Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

archangel 01403 ## Gabriy'el {gab-ree-ale'} ; from 01397 and 00410 ; man of God ; Gabriel , an {archangel} : -- Garbriel .

archangel 04317 ## Miyka'el {me-kaw-ale'} ; from 04310 and (the prefix derivative from) 03588 and 00410 ; who (is) like God ? ; Mikael , the name of an {archangel} and of nine Israelites : -- Michael .

archangel 0743 - archaggelos {ar-khang'-el-os}; from 0757 and 0032; a chief angel: -- {archangel}.

archangel 1043 - Gabriel {gab-ree-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [1403]; Gabriel, an {archangel}: -- Gabriel.

archangel 3413 - Michael {mikh-ah-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [4317]; Michael, an {archangel}: -- Michael.

change 02015 ## haphak {haw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to turn about or over ; by implication , to change , overturn , return , pervert : -- X become , {change} , come , be converted , give , make [a bed ] , overthrow (- turn) , perverse , retire , tumble , turn (again , aside , back , to the contrary , every way) .

change 02487 ## chaliyphah {khal-ee-faw'} ; from 02498 ; alternation : -- {change} , course .

change 02498 ## chalaph {khaw-laf'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to slide by , i . e . (by implication) to hasten away , pass on , spring up , pierce or change : -- abolish , alter , {change} , cut off , go on forward , grow up , be over , pass (away , on , through) , renew , sprout , strike through .

change 02501 ## Cheleph {kheh'lef} ; the same as 02500 ; {change} ; Cheleph , a place in Palestine : -- Heleph .

change 02664 ## chaphas {khaw-fas'} ; a primitive root ; to seek ; causatively , to conceal oneself (i . e . let be sought) , or mask : -- {change} , (make) diligent (search) , disquise self , hide , search (for , out) .

change 03235 ## yamar {yaw-mar'} ; a primitive root ; to exchange ; by implication , to {change} places : -- boast selves , change .

change 04171 ## muwr {moor} ; a primitive root ; to alter ; by implication , to barter , to dispose of : -- X at all , (ex-) {change} , remove .

change 04254 ## machalatsah {makh-al-aw-tsaw'} ; from 02502 ; a mantle (as easily drawn off) : -- changeable suit of apparel , {change} of raiment .

change 04784 ## marah {maw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) bitter (or unpleasant) ; (figuratively) to rebel (or resist ; causatively , to provoke) : -- bitter , {change} , be disobedient , disobey , grievously , provocation , provoke (- ing) , (be) rebel (against ,-lious) .

change 05437 ## cabab {saw-bab'} ; a primitive root ; to revolve , surround , or border ; used in various applications , literally and figuratively (as follows) : -- bring , cast , fetch , lead , make , walk , X whirl , X round about , be about on every side , apply , avoid , beset (about) , besiege , bring again , carry (about) , {change} , cause to come about , X circuit , (fetch a) compass (about , round) , drive , environ , X on every side , beset (close , come , compass , go , stand) round about , inclose , remove , return , set , sit down , turn (self) (about , aside , away , back) .

change 07760 ## suwm {soom} ; or siym {seem} ; a primitive root ; to put (used in a great variety of applications , literal , figurative , inferentially , and elliptically) : -- X any wise , appoint , bring , call [a name ] , care , cast in , {change} , charge , commit , consider , convey , determine , + disguise , dispose , do , get , give , heap up , hold , impute , lay (down , up) , leave , look , make (out) , mark , + name , X on , ordain , order , + paint , place , preserve , purpose , put (on) , + regard , rehearse , reward , (cause to) set (on , up) , shew , + stedfastly , take , X tell , + tread down , ([over-]) turn , X wholly , work .

change 08132 ## shana {shaw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to alter : -- {change} .

change 08133 ## sh@na'(Aramaic) {shen-aw'} ; corresponding to 08132 : -- alter , {change} , (be) diverse .

change 08136 ## shin'an {shin-awn'} ; from 08132 ; {change} , i . e . repetition : -- X angels .

change 08138 ## shanah {shaw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to fold , i . e . duplicate (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to transmute (transitive or intransitive) : -- do (speak , strike) again , alter , double , (be given to) {change} , disguise , (be) diverse , pervert , prefer , repeat , return , do the second time .

change 08545 ## t@muwrah {tem-oo-raw'} ; from 04171 ; barter , compensation : -- (ex-) {change} (- ing) , recompense , restitution .

change 0236 - allasso {al-las'-so}; from 0243; to make different: -- {change}.

change 0525 - apallasso {ap-al-las'-so}; from 0575 and 0236; to {change} away, i.e. release, (reflexively) remove: -- deliver, depart.

change 1259 - diallasso {dee-al-las'-so}; from 1223 and 0236; to {change} thoroughly, i.e. (mentally) to conciliate: -- reconcile.

change 2644 - katallasso {kat-al-las'-so}; from 2596 and 0236; to {change} mutually, i.e. (figuratively) to compound a difference: -- reconcile.

change 3327 - metabaino {met-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 3326 and the base of 0939; to {change} place: -- depart, go, pass, remove.

change 3328 - metaballo {met-ab-al'-lo}; from 3326 and 0906; to throw over, i.e. (middle voice figuratively) to turn about in opinion: -- {change} mind.

change 3331 - metathesis {met-ath'-es-is}; from 3346; transposition, i.e. transferral (to heaven), disestablishment (of a law): -- {change}, removing, translation.

change 3337 - metallasso {met-al-las'-so}; from 3326 and 0236; to exchange: -- {change}.

change 3339 - metamorphoo {met-am-or-fo'-o}; from 3326 and 3445; to transform (literally or figuratively, " metamorphose " ): -- {change}, transfigure, transform.

change 3346 - metatithemi {met-at-ith'-ay-mee}; from 3326 and 5087; to transfer, i.e. (literally) transport, (by implication) exchange (reflexively) {change} sides, or (figuratively) pervert: -- carry over, change, remove, translate, turn.

change 3350 - metoikesia {met-oy-kes-ee'-ah}; from a derivative of a compound of 3326 and 3624; a {change} of abode, i.e. (specifically) expatriation: -- X brought, carried(-ying) away (in-)to.

changeable 04254 ## machalatsah {makh-al-aw-tsaw'} ; from 02502 ; a mantle (as easily drawn off) : -- {changeable} suit of apparel , change of raiment .

changed 04142 ## muwcabbah {moo-sab-baw'} ; or mucabbah {moo-sab-baw'} ; feminine of 04141 ; a reversal , i . e . the backside (of a gem) , fold (of a double-leaved door) , transmutation (of a name) : -- being {changed} , inclosed , be set , turning .

changer 2773 - kermatistes {ker-mat-is-tace'}; from a derivative of 2772; a handler of coins, i.e. money-broker: -- {changer} of money.

changing 08580 ## tanshemeth {tan-sheh'- meth} ; from 05395 ; properly , a hard breather , i . e . the name of two unclean creatures , a lizard and a bird (both perhaps from {changing} color through their irascibility) , probably the tree-toad and the water-hen : -- mole , swan .

exchange 00520 ## 'ammah {am-maw'} ; prolonged from 00517 ; properly , a mother (i . e . unit of measure , or the fore-arm (below the elbow) , i . e . a cubit ; also a door-base (as a bond of the entrance) : -- cubit , + hundred [by {exchange} for 03967 ] , measure , post .

exchange 02500 ## cheleph {klay'- lef} ; from 02498 ; properly , {exchange} ; hence (as preposition) instead of : -- X for .

exchange 03235 ## yamar {yaw-mar'} ; a primitive root ; to {exchange} ; by implication , to change places : -- boast selves , change .

exchange 06148 ## ` arab {aw-rab'} ; a primitive root ; to braid , i . e . intermix ; technically , to traffic (as if by barter) ; also or give to be security (as a kind of {exchange}) : -- engage , (inter-) meddle (with) , mingle (self) , mortgage , occupy , give pledges , be (- come , put in) surety , undertake .

exchange 06161 ## ` arubbah {ar-oob-baw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06048 in the sense of a bargain or {exchange} ; something given as security , i . e . (literally) a token (of safety) or (metaphorically) a bondsman : -- pledge , surety .

exchange 06162 ## ` arabown {ar-aw-bone'} ; from 06148 (in the sense of {exchange}) ; a pawn (given as security) : -- pledge .

exchange 0287 - amoibe {am-oy-bay'}; from ameibo (to {exchange}); requital: -- requite.

exchange 0465 - antallagma {an-tal'-ag-mah}; from a compound of 0473 and 0236; an equivalent or ransom: -- in {exchange}.

exchange 2643 - katallage {kat-al-lag-ay'}; from 2644; {exchange} (figuratively, adjustment), i.e. restoration to (the divine) favor: -- atonement, reconciliation(-ing).

exchange 3179 - methistemi {meth-is'-tay-mee}; or (1 Cor. 13:2) methistano {meth-is-tan'-o}; from 3326 and 2476; to transfer, i.e. carry away, depose or (figuratively) {exchange}, seduce: -- put out, remove, translate, turn away.

exchange 3337 - metallasso {met-al-las'-so}; from 3326 and 0236; to {exchange}: -- change.

exchange 3346 - metatithemi {met-at-ith'-ay-mee}; from 3326 and 5087; to transfer, i.e. (literally) transport, (by implication) {exchange} (reflexively) change sides, or (figuratively) pervert: -- carry over, change, remove, translate, turn.

exchanger 5133 - trapezites {trap-ed-zee'-tace}; from 5132; a money-broker or banker: -- {exchanger}.

hang 02211 ## z@qaph (Aramaic) {zek-af'} ; corresponding to 02210 ; to {hang} , i . e . impale : -- set up .

hang 02614 ## chanaq {khaw-nak'} ; a primitive root [compare 02596 ] ; to be narrow ; by implication , to throttle , or (reflex .) to choke oneself to death (by a rope) : -- {hang} self , strangle .

hang 03363 ## yaqa` {yaw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to sever oneself , i . e . (by implication) to be dislocated ; figuratively , to abandon ; causatively , to impale (and thus allow to drop to pieces by rotting) : -- be alienated , depart , {hang} (up) , be out of joint

hang 03381 ## yarad {yaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to descend (literally , to go downwards ; or conventionally to a lower region , as the shore , a boundary , the enemy , etc . ; or figuratively , to fall) ; causatively , to bring down (in all the above applications) ;-- X abundantly , bring down , carry down , cast down , (cause to) come (- ing) down , fall (down) , get down , go (- ing) down (- ward) , {hang} down , X indeed , let down , light (down) , put down (off) , (cause to , let) run down , sink , subdue , take down .

hang 03494 ## Yithlah {yith-law'} ; probably from 08518 ; it will {hang} , i . e 0 . e high ; Jithlah , a place in Palestine : -- Jethlah .

hang 03802 ## katheph {kaw-thafe'} ; from an unused root meaning to clothe ; the shoulder (proper , i . e . upper end of the arm ; as being the spot where the garments {hang}) ; figuratively , side-piece or lateral projection of anything : -- arm , corner , shoulder (- piece) , side , undersetter .

hang 04223 ## m@cha'(Aramaic) {mekh-aw'} ; corresponding to 04222 ; to strike in pieces ; also to arrest ; specifically to impale : -- {hang} , smite , stay .

hang 05414 ## nathan {naw-than'} ; a primitive root ; to give , used with greatest latitude of application (put , make , etc .) : -- add , apply , appoint , ascribe , assign , X avenge , X be ([healed ]) , bestow , bring (forth , hither) , cast , cause , charge , come , commit , consider , count , + cry , deliver (up) , direct , distribute , do , X doubtless , X without fail , fasten , frame , X get , give (forth , over , up) , grant , {hang} (up) , X have , X indeed , lay (unto charge , up) , (give) leave , lend , let (out) , + lie , lift up , make , + O that , occupy , offer , ordain , pay , perform , place , pour , print , X pull , put (forth) , recompense , render , requite , restore , send (out) , set (forth) , shew , shoot forth (up) , + sing , + slander , strike , [sub-] mit , suffer , X surely , X take , thrust , trade , turn , utter , + weep , + willingly , + withdraw , + would (to) God , yield .

hang 05541 ## calah {saw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to {hang} up , i . e . weigh , or (figuratively) contemn : -- tread down (under foot) , value .

hang 07757 ## shuwl {shool} ; from an unused root meaning to {hang} down ; a skirt ; by implication , a bottom edge : -- hem , skirt , train .

hang 08239 ## shaphath {shaw-fath'} ; a primitive root ; to locate , i . e . (generally) {hang} on or (figuratively) establish , reduce : -- bring , ordain , set on .

hang 08511 ## tala'{taw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to suspend ; figuratively (through hesitation) to be uncertain ; by implication (of mental dependence) to habituate : -- be bent , {hang} (in doubt) .

hang 08518 ## talah {taw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to suspend (especially to gibbet) : -- {hang} (up) .

hang 0519 - apagchomai {ap-ang'-khom-ahee} from 0575 and agcho (to choke; akin to the base of 0043); to strangle oneself off (i.e. to death): -- {hang} himself.

hang 1582 - ekkremamai {ek-krem'-am-ahee}; middle voice from 1537 and 2910; to {hang} upon the lips of a speaker, i.e. listen closely: -- be very attentive.

hang 2910 - kremannumi {krem-an'-noo-mee}; a prolonged form of a primary verb; to hang: -- {hang}.

hang 2910 - kremannumi {krem-an'-noo-mee}; a prolonged form of a primary verb; to {hang}: -- hang.

hang 3935 - pariemi {par-ee'-ay-mi}; from 3844 and hiemi (to send); to let by, i.e. relax: -- {hang} down.

hang 4029 - perikeimai {per-ik'-i-mahee}; from 4012 and 2749; to lie all around, i.e. inclose, encircle, hamper (literally or figuratively): -- be bound (compassed) with, {hang} about.

hanging 03407 ## y@riy` ah {yer-ee-aw'} ; from 03415 ; a {hanging} (as tremulous) : -- curtain .

hanging 03499 ## yether {yeh'- ther} ; from 03498 ; properly , an overhanging , i . e . (by implication) an excess , superiority , remainder ; also a small rope (as {hanging} free) : -- + abundant , cord , exceeding , excellancy (- ent) , what they leave , that hath left , plentifully , remnant , residue , rest , string , with .

hanging 04539 ## macak {maw-sawk'} ; from 05526 ; a cover , i . e . veil : -- covering , curtain , {hanging} .

hanging 07050 ## qela` {keh'- lah} ; from 07049 ; a sling ; also a (door) screen (as if slung across) , or the valve (of the door) itself : -- {hanging} , leaf , sling .

hangings 01004 ## bayith {bah'- yith} ; probably from 01129 abbreviated ; a house (in the greatest variation of applications , especially family , etc .) : -- court , daughter , door , + dungeon , family , + forth of , X great as would contain , {hangings} , home [born ] , [winter ] house (- hold) , inside (- ward) , palace , place , + prison , + steward , + tablet , temple , web , + within (- out) .

interchange 02671 ## chets {khayts} ; from 02686 ; properly , a piercer , i . e . an arrow ; by implication , a wound ; figuratively , (of God) thunder-bolt ; (by {interchange} for 06086) the shaft of a spear : -- + archer , arrow , dart , shaft , staff , wound .

interchange 02917 ## tiyn (Aramaic) {teen} ; perhaps , by {interchange} , for a word corresponding to 02916 ; clay : -- miry .

interchange 03236 ## Yimrah {yim-raw'} ; probably from 03235 ; {interchange} ; Jimrah , an Israelite : -- Imrah .

interchange 04685 ## matsowd {maw-tsode'} ; or (feminine) m@tsowdah {mets-o-daw'} ; or m@tsodah {mets-o-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a net (for capturing animals or fishes) :-also (by {interchange} for 04679) a fastness or (beseiging) tower : -- bulwark , hold , munition , net , snare .

interchange 05006 ## na'ats {naw-ats'} ; a primitive root ; to scorn ; or (Ecclesiastes 12 : 5) by {interchange} for 05132 , to bloom : -- abhor , (give occasion to) blaspheme , contemn , despise , flourish , X great , provoke .

interchangeable 00539 ## 'aman {aw-man'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to build up or support ; to foster as a parent or nurse ; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful , to trust or believe , to be permanent or quiet ; morally to be true or certain ; once (Isa . 30 : 21 ; {interchangeable} with 00541) to go to the right hand : -- hence , assurance , believe , bring up , establish , + fail , be faithful (of long continuance , stedfast , sure , surely , trusty , verified) , nurse , (- ing father) , (put) , trust , turn to the right .

interchangeable 02836 ## chashaq {khaw-shak'} ; a primitive root ; to cling , i . e . join , (figuratively) to love , delight in ; elliptically (or by {interchangeable} for 02820) to deliver : -- have a delight , (have a) desire , fillet , long , set (in) love .

money-)changer 2855 - kollubistes {kol-loo-bis-tace'}; from a presumed derivative of kollubos (a small coin; probably akin to 2854); a coin-dealer: -- ({money-)changer}.

outhanging 03508 ## yothereth {yo-theh'- reth} ; feminine active participle of 03498 ; the lobe or flap of the liver (as if redundant or {outhanging}) : -- caul .

overhanging 03499 ## yether {yeh'- ther} ; from 03498 ; properly , an {overhanging} , i . e . (by implication) an excess , superiority , remainder ; also a small rope (as hanging free) : -- + abundant , cord , exceeding , excellancy (- ent) , what they leave , that hath left , plentifully , remnant , residue , rest , string , with .

overhanging 04947 ## mashqowph {mash-kofe'} ; from 08259 in its original sense of {overhanging} ; a lintel : -- lintel .

overhanging 2911 - kremnos {krame-nos'}; from 2910; {overhanging}, i.e. a precipice: -- steep place.

unchangeability 0276 - ametathetos {am-et-ath'-et-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3346; unchangeable, or (neuter as abstract) {unchangeability}: -- immutable(-ility).

unchangeable 0276 - ametathetos {am-et-ath'-et-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3346; {unchangeable}, or (neuter as abstract) unchangeability: -- immutable(-ility).

unchangeable 0531 - aparabatos {ap-ar-ab'-at-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3845; not passing away, i.e. untransferable (perpetual): -- {unchangeable}.

{ar-khang'-el-os} 0743 - archaggelos {{ar-khang'-el-os}}; from 0757 and 0032; a chief angel: -- archangel.