ^ Rom_14_22 Hast <2192> (5719) thou <4771> faith <4102>? have <2192> (5720) it to <2596> thyself <4572> before <1799> God <2316>. {Happy} <3107> is he that condemneth <2919> (5723) not <3361> himself <1438> in <1722> that thing which <3739> he alloweth <1381> (5719).

perhaps ^ 2Co_02_07 So <5620> that contrariwise <5121> ye <5209> ought rather <3123> to forgive <5483> (5664) him, and <2532> comfort <3870> (5658) him, lest <3381> {perhaps} <4458> such a one <5108> should be swallowed up <2666> (5686) with overmuch <4055> sorrow <3077>.

perhaps ^ Phm_01_15 For <1063> <1223> {perhaps} <5029> he <5563> <0> therefore <5124> departed <5563> (5681) for <4314> a season <5610>, that <2443> thou shouldest receive <0568> (5725) him <0846> for ever <0166>;

perhaps ^ Act_08_22 Repent <3340> (5657) therefore <3767> of <0575> this <5026> thy <4675> wickedness <2549>, and <2532> pray <1189> (5676) God <2316>, if <1487> {perhaps} <0686> the thought <1963> of thine <4675> heart <2588> may be forgiven <0863> (5701) thee <4671>.

shape ^ Joh_05_37 And <2532> the Father <3962> himself <0846>, which hath sent <3992> (5660) me <3165>, hath borne witness <3140> (5758) of <4012> me <1700>. Ye have <0191> <0> neither <3777> heard <0191> (5754) his <0846> voice <5456> at any time <4455>, nor <3777> seen <3708> (5758) his <0846> {shape} <1491>.

shape ^ Luk_03_22 And <2532> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> descended <2597> (5629) in a bodily <4984> {shape} <1491> like <5616> a dove <4058> upon <1909> him <0846>, and <2532> a voice <5456> came <1096> (5635) from <1537> heaven <3772>, which said <3004> (5723), Thou <4771> art <1488> (5748) my <3450> beloved <0027> Son <5207>; in <1722> thee <4671> I am well pleased <2106> (5656).

shapes ^ Rev_09_07 And <2532> the {shapes} <3667> of the locusts <0200> were like <3664> unto horses <2462> prepared <2090> (5772) unto <1519> battle <4171>; and <2532> on <1909> their <0846> heads <2776> were as it were <5613> crowns <4735> like <3664> gold <5557>, and <2532> their <0846> faces <4383> were as <5613> the faces <4383> of men <0444>.