Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

clap 4222 ## macha& {maw-khaw'}; a primitive root; to rub or strike the hands together (in exultation): -- {clap}.

clap 5606 ## caphaq {saw-fak'}; or saphaq (1 Kings 20:10; Job 27:23; Isaiah 2:6) {saw-fak'}; a primitive root; to clap the hands (in token of compact, derision, grief, indignation, or punishment); by implication of satisfaction, to be enough; by implication of excess, to vomit: -- {clap}, smite, strike, suffice, wallow.

embrace 2263 ## chabaq {khaw-bak'}; a primitive root; to clasp (the hands or in embrace): -- {embrace}, fold.

fold 2263 ## chabaq {khaw-bak'}; a primitive root; to clasp (the hands or in embrace): -- embrace, {fold}.

fold 2264 ## chibbuq {khib-book'}; from 2263; a clasping of the hands (in idleness): -- {fold}.

hands 0849 # autocheir {ow-tokh'-ire}; from 846 and 5495; self-handed, i.e. doing personally: -- with...own {hands}.

hands 0886 # acheiropoietos {akh-i-rop-oy'-ay-tos}; from 1 (as a negative particle) and 5499; unmanufactured, i.e. inartificial: -- made without (not made with) {hands}.

hands 2651 ## chophen {kho'-fen}; from an unused root of uncertain signification; a fist (only in the dual): -- fists, (both) {hands}, hand(-ful).

hands 5499 # cheiropoietos {khi-rop-oy'-ay-tos}; from 5495 and a derivative of 4160; manufactured, i.e. of human construction: -- made by (make with) {hands}.

laying 1936 # epithesis {ep-ith'-es-is}; from 2007; an imposition (of hands officially): -- {laying} (putting) on.

on 1936 # epithesis {ep-ith'-es-is}; from 2007; an imposition (of hands officially): -- laying (putting) {on}.

putting 1936 # epithesis {ep-ith'-es-is}; from 2007; an imposition (of hands officially): -- laying ({putting}) on.

smite 5606 ## caphaq {saw-fak'}; or saphaq (1 Kings 20:10; Job 27:23; Isaiah 2:6) {saw-fak'}; a primitive root; to clap the hands (in token of compact, derision, grief, indignation, or punishment); by implication of satisfaction, to be enough; by implication of excess, to vomit: -- clap, {smite}, strike, suffice, wallow.

strike 5606 ## caphaq {saw-fak'}; or saphaq (1 Kings 20:10; Job 27:23; Isaiah 2:6) {saw-fak'}; a primitive root; to clap the hands (in token of compact, derision, grief, indignation, or punishment); by implication of satisfaction, to be enough; by implication of excess, to vomit: -- clap, smite, {strike}, suffice, wallow.

suffice 5606 ## caphaq {saw-fak'}; or saphaq (1 Kings 20:10; Job 27:23; Isaiah 2:6) {saw-fak'}; a primitive root; to clap the hands (in token of compact, derision, grief, indignation, or punishment); by implication of satisfaction, to be enough; by implication of excess, to vomit: -- clap, smite, strike, {suffice}, wallow.

wallow 5606 ## caphaq {saw-fak'}; or saphaq (1 Kings 20:10; Job 27:23; Isaiah 2:6) {saw-fak'}; a primitive root; to clap the hands (in token of compact, derision, grief, indignation, or punishment); by implication of satisfaction, to be enough; by implication of excess, to vomit: -- clap, smite, strike, suffice, {wallow}.

wash 3538 # nipto {nip'-to}; to cleanse (especially the hands or the feet or the face); ceremonially, to perform ablution: -- {wash}. Compare 3068.