Three Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible.

Three Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible
Hanoch and Abidah Gen_25_04 # And the sons of Midian; Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abidah, and Eldaah. All these [were] the children of Keturah.

Hanoch and Pallu 1Ch_05_03 # The sons, [I say], of Reuben the firstborn of Israel [were], Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.

Hanoch and Pallu Exo_06_14 # These [be] the heads of their fathers' houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these [be] the families of Reuben.

Hanoch and Phallu Gen_46_09 # And the sons of Reuben; Hanoch, and Phallu, and Hezron, and Carmi.

Hanoch of whom Num_26_05 # Reuben, the eldest son of Israel: the children of Reuben; Hanoch, [of whom cometh] the family of the Hanochites: of Pallu, the family of the Palluites:

Hanochites of Pallu Num_26_05 # Reuben, the eldest son of Israel: the children of Reuben; Hanoch, [of whom cometh] the family of the Hanochites: of Pallu, the family of the Palluites: