after many days thou shalt be visited afterward shalt thou be gathered unto thy people afterward thou shalt be called afterward thou shalt eat also shalt still prevail <1SA26 -:25 > also thou shalt be cut down also thou shalt lie down also thou shalt not approach unto also thou shalt not oppress also thou shalt read them also thou shalt take also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise although thou sayest thou shalt not see him among these nations shalt thou find no ease an ass thou shalt redeem with an ass thou shalt redeem with another young bullock shalt thou take for any case thou shalt deliver him ark shalt thou set ark thou shalt put as much as thou shalt need <2CH2 -:16 > at even thou shalt say at his day thou shalt give beaten work shalt thou make them because thou shalt forget bonnets shalt thou make for them but if from thence thou shalt seek but if thou shalt forbear but if thou shalt indeed obey his voice but my horn shalt thou exalt like but shalt be drawn away but shalt be taken by but shalt fear thy god but shalt fear thy god but shalt neither drink but shalt not deliver but shalt not drink wine but shalt not eat thereof <2KI7 -:2 > but shalt not eat thereof <2KI7 -:19 > but shalt perform unto but shalt surely be taken but shalt surely die <2KI1 -:4 > but this day thou shalt bear no tidings <2SA18 -:20 > but thou shalt but thou shalt appoint but thou shalt be called hephzibah but thou shalt be desolate for ever but thou shalt bear tidings another day <2SA18 -:20 > but thou shalt call thy walls salvation but thou shalt conceive but thou shalt endure but thou shalt fear thy god but thou shalt follow me afterwards but thou shalt give <1SA2 -:16 > but thou shalt go unto my country but thou shalt go unto my father's house but thou shalt know hereafter but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself but thou shalt make for them yokes but thou shalt meditate therein day but thou shalt not anoint but thou shalt not anoint thee with oil but thou shalt not borrow but thou shalt not enjoy them but thou shalt not go over thither but thou shalt not go thither unto but thou shalt not move but thou shalt not put but thou shalt not reap but thou shalt not sell her at all for money but thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him but thou shalt put away but thou shalt remember but thou shalt remember but thou shalt say unto them but thou shalt surely drink but thou shalt surely kill him but thou shalt utterly destroy them but thou shalt utterly overthrow them but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury but when thou shalt be old by this means thou shalt have no portion on this side by thy sword shalt thou live by thy words thou shalt be condemned children which thou shalt have command thee thou shalt speak cubit shalt thou finish it above cunning work shalt thou make them damsel thou shalt do nothing day shalt thou be with me day shalt thou make thy plant day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings day thou seest my face thou shalt die day thou shalt say day when thou shalt go into an inner chamber <2CH18 -:24 > doing this thou shalt both save thyself <1TI4 -:16 > dragon shalt thou trample under feet drink offering shalt thou prepare with drink offering thou shalt offer dust shalt thou eat all earth thou shalt make unto me eighth day thou shalt give it me eleven curtains shalt thou make else when thou shalt bless with <1CO14 -:16 > enter halt into life enter into life halt or maimed ephod thou shalt make it every clean beast thou shalt take famine thou shalt laugh few thou shalt give fifty loops shalt thou make fifty loops shalt thou make first month shalt thou set up for aaron's sons thou shalt make coats for by thy words thou shalt be justified for by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war for now shalt thou go forth out for then shalt thou have thy delight for then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous for thou shalt be for thou shalt be his witness unto all men for thou shalt be recompensed at for thou shalt break forth on for thou shalt bring for thou shalt deal bountifully with me for thou shalt die <2KI20 -:1 > for thou shalt die for thou shalt drive out for thou shalt eat for thou shalt find it after many days for thou shalt forget for thou shalt go for thou shalt go before for thou shalt heap coals for thou shalt inherit all nations for thou shalt judge for thou shalt no more be called for thou shalt no more be called tender for thou shalt not be ashamed for thou shalt not be put for thou shalt not fear for thou shalt not go over this jordan for thou shalt rest for thou shalt smite <2KI13 -:17 > for thou shalt surely die <1SA14 -:44 > for thou shalt surely overtake <1SA30 -:8 > for thou shalt worship no other god for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee from henceforth thou shalt catch men furious man thou shalt not go gold thou shalt make grove which thou shalt cut down harvest thou shalt rest he will tell thee what thou shalt do him only shalt thou serve him only shalt thou serve him shalt thou cleave him shalt thou serve him shalt thou set by himself his sons thou shalt bring unto hitherto shalt thou come hollow with boards shalt thou make it how gracious shalt thou be when pangs come upon thee how long halt ye between two opinions <1KI18 -:21 > if so be thou shalt be able if therefore thou shalt not watch if thou shalt afflict my daughters if thou shalt confess with thy mouth if thou shalt do this thing if thou shalt hear if thou shalt hearken diligently unto if thou shalt hearken unto if thou shalt hearken unto if thou shalt keep if thou shalt keep all these commandments if thou shalt say if thou shalt without fail deliver israel thou shalt speak it shalt thou make it thou shalt make pomegranates jubilee thou shalt buy judgment thou shalt condemn judgments which thou shalt set before them just measure shalt thou have land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness land which thou shalt see latter years thou shalt come into like manner shalt thou do with his ass like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen likewise shalt thou make lord thy god hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him man among thy children shalt thou redeem man shalt thou surely redeem many thou shalt give meat offering shalt thou offer month old shalt thou redeem moreover thou shalt make moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife moreover thou shalt provide out moreover thou shalt say unto them morning shalt thou make thy seed morning thou shalt say morrow thou shalt be slain <1SA19 -:11 > my hand shalt thou require him my voice shalt thou hear nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand neither for us shalt thou kill any man <2SA21 -:4 > neither shalt thou be afraid neither shalt thou be afraid neither shalt thou bear neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house neither shalt thou cause thy nations neither shalt thou commit adultery neither shalt thou conceal him neither shalt thou countenance neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife neither shalt thou gather neither shalt thou gather neither shalt thou gather any gleaning neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar neither shalt thou have any part among them neither shalt thou have sons or daughters neither shalt thou lay upon him usury neither shalt thou lie with any beast neither shalt thou make marriages with them neither shalt thou mar neither shalt thou profane neither shalt thou profane neither shalt thou serve their gods neither shalt thou set thee up neither shalt thou spare neither shalt thou speak neither shalt thou stand against neither shalt thou steal neither shalt thou suffer neither shalt thou swear by thy head neither shalt thou take neither shalt thou take her son's daughter neither shalt thou worship any strange god net shalt thou make four brazen rings nimshi shalt thou anoint <1KI19 -:16 > nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son now shalt thou see what now therefore so shalt thou say unto my servant david <2SA7 -: 8 > now therefore thus shalt thou say unto my servant david <1CH17 -:7 > officers shalt thou make thee one lamb shalt thou offer one lamb thou shalt offer only thou shalt not eat only thou shalt not number only with thine eyes shalt thou behold or if thou shalt take or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us other lamb shalt thou offer at even other lamb shalt thou offer at even other lamb thou shalt offer at even other lamb thou shalt offer at even otherwise thou also shalt be cut off pass when thou shalt have perfume which thou shalt make pure gold shalt thou make them rooms shalt thou make sanctuary shalt thou take second day thou shalt offer serpent shalt thou take service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years seven days shalt thou consecrate them seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread therewith seven days shalt thou keep seven days shalt thou prepare every day seven days shalt thou tarry <1SA10 -:8 > seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days thou shalt make an atonement for seven ewe lambs shalt thou take seven weeks shalt thou number unto thee seven years thou shalt make seventh day thou shalt rest seventh day thou shalt rest seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee several tenth deal shalt thou offer for every lamb shalt also keep my courts shalt anoint them shalt appoint it for shalt be <1SA22 -:23 > shalt be <2KI8 -:13 > shalt be shalt be shalt be shalt be shalt be brought down shalt be buried there shalt be called shalt be king over israel <1KI11 -:37 > shalt be obedient unto his voice shalt be removed into all shalt be thrust down shalt be turned into another man <1SA10 -:6 > shalt bear shalt believe shalt bring me up again from shalt bring them down into shalt burn their fat shalt burn with fire shalt call his name ishmael shalt call his name jesus shalt call me no more baali shalt deliver his soul from hell shalt discontinue from thine heritage shalt do thereto according shalt double shalt dwell therein shalt eat there shalt endure for ever shalt find nothing shalt gather shalt gather shalt glory shalt go forth shalt go unto shalt go unto shalt hallow it shalt have <2CH21 -:15 > shalt have none assurance shalt honour him shalt laugh at them shalt lay shalt lie with shalt lift up thy face unto god shalt make shalt make thyself naked shalt make upon it shalt not be shalt not fear shalt not find them shalt not gather shalt not remember shalt not see them all shalt not sin shalt not turn away from me shalt obey his voice according shalt observe my statutes <2CH7 -:17 > shalt pitch it within shalt possess it shalt pour out into all those vessels <2KI4 -:4 > shalt put shalt put shalt put them on shalt put water therein shalt quicken me again shalt read all these words shalt remain by <1SA20 -:19 > shalt return unto shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings shalt say shalt say unto them shalt see shalt serve thy brother shalt set it with strange slips shalt show them shalt speak out shalt stone them with stones shalt suck shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need shalt swear by his name shalt talk shalt thou also speak shalt thou be delivered <2KI19 -:11 > shalt thou be delivered shalt thou bring into shalt thou build me an house for me <2SA7 -:5 > shalt thou burn with fire without shalt thou cause shalt thou do shalt thou do likewise shalt thou dwell shalt thou eat it shalt thou engrave shalt thou give him shalt thou indeed reign over us shalt thou make it shalt thou make it shalt thou not be accepted shalt thou not know shalt thou not uncover shalt thou reign shalt thou say shalt thou take unto thyself shalt turn back shalt wash them with water shalt wave them shalt well remember what shittim wood shalt thou make it show thee what thou shalt do <1SA10 -:8 > six days shalt thou labour six days thou shalt do thy work six days thou shalt eat unleavened bread six days thou shalt labour six days thou shalt work six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard six years thou shalt sow thy field six years thou shalt sow thy land so doing thou shalt heap coals so shalt thou bear so shalt thou do with his raiment so shalt thou drive them out so shalt thou find so shalt thou find favour so shalt thou put so shalt thou put away so shalt thou put away evil from israel so shalt thou put evil away from among you so shalt thou put evil deu so thou shalt do so thou shalt eat them so thou shalt give so thou shalt pu deu so thou shalt put sorrow shalt thou eat sorrow thou shalt bring forth children surely then shalt thou be ashamed surely thou shalt know what thy servant can do <1SA28 -:2 > teach thee what thou shalt say their fruit shalt thou destroy from their nakedness thou shalt not uncover their nakedness thou shalt not uncover their sight shalt thou bear them as thou shalt find occasi jug then shalt thou then shalt thou add three cities more for thee then shalt thou answer them then shalt thou arise then shalt thou be clear from then shalt thou be pleased with then shalt thou break then shalt thou break his neck then shalt thou bring forth then shalt thou bring forth thy stuff by day then shalt thou call then shalt thou cause then shalt thou delight thyself then shalt thou go on forward from thence <1SA10 -:3 > then shalt thou have worship then shalt thou inquire then shalt thou kill then shalt thou lay up gold as dust then shalt thou not remove then shalt thou prosper <1CH22 -:13 > then shalt thou say then shalt thou say then shalt thou say unto them then shalt thou say unto them then shalt thou say unto them then shalt thou see clearly then shalt thou take then shalt thou turn then shalt thou understand then shalt thou understand righteousness then shalt thou walk then thou shalt also judge my house then thou shalt be <2SA15 -:33 > then thou shalt be able then thou shalt be clear from this my oath then thou shalt besiege it then thou shalt bestir thyself <2SA5 -:24 > then thou shalt bless then thou shalt break his neck then thou shalt bring her home then thou shalt bring it unto thine own house then thou shalt burn then thou shalt cut off her hand then thou shalt find two men by rachel's sepulchre <1SA10 -:2 > then thou shalt give life for life then thou shalt go out <1CH14 -:15 > then thou shalt have then thou shalt help me <1CH19 -:12 > then thou shalt help me <2SA10 -:11 > then thou shalt kill then thou shalt let her go whither she will then thou shalt make then thou shalt relieve him then thou shalt remember thy ways then thou shalt say then thou shalt say then thou shalt say before then thou shalt say unto aaron then thou shalt say unto them then thou shalt say unto thy son then thou shalt see then thou shalt take an awl then thou shalt tell them there also shalt thou have no rest there shalt thou be delivered there shalt thou build an altar unto there shalt thou bury me there shalt thou die there shalt thou serve other gods there thou shalt die there thou shalt do all there thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings there thou shalt sacrifice there thou shalt serve other gods therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars <2CH16 -:9 > therefore shalt thou fall therefore shalt thou give presents therefore shalt thou make them turn their back therefore shalt thou not exalt therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which therefore thou shalt deal kindly with thy servant <1SA20 -:8 > therefore thou shalt devour men no more therefore thou shalt have none therefore thou shalt hear therefore thou shalt keep therefore thou shalt love therefore thou shalt not come down off <2KI1 -:16 > therefore thou shalt say this word unto them therefore thou shalt say unto them therefore thou shalt say unto them therefore thou shalt set thy face toward therefore thou shalt speak all these words unto them therefore thou shalt speak unto them this word therefore thou shalt surely rejoice thine eyes which thou shalt see thine eyes which thou shalt see thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear third day thou shalt go up unto <2KI20 -:5 > third part thou shalt scatter this measure shalt thou measure this sign shalt thou have <2KI20 -:9 > this thou shalt know this year thou shalt die thither thou shalt come those things which thou shalt suffer thou alone shalt bear thou also shalt be ashamed thou also shalt be drunken thou also shalt be gathered unto thy people thou also shalt give no hire any more thou also shalt not go thou also shalt seek strength because thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up thou shalt thou shalt thou shalt thou shalt abide for me many days thou shalt accomplish <1KI5 -:9 > thou shalt again be adorned with thy tabrets thou shalt also be thou shalt also be taken thou shalt also call unto them thou shalt also consider thou shalt also decree thou shalt also make thou shalt also make thou shalt also prevail <2CH18 -:21 > thou shalt also suck thou shalt also take one ram thou shalt also take thereof thou shalt anoint thou shalt anoint thou shalt anoint thou shalt anoint aaron thou shalt anoint him <1SA9 -:16 > thou shalt anoint it thou shalt anoint them thou shalt anoint unto me <1SA16 -:3 > thou shalt answer thou shalt appoint <1KI5 -:6 > thou shalt appoint aaron thou shalt appoint me <1KI5 -:9 > thou shalt arise thou shalt ascend thou shalt bake it with dung thou shalt be <1SA16 -:16 > thou shalt be <1TI4 -:6 > thou shalt be <2SA5 -:2 > thou shalt be thou shalt be thou shalt be thou shalt be thou shalt be thou shalt be thou shalt be thou shalt be thou shalt be above only thou shalt be as thou shalt be as he thou shalt be as my mouth thou shalt be as one <2SA13 -:13 > thou shalt be blessed thou shalt be blessed above all people thou shalt be blind thou shalt be broken thou shalt be broken by thou shalt be brought down thou shalt be built thou shalt be built thou shalt be built no more thou shalt be built up thou shalt be buried thou shalt be called thou shalt be called thou shalt be called by thou shalt be called cephas thou shalt be clean <2KI5 -:10 > thou shalt be clear from my oath thou shalt be clothed with scarlet thou shalt be cut off for ever thou shalt be cut off from thou shalt be delivered into thou shalt be desolate thou shalt be desolate thou shalt be drunken thou shalt be dumb thou shalt be dumb thou shalt be far from oppression thou shalt be filled with drunkenness thou shalt be for booties unto them thou shalt be for fuel thou shalt be gathered <2CH34 -:28 > thou shalt be gathered into thy grave <2KI22 -:20 > thou shalt be hid thou shalt be hid from thou shalt be inhabited thou shalt be king over israel <1SA23 -:17 > thou shalt be laughed thou shalt be like thou shalt be like thou shalt be mad for thou shalt be missed <1SA20 -:18 > thou shalt be near unto me thou shalt be no thou shalt be no priest thou shalt be only oppressed thou shalt be only oppressed thou shalt be over my house thou shalt be perfect with thou shalt be ruler over my people israel <1CH11 -:2 > thou shalt be satisfied with bread thou shalt be saved thou shalt be saved thou shalt be secure thou shalt be spoiled thou shalt be stedfast thou shalt be their inheritance thou shalt be visited thou shalt be wise for thyself thou shalt bear thou shalt beat thou shalt beat thou shalt beat him with thou shalt become thou shalt become an astonishment thou shalt beget sons thou shalt bestow thou shalt betroth thou shalt bid us <2KI10 -:5 > thou shalt bind thou shalt bind them for thou shalt bind this line thou shalt blot out thou shalt both do great <1SA26 -:25 > thou shalt break thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck thou shalt break them with thou shalt bring <2SA9 -:10 > thou shalt bring thou shalt bring thou shalt bring thou shalt bring thou shalt bring thou shalt bring thou shalt bring aaron thou shalt bring down thou shalt bring for thou shalt bring forth thou shalt bring his sons thou shalt bring his sons thou shalt bring it thou shalt bring them thou shalt bring thy father thou shalt bruise his heel thou shalt build thou shalt build an house thou shalt build bulwarks against thou shalt burn thou shalt burn thou shalt burn it thou shalt burn with fire thou shalt by no means come out thence thou shalt call thou shalt call thou shalt call thou shalt call his name isaac thou shalt call his name jesus thou shalt call his name john thou shalt call me thou shalt call me ishi thou shalt carry it up <2CH2 -:16 > thou shalt carry me out thou shalt carry much seed out into thou shalt cast five sockets thou shalt cast four rings thou shalt cast them away as thou shalt cause thou shalt cause thou shalt cause them thou shalt cause this city thou shalt cleanse thou shalt cleanse them thou shalt come <1SA10 -:3 > thou shalt come <1SA10 -:5 > thou shalt come thou shalt come thou shalt come thou shalt come down very low thou shalt come from thy place out thou shalt come into thou shalt come unto thou shalt come up thou shalt come up against my people thou shalt command thou shalt command thou shalt compass me about with songs thou shalt conceive thou shalt conceive thou shalt conceive thou shalt consecrate aaron thou shalt consume all thou shalt couple five curtains by themselves thou shalt cover thy face thou shalt cry thou shalt cut thou shalt cut it down thou shalt cut it down thou shalt daily prepare thou shalt dash them thou shalt deliver it unto him by thou shalt deliver me thy silver <1KI20 -:5 > thou shalt deliver pharaoh's cup into his hand thou shalt deny me thrice thou shalt deny me thrice thou shalt deny me thrice thou shalt deny me thrice thou shalt deny me thrice thou shalt despise their image thou shalt destroy thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven thou shalt destroy them thou shalt die thou shalt die thou shalt die thou shalt die thou shalt dig thou shalt dig therewith thou shalt diligently consider his place thou shalt do thou shalt do thou shalt do thou shalt do thou shalt do according thou shalt do no murder thou shalt do no work thou shalt do no work with thou shalt do unto him as thou didst unto sihon king thou shalt do unto me thou shalt do unto them thou shalt do well <3JO1 -:6 > thou shalt drink <1KI17 -:4 > thou shalt drink thou shalt drink also water by measure thou shalt drive them out before thee thou shalt dwell thou shalt dwell thou shalt eat thou shalt eat thou shalt eat thou shalt eat thou shalt eat thou shalt eat thou shalt eat thou shalt eat before thou shalt eat bread at my table continually <2SA9 -:7 > thou shalt eat it thou shalt eat it within thy gates thou shalt eat no bread nor drink water there <1KI13 -:17 > thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it thou shalt eat there before thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days thou shalt embrace <2KI4 -:16 > thou shalt embroider thou shalt endamage thou shalt entice <2CH18 -:21 > thou shalt escape thou shalt escape thou shalt even drink it thou shalt even take five shekels apiece by thou shalt fall upon thou shalt fall upon thou shalt fall upon thou shalt fan them thou shalt fasten thou shalt fear thou shalt fear thou shalt fear day thou shalt feed my people israel <2SA5 -:2 > thou shalt feed my people israel <1CH11 -:2 > thou shalt find thou shalt find thou shalt find them no more at all thou shalt forgive him thou shalt furnish him liberally out thou shalt gather thou shalt gather thou shalt gather all thou shalt gird them with girdles thou shalt give thou shalt give thou shalt give thou shalt give it unto thou shalt give me thou shalt give them unto thou shalt glorify me thou shalt go thou shalt go thou shalt go thou shalt go thou shalt go thou shalt go down before me <1SA10 -:8 > thou shalt go down quickly <1SA20 -:19 > thou shalt go forth at even thou shalt go forth from him thou shalt go no more out with us <2SA21 -:17 > thou shalt go out one way against them thou shalt go out with me <1SA28 -:1 > thou shalt go unto thou shalt grant it me for <1CH21 -:22 > thou shalt grope at noonday thou shalt guide me with thy counsel thou shalt hang it upon four pillars thou shalt hang up thou shalt have thou shalt have thou shalt have thou shalt have thou shalt have all thou shalt have joy thou shalt have known thou shalt have n deu thou shalt have no thou shalt have no inheritance thou shalt have no other gods before me thou shalt have none other gods before me thou shalt have olive trees throughout all thy coasts thou shalt have plenty thou shalt have praise thou shalt have this son also thou shalt have treasure thou shalt have treasure thou shalt have treasure thou shalt hear him thou shalt hear what they say thou shalt hide them thou shalt hock their horses thou shalt increase my greatness thou shalt keep thou shalt keep thou shalt keep fast by my young men thou shalt keep my covenant therefore thou shalt keep them thou shalt keep them secretly thou shalt keep therefore his statutes thou shalt kill thou shalt kill thou shalt kill thou shalt know <1KI20 -:13 > thou shalt know thou shalt know thou shalt know thou shalt know thou shalt know thou shalt know thou shalt know thou shalt know thou shalt know thou shalt know thou shalt know also thou shalt know for certain <1KI2 -:37 > thou shalt know no god but me thou shalt know t thou shalt l thou shalt lay siege against it thou shalt lay them up thou shalt leave them for thou shalt leave them unto thou shalt lend unto many nations thou shalt lend unto many nations thou shalt let him go free from thee thou shalt let it rest thou shalt lie thou shalt lie down thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity thou shalt lie upon thy side thou shalt live thou shalt live thou shalt love thou shalt love thou shalt love thou shalt love thou shalt love him as thyself thou shalt love thy neighbour thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make thou shalt make an altar thou shalt make an altar thou shalt make an hanging for thou shalt make bars thou shalt make boards for thou shalt make curtains thou shalt make fifty loops on thou shalt make fifty taches thou shalt make fifty taches thou shalt make for thou shalt make for it thou shalt make for it four rings thou shalt make for them girdles thou shalt make forty sockets thou shalt make his pans thou shalt make holy garments for aaron thy brother for glory thou shalt make it thou shalt make it an oil thou shalt make loops thou shalt make me thou shalt make me full thou shalt make no covenant with them thou shalt make no covenant with them thou shalt make ouches thou shalt make ready thou shalt make staves thou shalt make staves for thou shalt make streets for thee <1KI20 -:34 > thou shalt make thee fringes upon thou shalt make thee no molten gods thou shalt make them thou shalt make them as thou shalt make them drink thou shalt make them linen breeches thou shalt make thy prayer unto him thou shalt make two cherubims thou shalt make two rings thou shalt make unto it thou shalt make unto it thou shalt make upon thou shalt make upon thou shalt mark thou shalt meet <1SA10 -:5 > thou shalt neither sow thy field thou shalt neither vex thou shalt never wash my feet thou shalt no more be haughty because thou shalt no more be termed forsaken thou shalt no more drink it again thou shalt no more henceforth bereave them thou shalt no more rejoice thou shalt no more worship thou shalt not abhor an edomite thou shalt not abhor an egyptian thou shalt not add thereto thou shalt not also go into thou shalt not approach thou shalt not avenge thou shalt not be thou shalt not be able thou shalt not be affrighted at them thou shalt not be afraid thou shalt not be afraid thou shalt not be afraid thou shalt not be afraid for thou shalt not be as thou shalt not be beneath thou shalt not be brought together thou shalt not be burned thou shalt not be cured thou shalt not be established <1SA20 -:31 > thou shalt not be for thou shalt not be forgotten thou shalt not be given into thou shalt not be joined with them thou shalt not be purged from thy filthiness any more thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour thou shalt not bear tidings this day <2SA18 -:20 > thou shalt not borrow thou shalt not bow down thou shalt not bow down thyself thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them thou shalt not bring thou shalt not build an house for my name <1CH28 -:3 > thou shalt not build an house unto my name <1CH22 -:8 > thou shalt not build it thou shalt not build me an house <1CH17 -:4 > thou shalt not call her name sarai thou shalt not carry forth ought thou shalt not cause thou shalt not come <2SA5 -:6 > thou shalt not come down from <2KI1 -:4 > thou shalt not come hither <1CH11 -:5 > thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not commit this lewdness above all thine thou shalt not compel him thou shalt not consent unto him thou shalt not covet thou shalt not covet thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife thou shalt not curse thou shalt not curse thou shalt not cut off thy kindness from my house for ever <1SA20 -:15 > thou shalt not cut them down thou shalt not decline from thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour thou shalt not delay thou shalt not deliver unto his master thou shalt not depart thence thou shalt not desire thou shalt not destroy thou shalt not die <1SA20 -:2 > thou shalt not die <2SA12 -:13 > thou shalt not die <2SA19 -:23 > thou shalt not die thou shalt not die thou shalt not die by thou shalt not do any work thou shalt not do any work thou shalt not do so unto thou shalt not do this thing thou shalt not dwell therein thou shalt not eat thou shalt not eat thou shalt not eat any abominable thing thou shalt not eat it thou shalt not eat it thou shalt not eat thereof thou shalt not escape out thou shalt not escape out thou shalt not escape out thou shalt not excel thou shalt not fall by thou shalt not follow thou shalt not forsake him thou shalt not forswear thyself thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury thou shalt not give me any thing thou shalt not glean thou shalt not glean thy vineyard thou shalt not go again thou shalt not go aside from any thou shalt not go forth <2SA18 -:3 > thou shalt not go into his house thou shalt not go out among them thou shalt not go over thou shalt not go over this jordan thou shalt not go through thou shalt not go unpunished thou shalt not go up <2SA5 -:23 > thou shalt not go up thou shalt not go with them thou shalt not harden thine heart thou shalt not hate thy brother thou shalt not have thou shalt not have thou shalt not have one lot thou shalt not hearken unto thou shalt not inherit thou shalt not kill thou shalt not kill thou shalt not kill thou shalt not kill thou shalt not know thou shalt not know from whence it riseth thou shalt not know what hour thou shalt not lack any thou shalt not learn thou shalt not lend thou shalt not lend upon usury thou shalt not let any thou shalt not let him go away empty thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with thou shalt not lie with mankind thou shalt not lift up thou shalt not lift up thine eyes unto them thou shalt not live thou shalt not make clean riddance thou shalt not make merchandise thou shalt not make thee thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image thou shalt not muzzle <1CO9 -:9 > thou shalt not muzzle <1TI5 -:18 > thou shalt not muzzle thou shalt not offer thou shalt not offer thou shalt not only while yet <1SA20 -:14 > thou shalt not oppress an hired servant thou shalt not oppress him thou shalt not pass by me thou shalt not pass over this heap thou shalt not pervert thou shalt not plant thee thou shalt not play thou shalt not plow with an ox thou shalt not prevail aga thou shalt not prosper thou shalt not prosper thou shalt not raise thou shalt not redeem thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark thou shalt not respect thou shalt not respect persons thou shalt not revile thou shalt not rule over him with rigour thou shalt not sacrifice it unto thou shalt not sacrifice unto thou shalt not see thou shalt not see deu thou shalt not see evil any more thou shalt not see my face <2SA3 -:13 > thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall down by thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his sheep go astray thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his sheep go astray thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days for ever thou shalt not seethe thou shalt not seethe thou shalt not slack thou shalt not sleep with his pledge thou shalt not smite <2KI6 -:22 > thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds thou shalt not speak evil thou shalt not steal thou shalt not steal thou shalt not steal thou shalt not stumble thou shalt not suffer thou shalt not suffer thine holy one thou shalt not take thou shalt not take thou shalt not take thou shalt not take thou shalt not take thou shalt not take thou shalt not take thou shalt not take thee thou shalt not tempt thou shalt not tempt thou shalt not turn thee from one side thou shalt not uncover thou shalt not uncover thou shalt not uncover thou shalt not uncover thou shalt not uncover thou shalt not uncover thou shalt not uncover thou shalt not uncover her nakedness thou shalt not uncover her nakedness thou shalt not uncover her nakedness thou shalt not wear thou shalt not wholly reap thou shalt not wrest thou shalt not wrest judgment thou shalt number seven sabbaths thou shalt number them after their families thou shalt observe thou shalt observe thou shalt observe thou shalt observe thou shalt offer thou shalt offer thou shalt offer thou shalt offer burnt offerings thereon unto thou shalt offer every day thou shalt offer for thou shalt offer peace offerings thou shalt offer them before thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother thou shalt overlay thou shalt overlay thou shalt overlay it with brass thou shalt overlay it with pure gold thou shalt overlay it with pure gold thou shalt overlay it with pure gold thou shalt part it thou shalt pay thy vows thou shalt persuade <1KI22 -:22 > thou shalt plant thou shalt plant vineyards thou shalt plaster them with plaster thou shalt possess it thou shalt possess them thou shalt pour it upon thou shalt pour it upon thou shalt prepare thou shalt prepare thou shalt prepare it every morning thou shalt prepare thee thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith thou shalt preserve me from trouble thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever thou shalt prophesy against it thou shalt prophesy with them <1SA10 -:6 > thou shalt purge them away thou shalt put thou shalt put thou shalt put thou shalt put thou shalt put thou shalt put thou shalt put thou shalt put thou shalt put thou shalt put thou shalt put all thou shalt put away thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles thou shalt put evil away from among you thou shalt put into thou shalt put it before thou shalt put it between thou shalt put it on thou shalt put it under thou shalt put oil upon it thou shalt put pure frankincense upon thou shalt put them thou shalt put them into one basket thou shalt put them upon thou shalt put them upon aaron thy brother thou shalt put therein thou shalt put upon aaron thou shalt put water therein thou shalt quite take away their murmurings from me thou shalt raise up thou shalt read this law before all israel thou shalt rear up thou shalt receive <1KI5 -:9 > thou shalt receive them thou shalt reign according <1KI11 -:37 > thou shalt reign over many nations thou shalt rejoice thou shalt rejoice thou shalt rejoice thou shalt rejoice thou shalt rejoice bef deu thou shalt rejoice before thou shalt remember thou shalt remember thou shalt remember thou shalt remember all thou shalt remove from thy place thou shalt restore it thou shalt return thou shalt rise early thou shalt rise up before thou shalt roast thou shalt rule over him thou shalt sanctify thou shalt sanctify him therefore thou shalt sanctify them thou shalt save alive nothing thou shalt save israel from thou shalt say <1SA3 -:9 > thou shalt say thou shalt say thou shalt say thou shalt say thou shalt say thou shalt say thou shalt say thou shalt say unto him thou shalt say unto him thou shalt say unto it thou shalt say unto pharaoh thou shalt say unto them thou shalt say unto them thou shalt say unto them thou shalt say unto them thou shalt say unto them thou shalt see <1KI22 -:25 > thou shalt see <2KI7 -:2 > thou shalt see thou shalt see thou shalt see an enemy <1SA2 -:32 > thou shalt see but thou shalt see greater abominatio thou shalt see greater abominations thou shalt see greater abominations than these thou shalt see greater things than these thou shalt see it no more again thou shalt see it with thine eyes <2KI7 -:19 > thou shalt see my back parts thou shalt see now whether my word shall come thou shalt see on <2CH18 -:24 > thou shalt see thy children's children thou shalt seek me thou shalt seek them thou shalt sell me meat for money thou shalt send them <2CH6 -:34 > thou shalt separate three cities for thee thou shalt separate three cities for thee thou shalt set thou shalt set thou shalt set thou shalt set thou shalt set thou shalt set thou shalt set apart unto thou shalt set aside <2KI4 -:4 > thou shalt set bounds unto thou shalt set it before thou shalt set thee up great stones thou shalt set them thou shalt set up thou shalt set upon thou shalt shine forth thou shalt show her all her abominations thou shalt show thy son thou shalt shut <2KI4 -:4 > thou shalt slay thou shalt sleep with thy fathers thou shalt sleep with thy fathers <2SA7 -:12 > thou shalt smite <2KI9 -:7 > thou shalt smite thou shalt smite thou shalt smite every male thereof with thou shalt smite them thou shalt sow thou shalt sow thou shalt speak thou shalt speak thou shalt speak thou shalt speak all thou shalt speak my words unto them thou shalt speak unto thou shalt speak unto thou shalt speak unto thou shalt speak unto all thou shalt speak unto him <1KI21 -:19 > thou shalt speak unto him <1KI21 -:19 > thou shalt speak unto him thou shalt spread abroad thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon thou shalt stand abroad thou shalt stand before me thou shalt stand by thou shalt stand upon thou shalt stone him with stones thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against thou shalt stretch forth thy hands thou shalt surely be king <1SA24 -:20 > thou shalt surely bring it back thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all thou shalt surely die <1KI2 -:42 > thou shalt surely die <1KI2 -:37 > thou shalt surely die <1SA22 -:16 > thou shalt surely die thou shalt surely die thou shalt surely die thou shalt surely die thou shalt surely die thou shalt surely give him thou shalt surely give them thou shalt surely help him thou shalt surely help with him thou shalt surely smite thou shalt swear thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take thou shalt take all thou shalt take fine flour thou shalt take gen thou shalt take him from mine altar thou shalt take his blood thou shalt take hold thou shalt take no gift thou shalt take one portion thou shalt take thine inheritance thou shalt take this rod thou shalt take thy rest thou shalt take two onyx stones thou shalt take up this proverb against thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children thou shalt teach them ordinances thou shalt tell <2SA15 -:35 > thou shalt then say unto them thou shalt therefore keep thou shalt therefore keep thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance thou shalt therefore obey thou shalt therefore sacrifice thou shalt think an evil thought thou shalt this day be my son <1SA18 -:21 > thou shalt thresh thou shalt thrice deny thou shalt tread thou shalt tread upon thou shalt tread upon their high places thou shalt truly tithe all thou shalt turn thou shalt utterly abhor it thou shalt utterly detest it thou shalt visit thy habitation thou shalt wash thou shalt weep no more thou shalt worship thou shalt worship thou shalt write aaron's name upon thou shalt write them upon thou shalt write them upon thou shalt write upon thou shalt write upon them all thou shalt yet plant vines upon three times thou shalt keep three years thou shalt bring forth all thus shalt thou answer <2CH10 -:10 > thus shalt thou cleanse thus shalt thou do six days thus shalt thou do unto thus shalt thou do unto aaron thus shalt thou do unto all thus shalt thou do unto them thus shalt thou make for all thus shalt thou say thus shalt thou say thus shalt thou say unto thus shalt thou say unto thus shalt thou say unto her <1KI14 -:5 > thus shalt thou say unto him thus shalt thou say unto joab <2SA11 -:25 > thus shalt thou say unto them <1KI12 -:10 > thus shalt thou say unto them <2CH10 -:10 > thus shalt thou separate thus shalt thou speak unto this people <1KI12 -:10 > thus thou shalt say unto thus thou shalt speak thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son thy face shalt thou eat bread thy faithfulness shalt thou establish thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover thy flock thou shalt sanctify unto thy harvest thou shalt not reap thy kindness which thou shalt show unto me thy king which thou shalt set over thee thy land thou shalt bring into thy land thou shalt bring unto thy lips thou shalt keep thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt thy meat which thou shalt eat thy sons shalt thou give unto me thy sons thou shalt redeem time shalt thou drink time shalt thou eat it two boards shalt thou make for two golden rings shalt thou make unclean beasts shalt thou redeem under his wings shalt thou trust unto caesar shalt thou go unto dust shalt thou return unto this people thou shalt say upon thy belly shalt thou go upon whom thou shalt see upward even unto fifty years old shalt thou number them upward shalt thou number them upward until fifty years old shalt thou number them vagabond shalt thou be vain shalt thou make thyself fair vain shalt thou use many medicines verily thou shalt be fed vessels thereof thou shalt make vesture shalt thou change them vesture shalt thou fold them up way which thou shalt go what thing soever thou shalt hear out <2SA15 -:35 > wheaten flour shalt thou make them when thou shalt beget children when thou shalt besiege when thou shalt bring when thou shalt cease when thou shalt do when thou shalt do when thou shalt enlarge my heart when thou shalt go into an inner chamber <1KI22 -:25 > when thou shalt go up when thou shalt have eaten when thou shalt hear <1CH14 -:15 > when thou shalt hearken when thou shalt make an end when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin when thou shalt receive thy sisters when thou shalt say when thou shalt show this people all these words when thou shalt vow whereas now thou shalt smite syria <2KI13 -:19 > wherewith thou shalt do signs whether thou shalt save <1CO7 -:16 > whether thou shalt save <1CO7 -:16 > which is altogether just shalt thou follow which thou shalt beget <2KI20 -:18 > which thou shalt beget which thou shalt bring which thou shalt give which thou shalt have which thou shalt have occasion which thou shalt inherit which thou shalt make it which thou shalt make thee which thou shalt offer upon which thou shalt possess which thou shalt receive <1SA10 -:4 > which thou shalt teach them which thou shalt wash whither thou shalt go forth abroad whole piece shalt thou make them whom thou shalt come will show thee what thou shalt do <1SA16 -:3 > window shalt thou make with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt with these shalt thou push <1KI22 -:11 > with these thou shalt push syria until they be consumed <2CH18 -:10 > without shalt thou overlay it words which thou shalt speak unto wrath shalt thou restrain wreathen work shalt thou make them years thou shalt diminish years thou shalt increase yet neither shalt thou mourn nor weep yet shalt thou be brought down with yet shalt thou never be found again yet shalt thou plunge me yet thou shalt be brought down yet thou shalt see